Slanted Non-Latin Special Issue: BABYLON / Summer 2013
Technische Angaben
64 S., 24x16 cm, ISBN/ISSN 18676510
Klappbroschur. Verschiedene Papiere
Slanted BABYLON ist eine Sonderausgabe über Non-Latin Schriften, welche im Rahmen der Granshan-Konferenz über nicht-lateinische Schriften in Bangkok (TH) veröffentlicht wurde. Neben Essays und Interviews, welche die Thematik beleuchten, finden sich natürlich Non-Latin Schriften sowie eine Reihe thailändischer TypoLyrics im Magazin. Diese sind auch Teil der TypoLyrics Wanderausstellung, die sich vom 20.07 bis 18.08.2013 in Bangkok befindet.
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Technische Angaben
30x21x2,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Papier-Mappe mit Musik-Kassette, Schwarz-Weiß-Fotokopien auf verschiedene Papiere, 3 kleine Bilder
Technische Angaben
[64] S., 21x13,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
From Magnum: "Between 2006 and 2008 Martin Parr documented the differences in beach culture between Latin American countries whilst traveling with his wife Susie. Her text accompanies the photos in the book. The book is printed to look purposely cheap, with noticeable imperfections, somewhat like a book you'd find in a 99 cent store, complete with offset colors and gaudy clip-art style graphics.
This book was not distributed in the United States
Focus Latin America: Art is Our Last Hope / Call for Entries
Technische Angaben
21,6x14 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Karte mit Aufruf zur Teilnahme
Abbildung von Paulo Bruscky: Pelos Nossos Desaparecidos, 1977
Heterogenesis 45 - Revista de Artes Visuales / Tidskrift för Visuell Konst
Technische Angaben
80 S., 28,7x20,4 cm, ISBN/ISSN 11031832
Spanisch-Schwedische Kunstzeitschrift, Ausgabe zum Thema Mail Art und Globalisierung. Die Druckausgabe der Zeitschrift endete mit der Nummer 59/60. Umschlaggestaltung von Elías Adasme.
Mit einem Artikel von Elias Adasme: Mail Art in Latin America: a gamble a utopia.
Annahme erwünscht! - Die Idee einer offenen Gesellschaft: Künstlerische Netzwerke im Kontext des Archivs Kees Francke. - Acceptance Welcome! - The Idea of an Open Society: Artistic Networks in the Context of the Kees Francke Archive
Technische Angaben
2 S., 16x11,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Einladungskarte zur Ausstellungseröffnung, beidseitig bedruckt
Einladung zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung am 14.09.2017.
Ausstellung 14.09.2017-06.01.2018
The philosopher Karl Popper called in 1945 for an open society “in which one can breathe and think freely, in which each person has a value, and in which the society exerts no unnecessary pressure on the individual”. In the 1960s and 1970s a new generation of artists began to replicate works of art in the form of artists’ books, magazines, newspapers, small multiple objects, postcards, graphic posters or audio cassettes. These were sold for a small fee or exchanged internationally with artist colleagues, disregarding all political frontiers, from Eastern Europe to Latin America. An international network was thus formed via the post, enabling artists to circumvent the censorship of their work. This was the genesis of so-called Mail Art. Everyone could participate, nobody was excluded. there were no juries and no censorship. A societal vision in accordance with that envisaged by Karl Popper was apparent in the dehierarchisation and the democratisation of art. The exhibition shows works from the archive of the Dutch artist Kees Francke, who would have celebrated his 65th birthday this year, supplemented by works from other archives that help to form a picture of the networks though which these artists were interconnected. A cabinet exhibition in the series "On the Gallery"
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Technische Angaben
[16] S., 32,5x23,4 cm, Auflage: 50, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, gestempelt.
Zeichnungen von Ivy Komenda, 2 Jahre alt.
Westphalie Verlag ist ein vom Künstler David Jourdan geleiteter Verlag für Sprache, Pig Latin, kulinarische Kritik, postkonzeptuelle Poesie, Alt Lit, redaktionelle Ästhetik und Shmoos. Seit 2007 sind in dem Verlag zwanzig Titel erschienen, darunter Cosima Rainer (Hg.), Vogelsbergeriana - 20 Jahre Galerie der Stadt Schwaz, Johannes Porsch. Project Proposal #8. Selective Memory Series*, David Jourdan (Hg.), Eight Years oder Elfriede Jelinek, Gesammelte Gedichte, Poésies complètes. Weitere drei Veröffentlichungen befinden sich derzeit in verschiedenen Stadien der Vervollständigung, darunter ein Künstlerinnenbuch von Tanja Widmann.
Text von der mumok-Webseite.
armarólla - a cabinet of literary curiosities - issue 3
Technische Angaben
102 S., 23x15,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 25478931
Broschur, Einband rauer, leicht geriffelter Karton, bedruckt.
Ausgabe 3, Herbst 2018. Literarische Zeitschrift, Erscheint vierteljährlich. Umschlaggrafik Robert Keith. Logo von Stelios Hadjithomas. armarolla | NOUN a piece of furniture used for storage or display. cabinet. ORIGIN Cypriot Greek, from Latin, ‘armarium’.
Text von der Websteite

Technische Angaben
[24] S., 29,5x13,6 cm, 4 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, ein Streifen aus Papier, ein Anschreiben, alles in Briefumschlag
BOM DIA BOA TARDE BOA NOITE — ‘good day, good afternoon, good night’ in Portuguese — conveys the idea that books can become part of everyday life, regardless of the time of day. BOM DIA was founded in 2011 by Manuel Raeder and Manuel Goller in Berlin, solely run by Manuel Raeder since 2013. BOM DIA is specialized in high quality artist books that are conceived as an integral part of an art work or as the art work itself that, often, plays with the format of the book and reflects its medium. A focus of BOM DIA lies in publishing contemporary artists from Latin America. The books of BOM DIA are produced in close collaboration with a group of fellow artists, among others Henning Bohl, Daniel Steegmann Mangrané, Mariana Castillo Deball, Haegue Yang, Leonor Antunes, Abraham Cruzvillegas, Danh Vo, Nina Canell, and BLESS.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
12,3x14,1 cm, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
CD in Jewelcase, Booklet, mit Widmung, eingewickelt in Mathematik-Schulaufgabenpapier, beschriftet und beklebt
Published by KKBB Publishing/Edition Dubvibes. Recorded by Umberto Echo & Phil Vetter at Hausboot Studio & Elevator Studio
... And there was evening and there was morning
Technische Angaben
29x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, 2 Flyer und 1 Einladungskarte sind beigelegt.
"So it was evening, then it was morning: and it was the first day." How does the beginning of everything look like? That eternal energy that generated the first beginning, the early morning of all time, for Simona has to do with an explosion: the fire, linked to the Latin verb foveo and to the Greek words φῶς (phos), light. Imploded energy, the Genesis of all moments. It is with one of the simplest destruction tools, the Molotov bomb, that the artist opens her personal exhibition, where an explosion accompanies us on a journey that with great delicacy investigates the boundaries of human exploration, in its higher sense. That man who wants to know, measure, ennoble. How much space does the highest point of the Earth occupy? "I asked Silvio Mondinelli, the sixth mountaineer in the world to have climbed all fourteen of the eight-thousand of the Himalayan chain, (without the help of oxygen) to recover through memory the space of the summit of Everest. He traced its perimeter in 1: 1 scale on a piece of paper" says Simona. This perimeter was used as a template to create a marble base, where Silvio Mondinelli’s signs and writings make that memory immortal in the most faithful way possible. In that memory, Francesco Šljiva Venturi gives life to a primordial sound that once again seeks a point of contact with the origin, through the use of his voice and a single instrument: a shamanic drum, purpose-built by a craftsman for the performance.
He will climb "on the top of Mount Everest" to sing a variation of Ives' Unanswered Question, in the lowest possible pitch. It is the elaboration of an impossibility: to go as high as possible while going as low as possible.
Text von der Website