The Source Issue #3: I Shot Andy Warhol (SRF-016)
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18 S., 28x21,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Source code for “I Shot Andy Warhol” NES cart (binary FYI) printed with archival inks and paper, footnoted with artist txt, writing, poetry, whatevz, etc, etc, etc
related code: I Shot Andy Warhol, 6502 binary, 2002
ohne Pause, ein ästhetischer Gegenstand
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keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
VHS-Kassette mit div. alten Schwarz-Weiß-Pornofilmen
OHNE PAUSE ist ein Kompilationsfilm. Erwin Puls arbeitet hier mit Pornofilmmaterial aus der Zwischenkriegszeit (ca. um 1925) und aus der Nachkriegszeit und kombiniert es mit Amateurfilmen und mit nicht verwendetem Filmmaterial des österreichischen Regisseurs Michael Pilz über eine Autofahrt, zu Beginn seines Filmes. Unterlegt ist OHNE PAUSE mit Musik des Ziehharmonikaspielers Björn Gaertner. Unter den Bildern läuft (mit halber Lesegeschwindigkeit) ein kunstphilosophischer Text, in dem Erwin Puls über Film, Filmmontage und Filmästhetik sowie über Pornografie, Kunst, Kunstrezeption und Ästhetik reflektiert.
MONTAGE und TEXT: Erwin Puls
FORMAT: VHS PAL SECAM E-60, erschienen in der Edition Freibord.
Das Filmmaterial (16 mm, s/w, positiv) wurde von der Firma »Loveland«, Bernd Schaller (Bern), und dem Filmarchiv »Der Puls« zur Verfügung gestellt. Zur Gänze in OHNE PAUSE integriert ist das Bildmaterial des Filmstücks BIG SHOT (A 1968, 16 mm, s/w, 13 Minuten) von Michael Pilz.
LÄNGE: 60 Minuten
Text von film.at
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Auflage: 50, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Büchlein mit Einschuss, mit Geschoß, Drahtheftung, unbedruckte Blätter
In Dust Real / Daemon o logic
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numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
fotokopierte Blätter, Cover und Rückseite Titel gesprüht, Collage
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128 S., 28x21 cm, Auflage: 500, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
During the life of an artist countless photos are taken, numerous videos are shot and plenty of text is written. In the case of a performance artist this material is even more extensive and also more important, because it gives us a witness report about a past event. When we noticed that Billy archived all the material about his work very accurately and everything was already there we decided to use only the accumulated images and texts, such as: stills and off-voices from Billy's video documentation, newspaper articles ranging from local press to international art critique, TV-Excerpts, lyrics from Billy's songs …
Text von der Webseite
Counter-Print Issue #10 Bookshop Ephemera / New Work
Technische Angaben
56 S., 40,2x29 cm, ISBN/ISSN 20442726
eine Ausgabe bestehend aus 2 Zeitungen, Blätter lose zusammengelegt
Paper #01 focuses on the art and design of bookshop ephemera, while Paper #02, entitled `New Work´, offers a snap shot of some of the best work we've had sent to us from the design community over the past quarter.
Text von der Webseite
Counter-Print Issue #09 Freight / New Work Eight: t8
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56 S., 40,1x29 cm, ISBN/ISSN 20442726
eine Ausgabe bestehend aus 3 Zeitungen, Blätter lose zusammengelegt in transparenter Kunststoffhülle
Eight:48's ninth issue has been renamed Counter-Print, now consists of three papers and runs to 56 pages.
Paper #01 focuses on the art and design of freight, Paper #02 entitled, new work, offers a snap shot of some of the best work out there and Paper #03 is a brief montage of new and old articles, drawn from issues one to eight offers a timely look back on all eight themes that have shaped the papers so far.
Text von der Webseite
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36 S., 28x21,2 cm, Auflage: 100, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Charlie is a look into the life of New York model Charlie Paille. A beautiful and intimate portrait shot over the course of ten months.
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[36] S., 24x17 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-942547369
Whats up in that commune ? (Claudio Pogo) Christian Gfellers Polaroid photography series Tiger chronicles the artists raucous life, from the mid 90s to the early 2000s, taking place in between Strasbourg and Berlin. It is a #no filter punk account of Gfellers life, friendship, sex and hard partying, shot at unrehearsed intimate moments, revealing them in all their imperfection, excess and vulnerability.
Text von der Webseite
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512 S., 30x23 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
In dieser Nummer: Welsh actor Rhys Ifans and intriguing young songwriter Sky Ferreira took to the covers for
, the launch issue of The Hunger. Other highlights of the issue include Terence Stamp on why being shunned by the film industry as a young actor was a blessing in disguise, The Winstone family invite us to their family home for an old-fashioned knees up, Anna Friel grills her friend, folk star Fionn Regan, on what inspires him, and Erin O’Connor divulges why she is finally ready to express her often ignored femininity. For our fashion stories, we shot Kelis, Cheryl Cole, Holliday Grainger, Portia Freeman, Heidi Klum, Milla Jovovich, Giggs and DELS.
Text von der Webseite
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48 S., 25x18 cm, Auflage: 2.000, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-931885713
Hardcover, beiliegend Werbekarte des Verlags, Eingelegte DVD
William Eggleston’s pioneering video work, Stranded In Canton, has been restored and is finally available, almost thirty-five years after it was made. The book contains forty frame enlargements from the digital remaster, an appreciation by Gus Van Sant, and a DVD of the seventy-seven-minute film itself, along with more than thirty minutes of bonus footage and an interview with Mr. Eggleston conducted at the 2005 Toronto Film Festival.
Shot in 1974 with a Sony Porta-Pak, the crazily careering Stranded in Canton documents a cast of hard-drinking Southerners with the intimacy, ease and instability of a seasoned participant.
Text von der Webseite
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59x42 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Deepti Barth presents TRANSGRESSION at the home of the Cyprus Visual Artists Association (24.10.13–16.11.13), the Phytorio, located within the Nicosia Municipal Gardens and at the Office gallery, just a few metres from the Buffer Zone. The work explores issues of restriction.
The material was shot and filmed in November of 2012 at the Nicosia International Airport. The lens follows the movement of a paraplegic Greek-Cypriot through this location: an area within the Buffer Zone controlled by the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces in Cyprus. Photographs and video narrate the progression of the protagonist in a fragmented, often non-linear way, beginning on the runway, continuing on the uphill ramp of the terminal building. The paraplegic breaks though barbed wire and a locked entrance door, advancing through the corridors of the main building to reach what used to be a departure lounge – transgressing a decision that was taken by the UNFICYP six months before filming, to strictly prohibit access to the terminal building “for safety reasons” (sic).
Text von Website
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[20] S., 21x14,8/ cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Dimanche skate co. is a London based brand born from the love for skateboarding, culture, design, and photography. It all started with a roll of film shot in London and New York at the start of 2014, these photos then went on to inspire the brand's original style aesthetic and products. All products are made in limited runs with a focus on quality and simplicity. The product line ranges from decks, t-shirts, rugby shirts and beanies to patches and photography.
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Eine Einstellung zur Arbeit - Labour in a Single Shot
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[6] S., 23,7x14 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Flyer, zweifach gefaltet
Eine Einstellung zur Arbeit ist ein Projekt, das wir – Antje Ehmann und Harun Farocki – seit 2011 betreiben. In 15 Städten weltweit haben wir Workshops initiiert, in denen Videos produziert werden. Ab Februar 2013 wird es auch eine Serie von Ausstellungen geben, die ausgewählte Resultate der Workshops in einem erweiterten Kontext zeigen. Das Projekt Eine Einstellung zur Arbeit wird im Frühjahr 2015 mit einer Großausstellung und einer Konferenz in Berlin zum Abschluss kommen.
Einschränkungen: In den Workshops geht es darum, Videos von 1 bis 2 Minuten länge zu produzieren, aufgenommen in einer einzigen Einstellung. Die Kamera kann statisch sein, sie kann schwenken oder eine Fahrt machen – nur Schnitte sind nicht erlaubt.
Text von der Webseite

Technische Angaben
[168] S., 33,5x26,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 3865211925
Hardcover mit Leineneinband und geprägtem Cover.
Thirty years ago Bailey decided he wanted to do something un-cast, un-posed and organic. Finally realised over the last three years, Bailey’s Democracy represents the culmination of this vision. Studio visitors were asked if they would agree to be photographed naked. Abandoning issues of framing, composition, backdrop and lighting, each volunteer (mostly strangers and non-celebrities) was treated in exactly the same way. No digital manipulation was applied. This is what Bailey calls his “imposed democracy’. These are naked people – old, young, model perfect, ordinary looking. Naked not nude as Bailey is keen to emphasise. Nude photography is all about the photographer and what he brings to the shot – lighting, prejudices and aesthetics. In contrast naked photography is only about the subject. These are undirected, un-cast images where the sitters chose their own pose.
Text von faggionato.com
Hidden Islam - Islamic makeshift places of worship in North East Italy, 2009-2013
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90 S., 24,8x17 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788890981708
Hardcover mit festgeklebtem Schutzumschlag. Jede Seite aufklappbar.
Dritte Auflage.
Consider these facts. In Italy the right to worship, without discrimination, is enshrined within the constitution. There are 1.35 million Muslims in Italy and yet, officially, only eight mosques in the whole country. One consequence is that the Muslim population have accumulated a huge number of makeshift and temporary places of worship. These are housed in a variety of buildings including lock ups, garages, shops, warehouses and old factories. This shortage of places to worship is particularly acute in north east Italy – where the photographer Nicolò Degiorgis lives – home to many anti-Islamic campaigns headed by the right wing party Lega Nord. The dull images of the many and diverse buildings that house the makeshift mosques are printed on folded pages. You open up the gatefold to reveal the scenes inside the mosques, shot in full colour. The size of the gatherings varies, from large crowds who sometimes pray outside to a small room full to bursting, or to intimate groups of two or three Muslims. Degiorgis provides a fascinating glimpse of hidden world and leaves the conclusions about this project entirely in our own hands.
In 2014 Hidden Islam was awarded the Gold Award - Deutscher Fotobuchpreis, First Book Award - Paris Photo/Aperture Foundation and Author Book Award - Les Rencontres des Arles.
Text aus dem Vorwort von Martin Parr.
Feuerstuhl No. 3 - Magazin für Spötter & Feuervögel
Technische Angaben
136 S., 29,7x21 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-946685357
Softcover. Mit Farbseiten grün, Vorsatz, Nachsatz
Feuerstuhl ist eine antiautoritäre Zeitschrift, ein befeuerndes Scheit Holz, benannt nach einer mexikanischen Geschichte aus dem Roman "Regierung" von B. Traven, 1931