Originally published in 1967, it was the first comprehensive American anthology focusing on the international movement of Concrete Poetry, which began in the early 50s, taking shape in parallel form in Brazil, Sweden, Iceland, Germany and Austria.
Sourcing from seventy-seven poets from twenty countries, this anthology of over 300 selections of concrete poetry stands out in its scope in part from being assembled by Emmett Williams, a founder of this poetic movement. The international array of languages is supplemented by clear-cut explanations and translations. The typographical poems impart an engagingly mysterious insight into the inner workings of language through the intersection of its sonic and graphic components.
Text von der Website.
Ursprünglich 1967 veröffentlicht, war es die erste umfassende amerikanische Anthologie, die sich mit der internationalen Bewegung der Konkreten Poesie befasste, die in den frühen 50er Jahren begann und parallel dazu in Brasilien, Schweden, Island, Deutschland und Österreich Gestalt annahm.
Diese Anthologie mit über 300 ausgewählten Werken der Konkreten Poesie, die von siebenundsiebzig Dichtern aus zwanzig Ländern verfasst wurden, zeichnet sich durch ihren Umfang aus, auch weil sie von Emmett Williams, einem der Begründer dieser poetischen Bewegung, zusammengestellt wurde. Die internationale Sprachenvielfalt wird durch anschauliche Erläuterungen und Übersetzungen ergänzt. Die typografischen Gedichte vermitteln einen faszinierend rätselhaften Einblick in das Innenleben der Sprache durch das Zusammentreffen ihrer klanglichen und grafischen Komponenten.
Übersetzt mit www.DeepL.com/Translator (kostenlose Version)
Atem Books is an independent publishing house based in Catalunya focused on photography & illustration, contemporary drawing and thinking created by emerging artists from around the world. Our aims are: to help emerging artists to get their work more known, create a collection of contemporary works, to gather illustrators, photographers & art lovers. Atem Books has been publishing Carpaccio Magazine since April 2009. Atem Books is a non-profit organization, so all the money earnt is always invested in new publications.
Why ‘Atem’?
‘Atem’ stands for “wind, breath” in german. This word is inspired by an illustrated poetry book published by Paul Celan (poet) and Gisèle Celan (illustrator) called Atemkristall.
Who we are
Atem Books curators are María Cerezo and Emma Llensa. We both do all the works involved with mantaining Atem Books.
What we can do
We’re also offering our services to help you self-publish your book (both digital -pdf, epub, mobipocket-, Ipad and Iphone apps and print). Whether if you need advise on how to start self publishing a book or you need our services as curators, designers, layouters and image retouchers, just ask us what we can do for you.
We’re also offering our services to help you create your own website and, if you need one, how to create an e-commerce to sell your own goods. And, of course, we can give you marketing and self-promotion advises and guidelines.
Atem Books is 100% independent!
We don’t receive any external money. This project survives with the earns we do selling our publications.
Von der Webseite
This book is the first since the early 1970s devoted to the extraordinary British Benedictine monk, scholar, translator, concrete poet and artist Dom Sylvester Houédard (1924–92). Edited by Nicola Simpson, with new essays by Gustavo Grandal Montero, Rick Poynor, David Toop and Charles Verey, Notes from the Cosmic Typewriter offers a broad and richly illustrated introduction to this major artistic and theological figure.
Besides many of Houédard’s ‘typestracts’ – the concrete poems produced entirely with his Olivetti typewriter – this book also includes examples of his lesser-known ‘poem-objects’, a selection of key texts, as well as never-before-published performance scores. In both his spiritual views and artistic output, Houédard stands out as a model of insatiable curiosity, building around him a vast network of enlightened poets, visual artists, performers, musicians and thinkers of all faiths and walks of life.
Text von der Webseite
8 S., 14,8x23 cm, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden zu einem Buch gefaltetes Plakat zur Veranstaltung
What does it mean to publish today? In the face of a continuously changing media landscape, institutional upheavals and discursive shifts in the legal, artistic and political fields, concepts of ownership, authorship, work, accessibility and publicity are being renegotiated. The field of publishing not only stands at the intersection of these developments but is actively introducing new ruptures.
How the traditional publishing framework of processes, practices, institutions and discourses has been cast adrift will be discussed in the workshop through the examination of recent advancements of publishing concepts emerging from the experimental literature and art scene, where publishing and publicizing are often part of an encompassing artistic practice.
Text von der Webseite
19x13.5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788890713224 Drahtheftung, mit Papierumschlag
The selection of analogue photographs is a work in progress started by Alessandra Spranzi in 2007, today counting more than 500 images. The source is a small ads magazine available on news-stands, in which the original images appear in a 30x45 mm format.
Text von Website
One would like architecture to be a stable ground, a fixed set. It would be reassuring to feel that the bakery of our childhood is still here, that the building we used to pass by everyday will be standing here forever. But behind the certainty of a brick wall or a concrete slab standsthe uncertainty of its use, its life, its inhabitation, its domestication. Impossible to predict, this softness invites us to think architecture as a frame, an open structure, a malleable playground.
Paper is a newspaper focusing on Common places in Beijing. Paper investigates the multiple forms of inhabitation at the smallest scale, as accidents within a given structure. Paper focuses on the non-monuments constitutive of the city of Beijing. It unfolds 43 photographs taken in Dong-Cheng District, and a bilingual text in English and Chinese. Paper was firstly launched on the 27th of October during a solo show exhibition 'Common places' at the Institute for Provocation.
Text von der Webseite
Erschienen zur Ausstellung bei der FOR-SITE Foundation, San Francisco 27.09.2014-26.04.2015.
Internationally renowned Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei is one of contemporary art's most newsworthy figures, noted for both his groundbreaking work and his outspoken stance on human rights, which ultimately resulted in his controversial 2011 detainment. In an astonishing new large-scale project, he turns his attention to Alcatraz—a place he could not visit because he was not permitted to leave China, but that stands as a world-famous symbol of both incarceration and protest. This book showcases the major exhibition presented by FOR-SITE Foundation of site-specific, multimedia installations and sculptures Ai Weiwei create for the island, on view from the fall of 2014 through the spring of 2015. Featuring beautiful photographs and thought-provoking text, At Large is the essential document of this remarkable happening from one of today's most celebrated artists.
Text von der Website.
Einladungskarte zur Ausstellung Written Room in der Galerie Karin Sachs vom 15.09.-27.10.2018. The Persian script is turned into an ornament. Covering the white walls of the museums, the characters serve Forouhar as “paper” for her own text. The room becomes a “written room”. Whereas the white walls of the gallery room are raised to a universal norm and an unmarked instance, the Oriental ornament stands for difference or the deviating. The writing is also strange, if not alien, because it is illegible for Western visitors – as an “incomprehensible” text it becomes a pure ornament. In defying attempts by Western visitors to assign its meaning, the script remains locked into its irreducible pictorial graphicness and indissoluble representation. The meaning cannot be grasped. at best, the inscribed ping-pong balls, which cover the base of the installation, can be grasped in the tactual sense. The legibility is made even more difficult by the movement of the ping-pong balls, which due to their spherical form also offer no stable vertical or horizontal reading axes. they form new patterns over and over again, are always in motion, and become incoherently disjointed.
Even if one has a command of Persian, the characters prove to be nothing more than word fragments and syllables, which are not subject to a linear order. The script ornamentation covers the whole room. Viewers entering the rooms are surrounded by patterns, forcing them to give up their sovereign, distanced standpoint.
Text von der Website der Künstlerin.
European-art.net connects different art archives and their digital databases. Widely ramified information (basic data, texts, images) on individuals, groups and institutions as well as details about exhibitions and literature can be obtained free of charge by means of a central search engine.
As a meta-database, european-art.net does not itself provide any data on artists and other related subjects but refers to the intrinsic data of its institutional partners. The highly professional profile of the partner institutions stands for the reliability of its contents.
Names, groups and institutions are listed alphabetically. You can either search per letter and get all the listed references to artists, groups and institutions, or you can type in a name (minimum 3 letters) and will get the references to the databases, where you can find more material. If you misspell the name or if the artist is listed with more than one name, you will find different entries.
Text von der Webseite
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 040 aus der Reihe 100for10.
Lukas Schönthal‘s alter ego is LUKI. An alter ego is „another self“ — a second personality within a person. It is also called leading a double life or could be described as„a second self, a trusted friend“. Schönthal is doing classical graphic design jobs such as corporate designs. Alter ego LUKI stands for art and illustration. He is working on various personal projects as well as commissioned ones. Born, raised and currently living in germany‘s most livable city, Karlsruhe.
Text von der Webseite.
Hu-Be stands for Human Being, it is the name he started to use in NYC seven years ago doodling with chalks around the boroughs the shape of a man. He was inspired by the tales of Bodhisattvas, human seekers accepting to be bound to the cycle of birth, illness, sorrow and delusion in the search of others alikes. As a Bodhisattva, this sign is floating above ground in the struggle to rise and look at things wisely, even if in the struggle, and brightly. It made sense at that point as an external cognitive object to keep in mind, it still does.
Hu-Be stands for Human Being, it is the name he started to use in NYC seven years ago doodling with chalks around the boroughs the shape of a man. He was inspired by the tales of Bodhisattvas, human seekers accepting to be bound to the cycle of birth, illness, sorrow and delusion in the search of others alikes. As a Bodhisattva, this sign is floating above ground in the struggle to rise and look at things wisely, even if in the struggle, and brightly. It made sense at that point as an external cognitive object to keep in mind, it still does.
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