Technische Angaben
64 S., 15x10,7 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Infobroschüre mit Beratungsangeboten, Berufsorietierung, Workshops etc. für Mädchen in Stadt und Land Salzburg, herausgegeben von 'make it', einer Initiative des Landes Salzburg Referat für Jugend, Generationen und Integration in Kooperation mit akzente Salzburg
Technische Angaben
1 S., 39,8x28,3 cm, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Risographie, einseitig bedruckt
designed by Tsitsi Roland
you must make your death public.
Technische Angaben
24 S., 36,6x26,2 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung., z. T. auch Deutsch
Anlässlich der gleichnamigen Ausstellung im De Appel Art Center, Amsterdam, 23.04.-12.06.2016. "You must make your death public" ist Teil des projektes Untitled (two takes on crisis), entwickelt von Teilnehmern des Curatorial Programme 2015-16. Mit Philipp Gufler, Maximiliane Baumgartner, Lian Ladia, Maria Guggenbichler, Rabe Perplexum, Mara Zust u. a. Mit einem Interview mit Louwrien Wijers.
Design Layout Syennie Valeria
we history wonderful make (one-man strategy) - Centario di Cavellini
Technische Angaben
3 S., 29,7x21 cm, signiert, 4 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Briefumschlag, beschrieben und beklebt, mit drei Blättern, Inkjetdrucke, handschriftlicher Gruß und ausgedruckter Visitenkarte,
Ausschreibung zum Mail Art Projekt "we history wonderful make (one-man strategy)", Erinnerungsblatt an den 100. Geburtstag von Cavellini am 11. Sept. 2014, 1 Blatt Mail Art
Sutere Soven Musicfestival
Technische Angaben
[2] S., 21x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Suture means sewing. This is the idea we will be following on each and every level of our festival. Suture Soven Music Festival emerged out of the wish and the need to bring musicians and their audience together in a way that enhances deep listening and watching musical appearances that provide the potential for creating something new in a cheerful and caring atmosphere. We will watch and hear the beautifully radical positions and ideas of international musicians. In terms of musical style, we are situated at the intersection of jazz, free improvised music, classical modernism and new music.
The first Suture Soven Music Festival will take place in an old farm house in the countryside. the concerts will be held in the barn and in the attic of an old stable. By locating the genre defying music in the beautiful countryside of Lower Saxony (Wendland) we invite local people from the area as well as from the cities to make the connection between different worlds and points of views for three days in Suture Soven. We are striving to shape the surrounding area of the festival and make it as sustainable as possible, while working with local farmers and craftsmen. We offer a space and time that taps on an urge to create a sensual narrative. The music we listen to, the words we hear and speak, the food and drink we are provided with, in a setting that will be home to us for three summer days offer us the possibility of making sense.
Technische Angaben
146 S., 29,7x23,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 1854374117
Broschur, Softcover
Publikation anlässlich der Ausstellung vom 14.03-04.06.2002 Tate Britain, London. Since the early 1970s Hamish Fulton (born 1946) has been labelled as a sculptor, photographer, Conceptual artist and Land artist. Fulton, however, characterises himself as a 'walking artist'. In 1973, having walked 1,022 miles in 47 days from Duncansby Head (near John O'Groats) to Lands End, Fulton decided to 'only make art resulting from the experience of individual walks.' Since then the act of walking has remained central to Fulton's practice. He has stated 'If I do not walk, I cannot make a work of art' and has summed up this way of thinking in the simple statement of intent: 'no walk, no work'. Although only Fulton experiences the walk itself, the texts and photographs he presents in exhibitions and books allow us to engage with his experience.
Text von der Website.
How to Prepare Yourself for the Collapse of the Industrial Publishing System
Technische Angaben
[8] S., 21,6x13,9 cm, Auflage: 248, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Risodruck
Das Heft besteht ins Englische übersetzte Essay "How to Prepare Yourself for the Collapse of the Industrial Publishing System" des argentinischen Künstlers Eric Schierloh. Der Text wurde zusammen mit Paul Holzman übersetzt.
This publication is the result of a warm exchange between Public Collectors and Eric Schierloh of the press Barba de Abejas, (Beard of Bees).
In 2020 Eric wrote this essay that he translated into English with an American friend, Paul Paul Holzman, who also lives in Buenos Aires. In December 2021, Eric reached out to me to share his enthusiasm for my text “Towards a Self Sustaining Publishing Model.” Eric proposed making a Spanish translation and publishing my writing as a cheap edition in Argentina. He felt my text had similarities to his own words; the two works share a similar spirit of encouraging publishing experimentation outside of typically limiting market constraints.
Though Eric’s text had already been published in English in World Literature Today magazine and translated into French by the cardboard press La Liebre Dorada, we agreed that it could still be worthwhile to make a US edition that stood alone. So, in a celebration of artist publishing exchanges, Public Collectors is happy to share Eric Schierloh’s inspiring writing. It provides many potential creative paths forward for people with access to any form of printing, and any materials that could be used to make a book.
Text von der Webseite
Copy Machine Manifestos - Artists Who Make Zines
Technische Angaben
448 S., 27x20 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-83866708-5
Broschur mit Schutzumschlag
Copy Machine Manifestos: Artists Who Make Zines ist die erste Ausstellung, die sich mit der reichen Geschichte der in Nordamerika produzierten Künstler-Zines aus fünf Jahrzehnten beschäftigt. Seit den 1970er Jahren haben Zines - die Abkürzung für "Fanzines", Magazine oder selbst veröffentlichte Broschüren mit Texten und Bildern, die in der Regel mit einem Kopiergerät hergestellt werden - vielen Künstlern, die außerhalb der Mainstream-Kultur agieren, eine Stimme und Sichtbarkeit verliehen. Künstler haben sich die wichtige Rolle des Mediums für die Kommunikation und den Aufbau von Gemeinschaften zunutze gemacht und es dazu verwendet, materielle und konzeptionelle Ansätze für die Kunstproduktion in allen Medien zu verändern. Diese den Kanon erweiternde Ausstellung dokumentiert die Beziehung von Zines zu verschiedenen Subkulturen und Avantgarde-Praktiken, von Punk und Straßenkultur bis hin zu konzeptueller, queerer und feministischer Kunst. Sie untersucht auch die Überschneidungen von Zines mit anderen Medien wie Collage, Kunsthandwerk, Film, Zeichnung, Malerei, Performance, Fotografie, Skulptur und Video. Mit über eintausend Zines und Kunstwerken von über hundert Künstlern zeigt Copy Machine Manifestos die Bedeutung von Zines für die künstlerische Produktion und deren Rezeption in ganz Nordamerika.
Die Ausstellung wird von der ersten umfassenden Publikation begleitet, die sich mit Zines von Künstlern befasst und gemeinsam mit Phaidon Press herausgegeben wird. Sie enthält über 800 Abbildungen von Zines und Arbeiten in anderen Medien sowie Texte der Kuratoren und speziell in Auftrag gegebene Essays von Gwen Allen, Julia Bryan-Wilson, Tavia Nyong'o, Alexis Salas und Mimi Thi Nguyen sowie einen ausführlichen Abschnitt mit Biografien.
Text von der Website, übersetzt mit DeepL
Books Make Friends - Os livros fazen amigos
Technische Angaben
128 S., 21x15 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9077459154
verschiedene farbige Papiere, Umschlag eingeschlagen. Katalog zur Ausstellung in Lissabon bei Culturgest
Still More Titles for Which I don't Know What to Make
Technische Angaben
42x29,7 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
gefalteter Flyer für eine Wandarbeit im Kubus im Dezember 2009
Library Guide - 3rd Edition, The Library Of Radiant Optimism
Technische Angaben
30 S., 21,7x14 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ten ways to make yourself famous
Technische Angaben
15x10,5 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
6 Postkarten
Zehn Wege Berühmtheit zu erlangen, nach den Vorgaben von Cavellini, auf Englisch.
Technische Angaben
12 S., 37x28 cm, Auflage: 150, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Gallery Nova Newspaper Nr. 24 - make Film politically
Technische Angaben
keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Blätter lose eineinander gelegt
super paper no 021 I make a million bucks Every six months and ya'll
Technische Angaben
28 S., 45x30,6 cm, Auflage: 15.000, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Blätter lose zusammengelegt, farbiger Druck auf Zeitungspapier
Technische Angaben
32 S., 26x21 cm, Auflage: 150, ISBN/ISSN 9788890523922
Technische Angaben
196 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 9788493848033
… We live a time of technology and great opportunities. Art creates new visions and interpretations of our living, though sometimes it looks like mere reinvention of subjects already present in the XIXth and XXth century.
Our intent, however, is to leave a mark and make our contribution to an authentic identification of our times. The engagement of artists is to create a cultural heritage to pass on to future generations, who will probably understand our sensibility. Alas, it is not for us to know what will remain of contemporary art….
Vitaliy & Elena Vasilieva
Ping Pong - a book of duels and duets
Technische Angaben
204 S., 29,7x21 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-908452146
The artists Claudio Wichert & Clemens Wilhelm spend 90 days in a house to make a book. Each day they produce one page. Like in a match of ping-pong, each page is a reaction to the other artist's work from the day before. The two resulting storylines are presented in this book full of duels and duets. The media mix and only one thing is for certain: it's all or nothing.
Text von der Webseite
Self Publish, Be Happy Summer 2010
Technische Angaben
24x18 cm, Auflage: 200, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, Cover mit Prägedruck
Self Publish, Be Happy is an organisation founded by Bruno Ceschel in 2010 with the aim of celebrating, studying and promoting self-published photo books through events (such as exhibitions, displays and talks), publications and online exposure. Self Publish, Be Happy also organises workshops that help artists and photographers make and publish their own books.
Self Publish, Be Happy Shop sells a selection of remarkable and rare contemporary books.
Self Publish, Be Happy Blog features daily photography by mostly emerging artists.
Text von der Webseite
Purple Fashion - the anniversary issue 20 years of independence - Vol III, Issue 18
Technische Angaben
30x22,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 17668832
Cover mit Prägedruck, zusammen mit zwei Heften von Richard Prince
We launched Purple Prose in the early 1990s without any means, and without any experience, because we wanted to make a magazine that was radically different. We wanted to support the artists around us that noone else supported, much less talked about. [..] It would be a form of opposition of our own, different from the critical jargon of the generation of '68. [..] From a visual standpoint, we represented the break from '80s imagery (like Richard Avedon's photography for Versace, for example). From an artistic standpoint, the artists of the early '90s were rising up against art as capital fetish [..]. In saying that Purple is the portrait of a generation, I mean it's a portrait of those who embody their times. At the same time, it's a portrait of myself and Elein Fleiss, our ideas, our lives, and our aesthetics.
aus Wikipedia
Back Cover #01 graphic design, typography, etc.
Technische Angaben
58 S., 28x19,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 19645392
Drahtheftung. Text
Back Cover is a French magazine about graphic design and typography. Back Cover is an open place for personalities from all countries who make or analyse our visual environment. Back Cover does not deal with news and does not present portfolios. It contains thoughts, critical or historical analysis and individual or collective experiences in graphic design, typography, illustration and visual arts. Each issue brings together contributions by international actors in the mentioned areas: graphic designers, typographers, art critics and historians, journalists, under different shapes: interviews, diaries, theoretical articles, transcripts of lectures…
corners - a zine about maths and art
Technische Angaben
32 S., 23x11 cm, Auflage: 20, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Heft aus rosa Papier, signierter Karton, (vermutlich Linolschnitt auf) Japanpapier, alles zusammen in transparenter Kunststoffhülle
Finally finished the first personal project of the year. It's a zine and print package about a pretend statistical analysis I did to kill some time in 2010. It's taken me a couple of years to get round to collecting all the raw material I collected into this 32 page zine. I limited the run to 20 and I tried to make it as nice as possible. I'm pleased with it. In some ways it's the most complex personal project I've made in the real world...
Text von der Webseite
documenta 1955-2012 - The Endless Story Of Two Lovers
Technische Angaben
60 S., 28x21 cm, Auflage: 200, ISBN/ISSN 9788897503156
Drahtheftung, goldener Umschlag
Publikation anlässlich der dOCUMENTA (13)
This publication contains a selection of 60 photographs from the documenta Archive, one of the oldest and most esteemed exhibition of contemporary art in the world. The photographs — belonging to different ages — depict the two elements that make art history possible: artwork and spectator. This amazing journey through time not only concerns the history of one of the most important exhibitions in the world, but also traces the evolution, customs, and traditions of the society that created it. The book portrays a love story between two subjects — a human being and an inanimate element — that are capable of a relationship even if they speak a different language. The photographs capture the moment of these encounters, and this is what their distinctive feature consists in. Of course we are not able to listen to the dialogues, but we can still imagine them.
Text von der Verlagswebseite
tragedias y otras ridiculeces
Technische Angaben
44 S., 13,5x13,5 cm, Auflage: 100, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Umschlag handkoloriert und mit transparenter Klebefolie überzogen
tragedies and others absurdities
My lats book of poetry and short stories. Twenty tragic situations that make you laugh, or simply, absurdities. Made in collaboration with Andres Felipe Garzon and edited by perrosinvergüenza in Bogota.
Text von der Webseite
Ich bin kein Vielfrass / Ich bin ein Entdecker von Lebensmitteln
Technische Angaben
20,5x14,6 cm, Auflage: 150, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Speisekarte Drahtheftung, Risographie von "we make it" aus Berlin
Technische Angaben
7,8x12 cm, Auflage: 60, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Einladungskarte für den release der Publikation Amuse, Niete, Band, Karte. Risographie
Gestaltung,Druck und Weiterverarbeitung durch we make it
MINE. an asset-light existence - artist publication & exhibition by Romy Kießling & Veronika Wüst
Technische Angaben
9,3x13,5 cm, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Einladungskarte zur Eröffnung, Risographie, mit handschriftlichem Gruß
Amuse oder Mit vollem Mund spricht man nicht
Technische Angaben
7,8x12 cm, Auflage: 100, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Rezepte auf verschiedenen Papieren und in verschiedensten Größen, zusammen mit einem geklammerten Heft in bedruckter Pergamin-Tüte
Gestaltung,Druck und Weiterverarbeitung durch we make it, Moritz Grünke, Berlin
Technische Angaben
16 S., 49x34,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Blätter lose ineinander gelegt
Freiburg ist weltweit als „Green City“ bekannt, als Stadt mit einem breiten ökologischen Bewusstsein, die umweltpolitische Diskurse aufgreift und setzt. Künstlerinnen und Künstler von New York über Moskau bis Peking sind nun der Einladung des Museums gefolgt und bringen sich in die Ausstellung ein, infiltrieren, polemisieren, deuten um und bieten Alternativen.
Text von der Webseite
VERSUCH, No. 1 - Notes and Projects
Technische Angaben
110 S., 20,5x14,6 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
verschiedene Papiere
Notes and Projects is about making something because you love something else. In light of this, the first chapter of Versuch is on forms of notation that use preexisting things, for example quotes or other objects, to try to articulate, or just share, that indeterminate quality that can make something so important to us.
Text von der Webseite
good smell - make-up tree
Technische Angaben
474 S., 32,5x25 cm, ISBN/ISSN 2940271321
Enthält Noten zu "Seven Suites for Strings & Oboe" und "Seven Piano Etudes" von Garrick Jones
Technische Angaben
16 S., 25,5x19,58 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-905999488
Drahtheftung. Impressum mit goldgeprägter Schrift, First Edition
The title of this small volume by Elizabeth Peyton The Age of Innocence is taken from the early 20th century novel of the same name by Edith Wharton. It describes the claustrophobic, repressed, hypocritical atmosphere of New York society in the 1870's. In the novel passion is shown as the force that would make that highly ritualized world implode.
Text von der Webseite

Technische Angaben
82 S., 24,3x17,2 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
From what started as a music blog aimed at sharing the best music acts of ‘tomorrow’, nearly 3 years on, TMRW is not only a quarterly printed lifestyle magazine, but an industry-recognised brand and voice.
As a fresh faced, naïve 21 year old, Founding Director and Editor, Joe Brine was oblivious to the potential of what he had incepted. Having made the conscious step in to the world of print, Joe adopted a simple but effective design, which would give TMRW a niche and set the magazine apart from any other on the market. The attention to detail shows exactly this. The thicker paper stock and the smaller size made the quarterly print high quality and aesthetically pleasing, because of this the magazine is more sought after and such is looked after more by readers and shared around with friends and family. For any brand associated with TMRW it means that the reader is more inclined to notice and is more inclined to make a purchase.
Text von der Webseite

Technische Angaben
144 S., 30x22 cm, Auflage: 350, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-907468209
Broschur mit Klappeinband
The Nabokov Paper is an experiment in novel-reading. The project takes as its starting point a now famous class taught during the 1950s by Vladimir Nabokov at Cornell University, New York State, entitled Literature 311-312: Masters of European Fiction. Nabokov’s approach to teaching literary reading was notoriously idiosyncratic. Convinced that one must teach the books themselves, not ideas or generalities, Nabokov would make diagrams of the floor plans of fictional buildings, map the routes taken by characters through the spaces of the novel, and draw items of clothing or furniture, he would also propose to track the course of a single letter, offer a visual representation of a stylistic device, and uncover what he called the mysteries of literary structures. His methods are striking for the range of gestures they call for in the name of good reading. The published Lectures on Literature (New York: Harcourt, 1980) concludes with an appendix of sample exam questions. Responding to those questions some sixty years after the fact offers a means to explore what Nabokov’s take on how to read might have to teach us today: about the novel, about how reading works across practices and disciplines, and about the past, present and future forms of literary criticism.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
12.5x14.5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
2 CDs mit Booklet
Sutherland claims to make poetry that is visual art, visual art
that is music, and music that is poetry — all of my objects, texts,
performances, videos and audio - visual installations investigate the
play of signs found in conflicting principles of authority between
language, sound, images and objects.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
12,5x14,2 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
CD-Rom in Hülle
The Perfect Picture is a project on CD-ROM. It is an attempt to make a perfect picture of a formerly impassible part of the town of Utrecht: the military barracks The Kromhoutkazerne. The goal of The Perfect Picture is not to formulate a representative photographic vision of the subject. It seeks rather to present a method whereby the subject can be experienced - experienced in a manner that verges on the way we do that in reality: one that is complex, abundant, and not always equally clear and unambiguous.
Text von der Website
Art Prison # 6 - Blue Cabin
Technische Angaben
[48] S., 26,1x19,6 cm, Auflage: 330, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadengeheftet, mit Schutzumschlag. Mehrfarbiger Risographie und Ricoh
This publication is the result of a book-residency of 14 days Mari Kanstad Johnsen did at Knust, Extrapool. It’s part of Art Prison, an ongoing project in which an artist gets invited to come and make a stencilprinted book at Knust, Extrapool. Blue Cabin contains detailed pencil and ink drawings of extraordinary sceneries and characters. It tells the story of a hermit man who is discovering a whole new world.
Text von Website
Art Prison # 7 - Beginners
Technische Angaben
[40] S., 27,5x19,5 cm, Auflage: 330, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadengeheftet. Mehrfarbiger Risographie und Ricoh
This publication is the result of a book-residency of 14 days Anne Vagt did at Knust, Extrapool. It’s part of Art Prison, an ongoing project in which an artist gets invited to come and make a stencilprinted book at Knust, Extrapool. Beginners is filled with light coloured abstract drawings and notes, interspersed with small and funny figurative, suggestive elements. The general feel is subtle yet very intriguing.
Text von Website
Technische Angaben
[44] S., 27,6x19,6 cm, Auflage: 330, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadengeheftet. Mehrfarbiger Risographie und Ricoh
This publication is the result of a book-residency of 14 days Gijs Deddens did at Knust, Extrapool. It’s part of Art Prison, an ongoing project in which an artist gets invited to come and make a stencilprinted book at Knust, Extrapool. Som is filled with very detailed and hatched drawings of animals, structures/patterns, landscapes and other nature subjects with a hazy, yet a bit dark and pleasant feel.
Text von Website
Vice Volume 11 Number 08 THE MAKE BELIEVE ISSUE
Technische Angaben
98 S., 27,5x21,2 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Softcover, Broschur
I'm glad if I can make an interview
Technische Angaben
12 S., 21x14,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung,eingelegt 3 Postkarten ZerOdemo – Budapest, 2 May 2013
die deutsche Übersetzung eines Interviews, das Marta Smolinska für das polnische Kunstmagazin artluk, Nr. 1/2011 führte
Technische Angaben
76 S., 32,5x25 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-863357993
Erschienen zur Ausstellung vom 16.01.-15.03.2015 in der Galleri Susanne Ottensen Kobenhagen. (Anm. Im Katalog werden drei verschiedene Daten für die Dauer der Ausstellung angegeben).
Text von Magnus Thorø Clausen. Interviews von Hans Ulrich Obrist.
Per Kirkeby and Lawrence Weiner have known each other for many years. The idea of making a collaborative work and an exhibition together already evolved in the mid eighties, but due to practical reasons the project was not realized back then. Last year during the fall, the idea returned to us in a new form, and we decided together with the artists that now was the time to make it happen. Per Kirkeby shows two brick works built directly within the gallery space. One work is a tall stele with a deep niche, a black line or a "metaphysical shadow" running vertically through it. The other piece is a monumental quadrangular block, an open/closed building or, if you will, a hollow slightly rotten tree. This new installation is made in collaboration with Lawrence Weiner, who has contributed with texts across the inner and outer brick walls, so that words, matter and space overlap and transform the whole. Lawrence Weiner is also showing two other textbased sculptures made site specifically for the gallery space.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
32 S., 34x20,5 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 9789070478285
Drahtheftung. 2 Formate: Heft und Sticker-Buch. In Versandtasche
Exhibition catalogue New York Photo Festival 2010 (12 to 16 may), curated by Erik Kessels. Catalogue designed by Angela Lidderdale.
Use me Abuse me looks at the trend toward exploring new technology within an image-rich culture. The exhibition focused on how today’s dominance of images and image-making technology influences artists and photographers.
Now more than ever before photographs are easy to come by, easy to make and easy to distribute. Anyone, it seems, has the freedom to do pretty much anything. This glut sees photographers experimenting with pre-existing images and using them within their work like never before.
Text von der Webseite
ZEITmagazin No. 42 - How to make a ZEITmagazin with Steidl
Technische Angaben
28,5x21,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, verschiedene Papiere
Gerhard Steidl ist ein Phänomen: Er ist als Verleger, Drucker und Gestalter international eine Legende. In Zusammenarbeit mit ihm entstand ein ganz besonderes ZEITmagazin zum Lesen, Sehen, Riechen und Fühlen – eine Liebeserklärung an das Papier.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
72 S., 12,5x12,5 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-937577210
Aus der Reihe Revolverle for all ages.
Hungry dogs eat dirty pudding … no beginning or end … neither useful nor thought provoking … the unmanned craft … make art not friends! It will happen.
Text von der Webseite
UP ! Pop-Up Shop Action !!! - Report
Technische Angaben
40 S., 19x14 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Visitenkarte und Aufkleber eingelegt, Risographie (We make it, Berlin)
UP! Pop-Up Shop für Typo, Grafische Aktion ist ein Projekt mit 11 Aktionen in verschiedenen Städten, von den Grafik Design Studenten Young Eun Park und Marina Kampka der HfG Offenbach am Main.
Text aus dem Heft
Technische Angaben
2 S., 14x9,6 cm, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Postkarte, mit handschriftlichem Gruß, Risographie
Info zu einer Webseite mit Risographies
Technische Angaben
[36] S., 19x12,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, Paperback, s-w,
Technische Angaben
50 S., 19x13 cm, Auflage: 100, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
These 20 Openings for a Novel are Creative Commons (CC) license and thus free of use. Please notify the artist if you actually use them and make note of it in the credits.
Thank you and enjoy – for a world with no more writers‘ block.
Text von Website
Technische Angaben
[52] S., 13,5x9,5 cm, Auflage: 300, ISBN/ISSN 09620074
Drahtheftung, Rückseite mit Silberprägung, in transparenter Kunststoffhülle mit beigelegtem Blatt, Aufkleber
In our fifth issue of BLAD we asked Ian Stevenson if he would make enough drawings for us to fill a whole magazine. And we can proudly say that he did! The issue is called Enter Ian Stevenson, and it's a very fine and funny tour through Ian's characteristic and very humorous world of drawings. As he says himself "48 pages of drawings, each one created only for you".
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[52] S., 13,5x9,5 cm, Auflage: 300, ISBN/ISSN 09610672
Drahtheftung, Rückseite mit Silberprägung, eingelegtes gefaltetes Plakat, in transparenter Kunststoffhülle mit beigelegtem Blatt
Mushrooms are among the mysterious plants on earth, therefore we thought it would be necessary to make a complete guide to mushrooms. This issue contains beautiful illustrations combined with good to know facts about mushrooms, and for the culinaric reader we even added some nice and delicious receipes. Many would maybe consider this issue of BLAD as a little far-fetched guide to the world of mushrooms. But remember nothing is too far out after you have tasted some nice and trippy mushrooms.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[52] S., 13,5x9,5 cm, Auflage: 300, ISBN/ISSN 09620672
Drahtheftung, Rückseite mit Goldprägung, in transparenter Kunststoffhülle mit beigelegtem Blatt, Aufkleber
Mushrooms are among the mysterious plants on earth, therefore we thought it would be necessary to make a complete guide to mushrooms. This issue contains beautiful illustrations combined with good to know facts about mushrooms, and for the culinaric reader we even added some nice and delicious receipes. Many would maybe consider this issue of BLAD as a little far-fetched guide to the world of mushrooms. But remember nothing is too far out after you have tasted some nice and trippy mushrooms.
Text von der Webseite
selected illustrations 2012-2014
Technische Angaben
[32] S., 13,5x10 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadenheftung, Risographie auf Munkenpapier,
gedruckt bei we make it in Berlin
Technische Angaben
254 S., 23x16,6 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788480265096
Publikation zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung vom 15.10.2014-02.03.2015.
The exhibition catalogue of republic brings together a broad selection of works by Juan Luis Moraza that explore the museum as a system of conventions and possibilities of citizenship. If one of the problems of contemporary democracy is the dilemma facing each citizen – between passivity and the possibilities of participation in social life – in the museum Moraza finds a space of convergence between the citizen-artist and citizen-spectator. Texts by the artist, in addition to a glossary and conversation, both developed by the show’s curator João Fernandes, are presented. The publication is arranged into two complementary parts: the odd-numbered pages comprise a catalogue of works, documents and literary works selected by the artist, while the even pages make an essay about republic.
Text von Website

Technische Angaben
282 S., 27x22,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 3865211259
Hardcover, fadengeheftet, mit Schutzumschlag
Fazal Sheikh made his first trip to the holy Indian city of Vrindavan in 2003. Each year thousands of women make their way there to join the community of widows who spend their days in the temples, worshipping their god Krishna, and preparing for death. Over the next three years, Fazal Sheikh became accepted by the widows, who agreed to sit for their portraits and talked to him about their lives. Their stories revealed how powerless some of the women had been under the strictures of traditional Hindu law. They were victims of enforced marriage, physical violence, sexual abuse and neglect. Some had been evicted from the family home once their children were married. Others had left of their own accord. As Fazal Sheikh discovered, what the women find in Vrindavan is not just religious solace, but in the sisterhood of other widows they find companionship and support. In his portraits their faces are suffused with calm – in some cases they already seem to have reached a half-life, somewhere between this world and the next – and their religious faith, in many ways the source of their past troubles, finally brings them peace. This project was published as Moksha
Text von Website
songs that changed everything
Technische Angaben
46 S., 17,5x17,5 cm, Auflage: 200, numeriert, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, mit Pergamentpapier, 2farbige Risographie und Farblaserkopie, in transparenter Kunststoff-Schutzhülle,
We all have songs that left a mark, that changed the way we thought about music, about life, that helped us make new friends, that set something in motion. We wanted to collect these songs, and especially the stories behind them, from people that we know and like. This zine contains written pieces (in Englisch and German), as well as images, done by 13 wonderful people.
Text aus dem Heft
Revolte hinter Glas - Make love, not war: In London wird der Utopismus der Sechzigerjahre gefeiert – auf ziemlich museale Weise
Technische Angaben
57,2x40 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Artikel in der SZ Nr. 302 vom 30. Dezember 2016, Seite 13
Zu einer Ausstellung: You say you want a Revolution – Records and Rebels 1966 – 1970 im Victoria & Albert Museum, London, bis 26.02.2017. Katalog
FAX HeART - International Fax Art Project
Technische Angaben
[12] S., 21x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Blätter gefaltet, lose ineinander gelegt,
Begleitheft zum Projekt. The idea to initiate the FAX HeART project had been conceived during the total blockade of Serbia by the whole world community, when even cultural relations with us, i.e. exchange of art works, exhibitions and publications, were bannend. Our desire had been to break through the blockade by telefax and make contact with as many artists from all over the world as possible. The effects and results of this campaign were splendid. As scheduled, on October 20, 1994, between 5 and 9 o'clock p.m. more than a hundred faxes arrived from various parts of the world.
Text aus dem Heft.
Aspen - The Magazine in a Box Vol. 1 No. 04
Technische Angaben
31x23,6x1,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Kassette mit zwei gefalteten Einzelblättern, beidseitig bedruckt, eins davon Werbemappe mit Werbeheftchen für Gordon's und Newsletter der Something Else Press, drei Poster, drei Hefte mit Drahtheftung und eine Schallplatte.
Ausgabe gestaltet von Quentin Fiore. Ausgabe besteht aus 9 Teilen: 1. Box, 2. "The Medium Is the Massage" Poster-sized mosaic of pages from The Medium Is the Massage by McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, 3. "The TV Generation" Poster of a color photo taken at the Tribal Stomp at San Francisco's Avalon Ballroom, 4. "Diary: How to Improve the World (You Will Only Make Matters Worse)" Random observations by John Cage, 5. "The Electronics of Music" Essay on electronic music by Faubion Bowers and Daniel Kunin, 6. Phonograph recording. A Recorded Sampler of Electronic Music. Side A: In Memoriam of Edgar Varèse, by Mario Davidovsky. Side B: Horn, by Gordon Mumma, 7. "The Braille Trail" Bob Lewis and Alfred Etter describe a nature trail for the blind, 8. "Psycles" Excerpts from The Bikeriders, Danny Lyon' book about the Chicago Outlaws motorcycle club. Prefaced by a meditation on motorcycling by Bob Chamberlain, 9. Mappe mit Werbung mit einem Werbeheft für Gordon's und Newsletter der Something Else Press (Something Else Newsletter Volume 1, Number 6: May, 1967), weitere Werbehefte der Originalausgabe fehlen.
Technische Angaben
32 S., 21,5x14,5 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 20566301
It has been five years since we published our first title, Anticipatory history, the result of an invitation to participate in a research network about accounts of environmental change, and the request to “make a book”, as a residue of what was explored. It took the form of a glossary, with individual contributors writing up their interpretations of the varied topics and terms that had been prominent in the discussions. Unwittingly, this book became the model for an approach, both in terms of a physical format, and also as an editorial strategy, combining ‘research’—be it scholarly or artistic—with a determinedly flexible and collaborative engagement with ‘the book’…
Text von der Website
Technische Angaben
31,5x31 cm, Auflage: 200, 2 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
2 Langspielplatten in Klapphülle
Mit einem Text von Daniel Door.
Die ursympathische, trinkfeste und gern auch mal alberne Doppel-LP des TAM TAM Tanzlokals (aka Kammerspiele Bar) in München. Eine Platte, die gut zuhören kann und dich versteht. Eine Platte, die für jeden Spaß zu haben ist. Die mit dir bis zum nächsten Morgen in den dreckigsten Clubs der Stadt tanzt. Und die mit dir genauso gern raus an den See fährt und Kirschen isst.
Zwei Platten mit Tracks und Songs von den DJs und Bands, die das TAM TAM Tanzlokal in seinem ersten Jahr zu einem unverwechselbar offenen, verrückten, partyhungrigen, allesistmöglichen, duweißtniewaspassierten Ort gemacht haben.
released July 21, 2017
Text von der Webseite
Art Public Charleroi Invitation
Technische Angaben
4 S., 22x16 cm, signiert, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Aufklappbarer Flyer mit handschriftlichem Gruß von Thierry Tillier, beigelegtes Blatt mit handschriftlichem Gruß
Einladung zum 3. Art Public in Charleroi, 02.09.-05.11.2017. 15 artists and collectives are invited to make a work that blends in with the environment. There is no specific theme, besides the city and the architectural, urbanist, natural and human space.
Text von der Website
Art Public Charleroi Guide de visiteur
Technische Angaben
8 S., 22x16 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ausstellungsführer zur 3. Art Public in Charleroi, 02.09.-05.11.2017. 15 artists and collectives are invited to make a work that blends in with the environment. There is no specific theme, besides the city and the architectural, urbanist, natural and human space.
Text von der Website
Make copies for your Mail-Friends!
Technische Angaben
12x13 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Sechs Künstlerbriefmarken, beklebt
Anlässlich der Ausstellung Künstlerinnen und Künstler entwerfen Briefmarken, 1983 im Micro Hall Center in Edewecht. Angefertigt wurden sechser Blöcke, 10 x 12 cm, je Marke 3,5 x 4cm.
Technische Angaben
27x18 cm, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Sechs Künstlerbriefmarken, Originalarbeit, handkoloriert, mit persönlichem Schreiben
Anlässlich der Ausstellung Künstlerinnen und Künstler entwerfen Briefmarken, 1983 im Micro Hall Center in Edewecht. Angefertigt wurden sechser Blöcke, 10 x 12 cm, je Marke 3,5 x 4cm.
Technische Angaben
124 S., 12x24 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9789535875505
Katalog zum gleichnamigen kollaborativen Ausstellungsprojekt, das zwischen 2012 und 2014 in Berlin und Kroatien stattfand.
The starting point was a simple, large scale, spatial installation similar to the abstract works I have been doing after leaving the academy in the 90s. Once the initial installation was built, the first visitor was invited to look at the piece and give her interpretation of the work. I then changed the installation to make it, in my opinion, appear more like the interpretation I have just heard. The process was repeated some thirty times with different people invited. The visitors were of different age, professions and backgrounds, but were all professionals from the contemporary art scene.
Text von der Webseite.
Sharjah Art Museum - Art Card
Technische Angaben
[8] S., 11x17 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ein Bogen, mehrmals gefaltet
The Directorate of Art at the Deparment of Culture and Information wishes to inform you of The Ardcard, an exhibition and competition set to take place at the Sharja Art Museum during 2005. To take part in this exhibition, all you have to do is make use of the postcard provided with this invitation. Fill in your personal details in the space provided and use the space on the card as a play ground for your imagination, then mail the card back to us.
Text von der Postkarte
Technische Angaben
256 S., 29,8x24,6 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780061995118
Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag.
Organized so as to encourage creativity, serendipitous discovery, and inspiration, Layout Look Book 2 is an essential guide to layout design for both amateur and professional designers. The book includes techniques that can be used to enhance any layout, as well as insights into the factors that helped make each layout an effective piece. The styles covered in the volume range from traditional to cutting edge, and will enable any designer to become a more creative thinker and produce fantastic work. Layout Look Book 2 showcases outstanding work by more than fifty of the world's best design studios and professionals working in print design today.
Text von der Webseite.
Tinnitus Tales - le Forbici di Manitù and Friends (SD010)
Technische Angaben
27x28,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Plattenhülle, gestanzt mit 3 einklappbaren Teilen, beiliegend gestanzte Pappschlaufe mit handbeschrifteter DVD, Infoblatt zur Edition
What do Martin Luther and Pete Townshend, Ozzie Osbourne and Oscar Wilde, Ludwig Van Beethoven and Star Trek’s Dr. Spock have in common? They all painfully suffered from tinnitus, a permanent hiss heard in one or both ears. The condition affects a large percentage of the world population (5-10%) and represents a real “occupational illness” for musicians and rock fans. On the subject, surprisingly, an inexplicable silence is observed by the music press and industry. At the current state of medical research, there is no effective cure for chronic tinnitus and the unpleasant humming can only get worse if you do not protect the ears properly.
In the works for nearly five years, the triple concept album Tinnitus Tales (a 10" vinyl record and two CDs) conceived by Le Forbici di Manitù (i.e. Manitù Rossi and Vittore Baroni, the second long suffering from tinnitus) with the collaboration of over fifty guest musicians, bands and international visual artists, breaks the veil of silence with a series of songs that address the topic blending humor and empathy. The songs are inspired by well-known cases of people suffering from tinnitus, such as Andy Partridge of XTC or Bono and The Edge of U2. To make this "educational audio project" a more collective effort, several old and new friends - many of them with tinnitus problems - were invited to record their own versions of the songs by Le Forbici di Manitù or to contribute original compositions on the subject (included in the CD 1 Songs).
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
332 S., 25,7x29,5x3 cm, ISBN/ISSN 0500284091
Broschur, Klappcover, auf verschiedenen Papieren gedruckt
This volume by and about the sculptor and pioneer land artist Richard Long explores his work from the 1990s to the present day. Long's ability to make works of physical and intellectual beauty is unrivalled, and this new journey takes the reader around the world: to the Sahara Desert and down the Rio Grande, from coast to coast in Ireland and Spain, to Tierra del Fuego and Mongolia, and to the forests of Honshu in Japan. Some of the artist's sculptures were made during his walks through the world's landscapes, while others bring the material of nature - stones, boulders, driftwood, clay and mud - into a more public or sheltered environment: museums, galleries, houses, gardens. These works feed the senses, whereas the texts and photographs recording the artist's walks feed the imagination.
Text von der Website.

Technische Angaben
40 S., 17,5x10,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-471068560
Print on Demand technology allows to make a book without the intermediation of a publisher, setting autonomously size, amount of pages and price. Blank on Demand is an experiment that aims to probe the limits imposed by this production process. The two volumes constituting the project are produced through the self-publishing platform The volumes’ formats correspond respectively to the maximum and minimum dimensions currently available for the print. similarly, page amount and price are set according to the limit values allowed by the platform. The two volumes are completely blank, except for the presence of the ISBN code. The experiment investigates the influence of the current technological context on the materiality of the book object.
Text von der Webseite
Dieses Büchlein ist das kleinste Produkt das LuLu anbietet. Das teuerte Blank on Demand von Silvio Lorusso & Giulia Ciliberto is in Hardcover, hat 740 Seiten und kostet den größtmöglichen Preis von 999.999,99 € (exkl. MwSt)
The Bermuda Love-Triangle
Technische Angaben
[48] S., 8,9x12,2 cm, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 0930257065
Softcover, fadengeheftet, Offset-Druck
The Bermuda Love-Triangle, from 1988, is Tom Grothus's most elaborate production. The printing is all offset-lithography on quality stock. The black, red, and yellow cover includes some spot varnish highlights. The 24 leaves inside are printed in blue and black ink, for 48 pages of content. Interspersed among the pen-and-ink drawings are several beautiful duotones of pencil and ball-point-pen drawings. Some of the images in this book are like those of a dream that haunts you with an elusive meaning. The common literary thread throughout is a list of various proposed freedoms, such as the "Freedom to Obey Puppets." These may fill in some of the gaps left in the U.S. Constitution by that nation's founding fathers. Editor's Note: Gripping, lovely, haunted, serene, and impeccably surreal, this book of gentle hallucinations defies categorization. You might call them cartoons, but they will make you laugh silently for weeks. This is one of the nicest books we have ever held.
Text von der Website.
Hin und Weg, Carried away
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Stanislaus Müller-Härlin works as a freelance artist and lecturer. His drawings and sketches are usually brief notations that can make changing series over the years. They focus on social, political and social issues as well as memories, reports about traveling or show all sorts of trials and tribulations. Another artistic focus are installed, in which graphics, light and space combine.
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
My name is Aleksi but on the interwebs I’m known as xbstrxct. I’m a visual artist and a creative maker, obsessive doodler from Helsinki. My journey into the world of art started at a young age when I discovered the joys of scribbling your name to the walls of public buildings. I did this for quite some time but at some point people weren’t very fond of it anymore. Nowadays my days are mostly spent drawing weird repetitive shapes and abstract patterns on pieces of paper, mainly because I got nothing better to do, but also because it’s lots of fun. These drawings often grow into wildly expanding, neverending little worlds of their own. My tools of choice are fineliners & markers, with them I try to make art images that at are fun, easily approachable, interesting and most importantly, nice to look at. Sometimes I succeed.
MONO.KULTUR #39 Terre Thaemlitz - The Arrogance of Optimism
Technische Angaben
48 S., 20x15 cm, ISBN/ISSN 18617085
Drahtheftung, auf verschiedenem Papier gedruckt, von rechts nach links zu lesen
Politics and the dance floor make for uneasy bedfellows, and it is this uneasiness that drives most of the work of Terre Thaemlitz, confronting head-on issues that are usually off limits in electronic music. Thaemlitz is a producer and DJ, also known under their monikers of DJ Sprinkles, Social Material, and K-S.H.E, among others. But they are also a writer, educator and activist of sorts, with very fluid notions of gender, switching continuously between male and female drag. Born in 1968, Terre Thaemlitz left the rigidly conservative and violently homophobic environment of their home state, Missouri, in the mid-1980s for New York. They became involved in the queer and transgender scenes both socially and musically at a time when house music was not a genre but simply the wide open sound of a specific social and political space. As New York’s underground queer music scenes dissolved under gentrification, Thaemlitz eventually relocated to Tokyo at the beginning of the ’00s. In a challenging interview with mono.kultur, Terre Thaemlitz talked about the politics of sexuality, his disillusion with the music industry, and why roller disco was so amazing. Visually, the issue is a dark affair, steeped in a dirty, gritty black. Printed on no less than six different paper stocks and juxtaposing several grids and graphic systems, it creates its own visual logic – only to disturb our most fundamental habits of reading and navigating a magazine by opening backwards, from right to left.
Text von der Website.
MONO.KULTUR #41 Meg Stuart - Make the first move
Technische Angaben
48 S., 20x15 cm, ISBN/ISSN 18617085
Drahtheftung, auf verschiedenen Papieren gedruckt
Meg Stuart’s work is not about the elegance and beauty of dance, or at least not in the conventional sense. It is about exploring the outer edges of movement, where bodies age, fail, and surrender, where individual spaces disintegrate and bleed into each other, where physical memories are exposed like open wounds. Meg Stuart’s work is located at the vanishing point where dance meets visual arts. Within just two decades, Stuart’s dance company Damaged Goods, which she founded in 1994, have produced a lengthy and diverse list of projects, ranging from countless full-length feature works to multi-disciplinary dance installations, improvisations, and films that spread far beyond the theatre stages of the world, into museum spaces, film festivals or the wide open street. With mono.kultur, Meg Stuart talked about her first physical memories, the healing power of dancing and the thrill of disorientation. Following Meg Stuart’s interest in abundance and complexity, the design discards all notions of top or bottom, left or right, with text and images set in different and ever-changing directions. A magazine as a physical object that wants to be handled and turned. Reading as a dance.
Text von der Website.
Michael Ried - Konvolut 2015
Technische Angaben
29,7x21 cm, 20 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
17 Hefte, Drahtheftung, zwei Hefte mit Klebebindung, eine Visitenkarte
Ein Heft pro Monat, sowie zwei limitierte Sonderausgaben, sowie Handbuch und Katalog: Cuadro, Old Town, Montenillo Boy, april-april, Der letzte Tanz, Make me wait, Juli 2015, Pop-Art, Sweet Roller, Iron bell, Helden, memorie, Künstler + Graphiker Plakate, Mal- + Zeichenlehr, Katalog, Stillleben, Handbuch für Künstler (2x), Ridi
Technische Angaben
80 S., 23,6x16,5 cm, Auflage: 1.000, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Schwarz-Weiss Offsetdruck
Does anyone remember Plastic Bertrand? They thought he’d be unforgettable. And do you remember when the word plastic had a positive ring to it? In a scene from Mad Men a child is running around with a plastic bag over his head and his mother doesn’t bat an eyelash. It was the sixties. But even then, usage of the word could be confusing: plastic bomb, plastic surgery, plastic sculpture. Let us build an imaginary bridge between Henry Moore and rubbery explosives. Naturally, I’m building mine out of plastic. I can’t imagine it any other way. Plastic is the pre-manufactured utopia of the past. Plastic is the present. Plastic Bertrand is sure to make a comeback soon. Ça plane pour moi. Text von der Webseite.
Programmbuch 2019 - Type is changing faces - Tyme is on my side
Technische Angaben
160 S., 24x16,2 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, beigelegt ein kleines drahtgeheftetes Notizheft und ein Leporello mit dem Jahresprogramm der tgm
... In the tgm annual yearbook the different aspects of out self-perception are assigned primary colours. The educational programme is presented in blue. The events (conferences, trips, presentation etc.) and the people on and behind the stage are shown in red, and the yellow notebook in the the middle separating the two topics is an invitation to participate. This strict and simplistic composition is not accidental, but an expression of the impression Milch+Honig want to make. furthermore it indicates the (colour) system of the tgm’s soon to be launched new website. These changes in and through our time are taken into account and prepared for the future in the tgm annual theme ...
... All diese Aktivitäten sind auch in diesem Jahr wieder in einem Buch dokumentiert: Vorsitzende Christina John visualisierte hier all die Aspekte, die die tgm auszeichnet, in gestalterischen Details: »Das Fortbildungsprogramm ist in blau dargestellt. Events wie Konferenzen, Reisen oder Vorträge sowie die Menschen vor und hinter den Kulissen der tgm sind in Rot getaucht und das gelbe Notizbuch, das die beiden Themen teilt, lädt zum Mitmachen ein«, erzählt uns die Kreative. Die im Jahrbuch erreichte strenge und einfache Kompositionen ist also kein Zufallsprodukt, sondern die visuelle Übersetzung des Eindrucks, den die tgm hinterlassen will. Zugleich ist dieses Schema schon der passenden Link zur neu gestalteten Website der tgm ...
Texte von Webseiten, Foto Milch+Honig
Banque du Fluxus - Five Fluxus Bucks
Technische Angaben
[2] S., 7x15,3 cm, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ein Blatt, beidseitig bedruckt, Vorderseite gestempelt
Banque du Fluxus, Blanko Geldschein, Banknote.
This art money is valid only after transformation by an artist. Add to, alter or transform this certificate with your creative input. Make it into ART MONEY. Then spend it, trade it, give it away, or send it with your name and adress to Banque du Fluxus, for exchange and more Fluxus Bucks.
Text vom Geldschein.
Technische Angaben
[12-16] S., 20,6x13,5 cm, Auflage: 100, signiert, 12 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
11 Hefte, Schwarz-Weiß-Laserkopien, Drahtheftung, Aufkleber
About the series:
The For Everard zine series chronicles the 1977 fire at New York's Everard Baths, combining archival research with imagined narratives to re-focus attention to obscured histories. The series explores the media coverage of the subsequent investigation of the fire, and the lives of the nine men who perished. The zines bring together photographic images with primary news sources, as well as personal anecdotes collected from eyewitness testimonials.
About the individual zines:
For Everard, Vol. 1, 2013, ed. 100 (nr. 65)
This zine chronicles the May 25, 1977 fire at New York's Everard Baths and the media coverage of the subsequent investigation.
For Everard, Vol. 2 (Bloodbrothers), 2013, ed. 100 (Nr. 81)
In the second volume of his series chronicling the 1977 fire at New York’s Everard Baths, Anthony Malone focuses on Bellevue Hospital’s blood drive for the victims of the great bathhouse tragedy. Malone draws parallels between the 1977 restrictions placed on gay men for donating blood to their “brothers” and current FDA guidelines that indefinitely defer donations from men who have had sex with men since 1977. This black and white photocopied zine (ed 100) juxtaposes archival images, news clippings, and just a touch of fantasy.
For Everard, Vol. 3 (Remembering Jimmy), 2015, ed. 100 (Nr. 94)
Volume 3 of the series, For Everard is dedicated to the memory of Jimmy Stuard, who died in the tragic fire at the Everard Baths in 1977. Stuard was a rising star in the disco music scene. He spun records first at Boston’s 1270 Club, and later at New York’s 12 West, where he inspired an entire generation of musical artists and DJs. In this particular volume, Anthony Malone assembles images and archival texts that serve as a tribute to the great Jimmy Stuard.
For Everard, Vol. 4 (A Lovely Show), 2016, ed. 100 (Nr. 62)
For Everard, Vol. 4 (A Lovely Show) is a tribute to Kenneth Hill, one of the nine men who died in the devastating fire at the Everard Baths in 1977. Kenn played a vital role in the East Village/Lower East side countercultural movement in the late ‘60s and 1970s. He was a hippie, a bar tender at Phebe’s (a watering hole and salon for the experimental theater community in the 1970s), one of the founders of the Old Reliable Theatre Tavern, House Manager at La Mama Experimental Theatre Club, and a photographer. This zine celebrates Kenneth Hill by collaging archival documents with personal artifacts and pictures of Kenn from meaningful moments in his life.
For Everard, Vol. 5 (A Dearly Loved Man), 2017, ed. 100 (Nr. 95)
For Everard, Vol. 5 (A Dearly Loved Man) assembles images and stories from the life of Ira Landau, a gifted and dedicated teacher who died in the tragic fire at the Everard Baths in 1977. Ira left behind a devoted family (his mother, brother, niece, and lover) and is still greatly missed by his loved ones. This zine is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of a remarkable man who served in the Peace Corps and committed himself to educating young minds both abroad (in the Middle East) and at home in the US. It contains family photos and personal images generously contributed by Ira’s niece.
For Everard, Vol. 6 (Yosef’s Song), 2017, ed. 100 (Nr. 94)
Volume 6 of the series For Everard celebrates the life of a remarkable musical prodigy, Yosef Synovec. This zine tells the story of a young man with great aspirations who emigrated to the United States from Czechoslovakia to study classical violin. In 1976, Holly Woodlawn overheard Synovec vocalizing as he was painting the bathroom of his East Village apartment, and determined on the spot that she had discovered an emerging star. As a singer, Synovec used his extreme vocal range to imitate the voice and persona of Peruvian diva Yma Sumac. He performed Sumac’s exotic musical numbers at several New York City cabarets and show venues. Sadly, on May 25, 1977, Yosef perished in the tragic fire at the Everard Baths.
For Everard, Vol. 7 (Tony from the Bronx), 2017, ed. 100 (Nr. 86)
This zine brings together images and stories from the life of Tony Calarco, one of the nine men who died in the fire at the Everard Baths in 1977. Tony was only 26 when he died. He lived with his parents and siblings in a modest house in the Bronx. He had recently graduated from college and was working as a social worker in New York city at the time of his death. Tony had aspirations to become a lawyer and was scheduled to begin law school in September of 1977. This zine celebrates Tony Calarco’s memory through photos of Tony, artifacts from his high school and college years, and recent photographs of his home and final resting place.
For Everard, Vol. 8 (Looking for Amado), 2017, ed. 100 (Nr.84)
Amado Alamo, a young man only 17 years old, lost his life in the fire at the Everard Baths in 1977. In Volume 8 of For Everard, Anthony Malone documents his search for the identity of the youngest victim of the Everard fire. The zine is an abstracted portrait of Alamo that assembles the few extant fragments of his story culled from newspaper articles and documentary sources glued together with the artist’s imagination.
For Everard, Vol. 9 (Last Call), 2017, ed. 100 (Nr.72)
Life was difficult for Hillman Wesley Adams. He was born in Jacksonville FL in 1938. His mother died just a few months after his birth, and by the age of nine, he found himself in an orphanage with his older brother. Fast forward 30 years: Hillman moved to NYC, struggled to make ends meet while working on and off as a bartender, and he met his lover, Ralph, with whom he shared a modest apartment in New Jersey. On May 25, 1977, Hillman died in the fire at the Everard Baths. Vol. 9 of For Everard is an assemblage of newspaper articles and vintage photos chronicling the life and untimely death of Hillman Wesley Adams.
For Everard, Vol. 10 (In Memoriam: Patrick Nott), 2018, ed. 100 (Nr. 64)
Volume 10 of For Everard memorializes the life of Patrick Nott, one of the nine men who died in the fire at the Everard Baths. Nott, a native of Wales with a passion for theater, literature, and music, pursued a successful career in hairdressing. He fell in love with his pen pal (a young woman from Brooklyn) and after their marriage, they moved to New York City, where Nott worked at the Vidal Sassoon Salon. This zine weaves together elements from his story (shared with the artist by Patrick Nott’s wife), with photographs, newspaper clippings, and artifacts. It acts as a humble tribute, an “In Memoriam” for this greatly loved man.
For Everard, Vol. 11 (Thunderbird), 2019, ed. 100 (Nr. 79)
Brian Duffy was an aspiring artist. In 1966 he was accepted to Pratt Institute of Art and although he declined admission to the school, he seized the opportunity to move to NYC and start a new life for himself. In the city, he worked hard at various retail jobs and tried to break into the theater, but everything changed when he met the love of his life, Bradley. The couple moved to a “quieter life” in Boston. They worked in restaurants in the Back Bay area and created a community for themselves amongst their chosen family of friends. Volume 11 of For Everard celebrates the brief life of Brian Duffy, a young man who died in the fire at the Everard Baths in 1977. This zine compiles photographs and stories shared with Malone by Brian’s sister and dear friend.
The pseudonym "Anthony Malone" comes from a novel by Andrew Holleran (Dancer from the Dance). In this novel, Malone is the protagonist and at the end he disappears. Some of his friends believe that he may have committed suicide, others feel that he may have run away from New York, while some say that they saw him at the Everard Baths on the night of the fire. I imagine that Malone survived the fire and he is now making books and zines telling the story of the tragedy.
Technische Angaben
68 S., 14,8x10,6 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Zur Veranstaltung 12.09.-13.10.2019 in München
VARIOUS OTHERS initiates cooperative and international art projects in galleries, off spaces and museums in Munich. While serving as a content-driven forum for contemporary art that takes place each year in September, our mission is to intensify exchange and dialogue between the art scene in Munich and international partners, guests and media.
VARIOUS OTHERS is an event hosted by the association VFAMK e.V. We thank all of the supporting members of the association who make this project possible as well as the active members for their unflagging efforts and dedication.
Text von der Webseite
Reflections on Art. A source book of writings by artists, critics, & philosophers
Technische Angaben
364 S., 20x13,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, ehem. Bibliotheksexemplar, Aufkleber am Rücken
1. Auflage 1958, Johns Hopkins Press;
"The purpose of this book is to bring together some of the many significant essays on art that have appeared within the last five or six decades, in widely scattered publications, and make them available to readers of English, especially readers who have no great library at their disposal. This is not an anthology intended to give students a survey of trends and schools in aesthetics; it does not offer representative statements of current views. It is a source book to serve independent study on the part of scholars and fairly advanced students in philosophy of art, and those excellent teachers of the arts -- of painting and sculpture, music, dance, literature, or whatever else -- who do their own thinking about basic principles." (Introduction)
The Artists' Colouring Book of ABCs
Technische Angaben
[60] S., 36,3x26,4 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780957156012
Broschur, Softcover, Aufkleber auf dem Cover
The Artists Colouring Book Of ABCs is the brainchild of Charlotte Colbert, Alix Janta and Lauren Jones. Born of the desire to introduce a new audience to main figures of contemporary art and create a dialogue between artists and a younger generation, it opens up the world of creativity, allowing all to re-visit and reinvent our ABC’s. A fun way for anywone to subvert, re-imagine and enter a conversation with leading artists of our generation, this book is yours to make.
Text von der Webseite.

Technische Angaben
240 S., 21,6x17 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9781910164181
Hardcover mit Prägungen und eingeklebten Motiven
Die Porträtserie in diesem Buch, zu der auch Pussy Riot-Mitglied Jekaterina Samutsevic und viele andere Moskauer Bürger gehören, wurde von einer Maschine erstellt: einem Gesichtserkennungssystem, das kürzlich in Moskau zur Überwachung der öffentlichen Sicherheit und der Grenzkontrolle entwickelt wurde. Das Ergebnis ähnelt mehr einer digitalen Lebensmaske als einem Foto; ein dreidimensionales Faksimile des Gesichts, das sich leicht drehen und genau untersuchen lässt.
Das Besondere an dieser Kamera ist, dass sie so konstruiert ist, dass sie Porträts ohne die Mitwirkung der fotografierten Person aufnehmen kann; vier Linsen erzeugen im Tandem ein vollständiges Frontalbild des Gesichts, das angeblich direkt in die Kamera blickt, auch wenn die Person selbst nicht weiß, dass sie fotografiert wurde.
Das System wurde für die Gesichtserkennung in überfüllten Bereichen wie U-Bahn-Stationen, Bahnhöfen, Stadien, Konzerthallen oder anderen öffentlichen Bereichen entwickelt, aber auch für das Fotografieren von Personen, die sich normalerweise nicht fotografieren lassen würden. Tatsächlich wird jedes Subjekt, das dieser Art von Kamera begegnet, passiv gemacht, denn egal aus welcher Richtung es schaut, das Gesicht wird immer nach vorne gerichtet und ohne Schatten, Make-up, Verkleidungen oder sogar ohne Haltung dargestellt.
Broomberg & Chanarin, die sich für dieses Gerät entschieden haben, haben ihre eigene Taxonomie der Porträts im heutigen Russland entwickelt. In Anlehnung an August Sanders bahnbrechendes Werk "Bürger des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts" haben Broomberg & Chanarin eine Reihe von Porträts nach Berufen geordnet angefertigt. Aber ihre Porträts werden mit dieser neuen Technologie hergestellt, mit wenig bis gar keiner menschlichen Interaktion. Sie sind niedrig aufgelöst und fragmentiert. Der Erfolg dieser Bilder hängt davon ab, wie genau diese Maschine ihr Subjekt identifizieren kann: die Merkmale der Nase, der Augen, des Kinns und wie diese drei sich überschneiden. Nichtsdestotrotz können sie nicht anders, als Porträts von Individuen zu sein, die sich abmühen und oft nicht in der Lage sind, einen zivilen Vertrag mit der Staatsmacht auszuhandeln.
Dieses Buch ist das Ergebnis einer Reihe von Begegnungen, Interaktionen und Gesprächen zwischen Broomberg & Chanarin und den Fotosammlungen der Bibliothek von Birmingham, die durch einen Auftrag von GRAIN und der Bibliothek mit Unterstützung des Arts Council of England ermöglicht wurden.
Text von der Website, übersetzt aus dem englischen mit
The Autobiography of a Snake - Drawings by Andy Warhol
Technische Angaben
[48] S., 22x26 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780500519257
Hardcover, mit Schutzumschlag aus Metallfolie
This is the never-before-published story of a snake trying to make it in the world of sixties high society, strongly suggested to be a stand-in for Warhol himself. The snake’s tongue-in-cheek observations as he slithers from adorning Jackie Kennedy’s boots to embellishing Coco Chanel’s shirt will delight the sophisticated fashion crowd. But the stars of the show are Warhol’s whimsical illustrations, revivified with a color scheme inspired by his iconic Pop Art. Before he achieved his dream of making it big in New York, Andy Warhol worked in advertising for a leather goods company, Fleming-Joffe, alongside Ogden Nash and Piero Fornasetti. It was for Fleming-Joffe that he created these images (1963), held by the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and rarely seen until this deluxe publication. The Autobiography of a Snake is a brilliant portrait of Warhol’s obsessions, his talent, and the world he would one day conquer.
Text von Amazon
Technische Angaben
29,7x21 cm, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Einzelnes Blatt, beklebt, gestempelt
Altered book pages mail art project - August 2016. You are invited to participate in a Mail Art project entitled “Altered book pages”. You may paint, make a collage, use photos and more on a book page. You can use any kind of book pages you want and as many pages you want or an entire book. If you like I can send you some pages from Greek books to use. Theme: Altered book pages. Size, media, number of submissions: Free. No fees, no jury, no returns. Deadline: May 1st 2017.
Text von der Webseite.
museum franz gertsch März 2020 - Sepetmber 2020
Technische Angaben
24 S., 21x15 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Klappumschlag
Das Museum wurde 2002 eröffnet und beherbergt zahlreiche Kunstwerke aus der Stiftung Willy Michel.
Programmheft im Rahmen der Ausstellung (21.03.-16.08.2020) zu Werken von Franz Gertsch und Luciano Castelli.
Der Künstler Luciano Castelli (*1951) ist neben Patti Smith der wichtigste Protagonist in Franz Gertschs Gemälden der 1970er Jahre. Im Kabinett des Museum Franz Gertsch in Burgdorf lädt Castelli die Besucherinnen und Besucher in die Jugendstilvilla Reckenbühl in Luzern ein, wo er mit seinen Mitbewohnern das Leben als kunstvoll gestaltete Party feierte und die jungen Leute von Franz Gertsch als Modelle entdeckt wurden. ...
Text von der Webseite
An Abecedary of a Certain Time in Digital Media
Technische Angaben
[32] S., 14,8x10,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Heft mit einem "fotografischen Alphabet" bestehend Schwarz-Weiß Bildern, die bei der Buchstabensuche als erstes Ergebnis bei Google Bildern erschienen sind.
"Nowadays the alphabet, like other cultural paradigms and communication evolutions, hosts a new series of menaings. The digital era, despite it being liked by some and not by others, has arrived and not only that, but is there to stay. The following document tries to be an object of reflection, and the same time, a file for the posterity, as this precise digital era raises doubts about the sustainability of our culture over time that is to come, and the intangibility of it. With this document we capture the past in order to project it into the future. Based on a series of temporary parameters (pictures uploaded in the last 24 hours) and a format (black and white photography, medium size) we extract the following pictures to create the photographic alphabet of Google Images. This confirms the initial concept; the documentation which is exhibited here never again belonged to the momentary alphabet on the 3th of December in the present year, so we manage to capture the present (already the past as you read these precise words) and we leave it physically alive in the future, making the common belief of printing as old fashioned and didgital as actual lose its sense, finding the way to make contemporary, in other words, tangible or visible today, something which doesn't exist on the web anymore."
Text aus dem Heft

Technische Angaben
[72] S., 30x22 cm, signiert, ISBN/ISSN 978-2-350461977
Fadenheftung, Klappumschlag, mit Widmung
Teufelsberg (mountain devil), is an artificial hill located southwest of Berlin, overlooking the city. Amusement park very popular with young Berliners, this hill was built after the Second World War with the remnants of the city after the Allied bombing. An estimated 30 million cubic meters of rubble piled mass there, the equivalent of 400,000 buildings. The hill rises on the site of the University of Nazi war which had been designed by the architect of the Third Reich, Albert Speer, and half done. As after the war, it was difficult to totally destroy the building riddled with underground bunkers, the German authorities decided to bury him and make him disappear under an artificial hill. The hill was then covered with trees, and used during the winter ski run in the 60s and 70s. During the Cold War, was built at the top center of U.S. espionage radar to listen to communications of the Soviet bloc in East Berlin.
Text von der Webseite
Epistolario - Ayuda Humanitaria
Technische Angaben
[252] S., 21x15 cm, Auflage: 300, ISBN/ISSN 9788439387671
Fadenheftung, Schutzumschlag. Gefalteter DIN A5 Karton zwischen den Seiten angeheftet.
I had been in Cuba for almost a year studying in the Behavior Art School. One night, when my parents and I were having dinner at a tourist restaurant during one of their visits, I observed that most of the tables were occupied by couples made up of middle-aged tourists and Cuban girls. At the time (2008) the only option Cubans had to leave the country legally was to make a tourist man or woman fall in love with them and marry him or her. Love had become a kind of passport to freedom—or to the illusion of freedom, and winning someone’s heart and seducing them allowed Cubans to dream with a new life, a better—or different—life, regardless of it being real or unreal. That very day I decided to marry a Cuban man in order to understand and draw attention to what was happening in the country, that exchange of interests, that market of dreams, sex and company. My plan was to follow the same pattern. I would marry a Cuban man; I would give him the means to obtain the coveted papers and permits to leave the country in exchange of being able to use him in a work of art. I would use love to fool Cuban and Spanish bureaucracy. This is how the project Humanitarian Help was born. With that in mind, I organised a kind of public open call in which I offered to marry the Cuban man who wrote me “the most beautiful love letter in the world”, offering also to pay for the wedding expenses, his ticket to Spain and all the formalities to obtain Spanish nationality. This offer was aimed at those Cuban men who were interested in emigrating. A jury made up of three Cuban prostitutes would pick the winning letter and, therefore, my future husband. Mirroring the interested conditions that are usually applied in humanitarian aid, I required in the terms that the selected man be at my disposal for any request for the duration of the marriage. Once he acquired the Spanish citizenship, we divorced in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions. In the event that the work is sold, the profits will be shared out in equal parts.
Text von der Website
Modular Diary Dec. 20-23rd2019
Technische Angaben
11x7 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Entstanden zur Ausstellung The Youngest Day, a group show from Los Angeles curated by Mathew Hale, 24.07.–08.09.2021.
Eddie Ruscha, known in music as E Ruscha V (son of artist Ed Ruscha), is an electronic musician using all manner of drum machines and synthesizers as well as traditional instruments to make what some deem natural electronic music.
Text von diskogs
Sylvie Fleury - my life on the road
Technische Angaben
192 S., 27,5x20 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-954761678
Softcover, Klappbroschur
Katalog anlässlich der Ausstellung vom 30.06.-03.10.2016 in der Villa Stuck München.
Technische Angaben
96 S., 24,1x17 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-0004332576
Drahtheftung, Klappeinband. Poster eingelegt
Erste Ausgabe des Dodo Magazins. Das Heft hat - wie eine Kassette - zwei Seiten A und B und muss zum Lesen ab dem Centerfold umgedreht werden.
Dodo is the adventure, science and fantasy magazine you have been waiting for. This magazine is for anyone that has ever wanted a treehouse. Dodo is a time machine, a theme park, a trip to the moon, a horror story, a prehistoric site, an unsolved mystery, even a Zeppelin voyage. It’s a magazine that will make you feel as if you were reading it under your sheets with a flashlight. With every passing page, you’ll leave behind everything around you as you enter your own world, a place where nothing bad can happen, where everything has yet to be discovered; a place where you had already been before but had forgotten.
Text von der Website.

Technische Angaben
[16] S., 19x12 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, das letzte Blatt ist auf 19 x 4 cm beschnitten
His mustache looked like it would tickle. That’s probably the only reason why I didn’t want to kiss him.
He was a weirdo, but not weird enough, if you know what I mean. He certainly had a flair for details. It wasn’t that. I mean, it’s not like he was wearing a mullet, no. Nor like the kind of guy to gift me a Chinatown Gucci bag. He hated scented soaps and he’d drag me out of any decent party if he found scenty sticks near the toilet. That kind of thing drove him nuts. It’s not like he had anything against grapefruit.
Early on in our friendship, he gave me a box of Gioconda pencils from Koh-I-Noor. He knew how to get me hooked. But that damn mustache. It was so thick, so neatly trimmed. He paid too much attention to the kind of things I didn’t want to pay attention to. The cappuccino foam in it, however, was a kind of turn-on.
This is no doubt why you are holding this book in your hands. His mustache, right? Admit it. It’s the bowl of bonbons by the register. But then you go undercover, under the sheets to find a lot of nudity, thwarted porn. Ja, ja, ja: bodies. Corporeality. Corporation, cooperation. Protest. Violence. Religion. Collage. A torn sheet at the back. A misbound book? A defect or just vulnerable?
Selbsthilfe ist auch keine Lösung (even self-help is not a solution) and Protestvorbild Frankreich (protest “role model” in France?) is the only text you can make out other than mine. You’re meant to struggle to read it, or maybe Erik (who has no mustache) was being intentionally casual about the way he cut out these pictures. It’s an awareness of being sloppy that is so aware, it’s no longer sloppy. A man standing with his fist held high. He’s standing in the window frame of an apartment at least one story up from the ground. He is forty and mad and he enjoys his Bud. His form of protest is a form of solidarity from the sofa. A window protest: comfy. So fucking clever. Then there’s the picture abutting it of a woman holding out her bra. We are meant to take it. She’s offering it to us. Go ahead. She wants you to.
And then there’s the spooning bodies with their tube socks in a wad next to… a bed. A solar bed. You got it? This book is brown sugar. Stinky Swiss cheese. Bad, bad, good, good.
April von Stauffenberg
Text von der Verlagsseite
Technische Angaben
19,0x11,5 cm, Auflage: 1.500, ISBN/ISSN 9783962870027
Broschur, Klebebindung
Buch mit Statements anstelle der wegen Corona 2020 und 2021 ausgefallenen Künstlerbuchmesse Miss Read Berlin.
Editor: Michalis Pichler, Contributing editors: Yaiza Camps, Moritz Grünke, Copy editor: Mark Soo
IDEA POLL collected ideas regarding publishing activities and beyond. IDEA POLL 2020/21 was created through an online query and features about 100 responses from diverse international networks. Historical Note: In 1976, the periodical Art-Rite already conducted and published an IDEA POLL, marking a seminal moment in the state of affairs in the field of art and publishing. A collaboration of Miss Read and Conceptual Poetics Day.
The seven questions were:
Name five #hashtags that best describe your activities
What are you reading?
How do you distribute?
Do you collaborate? If so, with whom and how?
Is publishing economically viable? What would make it viable?
What are the best potentials (or difficulties) of publications?
What would be your utopian library? ...
Text von der Webseite
... And there was evening and there was morning
Technische Angaben
29x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, 2 Flyer und 1 Einladungskarte sind beigelegt.
"So it was evening, then it was morning: and it was the first day." How does the beginning of everything look like? That eternal energy that generated the first beginning, the early morning of all time, for Simona has to do with an explosion: the fire, linked to the Latin verb foveo and to the Greek words φῶς (phos), light. Imploded energy, the Genesis of all moments. It is with one of the simplest destruction tools, the Molotov bomb, that the artist opens her personal exhibition, where an explosion accompanies us on a journey that with great delicacy investigates the boundaries of human exploration, in its higher sense. That man who wants to know, measure, ennoble. How much space does the highest point of the Earth occupy? "I asked Silvio Mondinelli, the sixth mountaineer in the world to have climbed all fourteen of the eight-thousand of the Himalayan chain, (without the help of oxygen) to recover through memory the space of the summit of Everest. He traced its perimeter in 1: 1 scale on a piece of paper" says Simona. This perimeter was used as a template to create a marble base, where Silvio Mondinelli’s signs and writings make that memory immortal in the most faithful way possible. In that memory, Francesco Šljiva Venturi gives life to a primordial sound that once again seeks a point of contact with the origin, through the use of his voice and a single instrument: a shamanic drum, purpose-built by a craftsman for the performance.
He will climb "on the top of Mount Everest" to sing a variation of Ives' Unanswered Question, in the lowest possible pitch. It is the elaboration of an impossibility: to go as high as possible while going as low as possible.
Text von der Website
Diary: How to Improve the World (You will only make matters worse) Continued Part three
Technische Angaben
14 S., 21,5x14 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, mehrfarbiger Druck
Der dritte Teil einer Sammlung von Beobachtungen, Nachrichten, Anekdoten, Zitaten, in denen John Cage über die Welt reflektiert.
Die Great Bear Pamphlet Reihe wurde 1965-67 von Dick Higgins in der Something Else Press veröffentlicht. Die insgesamt 20 dünnen Broschüren repräsentieren einige der zukunftsweisenden Themen der Avantgarde- und Kulturszene der Zeit. Jede Broschüre, außer der Manifest-Ausgabe, enthält einen einzigen Autor, darunter u.a. John Cage, Allan Kaprow, Dieter Roth, Claes Oldenburg, George Brecht, Jerome Rothenberg und Jackson Mac Low. Die Künstlerhefte zeigen u.a. konkreten Gedichten und Theaterstücken bis hin zu Happenings/Events und Collagen.
Technische Angaben
16,5x22,5 cm, Auflage: 20, numeriert, 20 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Kartonbox mit Siebdruck, Konvolut aus 19 Zines mit Drahtheftung, ein Faltblatt
Sammlung von Zines aus Hongkong bezüglich der Proteste 2019/20, zusammengestellt von dem Kollektiv Zine Coop
Thanks to the artist researcher and activist Joanna Wong, I have been well informed of the situation in Hong Kong since the beginning of the movement. So when I saw the Hyperallergic article about the protest zines gathered and distributed by the artist collective Zine Coop, I thought people in Paris should know about this. The exhibition Freedom Hi! happened in many places in the world, I welcomed it at 本 \hon\ books. To cover the cost production of the exhibition, I decided to make a catalogue box set of 19 zines, with an index of all them and an interview of one of ZineCoop founders Forrest Lau.
Dank der Forscherin und Aktivistin Joanna Wong bin ich über die Situation in Hongkong seit dem Beginn der Bewegung gut informiert. Als ich also den Hyperallergic-Artikel über die vom Künstlerkollektiv Zine Coop gesammelten und verteilten Protest-Zines sah, dachte ich, dass die Menschen in Paris davon wissen sollten. Die Ausstellung Freedom Hi! fand an vielen Orten der Welt statt, ich begrüßte sie bei 本 \on\ books. Um die Produktionskosten der Ausstellung zu decken, beschloss ich, einen Katalog mit 19 Zines zu erstellen, mit einem Verzeichnis aller Zines und einem Interview mit Forrest Lau, einem der Gründer von Zine Coop.

Technische Angaben
136 S., 21,7x23,3 cm, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 9783958296237
ein Teil offene Fadenheftung, ein Teil Drahtheftung, beide Softcover, Poster gefaltet (nicht zweifach vorhanden), in Pappschuber
Die Ausgabe wurde von Singhs Original-Maquette gescannt und reproduziert all ihre "Unvollkommenheiten" und Eigenheiten, einschließlich ihrer mit Bleistift geschriebenen Notizen über die Konstruktion des Buches - ein Hinweis auf die einflussreiche Buchmacherin, die noch kommen wird. Der begleitende Essay von Shanay Jhaveri erörtert, wie Singh dazu kam, das Original zu "machen". Er bezieht sich auf ihre studentischen Notizen und untersucht, wie sie das Buch intuitiv zusammenstellte, von der Bearbeitung der Bilder bis zum Design, und legt damit den Grundstein für die Buchobjekte und Fotoarchitekturen ihrer späteren Praxis.
This edition is scanned from Singh’s original maquette and reproduces all its “imperfections” and idiosyncrasies including her pencilled notes about the book’s construction—indications of the influential bookmaker to come. Shanay Jhaveri’s accompanying essay discusses how Singh came to “make” the original, referring to her student notes and exploring how she intuitively assembled the book, from editing the images to design, setting the ground for the book objects and photo architectures of her later practice.
Text von Webseite
Übersetzt mit Deepl
Dear Ijeawele, or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions - A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions
Technische Angaben
66 S., 17,5x11,7 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-0-00-827570-9
Broschur, Softcover
Vor einigen Jahren erhielt Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie einen Brief von einer lieben Freundin aus Kindertagen, in dem sie gefragt wurde, wie sie ihre kleine Tochter als Feministin erziehen könne. Liebe Ijeawele ist Adichies Antwortbrief.
Hier finden sich fünfzehn unschätzbare Vorschläge - überzeugend, direkt, witzig und scharfsinnig -, wie man seine Tochter zu einer starken, unabhängigen Frau erziehen kann. Von der Ermutigung, einen Hubschrauber - und nicht nur eine Puppe - als Spielzeug zu wählen, wenn sie es wünscht, über offene Gespräche mit ihr über Kleidung, Make-up und Sexualität, bis hin zur Entlarvung des Mythos, dass Frauen biologisch dazu bestimmt sind, in der Küche zu stehen und das Abendessen zuzubereiten, und dass Männer es Frauen "erlauben" können, eine volle Karriere zu machen, geht Dear Ijeawele direkt zum Kern der Sexualpolitik im 21. Jahrhundert. Es wird eine neue und dringend notwendige Diskussion darüber anstoßen, was es heute wirklich bedeutet, eine Frau zu sein.
Übersetzt mit (kostenlose Version)
Technische Angaben
keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Beidseitig bedrucktes Papier
Die Ausstellungsreihe DIE KÖRPER, DIE SPRECHEN. zeigt Arbeiten des Künster*innenkollektivs AVAZÊ XOR ("Avaze Khor", übersetzt "Das Singen der Sonne") aus Kurdistan. Nachdem mehrere Teilausstellungen in verschiedenen Räumen und Stadtvierteln zu sehen waren, kommen diese und weitere Fotografien im Farbenladen zu einer Werkschau des Kollektivs zusammen.
AVAZÊ XOR setzen sich mit sexualisierter Gewalt und Unterdrückung in patriarchalen Systemen auseinander. SAMIRA MORADIPOUR, eine der Künstler*innen, sagt: "Die Situation ist für das Leben von Frauen und besonders von LGBT*_IQ+ eine Katastrophe." Mit den Mitteln der konzeptuellen Aktfotografie und FX-Make-up-Art wenden sich die Künstler*innen gegen gewaltvolle Normen und Tabus: In Akten der Selbstermächtigung werden Vorstellungen von Befreiung möglich.
Die so entstandenen Kunstwerke konnten in den Herkunftsländern der Künstler*innen aufgrund umfassender Repression und patriarchaler Tabus in Gesetzen und Kultur nicht gezeigt werden. Sie werden in München im Rahmen der Ausstellungs- und Veranstaltungsreihe "Queerthing 2022/23", organisiert vom Queerfeministischen Netzwerk München, zum ersten Mal der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert.
Text von der Website entnommen
Druck Druck Druck - Druck Gemeinschaften aus Berlin und darüber hinaus
Technische Angaben
110 S., 24x17 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-944141-25-1
Die Ausstellung Druck Druck Druck bringt die Druckwerkstatt in die Galerie und schafft Raum für unabhängige Print-Gemeinschaften aus Berlin und darüber hinaus, 13.04.-14.08.2019. Die interdisziplinäre, multi-formatige Ausstellung erforscht wie Druckmethoden verwendet werden können, um radikale Ziele in der Kunst, der Bildung und der Gemeinschaft zu erreichen, kuratiert von Nina Prader und John Z. Komurki.
Neben u.a. dem Mimeographen, ist der Risograph ein Fokus der Ausstellung und versammelt künstlerische Positionen aus ganz Berlin, die den Risographen verwenden. Die größte Ausstellung zu Kunstwerken, die den Risographen feiern seit dem Risofest Berlin 2017. Eine zunehmend beliebte Methode für das unabhängige, künstlerische Drucken und Verlegen.
Text von der Webseite
Kalas - el 7 de febrero en Cartagena, Kalas se presenta en la BIACI con estilo, mucho estilo
Technische Angaben
112 S., 33x24,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Dies ist die Chronik des 14-tägigen Aufenthalts der Autorin in Cartagena de Indias (Kolumbien), Kalas ist ein Projekt von #1 Cartagena, der 1. Internationalen Biennale für zeitgenössische Kunst Cartagena de Indias, 07.02.-07.04.2014.
KALAS ist ein Fake der CARAS-Reihe, der größten kolumbianischen Publikation im Bereich Lebensstil und Gesellschaft, die immer mit Glanz, Eleganz und Eleganz verbunden ist. Dieses Projekt reproduziert den visuellen Glanz, den Stil, das Format und das Layout dieser Publikation, ersetzt jedoch die Realität der kolumbianischen Elite durch die der afro-indigenen Bevölkerung von Cartagena de Indias.
KALAS ist ein Fake der CARAS, dem führenden Lifestyle- und Gesellschaftsmagazin, das mit Luxus, Eleganz und Raffinesse assoziiert wird. Das Magazin berichtet über die kolumbianische High Society, die internationale Aristokratie und das Leben der Reichen und Mächtigen. Kala bedeutet auf Palenquero Gesicht, so dass ihre Zeitschrift eine freie Übersetzung von Caras in diese Kreolsprache ist. Palenquero - eine Mischung aus Portugiesisch, Spanisch und afrikanischen Sprachen - wird in San Basilio de Palenque gesprochen, einem Dorf, das für das Überleben als direkter Erbe einer der Bastionen entflohener Sklaven steht, die während der Kolonialzeit die Karibikküste bevölkerten. Nuria Carrascos Projekt reproduziert den Stil, das Format und das Layout des Magazins, ersetzt aber die ursprünglichen Charaktere durch die afro-abstammende Bevölkerung von Cartagena de Indias. Sie behält eine klare Übereinstimmung mit ihren früheren Arbeiten bei, die alle von einem intensiven Interesse an der Erforschung der alltäglichen Körpersprache geprägt sind.
Text von der Webseite, übersetzt mit Hilfe von DeepL
A time to good to be true
Technische Angaben
28 S., 16x14 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Buch in rosa Schuber mit Ausstanzung, offene Fadenheftung
On the 2nd of October 2022, my ex-boyfriend had an accident, which he barely survived.
Suddenly everything changed. My only way out of sorrow and loss was to make a photobook, that gives an insight in our precious time together.

Technische Angaben
[20] S., 20,2x13,1 cm, Auflage: 100, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadenheftung, handnummeriert
Büchlein des japanischen Künstlers Sayo Senoo, bestehend aus verfremdeten Bildern, die der Künstler von japanischen Sex-Business-Webseiten heruntergeladen hat. Auflage von 100, die alle nummeriert und signiert sind.
"Bodies that shed tears 3" is a sequel to "Bodies that shed tears" and "Tachinbo". This little book is made from my collection of photos downloaded from various sex related business websites in Japan. I worked in this kind of company to pay for my art studies. These jobs are mentally and physically heavy. But the high pay prevents most of us from quitting before their health is damaged.
The images are transformed through several processes using inkjet printers to make visible these physical and mental damages, the fatigues and the pains, that hide behind the seductive poses and smiles of the people in the photos. The book is printed on an incompatible paper with my printer, so that the images are ephemeral and fragile like as our body.
Text von der Webseite

Technische Angaben
[240] S., 23,5x16,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, Softcover
Achte Ausgabe des 20seconds Magazin, ein Magazin für experimentelle Musik und Kunst, dieses Mal erschienen unter dem Titel "The Tide".
Issue 8, “The Tide,” looks into the cyclical nature of social and political movements. In order to do so we take inspiration from our often seemingly lunar obtuseness and incapacity to deal with the errors our planet’s inhabitants continue to make. There is little to say that has not been said, or eroded, after years of Russia waging war on Ukraine, Israel committing genocide on the Palestinian people, and now bombing Lebanon, funded by the US, Germany, and many others; fascism soaring in the polls and warming the seats of leaders in so many countries we’re beginning to lose count. Still, we rely on our notions of publishing, of speaking and writing resistance, even as governments continue to abuse the activists doing so on the streets. For the artists in 20 Seconds Issue 8, the tide is something to be challenged, of which to be conscious, a malleable energy to be harnessed, in the form of pain, or even trauma.
Ausgabe 8, „Die Flut“, befasst sich mit der zyklischen Natur sozialer und politischer Bewegungen. Dabei lassen wir uns von unserer oft mondähnlich anmutenden Stumpfheit und Unfähigkeit inspirieren, mit den Fehlern umzugehen, die die Bewohner unseres Planeten weiterhin begehen. Es gibt wenig zu sagen, was nicht schon gesagt wurde, oder was nicht schon erodiert ist, nachdem Russland seit Jahren einen Krieg gegen die Ukraine führt, Israel einen Völkermord am palästinensischen Volk begeht und jetzt den Libanon bombardiert, finanziert von den USA, Deutschland und vielen anderen; der Faschismus steigt in den Umfragen und wärmt die Sitze der Führer in so vielen Ländern, dass wir anfangen zu zählen.
Dennoch verlassen wir uns auf unsere Vorstellungen vom Publizieren, vom Sprechen und Schreiben des Widerstands, auch wenn die Regierungen die Aktivisten, die dies auf der Straße tun, weiterhin misshandeln. Für die Künstler in 20 Seconds Issue 8 ist die Flut etwas, das es herauszufordern gilt, dessen man sich bewusst sein muss, eine formbare Energie, die man sich zunutze machen kann, in Form von Schmerz oder sogar Trauma.
Text von der Webseite, übersetzt mit DeepL

Technische Angaben
10,1x14,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Postkarte, farbig bedruckt.
Postkarte mit QR-Code und Social Media der Künstlerin.
Was wäre, wenn die Menschen sich immer lieben würden, bevor sie einen Konflikt beginnen? Bevor sie anfangen zu beweisen, wer im Recht ist und wer nicht, bevor sie ein Gebiet für sich beanspruchen, bevor sie zur Arbeit gehen, wo sie Bomben abwerfen oder Fake News produzieren. Bevor sie jemandem ihre Macht und Stärke zeigen, nur ein kurzer Liebesakt am Morgen. Und dann los. Wie sähe die Welt dann aus?
Haben Sie jemals darüber nachgedacht? Dieses Bild stellt eine sehr verbreitete Wohnung dar.
Die eine oder andere Version davon findet man in jedem Land. Als Vorlage diente mir ein bestehendes Gebäude in der Stadt Jerewan, Armenien. Das Ungewöhnliche daran ist, dass in jeder Wohnung Menschen Liebe machen.
Dies ist eine wortwörtliche Verkörperung meines Traums von einer Welt, in der Liebe der Weg ist, um jedes Problem oder jeden Konflikt zu lösen. So wie es unsere engsten Primatenverwandten, die Bonobos, normalerweise tun. In mancher Hinsicht sind manche Tiere viel weiser als wir.
Karine Dulyan ist eine in Eriwan ansässige Künstlerin, die ihre Zeit oft in den USA verbringt.
In wenigen Worten: Karine ist eine Frau, die Licht und positive Emotionen in diese Welt bringt.
Text von der Webseite, bersetzt mithilfe von DeepL.
Technische Angaben
28 S., 14,8x14,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-940548-30-6
Drahtheftung, in Transparenthülle
Macro visions, abstract objects, alien and utopian worlds, every day material, densed and loose structures, dots and lines, as well as the drawing process in itself make one bounce back and forth between a narrative coherence and a journey into the unknow
NASU 10 - Das Ende von Amerika
Technische Angaben
13x13 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Musik-CD in Papphülle und transparenter Kunststoffhülle, cover art: Stephane Leonard & Martin Eichhorn
recorded in 2006, mastered at ICEM in 2007.
We are very proud to announce our 10th release !!! and what makes it even better is that it´s a new dis.playce album!
The EP is called ´Das Ende von Amerika´ (The End of America) and it´s dis.playce´s second release on naivsuper. The title refers to the book ´Amerika´ by Franz Kafka and should not be interpretated in the wrong way)
´Amerika´, also known as ´Der Verschollene´ or ´The Man Who Disappeared´, was the incomplete first novel by Franz Kafka, published posthumously in 1927.
The story describes the bizarre wanderings of a sixteen-year-old European emigrant named Karl Rossmann in the United States, who was forced to go to New York to escape the scandal of his seduction by a housemaid.
Hope originates when something else is absent and holes need to be filled again. The purpose of hope is to make itself vanish again and to reach a state of mind where Utopia or the promised land of North America won´t be needed anymore.
Kafka puts his hero Karl Rossmann over and over again in situations where he is lacking something only to discover that he is lacking even more. The spiral of hope, disappointment and reproaches seems to be endless. With ´Amerika´ Kafka finishes a series of America-fiction from the 19. Century which glorified the United States as the land of boundless possibilities. For Kafka America is not the solution of our problems anymore, it is almost like a second Europe - a land where the problems stay the same.
´Das Ende von Amerika´ is one 24 minute piece published on high quality CDRs

Technische Angaben
[96] S., 34x23,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788469720493
Drahtheftung. Vorderseite mit mittig ausgestanztem Loch. Kleineres Blatt im Centerfold.
In recent years Valencia has been posting the so-called Campus Party. In this type of social-cultural gatherings, thousands of young adults —software developers, lovers of digital works and robots, hackers and defenders of free software, gamers and simulation fanatics, ciber-apostles and modding artists— come together to exchange archives and share their experiences, living for a week connected to each other.
For these super-users — digital natives that make computer technology a way of life and who are often classified as the new urban tribe of the geeks — computers are much more than just a device for work, they are an extension of their identity and the digital ecosystem where they decide to live.
< YO >< YO >< YO > Sets out a journey from the plug into the computer, with the intention of portraying along the way this kind of super-user: an exaggerated reflection of our relation with technology.
Text von der Website.