You will have everything you need
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 026 der Reihe 100for10.
Christopher is a graphic designer living and working in Atlanta. In 2014, he established Christowerks as a studio for graphic design. Before opening Christowerks, he worked at the studios of Laurie Rosenwald, Young Professionals and completed major work for Sony Music Entertainment. He has taught design at PI Art Center in Manhattan and his work has been featured in Print Magazine and The New York Art Book Fair 2014. He graduated in 2012 from The Creative Circus in Atlanta.
Livres d' Artistes, Collection Semaphore
Technische Angaben
160 S., 29x15 cm, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 2733500856
Softcover, Fadenheftung, Index
erschienen zur Ausstellung im Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, 12.06.-17.10.1985. Ausstellung organisiert von der Bibliothèque publique d'information und der Bibliothèque Nationale.
Mit 10 Sichtweisen auf das Künstlerbuch verschiedener Autoren und Künstler.
Kretschmer & Großmann in Danksagung erwähnt.
Technische Angaben
28,7x25,8 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 093142836X
Hardcover (500 von 1500 sind Hardcover)
Technische Angaben
544 S., 24,5x17 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9781933045672
This volume brings together the stray dogs of contemporary art: Charley 05 features artists that are remained isolated, forgotten, proudly scluded or sightly unnoticied, in spite of their visionary work. Mixing professionals and amateurs, cult figures and unknown, Charley 05 composes a gallery of obsessions. It collects the art of unheard prophets, volontary outcasts, great solitary masters and freaks. Celebrating the extreme subjectivity of nearly 100 artists, Charley 05 questions accepted hierarchies by insinuating new, infective doubts. Charley 05 looks at the periphery, or maybe just sideways, trying to escape from the center.
Esopus 20 Special Collections
Technische Angaben
29,3x23 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780981574592
Schuber mit 14 Heften (Drahtheftung) und einer Mappe, diverse eingeklebte, teils gefaltete Blätter oder beigelegte Blätter auf diversen Papieren, einlegte CD in Schutzhülle,
Jubiläumsausgabe zum 10-jährigen Bestehen.
With this 20th issue of Esopus, we celebrate our 10th anniversary. We couldn’t think of a better way to commemorate this milestone than by producing a special issue filled with archival material. To us, archives reflect a purity of purpose—on the part of both those who originally crafted their contents and those who have since collected and cared for them—that perfectly complements our mission over the past decade: to present unfiltered perspectives on creative expression in all of its forms.
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