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Boom Irma: Book Manifest - Books in reverse chronological order 2022-1986. With comments here and there., 2022


Boom Irma: Book Manifest - Books in reverse chronological order 2022-1986. With comments here and there., 2022

  • Book Manifest - Books in reverse chronological order 2022-1986. With comments here and there.
Ort Land

  • 1000 S., 15x11x4 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9783753300917
    Broschur, Klebebindung, Schutzumschlag, in Schachtel aus Karton versenkt
  • 3. erweiterte Auflage mit 600 farbigen Abbildungen, zur Ausstellung 03.02.-08.05.22 bei Allard Pierson der Universität von Amsterdam.
    Die renommierte niederländische Designerin Irma Boom ist bekannt für ihre kühne und experimentelle Herangehensweise, mit der sie die Konventionen des traditionellen Buches sowohl in Bezug auf das Design als auch auf den gedruckten Inhalt in Frage stellt. Im "Book Manifest" (das 3. Buch der Reihe) präsentiert Irma Boom ihre Vision vom Wesen, von der Bedeutung und Relevanz des Buches. Grundlage hierzu waren intensive Nachforschungen, die Irma Boom zur Entwicklung des Buches in der Bibliothek des Vatikans angestellt hat. Die dabei gewonnenen Erkenntnisse teilt sie mit einer Auswahl von mehr als 350 von ihr gestalteten Büchern, in denen sie den Kontext und die Beziehung zum traditionallen Buch ausführlich erörtert. Mit diesem 1000seitigen, reich bebilderten Buch möchte Irma Boom die neue Generation von Designern inspirieren und zum Experimentieren anregen, um die Stellung des Buches für die Zukunft zu sichern. Die Bücher von Irma Boom befinden sich in der ständigen Sammlung des MoMA in New York und in den Sondersammlungen der Universität von Amsterdam: das Irma Boom Archiv.
    World renowned Dutch designer Irma Boom is known for her bold experimental approach to her projects, often challenging the convention of traditional books in both physical design and printed content. In the book "Book Manifest" (the 3rd book in the series) Irma Boom presents her vision on the essence, meaning and relevance of the book. The basis for this book is formed by the in-depth research that Irma Boom carried out into the development of the book in the library of the Vatican. The knowledge she gained about this, and the inspiration it gave her, is shared with a selection of more than 350 books she designed, in which she extensively discusses the context and relationship with the old book. With this 1000-page, richly illustrated book, Irma Boom aims to inspire and encourage the new generation of designers to experiment, in order to ensure the book's position for the future. Boom's books in the permanent collection of MoMA in New York, and Special Collectons of the University of Amsterdam collect her complete oeuvre: the Irma Boom Archive.
    Text von der Webseite des Verlages
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  • Getting Inside Simon Morris Head
Ort Land

  • 324 S., 19,8x12,8 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-907468216
    Softcover, Taschenbuch
  • Getting Inside Simon Morris’ Head is a performative retyping of Simon Morris’ conceptual bookwork Getting Inside Jack Kerouac’s Head. Like Morris’ original performance of retyping the scroll edition of Jack Kerouac’s On the Road, Joe Hale’s project first appeared as a blog. At the rate of one page per day, like Morris retyping Kerouac before him, Hale retyped Morris’ entire book and in doing so re-retraces Kerouac’s famous adventure. Morris gave us all of Kerouac’s pages in reverse order: each blog post presented one page and the default settings of the blog platform organised his posts in reverse order, from the newest to the oldest. Now inverted again, as a double negative, Hale has restored the direction of travel to the story and produced a wholly (un)original new text. This first printed edition takes the imitative gesture to a new extreme. It features an introductory essay by poet Kenneth Goldsmith and reuses Morris’ paratext. From the cover design to the choice of paper, Hale tests the limits of conceptual extension.
    Text von der Webseite
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Erworben bei Simon Morris


  • MONO.KULTUR #45 Richard Price - New York A.M.
Verlag Jahr
Ort Land

  • 52 S., 20x15 cm, ISBN/ISSN 18617085
    Drahtheftung, Titel in Silberprägung auf dem Cover, Text und Fotografien auf verschiedenem Papier gedruckt
  • When it comes to research, Richard Price adopts a hands-on approach: hanging out in different neighbourhoods, talking to strangers and going for ride-alongs with cops to see a darker side of the city. In many ways, it is this wide-eyed curiosity that allows his books to be read as time capsules of a New York in constant flux, revealing an uncanny understanding for knowing exactly what people want, need, envy and resent about the cities they inhabit. In a conversation peppered with anecdotes and bebop, Richard Price talked to mono.kultur about the need to live in order to write, working for Hollywood, and why hanging out is a professional matter. Visually, the conversation with Richard Price found its perfect sparring partner in a selection of images by cab driver turned photographer Joseph Rodriguez. And, just between us, we are proud to feature our very first ever foil embossed cover, in the honourable tradition of pulp novels.
    Text von der Website.


Awazuhara Ayami: Reflektor M Digest #12 - Landscape Chart, 2016

  • Reflektor M Digest #12 - Landscape Chart
Ort Land

  • [106] S., 21,5x14 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
  • On a full Moon there must be thousands, maybe millions of photos of the night sky being sent by smart phones. The busy Moon moves much faster around the world these day. At the end of 19th century, N (a student of English literature, who would become very well known as an author of many great works), found himself in London. Since the 17th century, the Edo government had prohibited international trade and travel except with China and Holland for over 200 years. It was only when Matthew C. Perry came to Uraga in 1853 and succeeded with his negotiations, what Japan's new history of forgeign affairs began. Gradually the English language was introduced into the intellectual elite, and a few members were sent overseas to learn the language in order to respond to the needs of the new age. N was one of them.
    Text von der Webseite

  • Do you believe in the west world
Verlag Jahr
Ort Land

  • 50x39,5 cm, Auflage: 50, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Objektzeitschrift mit 9o Min. Musikkassette, signierten Originalen, Schrauben, Linolschnitt, Briefumschlag, Zeitungspapier, Postkarte mit Künstlerbriefmarken, alles auf Hartpappe mit original gesprühtem Titel und Collage
  • mit Joseph Beuys (ja ja ne ne) Performance 1968
    MC Seite A:
    The Smith : Hand in glove 19.12.83 London, Kalahari Surfers : Free state tence 1984, The Cure : Den Bosch re-mix 1985, Home Taping Death : scheiß-egal 1985, General Strike : Interplanetary Musik 1984, Sisters Of Mercy : Knocking on heavens door 12.05.85 Bonn, Klaus Nomi : Keys of life 1981, Klaus Nomi : You dont own me 1981, Einstürzende Neubauten : Sehnsucht Bochum, Renaldo & The Loaf : Lime yelly gress 1980, Gary Numan : M. E. 1979, Joy Division : Love will tear us apart 20.07.1980, Reanaldo & The Loaf : Spraths meduim 1980
    Seite B:
    Anna Domino : Rhthm 1984, Psychic TV : Stolen kisses 1982, The Residents : Constantinople, New Order : Love will tear us apart, Jove, Anne Clark : True love tales, Snakefinger : Tue cöel, .. art From J.V. : Keine Angst, Billy Bragg : Love gets dangerous, Verraten Und Verkauft : Lichter der Stadt, Alien Sex Fiend : Nurse, Blaine L. Reininger : Songs of the silent age, C.W. Urtacek : Huerly emporary, Domnestic Exile : Violet


  • After Modern History. Lines
Verlag Jahr

  • 14,7x10,2 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
  • Collection of newspaper clippings of people, animals and things in linear order. Part of the series, After Modern History


  • Getting Inside Jack Kerouac's Head
Ort Land

  • 324 S., 19,8x12,8 cm, Auflage: 500, signiert, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-907468025
    Softcover, Taschenbuch
  • Morris’ new bookwork, Getting Inside Jack Kerouac’s Head, is a performative retyping of the recently published original scroll edition of Jack Kerouac’s beat classic, On the Road. Morris’ project first appeared as an ongoing journey through the book, read and re-typed on a WordPress blog one page per day. This newly published codex version pours the content of that performative retyping back into the format of the paperback source book. It follows the default logic of a blog archive to put the last post, page at the start and stores the rest of the entries in reverse order. In other words, whereas Kerouac traveled from the East coast to the West coast, Morris crosses America from West to East.
    Text von der Webseite
Erworben bei Simon Morris

  • The Face - Preisliste, AGB
Verlag Jahr
Ort Land

  • 6 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Inkjetausdrucke nach PDFs von der Webseite
  • Preisliste für Style-Preis in € (Bildbearbeitung), Fragen und Antworten zum Serviceumfang, Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen
    The Face wurde 1980 von Nick Logan in London gegründet und ist das ursprüngliche, maßgebliche Stilmagazin.
    Von Anfang an war es ein kultureller Wegbereiter, der über Musik, Mode, Film, Fernsehen, Gesellschaft, Politik und das Weltgeschehen berichtete. Und es berichtete darüber mit Erfindungsreichtum, Innovation, Witz und Klasse - und nicht zuletzt mit bahnbrechendem Grafikdesign.
    Die Galerie der Coverstars ist ebenso eklektisch wie ikonisch: von Kate Moss bis Alexander McQueen, New Order bis The Stone Roses, Grace Jones bis David Beckham, Beyoncé bis Björk. Auch das Talent hinter den Geschichten war legendär, denn das Magazin arbeitete mit den besten Autoren, Fotografen, Stylisten und Designern der Welt zusammen. The Face hat nicht nur über die Kultur berichtet. Es wurde zur Kultur. Über 25 Jahre lang war The Face das Herzstück der britischen und internationalen Kreativität.
    Text von der Webseite, übersetzt mit DeepL
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  • Streichholzbriefchen – I got a clit
Verlag Jahr
Ort Land

  • 4,8x3,8 cm, 4 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Konvolut aus vier bedruckten Streichholzheftchen, teils handbeschrieben.
  • Teil einer Installation, die in der Ausstellung "Marlene McCarty – Mund Verkehr: In die Hose gegangen" in der NGBK Berlin, 6.06.–12.07.1992 gezeigt wurde. Aus der Pressemitteilung zur Ausstellung:
    Marlene McCarty’ (1957) Interesse gilt dem Machtgebaren und den patriarchalen Strukturen, der von ihnen geprägten männlichen Umgangssprache. Die alltäglichen Sprüche die ihr, einer Frau, auf den Straßen New Yorks zugerufen werden, die unverstellten oder unverschämten Aufforderungen mit denen sie konfrontiert wird, sind das Ausgangsmaterial für ihre künstlerischen Strategien wie für ihre Kunstobjekte.
    Marlene McCarthy zur Installation: “This is a floor sculpture and it’s 15,000 matchbooks. They’re standard matchbooks you can order from a catalog. On one side they have pinup girls on them, and on the other side I had them print, ‘I got a clit so big I don’t need a dick.’ If you’ll notice, clit and dick are handwritten. The company had called me up and were like, ‘Ummm, we have a problem. We can print dick but we can’t print THAT OTHER WORD.’ She wouldn’t even say the word clit. So I said OK, take the mechanical—this was in the olden days—and just slice the dick and the clit off. Then I got some friends together and we wrote them all in by hand. I’m reproducing these for the retrospective, but the curator is worried about whether we can have NYU students writing dick and clit 15,000 times. Maybe the seniors can do it.”
    Texte von den Webseiten.
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  • Written Room
Verlag Jahr
Ort Land

  • [2] S., 17x12,2 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Postkarte, beidseitig bedruckt
  • Einladungskarte zur Ausstellung Written Room in der Galerie Karin Sachs vom 15.09.-27.10.2018.
    The Persian script is turned into an ornament. Covering the white walls of the museums, the characters serve Forouhar as “paper” for her own text. The room becomes a “written room”. Whereas the white walls of the gallery room are raised to a universal norm and an unmarked instance, the Oriental ornament stands for difference or the deviating.
    The writing is also strange, if not alien, because it is illegible for Western visitors – as an “incomprehensible” text it becomes a pure ornament. In defying attempts by Western visitors to assign its meaning, the script remains locked into its irreducible pictorial graphicness and indissoluble representation. The meaning cannot be grasped. at best, the inscribed ping-pong balls, which cover the base of the installation, can be grasped in the tactual sense. The legibility is made even more difficult by the movement of the ping-pong balls, which due to their spherical form also offer no stable vertical or horizontal reading axes. they form new patterns over and over again, are always in motion, and become incoherently disjointed.
    Even if one has a command of Persian, the characters prove to be nothing more than word fragments and syllables, which are not subject to a linear order. The script ornamentation covers the whole room. Viewers entering the rooms are surrounded by patterns, forcing them to give up their sovereign, distanced standpoint.
    Text von der Website der Künstlerin.
Erworben bei Galerie Karin Sachs


Gregorio Peter / Barrios Javier / Blauth Birthe, Hrsg.: VECTOR #09, MUNICH, 2019


  • 240 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 500, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Broschur, Schwarz-Weiß-Druck
  • VECTOR Artists Journal publishes a collection of essays by contemporary artists. Each issue focuses on a different city from around the world and compiles a collection of written works by 25 Artists who are based in the specific city. The form, length, and theme is up to each artist. Essays range from 1-10 pages, are unedited, and arranged in alphabetical order. Each edition averages 200 pages and is printed in black & white, 500 bound copies are made.
    Lounched on 11.12.2019, Kunstverein München e.V..
    Text von der Webseite.
WEB Link
Erworben bei Kunstverein München


Baroni Vittore / Bove Antonio / Maffei Marco / Serafini Antonella, Hrsg.: BAU 2 - Contenitore di Cultura Contemporanea, 2006

  • BAU 2 - Contenitore di Cultura Contemporanea
Ort Land

  • 31,5x22,5 cm, Auflage: 150, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Box aus braunem Stülpdeckel Karton, Siebdruck, eingelegt 16-seitiges redaktionelles Schwarz-Weiss Heft, 55 Arbeiten von 65 Künstlern. Diverse Techniken auf Papier, dünnem Karton, Folie, Metall, plus 6 Multimedia Discs. Cover und Layout: Carlo Battisti. Zollinhaltserklärung beigelegt
  • BAU was founded in 2004 in Viareggio, on the coast of Tuscany, by a group of artists and individuals interested in the many-sided aspects of the culture of our times. Thanks to a widespread and constantly expanding network of contacts, every year the project takes the shape of an expressly designed UniA4 sized box: BAU container of contemporary culture. This non-profit box is produced in a limited edition of 150 copies (120 for issue 1 and 200 for issues 9-10) and contains original works, signed and numbered, from a large number of international contributors.
    The BAU container fits in the vast tradition of assembling publications and artists‘ magazines that developed since the early sixties. It intends to experiment with new languages, technologies and materials, operating in a peculiar dimension of group work that is open also to contributions from non-artists: outsiders, travellers, collectors of curiosities, creative gastronomers, anomalous scientists.
    In a relational and non competitive perspective that is responsive to the relationships between art and science, politics and environment, BAU acts as a meeting point in order to stimulate dialogues, interactions and exchanges among the most diverse disciplines: graphics, collage, photography and the visual arts in general, but also poetical and narrative researches, acoustic and performative experiences, documents pertaining the fields of fashion and design, etc. The operative network expresses itself also through the planning of exhibitions, meetings, festivals and events, organized in institutional spaces (libraries, galleries, museums) and in atypic locations.
    Text von der Webseite
Erworben bei Vittore Baroni


Fructuoso Carla / Romagosa Albert: An Abecedary of a Certain Time in Digital Media, 2014

  • An Abecedary of a Certain Time in Digital Media
Verlag Jahr
Ort Land

  • [32] S., 14,8x10,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
  • Heft mit einem "fotografischen Alphabet" bestehend Schwarz-Weiß Bildern, die bei der Buchstabensuche als erstes Ergebnis bei Google Bildern erschienen sind.
    "Nowadays the alphabet, like other cultural paradigms and communication evolutions, hosts a new series of menaings. The digital era, despite it being liked by some and not by others, has arrived and not only that, but is there to stay. The following document tries to be an object of reflection, and the same time, a file for the posterity, as this precise digital era raises doubts about the sustainability of our culture over time that is to come, and the intangibility of it. With this document we capture the past in order to project it into the future. Based on a series of temporary parameters (pictures uploaded in the last 24 hours) and a format (black and white photography, medium size) we extract the following pictures to create the photographic alphabet of Google Images. This confirms the initial concept; the documentation which is exhibited here never again belonged to the momentary alphabet on the 3th of December in the present year, so we manage to capture the present (already the past as you read these precise words) and we leave it physically alive in the future, making the common belief of printing as old fashioned and didgital as actual lose its sense, finding the way to make contemporary, in other words, tangible or visible today, something which doesn't exist on the web anymore."
    Text aus dem Heft
Erworben bei múltiplos


Güell Núria: Epistolario - Ayuda Humanitaria, 2011

  • Epistolario - Ayuda Humanitaria
Verlag Jahr
Ort Land

  • [252] S., 21x15 cm, Auflage: 300, ISBN/ISSN 9788439387671
    Fadenheftung, Schutzumschlag. Gefalteter DIN A5 Karton zwischen den Seiten angeheftet.
  • I had been in Cuba for almost a year studying in the Behavior Art School. One night, when my parents and I were having dinner at a tourist restaurant during one of their visits, I observed that most of the tables were occupied by couples made up of middle-aged tourists and Cuban girls. At the time (2008) the only option Cubans had to leave the country legally was to make a tourist man or woman fall in love with them and marry him or her. Love had become a kind of passport to freedom—or to the illusion of freedom, and winning someone’s heart and seducing them allowed Cubans to dream with a new life, a better—or different—life, regardless of it being real or unreal. That very day I decided to marry a Cuban man in order to understand and draw attention to what was happening in the country, that exchange of interests, that market of dreams, sex and company. My plan was to follow the same pattern. I would marry a Cuban man; I would give him the means to obtain the coveted papers and permits to leave the country in exchange of being able to use him in a work of art. I would use love to fool Cuban and Spanish bureaucracy. This is how the project Humanitarian Help was born. With that in mind, I organised a kind of public open call in which I offered to marry the Cuban man who wrote me “the most beautiful love letter in the world”, offering also to pay for the wedding expenses, his ticket to Spain and all the formalities to obtain Spanish nationality. This offer was aimed at those Cuban men who were interested in emigrating. A jury made up of three Cuban prostitutes would pick the winning letter and, therefore, my future husband. Mirroring the interested conditions that are usually applied in humanitarian aid, I required in the terms that the selected man be at my disposal for any request for the duration of the marriage. Once he acquired the Spanish citizenship, we divorced in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions. In the event that the work is sold, the profits will be shared out in equal parts.
    Text von der Website
Erworben bei múltiplos


Dot Anna: Enseignement Universel, 2013

  • Enseignement Universel
Verlag Jahr
Ort Land

  • 47 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: 300, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
  • The project “Enseignement Universel” consists of a series of new textual compositions made by re-organizing the words of three original texts that were involved in Professor Jacotot’s experience (1824). The criterions that I followed are the ones which are common in the process of learning and understanding a language (the alphabetical order, grammatical categories, types of phrases, synonims, among others). The original texts that have been recomposed during the elaboration of the project are: “Enseignement Universel. Langue étrangère”, by Joseph Jacotot; “Le Maître ignorant. Cinq leçons sur l’émancipation intellectuelle”, by Jacques Rancière; and “De Gevallen van Telemachus”, by Fénelon.
    Text von der Webiste.
Erworben bei La Central

Lacher Alexander / Legnick Petra / Viehmann Uwe / Brill Thomas / Frömberg Wolfgang / Glietsch Stephan / Hablizel Markus / Thomas Tobias / Fox Mardou / Glauer Christian / Bohn Alex, Hrsg.: spex - 2005 Nr. 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 2005


Lacher Alexander / Legnick Petra / Viehmann Uwe / Brill Thomas / Frömberg Wolfgang / Glietsch Stephan / Hablizel Markus / Thomas Tobias / Fox Mardou / Glauer Christian / Bohn Alex, Hrsg.: spex - 2005 Nr. 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 2005

  • spex - 2005 Nr. 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294
Verlag Jahr
Ort Land

  • 28x23 cm, 11 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
  • Magazin für Pop-Kultur. 6 Ausgaben pro Jahr.
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