Technische Angaben
32 S., 38,8x29 cm, ISBN/ISSN 20149220
Blätter lose zusammengelegt, einmal gefaltet
Aproximacions està format pels 15 equips d’arquitectes catalans que van ser seleccionats a la segona edició del premi Arquia/Próxima 2010, promogut per la Fundació Caixa d’Arquitectes.
La segona etapa s’inicia a mitjan 2012 amb el llançament de la revista Aproximacions, configurant-se com un grup de crítica arquitectònica.
Text von der Webseite
Boletim, No. 1 - Arquitectura - Architecture
Technische Angaben
47 S., 21,8x14,5 cm, Auflage: 200, ISBN/ISSN 9788494070129
Following the example of French and British railway companies, C.P. (Portuguese Railways) built houses and social facilities between 1910-20, to support its employees and their families. Key projects implemented during the first quarter of the twentieth century included the Boneca neighbourhood, for retired railway workers, and the Vila Verde neighbourhood, in the alignment of the Bairro Camões neighbourhood. The latter was built in 1926 designed by Cottinelli Telmo and Luís da Cunha. All these neighbourhoods are located in the city of Entroncamento. The city itself was created because of the railways. The station was the first dwelling - at the time a small tent (1862). This new venture provoked major migration from the interior of Portugal, of those who wanted to work for the Company. As a consequence, C.P. (Portuguese Railways) developed a plan, involving a series of ambitious social support structures, perhaps unique at the national level. The company built neighbourhoods for employees, a school, a supplies warehouse, an anti-tuberculosis dispensary that operated as a health centre and also encouraged the development of sporting activities. In parallel with technological evolution and development of railway activities, the workshop area was expanded, included reinforced staff training, which reached a peak when a training centre was built, that is today called FERNAVE, house in a huge building, built from scratch for these functions and which formerly housed the Instituto Superior de Transportes (Higher Transport Institute).
Text von der Webseite
für eine verlorene Stadt - REQUIEM - para una ciudad perdida
Technische Angaben
44 S., 24,9x21 cm, Auflage: 2.000, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-923461820
Entstanden anläßlich eines Installationsprojekts im MARQ - Museo de Arquitectura y Diseno de la Sociedad Central de Arquitectos, Buenos-Aires und in der Sankt Elisabeth-Kirche in Kassel
F.A.I. - Fanzine de Arquitectura Ibérica vol. 1
Technische Angaben
30x11,3x1,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Hülle aus Wellpappe mit Laser eingebrannten Texten und Zeichnungen. Zwei gefaltete Plakate, ein Heft und ein bestempelter Umschlag mit elf Kärtchen eingesteckt.
Die zwei Küsntler versuchen anhand der verschiedenen Objekte (2 Poster, 1 Heft "Mi Doble Vida", 11 Postkarten) auf humorvolle Art und Weise ihren Job und das alltägliche Architektendasein zu beschreiben.
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