Technische Angaben
0 S., Auflage: 100, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
fiktives Buch
1. Auflage. Vermutlich unauthorisierte Kopie. Im Netz gefunden und aufgeklaubt.
The Invisible Book is a book produced in a limited edition at the affordable price of €0. It will work as a digital book too, on any platform. The edition is limited to 100 copies (neither numbered nor signed). This is a product without a single fault, available at the lowest price possible. The book was made as a reaction to both the trend of decreasing booksales and the trend of increasing expectations from audiences. Published by Elisabeth Tonnard, Leerdam, April 2012. A second edition became available in June 2012. It too was limited to 100 copies, neither numbered nor signed, but all made to perfection and available at the price of €0.
Text von der Website der Künstlerin
Das Buch kann man leider bei mir nicht anschauen. Es existiert nur in dieser Art als Datensatz auf einem Monitor
books and editions available at NYABF 2015
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4 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Farblaserkopie nach PDF
Lieferprogramm zur New York Art Book Fair im September 2015
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[124] S., 14x9,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9789080788428
Das Büchlein "Song of Myself: American Renaissance" besteht aus Status-Updates, gesammelt von den Facebook-Fanpages von Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickinson, Henry David Thoreau, Herman Melville, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson und Walt Whitman. Der Titel bezieht sich auf Whitmans Gedicht‘Song of Myself’, das mit den Zeilen: ‘I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.’beginnt.
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[106] S., 17,8x11,1 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
This is a pocket book, good for bringing along on a sea journey. This imagetext tries to evoke the feeling of a bewildered traveling. The words are awkwardly placed, and clearly out of their element. Still they continue on, going somewhere. The goddess whispers. The sea of the book is composed of two photographs I found in a family album lost in an archive. The text cuts through Samuel Butler’s translation of Homer’s Odyssey. The book received an honorable mention in the Photography Book Now competition of 2011.
Text von der Website
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[68] S., 20,5x12,7 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Established in 2009, ABC Artists’ Books Cooperative is an international distribution network created by and for artists who self-publish artists’ books. This book, made from found online reviews, shows the immense impact of ABC in the world.
Text von der Website
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[96] S., 19x12,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Some great and very very special words.
This book is my complete transcript of President Trump’s address to employees of the CIA the day after his inauguration. To keep in style, the text is cut into bits of 140 or fewer characters.
Text von der Website
ENDURING FREEDOM - The Poetry of the President
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[20] S., 21,1x15 cm, Auflage: 124, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadenheftung mit aufklappbarem Cover
Speeches that George W. Bush made shortly after the 9/11 attacks, are turned into poetry in this book. The tone varies as we witness consolatory words and war speech. What does not change is the intensity of the rhetoric used. The poems first appeared in the Dutch literary magazine Armada, tijdschrift voor wereldliteratuur, No. 24, December 2001. The edition is printed on a paper that adds its own voice to the project in the form of a watermark. It reads “conqueror”, the brand name of the paper. Not only does that word seem to describe the voice in the book, it is also a description of itself. the watermark as a rhetoric, as a conquest.
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[28,] S., 14,8x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, zwei Seiten zusammengeklebt (Aktualisierung für 2017 eingeklebt)
Lieferverzeichnis mit den Künstlerbüchern von Elisabeth Tonnard
Highlights in the history of
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10,5x14,8 cm, Auflage: 165, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Sechs Postkarten mit Papierbauchbinde.
A set of Postcards that sheds some light on the nebulous history of "The Invisible Book". From an early discussion about the book in 1654, to Robert Walser's sterling 1925 review and Diane Simpson's legendary marathon reading in 1980, discover some of the highlights in the book's history through this set of six cards.
Text aus dem Lieferverzeichnis
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5,5x8,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Visitenkarte mit handschriftlichem Gruß.
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0 S., 21x29,7 cm, Auflage: 100, 2 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
fiktives Buch, mit Zertifikat, Laserdruck auf Papier, Kaufbescheinigung von ebay und Mitteilung an den Käufer
1. Auflage. Mit Certificate of Ownership
The Invisible Book is a book produced in a limited edition at the affordable price of €0. It will work as a digital book too, on any platform. The edition is limited to 100 copies (neither numbered nor signed). This is a product without a single fault, available at the lowest price possible. The book was made as a reaction to both the trend of decreasing booksales and the trend of increasing expectations from audiences. Published by Elisabeth Tonnard, Leerdam, April 2012. A second edition became available in June 2012. It too was limited to 100 copies, neither numbered nor signed, but all made to perfection and available at the price of €0.
Text von der Website der Künstlerin
Das Buch kann man leider bei mir nicht anschauen. Es existiert nur in dieser Art als Datensatz auf einem Monitor
Technische Angaben
[2] S., 29,7x14 cm, Auflage: 90, 10 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
zweifach gefalteter Bogen
Indirections is a series of image-text pamphlets that focus on the manoeuvring involved when ideas are presented to the public eye with the aim of persuasion. Whether we look at Soviet propaganda or at minor deceits in the local newspaper: things are bent, spun and twisted.
The series presents found image-and-caption combinations from books, leaflets and newspapers. Each item in the series is a folded sheet containing a single found image with its caption. The caption is on the front, the image is hidden inside. By uncoupling them, the two elements are each given their own stage – as a result a new space opens up between them. In that space a small tragicomedy is played out. It appears that at times images can be a bit stubborn and reveal slightly different truths from the ones implied by the words coupled to them. ...
Text von der Webseite
Books and editions - The world is very large.
Technische Angaben
14,8x21 cm, 3 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Preisliste und Visitenkarte
Elisabeth Tonnard is a Dutch artist and poet working in artists’ books, photography and literature.
She has published over forty books that are exhibited widely and held in numerous private and public collections including the Centre Pompidou, Columbia University, Getty Museum, Kunstbibliothek Berlin, MoMA Library, New York Public Library, Tate Library and the Walker Art Center. Much of her work involves responding to existing books, texts and images, reworking them into new (visual) literature. The works range in scale and method from a book that is completely invisible to a book that is a swimming pool. A catalogue of books is available here.
Text von der Webseite