Technische Angaben
[40] S., 32x22 cm, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 7629999015104
Drahtheftung. Verschiedene farbige Papiere. Eingelegt ein gefaltetes Poster
The publication Spheres is the creative documentation of a close collaboration between an artist and the editor, graphic designer Philippe Karrer. Every issue is dedicated to a young artist and their work, in each case exploring character, surroundings, every-day life, inspirations and ideas using unconventional innovative formats so as to create a different, more visual approach and understanding of the artist and his or her work. The focus lies on what is important to the artist during the time period of working together for the publication, hereby capturing a certain essence of the artists work at the moment. Not only can the reader dive in to the artist‘s world, receiving little personal snippets of the life in and around his or her art, but also (and perhaps even more importantly) — how the artist chooses to present things in the publication gives the reader an idea of his or her whole artistic sphere.
Melanie Bonajo explores the relationship of the individual to its surroundings in a commodified, globalised culture. In her work, she uncovers how our ideas of identity, genre, value and such structures formed by conventions are ever shifting to feelings of uncertainty and instability. She approaches these issues by trying to newly create, to turn around overpowering views and conditions that are today so influenced by our consumer society and tries to get nearer to traits that are rooted in human nature.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
192 S., 20x15 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-564660923
Charley is a contemporary art publication series edited by Maurizio Cattelan, Massimiliano Gioni and Ali Subotnick. A do-it-yourself magazine, Charley is an inclusive publication relying on assimilation, rather than on selection : Charley is a machine for redistribution, a mechanism for spreading and exploiting information, rumors, and communication. Like most information, it is partial, unstable, and untrustworthy. There are no hierarchies and no favorites in Charley : it flirts equally with celebrity and failure. Charley is a multiform creature, bound to transform with each issue. Charley is a pre-digested combine, with pages assembled from catalogues, brochures, press clips, postcards, and other visuals. But what is Charley really? Charley is a new publication on emerging artists. Prominent curators, writers, artists, and other arts professionals from around the world were asked to suggest up to 10 up-and-coming artists and/or submit materials on the artists for inclusion in Charley. 400 art makers from around the globe responded, and each of them is represented by one page of Charley
Technische Angaben
[132] S., 28x21 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-908806017
Drahtheftung, eingelegt ein Werbeflyer
Estate Of is the new publication series from Antenne Publishing. Published twice a year in a magazine-like stapled format, each edition is given to a single artist working with photographs as a space to realise projects. Estate Of aims to become a meeting point between an informal physical object, and a substantial body of work from an individual artist.
Kronos by Victor Boullet is the first publication in the Estate Of series.
Victor Boullet’s title refers to the Greek god Kronos, a deity known for its doublesidedness, a concept closely connected to his project The Institute of Social Hypocrisy. The publication Kronos is a means to carry his work forward into a newer form of expression, whilst maintaining a constant sense of dichotomy.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
40 S., 28,5x20,5 cm, Auflage: 2.600, numeriert, ISBN/ISSN 20148542
Drahtheftung, Fanzine Deluxe Limited Edition Number
This is an innovating project with personality..!
Box1466 concept is directly related to new tendencies, being music and visual arts in general the leitmotiv of each issue.
Photography, music, fashion, illustration, drawing, words and fantasies…!
Seeing, looking, reading, watching, listening..
Thanks to all those QR codes you will find in the magazine, you will be directly guided to more information online..!
The new concept of Box1466 is in its interactivity, that made it totally fresh and different to any other publication.
A new endless way to discover, to learn, to find out..
The aim of Box1466 is to transmit and divulge from an original point of view, its contents of interviews and visual proposal of fashion.
Box1466 is an Arty numbered deluxe limited edition independent publication.
Text von der Webseite und facebook
Technische Angaben
144 S., 23x17,2 cm, ISBN/ISSN 16474198
Eingelegt ein gefaltetes Blatt von Luisa Alpalhao (Telling of). Eingeklebt ein Leporello von Tiago Patricio (Twenty fingers on a piano)
Cine Qua Non is an arts magazine of the University of ULICES built up by movements in written form that freely crisscross reflections, reviews or essays, movements that relate music to visual arts, dance to theatre, cinema to literature. This publication intends to submit its readers to a unique editorial approach that gathers artists, researchers and teaching staff, Portuguese or foreign, proposing texts of different nature about diverse artistic expressions. Cine Qua Non is, since its first printed issue, an entirely bilingual publication (Portuguese/English) that is presented in both versions: an online edition and a printed one.
Text von der Webseite
Anonymous Press No. 15766 - Various Small Dicks
Technische Angaben
12 S., 20,3x13,4 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Schwarz-Weiß-Laserdrucke, Umschlag aus farbigem Papier
Das Konzept:
1. Anonymous Press (Α,–Π,) is a self-sufficient publishing platform.
2. Every publication by Α,–Π, is a byproduct of an individual and a database, i.e. Google Image Search.
3. Human author defines the topic, the content and the form is generated from the most relevant images found online.
4. Each publication is added to a public library.
5. Every item in the library can be printed on-demand and is available to everyone for a small fee covering shipping and production costs.
6. Publications are sorted in a chronological order.
7. Α–Π does not own, nor is responsible for the content generated by its users.
Text von der Webseite
Garry Neill Kennedy - Printed Matter/Imprimés 1971-2009
Technische Angaben
214 S., 25,4x19 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780888849028
Hardcover, . Visitenkarte liegt bei,
Produced in consultation with Garry Neill Kennedy, this publication includes printed matter designed by, or in collaboration with, the artist and incorporates formats such as books, pamphlets, leaflets, sheets, cards, pageworks, posters, and wallpaper. Each entry, arranged chronologically, includes a photograph of the item and a physical description with the title, date, format, binding (where applicable), printing method, pagination, dimensions, publisher, and place of publication.
Text von Printed Matter
Technische Angaben
96 S., 17,3x11 cm, Auflage: 600, ISBN/ISSN 9789490629083
Wendebuch, Wendebuch
The publication I'm On Your Side is the fourth part of a project conceived by Heman Chong for Kunstverein (Milano). After the three-fold project of the same name, presented in Milan in November 2010 the publication is understood as a compendium of the entire enterprise.
I'm On Your Side developed out of a series of conversations with the artist on the formation of Kunstverein (Milano). Upon invitation of the artist Alessandra Poggianti, Katia Anguelova and Andrea Wiarda, co-directors and founders of Kunstverein (Milano), contributed individual toughts and reflections on the introduction of a node into the cultural landscape of Milan.
Text von der Webseite
Possible Content for 18 Pages - Volume II - A Set of Lines, A Stack of Paper
Technische Angaben
[80] S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-957632746
Broschur, mit zahlreichen Abbildungen, drei Bände in Banderole,
"A Set of Lines, A Stack of Paper" is the second in a series of exhibitions and publication based on a wide-reaching research about writing with the title 'Possible Content for 18 Pages'. The original typewritten manuscript of Vilém Flusser's essay 'The Gesture of Writing' provides the thematic and formal-aesthetic foundation for reflecting the act of writing at the intersection of linguistic, visual, physical and spatial communication. 'To write,' says the philosopher about the basic requirements that should lead to a complete piece of writing, we need 'a blank surface, for instance a white leaf of paper, an instrument which contains a matter that contrasts with the whiteness of the paper, the letters of the alphabet, the convention which gives a meaning to the letters, 'orthography' = correct writing, the rules which order that language, what is called 'grammar', an idea to be expressed in a language, and a motive to express that idea'. Understanding the act of writing as a culturally embedded gesture, 'A Set of Lines, A Stack of Paper' covers artistic, literary, as well as curatorial and editorial fields of action and combines them. The book is published on the occasion of the correspondent exhibition at KARST, Plymouth (June 5 - July 5, 2015). The publication comprises an exhibition documentation with installation views and a curatorial statement. Furthermore, the author Maria Fusco situates the concept of the exhibition in an actual context of literature.
The participating visual artists expand the topic of the exhibition with artistic contributions especially made for the book.
Text von der Webseite
Possible Content for 18 Pages - Volume III - Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
Technische Angaben
[200] S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-957633453
Fadenheftung, mit zahlreichen Abbildungen, drei Bände in Banderole, Anschreiben liegt bei,
“Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet” is the third in a series of exhibitions and publication based on a wide-reaching research about writing with the title “Possible Content for 18 Pages”. The original typewritten manuscript of Vilém Flusser’s essay “The Gesture of Writing” provides the thematic and formal-aesthetic foundation for reflecting the act of writing at the intersection of linguistic, visual, physical and spatial communication.
“To write,” says the philosopher about the basic requirements that should lead to a complete piece of writing, we need “a blank surface, for instance a white leaf of paper, an instrument which contains a matter that contrasts with the whiteness of the paper, the letters of the alphabet, the convention which gives a meaning to the letters, ‘orthography’ = correct writing, the rules which order that language, what is called ‘grammar’, an idea to be expressed in a language, and a motive to express that idea”.
Understanding the act of writing as a culturally embedded gesture, “Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet” covers artistic, literary, as well as curatorial and editorial fields of action and combines them. The book is published on the occasion of the eponymous performance by Lois Bartel at the Akademie der Künste in Berlin (June 11, 2016) and contains a curatorial-editorial statement by Franz Thalmair. Furthermore, the artist Michalis Pichler and the professor for media theory and aesthetics Oliver Ruf situate the publication in an actual context of literature and criticism. The participating visual artists expand the topic of the research with artistic contributions especially made for „Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet“.
Text von der Webseite
Loose Associations vol. 3 issue 1 - Roger Mayne
Technische Angaben
68 S., 18x13,2 cm, ISBN/ISSN 23970839
Loose Associations is a periodical, book format publication from The Photographers’ Gallery offering a diverse set of reflections on photography and image culture. Loosely inspired by the gallery’s exhibition programme, LA includes essays both written and visual, artist pages, images, interviews, fiction and philosophy from a wide range of contributors.
In this issue, the first to focus on the work of a single artist, we have brought together a selection of Roger Mayne’s photographs, alongside newly commissioned writing by Anna Douglas, Owen Hatherley and Bob Stanley. This publication is an accompaniment to our exhibition Roger Mayne, 3 March – 11 June 2017.
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Krytyka Polityczna Athens
Technische Angaben
272 S., 23,5x16,5 cm, signiert, ISBN/ISSN 16440919
Broschur, mit Widmung, gefaltetes Blatt eingelegt, Cover manuel bearbeitet, mit Glitzer
Dear Reader,
In your hands is the Athenian issue of Krytyka Polityzcna. The Warsaw-based journal unites polymorphous freedom struggles in geographic Europe. This book is an anarchist, anti-capitalist, anti-fascist artwork. A hypothesis, and yet one that continues to be written actively on the ground. It clashes migration and education of the status quo, the effect and the cause of current violence.
The publication documents an initiative, Universitas*, and accompanies the forthcoming Symposion, The School of Everything.
This book contains the contributions of people who have recently moved to Athens from the Middle East, of Athenians who have lived here a long time, as well as of those who are based in Berlin but frequently visit Athens. brought together, they form a de-elitized and de-colonized remix of knowledge.
The chapters in this book are intertwined and in each part the reader will find contributions relevant to the whole. The authors are all united by their portrayal in anti-phrenological drawings.
In Athens, despite the invention of the State, streams of interlapping cultural influences never stopped pulsating. Such an experience of fluid identity demonstrates that citizenship is an outdated concept of class separation and nationalism. The devastating contradiction: human rights are only valid in the economically privileged zones. The failure to collaborate with the revolution in Syria dispels the last illusions of an occidental civilization and unveils the truth: we all live in the absolute financial dictatorship.
This publication includes several essays and statements on education. These are written by thinkers, philosophers, “activists”, and artists who are affiliated with the Avtonomi Akadimia, a disobedient grassroots university in Athens which claims education as a form of art. These texts, poems, manifestos and sketches of educational models are published in lieu of the abstracts for an upcoming Symposion entitled: “The School of Everything”.
We build an educational system which consists of indignant initiatives for sharing knowledge, and of proposals by thinkers who see education as key. We shift from learning to sharing. We decriminalize sharing because we would like to enjoy the pleasure of giving. We liberate ourselves from the strictures of “Homo Sapiens”, a construct imposed upon life.
We will transform the educational system of Europe.
The clash of migration and education will release a Promethean fire.
Text von der Webseite
In collaboration with aneducation and the Public Programs of documenta 14
Technische Angaben
292 S., 23x17 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-037645048
Broschur, Einband einfarbig rot bedruckt, Schutzumschlag vierfarbig, Vorsatz/Nachsatz blau, Abb. Schwar-Weiß, einzelne Farbseiten. Druck auf Munken Print White 1.5, DZA Druckerei zu Altenburg
The starting point of this publication—and its eponymous exhibition held in Zurich in Spring 2017—is the conceptual encounter between English Pop art artist Richard Hamilton (1922–2011) and Swiss historian and critic of architecture Sigfried Giedion (1888–1968), famous for his landmark book "Space, Time, and Architecture," an influential history of modern architecture published in 1941.
In 1949 Richard Hamilton—then a member of the London-based Independent Group— realized the “Reaper” print series as a reaction to Giedion’s 1948 book “Mechanization Takes Command” in which he describes the mechanization of everyday life. Reproducing Hamilton’s complete “Reaper” series juxtaposed with selected examples of illustrations created by Giedion alongside many related illustrations, this publication brings together seven essays by renowned international scholars, all of whom question the relationships between visual arts, technology, science, and architecture. Among the many topics discussed are Hamilton’s early works and exhibition installation practice, postwar British biotechnology and architecture, “Hippie Modernism,” and the visual strategy of Giedion’s books.
Published on the occasion of the exhibition "Reaper. Richard Hamilton and Sigfried Giedion" at the Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich (May 3–June 25 2017), a cooperation between Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich, gta exhibitions, and gta archive.
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Technische Angaben
132 S., 20,9x14,7 cm, Auflage: 400, signiert, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-903269767
Broschur, Rückseite als Klappe
Artist Gabriel Hensche and curator Ashlee Conery have compiled a catalogue of the work Hensche produced while in residence at Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, in 2017. The publication includes witness reports that are formally based on actual incident report forms. Adopting the posture of an onlooker, while at the same time acknowledging his role as instigator, Hensche recounts observations of his works as incidents by taking into account the involvement of people and circumstances that led to the events. These protocols are concluded with a final report by Conery in which she adopts the conditions of a mother, a partner and a particle for considering one’s own perspective when acting as a witness, a curator or a bystander.
Text von der Webseite
In der Arbeit verwendet der Künstler Formulare, wie sie im Krankenhaus für einen Unfallbericht verwendet werden, um den ganzen Prozess der Ausstellung detailliert von Anfang an zu dokumentieren. Das Buch = die Berichtsmappe enthält 5 Berichte, die jeweils vom Künstler original abgezeichnet = signiert wurden.
Technische Angaben
64 S., 240x180 cm, Auflage: 150, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-940892218
Ausstellungskatalog der Studierenden der Nationalen Kunstakademie Sofia und der Kunsthochschule Mainz, zu einem Ausstellungsprojekt von 2019.
Relay was a collaboration between the class of Adrian Williams at the Kunsthochschule Mainz, and Swimming Pool, a non-profit art project space, including students from the class of Simeon Simeonov at the National Art Academy of Sofia. Relay is part of the Pool Education Initiative at Swimming Pool, Sofia, Bulgaria.
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Technische Angaben
10,5x14,8 cm, 2 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Karte in transparenter Folie eingeschlagen, in Briefumschlag
Installation in Vitrine Rathaus Tiergarten Berlin-Moabit, 05.09.-29.09.2024
For this presentation, the writing in the source publication is transposed onto a makeshift architecture creating a scale model within the vitrine pavilion. The installation will be on view during the month of September, accompanied by an appropriated version of the publication (2007/2024) which includes an essay and an intervention by Dagmara Genda.
Bezieht sich auf eine Publikation von 2007.
Technische Angaben
keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Grafik von Peter Lücker
Technische Angaben
[36] S., 17,5x17,5 cm, Auflage: 150, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Technische Angaben
Auflage: 500, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Technische Angaben
16 S., 47x31,5 cm, Auflage: 50.000, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Blätter lose ineinander gelegt
erschienen zur Documenta 11, ROMA Publication 36
TRANS>, 01 Premier Issue
Technische Angaben
27x21 cm, ISBN/ISSN 1888209003
TRANS>, a multilingual journal, chronicles contemporary art and culture from around the world. The multidisciplinary publication is divided into three sections - Project Sites, Telesymposium, and Overviews, Views and Reviews - and includes theoretical, critical, art historical and fictional texts by leading thinkers and critics.
WhiteWalls #13 - a magazine of writings by artists - Drawing in the 80s
Technische Angaben
96 S., 21,7x14 cm, ISBN/ISSN 01909835
A Magazine of Writing by Artists.
Founded in 1978 in Chicago by artist Buzz Spector and writers Reagan and Roberta Upshaw, Whitewalls began as a publication for artists working with language. For the most part Whitewalls is a straight-up sampler of artists' experimental projects for the page: each issue contains from half a dozen to several dozen artists employing text, image, and other notations in various combinations. While Whitewalls featured an international cast of emerging and established artists, it also provided a showcase for the Chicago area's experimental art community, including artists such as Jeane Dunning, Joseph Nechvatal, and Christopher Wool. Text von der Website
Mit Texten u. a. von Richard Artschwager, Andrea Blum, Christo, Mike Kelly, Lawrence Weiner, Mark Staff Brandl, Rosemary Mayer, Paolo Colombo, Joel Hubaut
Technische Angaben
22,1x14,6 cm, ISBN/ISSN 0940170078
Technische Angaben
8 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Blätter lose ineinander gelegt, verschiedene Stempeldrucke
A monthly Mail Art Publication
ZKP4 > beauty and the east > a nettime publication
Technische Angaben
61 S., 45,2x31,3 cm, Auflage: 10.000, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Blätter lose ineinander gelegt, einmal gefaltet, zwei Teile, erster Teil Seite 1 - 32, zweiter Teil Seite 33 - 61
Technische Angaben
59 S., 29,5x21,2 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Andreu Terrades cofounded in 1975 the publication Neon de Suro, together with Steva Terrades (Palma, 1947), Sara Gibert (Les Fonts de Terrassa, 1948) and Bartomeu Cabot (Palma, 1949), all outstanding artists committed to the renovation of Mallorcan art.
stars & stripes - new york garbage flag profile
Technische Angaben
292 S., 21,4x15,2 cm, Auflage: 550, ISBN/ISSN 3865880940
Fadenheftung mit flexiblem Plastikeinband
First this was was a series of ephemeral situations in public space in New York 2002–2003. They become comprehensible through the publication of a book. The New York Garbage Flag Profile presents Berlin-based artist Michalis Pichler’s six month long project in which he collected and documented discarded paper cups, plastic bags, pizza boxes, newspapers and other mass-produced materials emblazoned with the American Flag.
Photographed in the public waste baskets, gutters and snow drifts of New York where he found them, the individual items are catalogued on a facing page with uniformly formatted information about their location, the date of their collection, number of flags depicted, number of stars, number of stripes, etc. Each record also includes a full transcription of the text found on the item. The nearly three hundred color photographs in the book are organized into forensic pairs showing the collection site before and after the artist’s intervention. This clinical presentation however belies the artist’s gentle, almost reverent approach to his material-garbage, after all. (Rachel Bers)
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A Manifesto for the Book, Book - artist's book - artist's publication - book art ?
Technische Angaben
7 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Technische Angaben
48 S., 28x21,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Heft drahtgeheftet, ZeitungsBlätter lose ineinander gelegt, erschienen zur Documenta 11, ROMA Publication 134
Technische Angaben
80 S., 24,5x17,5 cm, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 978-3-866785397
Hardcover, Fadenheftung
Albert Coers’ objects, room-sized installations and photographs are presented as multi-layered, often symbolic and always evocative thought-constructions. This publication provides a review of his works from 2008 to 2010, where certain themes re-occur, like interest in collections, archives and the book as medium, as well as the expansion of artistic media and the occasionally ironic reflection on these themes. The documentation of Coers’ art practice is accompanied specially written texts that focus specifically on the individual works and place them within a narrative or critical context.
Text von der Verlags-Webseite.
F1 - New Zealand Sculpture Project
Technische Angaben
64 S., keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Topografisches Bildarchiv Pankow - TBP 001-100
Technische Angaben
112 S., 20,5x13,6 cm, Auflage: 40, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
zweifarbiger Risographie
The publication is the catalogue to a subjective image archive that was collected from the people of Berlin Pankow. Edition Taube was invited to take part at the HomeBase residency program in Berlin in September 2010. The book is part of the Edition Taube room installation. Topografisches Bildarchiv Pankow is a project by Edition Taube
Technische Angaben
56 S., 30,5x21,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788896501610
mit Kunststoffumschlag, geklammert
This publication documents the monumental collaborative work which Liam Gillick and Lawrence Weiner produced for the Antwerp museum of contemporary art MuHKA in the spring of 2011. Tellingly titled A Syntax of Dependency:, the project could be viewed as the outcome of a twenty-year dialogue between artists, artistic practices, generations. This giant floor piece, consisting of an abstract linoleum pattern containing an array of phrases, took up the museum's entire first floor - its site-specifity meaning that the end of the exhibition also entailed the work's irreversible destruction. This photo novella - complete with fragments of a conversation between both artists and a short text by exhibition curator Dieter Roelstraete - captures the work in its unique desolate splendor
INbook OUTbook IFbook - An Artist Book Platform
Technische Angaben
208 S., 24x16,5 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 9788890345951
Abbildungen Schwarz-weiß und farbig. z.T. grünes Papier
this book is a book project published by Viaindustriae that involves contemporary artists in thematic exhibitions and side vents. There are studies and researches by operators, curators, publishers, and specific artist's interventions in the pages. The discussion panels opened within a series of workshops are included in the publication that treats the archiving criteria in the artist's book practice. The operation focuses on three sections: INbook (filing and actions), OUTbook (multiplication and digression), IFbook (artist's book and infinite hypothesis). There are texts by Emanuele de Donno, Giorgio Maffei, and specific pages projects by Celine Comporelli, Imvermomuto, Dubbin/Davidson, Amedeo Marteghni, M+M, Daniela Comani, Banu Cennetoglu, Markus Miessen, Daniel Eatcock, Helen Sommer, Edamimomda/Cramer, and Documentation Celine Duval.
from the publisher
ABZ: More Alphabets and Other Signs
Technische Angaben
224 S., 29,7x21 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-870003339
Hardcover, Ecken abgerundet
ABZ presents a fabulous collection of complete alphabets, emblems, logos, letters and signs, together with stunning graphics from classic modernist books and magazines, and from obscure professional manuals.. Drawn from collections, many of them private, in London, Paris, Amsterdam, New York and Mexico, most of this fascinating, rare and beautiful material is reproduced for the first time since its original publication
Technische Angaben
18 S., 15x10,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Flyer zur Ausstellung, mehrfach gefaltet
As a textual piece, NOMS DE GUERRES was created in 2006 and its material derives from a study of post-1945 military campaigns and consists exclusively of the codenames employed for specific campaigns. Brief explanatory notes on each of the designated operations can be found on the reverse of the text sheets. In the present publication, a partly updated and extend
ed version of these explanatory notes is also to be found in the final section.
Olaf Nicolai zeigt Leuchtschriftwerke in ultraviolettem Licht.
Wortfolgen, die zunächst ohne konkreten Sinnzusammenhang erscheinen, Arbeiten nahe konkreter Poesie, mit ungewöhnlicher Begriffswahl, in einer Lichtform, die Fluoreszenz hervorrufen kann. Die Wortfolge der Poems setzt sich aus Codenamen für internationale militärische Einsätze zusammen. Diese zumeist 4er oder 5er Wortfolgen werden als Neoninstallation präsentiert. Beigeordnet sind 2 gerahmte A4 Blätter, diese Erläuterungen erklären den Namen, den Einsatzort, die Beteiligten und das Jahr der Intervention.
Text von der Webseite
Edgardo Antonio Vigo - La Plata 1927-1997
Technische Angaben
10 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Verkaufsprospekt zu einer Sammlung von Büchern und Zeitschriften, Farbloserkopien nach PDF, Blätter lose ineinander gelegt
Edgardo Antonio Vigo, graveur sur bois, poète expérimental, constructeur d’«objets inutiles» et de «machines bizarres» fut l’une des figures majeures de la poésie concrète et visuelle sud américaine. Parallèlement à son activité artistique personnelle il créa et dirigea les revues «Diagonal Cero» et «Hexagono» qui contribuèrent aux échanges entre poètes sud américains et européens.
A ce titre, il participa à l’exposition «Avant-garde publications» organisée par le magazine uruguayen «OVUM 103» en 1970. Il fut également l’un des principaux animateurs du mouvement international «Mail Art» avec la publication de «Libro Internacional. International Book. Livre International» en 1976 et de «Nuestro Libro Internacional de Estampillas Y Matasellos/Our International
Book Of Stamps/Cancelled Seals» en 1979
actualites - A l’occassion de la parution du catalogue “Graphzines 1977-2002”
Technische Angaben
5 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Verkaufsprospekt, Farbloserkopien nach PDF, Blätter lose ineinander gelegt
A l’occassion de la parution du catalogue “Graphzines 1977-2002” qui décrit 450 publications représentatives de plus de 30 années d’activité de ce mouvement graphique “post punk” nous présenterons l’exposition “ESDS, Elles Sont De Sortie” la publication collective la plus novatrice et la plus influente de ce courant, fondée en 1977 par Bruno Richard et Pascal Doury
Graphzines 1977-2005 - Une Collection
Technische Angaben
44 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Verkaufsprospekt zu einer Sammlung von Zeitschriften, Farbloserkopien nach PDF, Blätter lose ineinander gelegt
This catalogue describes more than 450 graphzines that represents 30 years of «post-punk» graphic movement. The collection gathers major works of most of the artists that were involved in this movement. One or several titles as well as collective works represent them. Many periodicals are included, especially a very important run of Elles sont de Sortie. This emblematic publication directed by Pascal Doury and Bruno Richard also welcomed the most original publishers linked to this movement. Exhibition catalogues and numerous invitation cards completes the collection
Line Issue #1 Intersection
Technische Angaben
304 S., 30x23 cm, ISBN/ISSN 2194394X
Text von der Webseite
Is There Life Before Death?
Technische Angaben
128 S., 23,5x17,2 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780300146882
Hardcover, herausgegeben von Franklin Sirmans,
The subversive, often jarringly direct sculptures of Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan are acclaimed for their seemingly absurd juxtapositions and uncanny photorealism. This publication features new works by Cattelan, as well as several of his large-scale pieces dating from 2003-7, all of which are considered in the context of the Menil's remarkable holdings, with a focus on contemporary art.
Von der Webseite
Kilimanjaro Magazine No 13 A Love Letter to Roni Horn - Art, Love and everyday Life
Technische Angaben
48,5x35x1,3 cm, ISBN/ISSN 14791404
3 gefaltete Hefte in Faltkarton
A collaboration with Roni Horn - featuring Juergen Teller, John Waters & Adrian Searle.
Issue 13 of Kilimanjaro is an unofficial catalogue of sorts, whose theme is A Love Letter To Roni Horn. It is the first edition of the magazine which has been created with a single artist, and is a kind of visual & textual retrospective.
Using the traditional format of a magazine publication, comprised of interviews, essays and art criticism, we have curated an overview both of the DNA of Horn’s work, and – through the words of our selection of her friends, collaborators and admirers – of Roni Horn herself. The issue features: JUERGEN TELLER, ADRIAN SEARLE, JOHN WATERS.
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Technische Angaben
92 S., 24x17 cm, Auflage: 500, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Display Nummer
MOTLEY is a publication created to inspire, to present creative imagery in an innovative and unorthodox way. We have no set production schedule, it is created when the mood feels correct. Each new issue of Motley will be unique in design and feature the work of new and established artists, Worldwide. The premier issue launched in Summer 2010. Graphic Design by Umlaut.
Issue one features the work of nine international photographers and a graphic code, printed on the cover, allows the reader to identify the work of each featured photographer.
Featured photographers: Brendan Austin, Paola De Grenet, Sandra Freij, Anthony Hill, Samuel Hodge, Simon Howell, Lena Modigh, Benn Northover, Danny Schissler
The official monthly student magazine of University College Cork
OZON International Winter 2012-13 Shelter issue
Technische Angaben
29x23 cm, ISBN/ISSN 17923085
OZON Magazine is an urban fashion magazine that has had a stable and significant reputation as an independent publication since 1996. OZON is a different form of fashion periodical that focuses on urban youth culture, modern fashion, art and music.
The new international issue of OZON is devoted to our personal shelters all over the universe. You will gaze at beautiful pictures and read beautiful minds in search of tranquility and introspection. We discover forgotten places and wonder whether our shelters look alike.
Interviews with: Anders Petersen, George Pitts, Steven Tai, Wes Lang, Martin Stranka, Phoebe English and more. Photography by Alena Jascanka, Yorgos Mavropoulos, Sonia Szóstak, Rita Lino, Nikolas Ventourakis, Hayley Louisa Brown, Sophie Van Der Perre, Winter Vandenbrink.
Text von der Webseite
Loud and Quiet Issue 45 - The Germans are coming
Technische Angaben
37,3x29 cm, ISBN/ISSN 20499892
Blätter lose ineinander gelegt
Loud And Quiet is an independent, monthly music publication, printed the old fashioned way, physically and on news print, in London, England.
You can pick up a copy of our current issue from any of our stockists around the whole of the UK. It’s free! And if you can’t find it, we can post you copy wherever you are in the world.
Text von der Webseite
The Lousy Animals & Friends - Coloring Book
Technische Angaben
[80] S., 29,7x22 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-905999136
Rollo Nr. 22, 6. Auflage. Metallspiralbindung, Risographie
Stefan Marx’ coloring book was the first publication ever to be released by Rollo Press in early 2008. Since then, due to popular demand, it has been extended and reprinted using the risograph for five times, adding up to a total print run of 1000 copies. In early 2012, we released this offset version, which features a whole bunch of new animals as well as it marks a step forward in terms of the object, employing a silkscreend hard cover and semi-concealed wire-o binding.
Text von der Webseite
Photograph Converted into Base64 Code
Technische Angaben
24 S., 20x14 cm, Auflage: 100, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung. Schwarz-Weiß-Digitaldruck
This publication is part of the Tate Gallery special collection.
A photograph of a sculpture, made as part of an installation, converted into Base64 code. The code represents the image, and the sculpture yet is indecipherable. The code becomes an object on the page, a new language and text that cannot be read. Only the form can be read. The code is presented at a width of 72 characters using Courier. The width and font understood by the encoding software.
Text von der Webseite
_Quarterly No. 2: Superconsciousness
Technische Angaben
26.5x15.2 cm, Auflage: 1.000, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung. Druck auf dünnes grünes Papier
_Quarterly is an experimental publication focused on the visual and literary arts. Each issue follows a different theme to which the participating artists are asked to respond. The rather daunting theme of the second issue is "superconsciousness," with three in-depth responses from Ian Bartholomew, Michael Ray Von, and Justin Sloane.
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Alphabet Prime #1 Scripting
Technische Angaben
68 S., 23,3x15,1 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 20003749
Alphabet Prime is a new biannual arts journal presenting critical texts, artist contributions, and fictional works, among other content. The publication takes as its focus the problem of language in contemporary discourse, and its limitations within the established framework of “theory”.
Featuring Asli Cavusoglu, Goldin + Senneby, Jen Kennedy and Liz Linden, Ginny Kollak, F. Zahir Mibineh, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Sarah Rifky, Irit Rogoff, Johanne Nordby Wernø, Olav Westphalen
documenta 1955-2012 - The Endless Story Of Two Lovers
Technische Angaben
60 S., 28x21 cm, Auflage: 200, ISBN/ISSN 9788897503156
Drahtheftung, goldener Umschlag
Publikation anlässlich der dOCUMENTA (13)
This publication contains a selection of 60 photographs from the documenta Archive, one of the oldest and most esteemed exhibition of contemporary art in the world. The photographs — belonging to different ages — depict the two elements that make art history possible: artwork and spectator. This amazing journey through time not only concerns the history of one of the most important exhibitions in the world, but also traces the evolution, customs, and traditions of the society that created it. The book portrays a love story between two subjects — a human being and an inanimate element — that are capable of a relationship even if they speak a different language. The photographs capture the moment of these encounters, and this is what their distinctive feature consists in. Of course we are not able to listen to the dialogues, but we can still imagine them.
Text von der Verlagswebseite
Technische Angaben
[24] S., 19x14 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
From March to June 2012,the french photographer Pascal Fellonneau has been regularly wandering the streets of Paris seeking for posters of French presidential elections. This publication is a selection from his photo work.
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12345678910 Days in New York + the whole fucking storm story
Technische Angaben
[100] S., 32,7x23,3 cm, Auflage: 200, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
in transparenter Kunststoffhülle, eingeschlagen in mehrfach gefalteten Plakat (59,4x54 cm) mit eingespannter Gummikordel und angeheftetem Geldschein, innen verschiedene Papiere, eine original Sprüharbeit (gest. und num.), weitere kleinerformatige Seiten
As we are developing print media for our art work this is the first publication of Hammann & von Mier dealing with the question how to do an exhibition in a book. The whole material is linked to each other and comes from a trip to New York during October 2012, including photos, notes, found objects, an athmospheric part about the hurricane Sandy and Halloween at the same time, a kind of a diary, an interview with the performance artist Arleen Schloss, a talk between the artists Peter Kogler and Tony Oursler, etc.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
52 S., 14,7x21 cm, Auflage: 350, numeriert, ISBN/ISSN 9789078937166
Drahtheftung, Katalog zur Ausstellung vom 18. Februar bis 11. März 2012
The 16mm film Bike and Bolex echoes Mai Hofstad Gunnes’ ongoing reflection on the construction of identity. A group of five women bicycle in circular paths while filming each other with Bolex cameras. The revolving movements captured by the five subjective cameras draw a molecular structure without a fixed center and convey an idea of a non-hierarchical multiple subjectivity. A publication will be launched alongside the exhibition.
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MINE. an asset-light existence - artist publication & exhibition by Romy Kießling & Veronika Wüst
Technische Angaben
9,3x13,5 cm, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Einladungskarte zur Eröffnung, Risographie, mit handschriftlichem Gruß
NACH BILDENDE KUNST / AFTER FINE ART Works presented in the German Language / Arbeiten vorgestellt im deutschsprachigen Raum
Technische Angaben
200 S., 24,1x16,7 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-775729796
Edited by Gabriele Wix, By Gabriele Wix, graphic design by Lawrence Weiner, Anja Lutz.
Most of his oeuvre, which comprises more than a thousand language-related works, has already been presented in the German-speaking world—some of it either translated by Weiner himself or conceived using German as a basis. Featuring over 350 works, this is the first list of the English/German works. The artist assumed responsibility for the typography and cover design, as if the publication were one of his own works. Accompanying text and visual documents shed light on the creative process, in-situ installations, and Weiner’s way to work with text.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
862 S., 22x17x6 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-933045474
Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag und Lesebändchen, 2. Auflage, Vorwort von Helmut Friedel
This new edition is a newly conceptualized publication authorized by Gerhard Richter, containing the Atlas work until 2005, including particularly plates of the War Cut cycle. The Atlas is a continuous, encyclopedic work containing c. 4,000 photographs, sketches and collages arranged on more than 700 panels. As a complete work Richter's Atlas is an organism that continues to develop and change. Begun in 1962, many of the ideas preceding Richter's painterly works find their expression in the photographs, sketches, plans and collages of the "Atlas".
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A Society that Breathes Once a Year
Technische Angaben
88 S., 22,4x14,6 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-906012328
This publication is published as part of The time machine, commissioned by Book Works and Francesco Pedraglio from open submission
Technische Angaben
156 S., 24,5x17 cm, Auflage: 2.000, ISBN/ISSN 17153212
Vorderseite lackiert, verschiedene Papiere
Fillip is a publication of art, culture, and ideas released three times a year by the Projectile Publishing Society.
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Technische Angaben
23x17,1 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 9786070047442
Drahtheftung, eingeschlagen in mehrfach gefaltetes und beidseitig bedrucktes Plakat (66x46 cm), verschiedene Papiere
Pasatiempos is a play space that connects us with the image in a playful way, a proposal that reflects on the problem of temporality in contemporary subject, who lost in the entertainment culture runs to procure superfluous amusements.
Through drawing, it seeks to create an interactive action where attendees become participants in the work, both in the presentation and the editorial strategy, which proposes to escape from the condition of art as commodity fetish, a publication distributed inexpensive commonplace and easily accessible, allowing the artist to approach new audiences.
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Technische Angaben
23x18,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Pappumschlag, bestehend aus drei ausklappbaren Teilen, verschiedene Papiere, perforiert, metallverstärkte Ecken, in transparenter Kunststoffhülle, mit angebrachten Aufklebern
"RRRUIDOSSS" is a handmade publication divided in three parts that wants to take in the noises that has been established like the most annoying, noxious including the ultrasonics and infrasonics. This damaging sounds, written in paper using onomatopoeias, are reduced and convert into harmless ones. In addition, this is a very special edition as you can unfold and streap through the micro holes! So you have the possibility to get three books in one or an unfold one.
Text von der Webseite
The Gorgeous Looping Papaye Bar
Technische Angaben
36 S., 25,5x19,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-905999389
Drahtheftung, First Edition, von Vitsoe Bookswap München
The Looping Papaye Bar was an eccentric hangout initiated and steered by Mauro Paolozzi, Rafael Koch and Dimitri Broquard. This publication brings together the A4 sized invitations drawn with pencil by Dimitri Broquard for the events that took place at the ephemeral bar in 2012.
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Technische Angaben
Auflage: 100, 5 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
transparenter bedruckter Kunststoffschuber mit 3 Heften und 2 gefalteten Plakaten
WHAT THE SHOP is an art project that first took place in Vienna 2012. WHAT THE SHOP was foundet by Mirjam Schweiger in collaboration with Michael Bäckström and Judith Rohrmoser. WHAT THE SHOP does not stay at one place for long. WHAT THE SHOP speaks several languages. WHAT THE SHOP is run by people who have worked with each other before and trust each other. WHAT THE SHOP always ends with a publication. WHAT THE SHOP is an investigation of artistic practice and the city. WHAT THE SHOP is not about selling things but about everything else. WHAT THE SHOP is open for change. WHAT THE SHOP is always up for tasty food. WHAT THE SHOP is a social sculpture and an artwork. WHAT THE SHOP what the fuck haters?!
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success is closer then ever
Technische Angaben
28 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 25, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung. Folienprägung, Klebeband beschriftet, eingeklebte Postkarte, Aufkleber in transparenter Kunststoffhülle
1. Overnight Highspeed publication erschienen zur Eröffnung des Festival of Independents im Haus der Kunst
Technische Angaben
10 S., 21x29,7 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Verkaufsprospekt, Farbloserkopien nach PDF, Blätter lose ineinander gelegt
Zur Ausstellung "Elles Sont De Sortie", Catalogue Graphzines, Novembre 2012. A l’occasion de la parution du catalogue “Graphzines 1977-2002” qui décrit 450 publications représentatives de plus de 30 années d’activité de ce mouvement graphique “post punk” nous présenterons l’exposition “ESDS, Elles Sont De Sortie”, la publication collective la plus novatrice et la plus influente de ce courant, fondée en 1977 par Bruno Richard et Pascal Doury
Technische Angaben
32x24x5 cm, Auflage: 600, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schachtel Hartpappe, Siebdruck (?), mit verschiedenen Materialien
Inhalt: Einzelblatt (Manifest contra el Populisme Pervers), gefaltete Pappe mit Baumwollsocke, 3 Hefte, Leporello, Heft mit Originalnegativ, geschlossener Umschlag, gefaltetes Poster mit Sand, Folder.
In the wake of the worldwide glorification of Barcelona via the 1992 Olympics Games, a group of publishers felt that it was time to revive the creative and critical spirit at a cultural level, in the form of a magazine, in order to demonstrate the prevailing level of creativity - via manifestos and works without intermediaries. As a result, Vicenc Altaió, Claret Serrahima, Manel Guerrero, Joaquim Pibernat and Manel Sala launched the magazine, Cave Canis, (which literally means "beware of the dogs") in Barcelona, in 1996.
Starting with its first edition the magazine announced that it would have a short-lived existence - only 9 issues were published, each corresponding to one letter of the publication’s name. The magazine was constituted by a cardboard box, designed by Claret Serrahima, a manifesto, an artist’s book and sometimes contained CDs with recordings and other artistic objects, all associated with the same monographic topic. Each issue had a letter on the front cover designed by an artist. Cave Canis wasn’t available in the usual retail outlets. Each issue was presented in an unusual place in the city, where the manifesto was read, copies were distributed and the magazine then disappeared from sight. The last issue was published in 1999.
Text von der Website
Technische Angaben
32 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 40, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung. Schwarz-Weiß-Laserkopien auf blaues Papier. Umschlag mit weißen Tipp-Ex Roller Streifen, eingelegt eine Transparentfolie mit Schwarz-Weiß-Kopie, signiert. Alles in transparenter Kunststoffhülle
2. Overnight Highspeed publication
Free Form Across the Universes
Technische Angaben
[16] S., 10,5x12 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, verschiedenfarbige Papiere, Schwarz-Weiß-Laserdruck
An Undistinguished Martyrdom. (for those I still love)
Technische Angaben
[16] S., 10,5x12 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, verschiedenfarbige Papiere, Veröffentlichungsjahr handschriftlich korrigiert, Schwarz-Weiß-Laserdruck
Prometheus Extinguished Darkly
Technische Angaben
[16] S., 10,5x13 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, verschiedenfarbige Papiere, Schwarz-Weiß-Laserdruck
Technische Angaben
[16] S., 10,5x14,9 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, verschiedenfarbige Papiere, Schwarz-Weiß-Laserdruck
The Magpie Is No Thief, It Just Likes Shiny Things - The Further Lamenations of Dr. Moss Mure
Technische Angaben
[16] S., 15x21 cm, Auflage: 35, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Farblaserkopie
The Rook He Doth A Foraging Go - The Lamenations of Dr. Moss Mure
Technische Angaben
[16] S., 15x21 cm, Auflage: 25, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Farblaserkopie
Gift Of The Sparrow - The Final Lamenations of Dr. Moss Mure
Technische Angaben
[16] S., 21x15 cm, Auflage: 25, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Farblaserkopie
J & R's Trans-Atlantic Diner - 30th. May - 6th. June 2014
Technische Angaben
[18] S., 21x15 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Vorsatzblatt aus schwarzem Papier, Farblaserkopie
Technische Angaben
15,7x11 cm, Auflage: Unikat, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Grußkarte, laminiert, gestempelt, mit handschriftlicher Widmung auf Vorderseite und Vogelfeder auf Rückseite
Technische Angaben
15,8x11 cm, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
laminierte Postkarte, Vorderseite handkoloriert und mit Laubblatt
Technische Angaben
14,5x10,5x2,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
verschiedene Postkartenarbeiten von April 2011 bis Januar 2015, überwiegend beidseitig bedruckt, mit Banderole
Anger Management . -blow it up und pop it with a pin
Technische Angaben
14,5x10,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
mit montiertem schwarzen Luftballon
Underscore Quarterly Issue 4: Sea
Technische Angaben
21x29.3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Blatt mehrfach gefaltet
_Quarterly is a Brooklyn-based experimental publication focused on the visual and literary arts. Each issue follows a different theme to which the participating artists are asked to respond.
The fourth issue of _Quarterly revolves around the idea of the Sea. Each artist presents works focusing around ideas of vastness, mystery, nostalgia, and nautical exploration. Paired with classic literature, this issue compares and contrasts the many notions of the sea, ranging from literal interpretations to more abstract representations of the ideas surrounding large expanses of water.
Text von Website.
Archive Set - La Bibliothèque Fantastique
Technische Angaben
22x30,8x16 cm, 120 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Karton, Cover beschriftet und beklebt, mit 112 gelochten Heften (110 mit Drahtheftung, 2 Broschur) und 8 Ephemera, Schwarz-Weiß- und Farbfotokopien, Text
Archive Set of every publication published by La Bibliothèque Fantastique from 2009 until 2013. (Beschreibung Deckel)
Persönliches Austellungs-Set von Antoine Lefebvre.
Everything is About to Happen
Technische Angaben
1 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Farblaserkopie nach Webseite
Zur Ausstellung vom 14.04.-26.04.2014
The exhibition presents circa 300 books in an attempt to offer an overview, and initiate an archive, of recent artists’ books. It focuses on publication as a medium and context for art practices. It looks at the ways in which artists use the format of the book as an artistic strategy exploiting, and often expanding upon, its nature as a fixed but randomly accessible sequence of words and images. All the books selected are either self-published or participate in a minor economy of small publishers. Their modes of production and circulation, as well as the conditions under which they are experienced and stored, strengthen their content.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[52] S., 21,6x17,9 cm, Auflage: 500, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Risographie, mehrfarbig
The first official publication put out by Pegacorn Press, Future Tense, features 11 different artists from the U.S. and Germany. The extremely broad topic of "2012" and/or "the future," was suggested as a theme that everyone was encouraged to interpret however they pleased. The result is a cornucopia of hilarity and subliminal social commentary!
Artists include: Edie Fake, Jo Dery, Anna Haifisch, Mike Taylor, Sy Wagon, Roby Newton, Josh Bayer, Al Burian, James Turek, Kasey Henneman + Caroline Paquita.
Text von der Webseite
Art Prison # 6 - Blue Cabin
Technische Angaben
[48] S., 26,1x19,6 cm, Auflage: 330, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadengeheftet, mit Schutzumschlag. Mehrfarbiger Risographie und Ricoh
This publication is the result of a book-residency of 14 days Mari Kanstad Johnsen did at Knust, Extrapool. It’s part of Art Prison, an ongoing project in which an artist gets invited to come and make a stencilprinted book at Knust, Extrapool. Blue Cabin contains detailed pencil and ink drawings of extraordinary sceneries and characters. It tells the story of a hermit man who is discovering a whole new world.
Text von Website
Art Prison # 7 - Beginners
Technische Angaben
[40] S., 27,5x19,5 cm, Auflage: 330, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadengeheftet. Mehrfarbiger Risographie und Ricoh
This publication is the result of a book-residency of 14 days Anne Vagt did at Knust, Extrapool. It’s part of Art Prison, an ongoing project in which an artist gets invited to come and make a stencilprinted book at Knust, Extrapool. Beginners is filled with light coloured abstract drawings and notes, interspersed with small and funny figurative, suggestive elements. The general feel is subtle yet very intriguing.
Text von Website
Technische Angaben
[44] S., 27,6x19,6 cm, Auflage: 330, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadengeheftet. Mehrfarbiger Risographie und Ricoh
This publication is the result of a book-residency of 14 days Gijs Deddens did at Knust, Extrapool. It’s part of Art Prison, an ongoing project in which an artist gets invited to come and make a stencilprinted book at Knust, Extrapool. Som is filled with very detailed and hatched drawings of animals, structures/patterns, landscapes and other nature subjects with a hazy, yet a bit dark and pleasant feel.
Text von Website
Technische Angaben
96 S., 38x27,2 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
the first edition of PLATOON MAGAZINE will be exclusively unveiled at the launch event at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE Berlin.
With PLATOON MAGAZINE we invite you to explore our worldwide network through the outstanding projects of some of our 7500 PLATOON MEMBERS across more than 50 countries. Each quarterly print publication not only highlights the creativity we see on a daily basis within the PLATOON NETWORK, it also includes a theme — an artistic topic of global relevance. First on our agenda: wearable technology. Ultimately, this magazine is for inspiration—another channel to reach our goals of culture development, in addition to our creative spaces in Berlin and Seoul.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
352 S., 32x25,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780500241493
Hardcover, Leinen bedruck mit HP Indigo 10000, mit Lesebändchen. Die Bilder auf dem Umschlag werden per Zufall aus 230 Bildern kombiniert
Mit Texten von Steven Heller, John Maeda, Eugene S Flamm.
The beloved typewriter--its utilitarian beauty, the pleasing percussive action of striking its keys, the singularity of the impressed page--is enjoying a genuine renaissance across the creative industries. In this authoritative publication, the founders of the Sackner Archive of Visual and Concrete Poetry, the largest such collection in the world, apply their experience, mining the collection they have created over four decades to present examples produced by more than 200 of the world's finest typewriter artists. From the early ornamental works produced by secretaries in the late nineteenth century to more recent works that consider the unique position of the typewritten document in the digital age, there is an astonishing and delightful range of creativity in every artwork.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
90 S., 43x28,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-863356798
90 lose ineinandergelegte Seiten mit 45 farbigen Abbildungen
Herausgegeben von Alice Dusapin & Christophe Daviet-Thery. Beiträge von Steve Roden & Oscar Tuazon.
Allan Kaprow is considered to be the founding father of the Happening, of Environments and Activities: terms that he continued to redefine throughout his career. With a wide selection of images, this publication documents Kaprow's posters, a lesser-known side of his work, produced between 1953 fand 1996. Most of these posters were designed by Allan Kaprow and are characterized by their aesthetic quality, the earliest ones in particular a combination of hand-lettered text and drawings and the later ones of photographs and typographic text in a minimalist style. More than merely advertising Happenings or Activities, these posters act as scores/tools for the participants to the Happenings and as everyday objects that blur the boundaries between art and life.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[24] S., 21x16,6 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 978-2-914291606
Softcover, Drahtheftung, Cover aufklappbar
Ce livre s'ouvre sur une photographie montrant l’artiste nu, faisant face à l’étendue de la mer. S'y succède un texte, composé de ces trois mots : infinity in finity, répétés à l’infini. Où est donc l’infini ainsi évoqué ? dans l’horizon de la mer ? dans les pages du livre ? dans le texte lu ou dans l’expérience de l’art ? Le texte décliné sur l'ensemble des pages existe sous une forme orale. Déclamé à trois voix par Cees de Boer, herman de vries et Katharina Winterhalter, il accompagne la publication
Text von der Webseite
Sei Niemals Krass Zu Deinen Brüdern
Technische Angaben
[42] S., 21x14,9 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, Softcover
Publikation erscheint anlässlich der Gartenparty im Sommerloch von Mauve und Spike
Alla Carta No. 04 - Dissertations Around a Table
Technische Angaben
140 S., 31x22,3 cm, ISBN/ISSN 22809309
Broschur, mit eingefügtem Heft
Alla Carta is a bi-annual international publication that approaches high-end fashion, art and design in a unique Italian way. We truly believe in paper, carta in Italian.
At a time when the web may appear to be the only valid avenue of communication, Alla Carta is an ode to the most precious of mediums and to the most precious moment of the day: our interviews always take place around a table, to celebrate one of the oldest Italian habits, conviviality. Text von Website
Technische Angaben
300 S., 23x16,7 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788480264990
Ausstellungskatalog anlässlich der gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Museum Reina Sofia, Madrid vom 28.10.2014-09.02.2015.
This catalogue investigates the notion of “really useful knowledge” and its origins. In the 1820s and 1830s, working class organisations in the UK introduced this phrase to describe a body of knowledge that encompassed various “unpractical” disciplines such as politics, economics and philosophy, as opposed to the “useful knowledge” proclaimed by business owners who had previously begun to invest more heavily in their companies’ progress through financing workers’ education in “applicable” disciplines like engineering, physics, chemistry and mathematics. The publication presents texts and conversations that analyse these themes, including philosophy, art, politics and technology.
Mit Texten von u. a.: What, How & for Whom, Marina Garcés, Raqs Media Collective, Luis Camnitzer, Trevor Paglen, Jacob Appelbaum, Fred Moten & Stefano Harney und G.M.Tamás.
Text von Website
Technische Angaben
254 S., 23x16,6 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788480265096
Publikation zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung vom 15.10.2014-02.03.2015.
The exhibition catalogue of republic brings together a broad selection of works by Juan Luis Moraza that explore the museum as a system of conventions and possibilities of citizenship. If one of the problems of contemporary democracy is the dilemma facing each citizen – between passivity and the possibilities of participation in social life – in the museum Moraza finds a space of convergence between the citizen-artist and citizen-spectator. Texts by the artist, in addition to a glossary and conversation, both developed by the show’s curator João Fernandes, are presented. The publication is arranged into two complementary parts: the odd-numbered pages comprise a catalogue of works, documents and literary works selected by the artist, while the even pages make an essay about republic.
Text von Website
We are not alone – We are a fly in the milk of infinity
Technische Angaben
128 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 150, ISBN/ISSN 9789963225101
Softcover, Klebebindung
Christophoros Kyriakides was born in Nicosia, Cyprus in 1949. He was an architecture draughtsman and considered himself an inventor. In 1988 he self-published “Six Continents Stars Compass”, ‘an entertaining and educational’ board game. He considered the game inventive, recreative and formative for all ages and intended its global distribution. The game received no recognition from the public and now only a few copies exist.
In the board game, Kyriakides draws a journey with impossible objects, invented maps, landscapes and anagrammatic poetry with mathematical diagrams. One comes across an abstracted reflection of 80s locality, world politics, obsession with the American dream, an isolated emotional darkness but also a universal landscape. A chance encounter of Marina Xenofontos with this game catalysed a strong fascination that led to the uncovering of his archive. This publication, a part of Xenofontos’ practice-based research, brings to the fore the rich universe of Kyriakides’ personal symbolism that shecreatively harnesses as a means of an alternative, atypical handling and systematisation of themes and issues that she finds affinities with.
Evagoras Vanezis.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
144 S., 21,5x16 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 9789605052133
Softcover, Broschur, Klappcover,
This Publication was released on the occasion of Maria Loizidou's installation A Transfer, as part of Neon's City Project. City Project is an initiative on public art and the city wich is conceived and commissioned by Neon, realized annually.
Text aus dem Buch
Technische Angaben
[28] S., 21,6x14 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Schwarzweiß-Fotokopien mit Umschlag aus farbigen Papier,
Das PhotoStatic Magazine wurde 1983 von Lloyd Donn gegründet. Ausgabe gestaltet von DiMichele und Crag Hill
Animal of The State, Fiction through Reality
Technische Angaben
218 S., 22x16,5 cm, Auflage: 1.000, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 978-3-932934360
Klebebindung, Umschlag mit Prägung, eingelegte Kunstpostkarte
The publication “Animal of The State, Fiction through Reality” reflects on the process of the Survival Kit’s three-year existence. Individually and collectively written texts by the participants intertwine with guest contributions by companions who have been involved in the experiment in various ways. This book considers itself to a lesser extent as documentation of this experiment’s history but rather as a medium of visualisation of the mutual learning process.
The educational and artistic research program Survival Kit was funded by the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD through the programme “Partnerships with Greek Institutions of Higher Education 2014 – 2016”.
Text von der Webseite
Design: Stefanie Hammann, Maria von Mier
Technische Angaben
[48] S., 17,7x20,2 cm, Auflage: 200, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, von Al Souza signiert
This, the first publication by both artists, juxtaposes their differing approaches to portraying the passage of time with the illusions of the photographic process. Kearns presents 13 newspaper clippings from the "Hampshire Gazette" of 25th wedding anniversary announcements, including photographs and text. Souza using images of his hand, pieces of chalk, and prunes demonstrates his now well-known involvement with time-space-light and photographic illusion.
Text Printed Matter
Technische Angaben
64 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, unbeschnitten, beigelegt der Ausstellungsplan und handschriftliches Anschreiben
The exhibition Copy Construct departs from different artistic practices and specific works by artists that are based on reproduction or copy. The selected works are inherent to the production of printed matter or artist’s books. This implies that different artistic media such as painting, drawing, photography, video, sculpture, and graphic design can manifest themselves through graphical problematics and their meanings. Alongside the 25 works of the artists, a little less than 300 books from the KASK collection (School of Arts, Ghent) and private collections from Belgium and England are displayed in the exhibition. The exhibition architecture is designed by Kris Kimpe and Koenraad Dedobbeleer and is accompanied by a publication, designed by Joris Dockx, which includes a bibliography of the exhibited books, different contributions by the artists, an interview with a book collector, etc.
Technische Angaben
44 S., 28,9x22,4 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788862084284
nur Bilder, ohne Text
TOILETPAPER is an artists’ magazine created and produced by Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari, born out of a passion or obsession they both cultivate: images. The magazine contains no text. each picture springs from an idea, often simple, and through a complex orchestration of people it becomes the materialization of the artists’ mental outbursts. Since the first issue, in June 2010, TOILETPAPER has created a world that displays ambiguous narratives and a troubling imagination. It combines the vernacular of commercial photography with twisted narrative tableaux and surrealistic imagery. The result is a publication that is itself a work of art, which, through its accessible form as a magazine, and through its wide distribution, challenges the limits of the contemporary art economy. Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
44 S., 28,9x22,4 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788862082945
nur Bilder, ohne Text
TOILETPAPER is an artists’ magazine created and produced by Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari, born out of a passion or obsession they both cultivate: images. The magazine contains no text. each picture springs from an idea, often simple, and through a complex orchestration of people it becomes the materialization of the artists’ mental outbursts. Since the first issue, in June 2010, TOILETPAPER has created a world that displays ambiguous narratives and a troubling imagination. It combines the vernacular of commercial photography with twisted narrative tableaux and surrealistic imagery. The result is a publication that is itself a work of art, which, through its accessible form as a magazine, and through its wide distribution, challenges the limits of the contemporary art economy. Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
44 S., 28,9x22,4 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788862083393
nur Bilder, ohne Text
TOILETPAPER is an artists’ magazine created and produced by Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari, born out of a passion or obsession they both cultivate: images. The magazine contains no text. each picture springs from an idea, often simple, and through a complex orchestration of people it becomes the materialization of the artists’ mental outbursts. Since the first issue, in June 2010, TOILETPAPER has created a world that displays ambiguous narratives and a troubling imagination. It combines the vernacular of commercial photography with twisted narrative tableaux and surrealistic imagery. The result is a publication that is itself a work of art, which, through its accessible form as a magazine, and through its wide distribution, challenges the limits of the contemporary art economy. Text von der Webseite
Toiletpaper Kalender 2017
Technische Angaben
26 S., 28x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
13 Blätter mit Spiralbindung, einmal gefaltet
The Toiletpaper wall calendar features photographs conceived by Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari taken from their magazine Toiletpaper, an image-only publication devoted to the combination of the height of attractiveness with that of ugliness.
Text von der Website
one to one - Issue No 5 - Victoria Square - 13 Elpidos Street
Technische Angaben
4 S., 42,5x29 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
mehrfach gefaltetes Blatt
The publication is an attempt to map the local businesses in the area around Victoria Square, and a “meeting point" for the people of the neighborhood where they can narrate their stories. Every issue will host two new stories. Ausgabe vom 21.04.2017
Technische Angaben
[20] S., 15,5x10,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Winterkatalog von Tenderbooks London. Mit einem Textzitat von Sun Ra auf der Rückseite.
Tenderbooks is a space for independent artist publications and unique contemporary art books. Publication launches, readings and happenings take place weekly.
Text von der Webseite
Kopierte Künstlerbriefmarken - Konvolut
Technische Angaben
29,7x21 cm, 3 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drei Schwarz-weiß Kopien von Künstlerbriefmarken, teilweise ausgeschnitten
Ein Bogen mit 23 Künstlerbriefmarken von James Warren Felter zusammen mit Ecarts Publication, 1976, zwei Marken ausgeschnitten. Ein Teil des 1st New York Stamp #1 of 2 von E. F. Higgins III. 1977, mit sechs Künstlerbriefmarken. Und sechs Künstlerbriefmarken eines commemorative sheet mit diversen Künstlern.
Verlängerung eines Gedankens
Technische Angaben
[40] S., 26,4x19,2 cm, Auflage: 250, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Klappumschlag, Heft mit Drahtheftung eingeklebt, gefaltetes Plakat (880×630 mm) in Umschlag eingelegt. Umschlag Handsiebdruck, gerillt
Dokumentation der Montage zweier großer Spiegelflächen auf einer Eisenbahnbrücke eines stellgelegten Bahngleises in der Nähe von München.
On April 2nd 2015, the artist Zedrick Meyer used two opposing mirrors to extend a 30 metres long, abandoned railway track into infinity. The publication is documenting the process, its realization and the result of the intervention.
Text von der Webseite
Olafur Eliasson - Sonne statt Regen
Technische Angaben
96 S., 23x37 cm, ISBN/ISSN 3775712593
Hardcover, fadengeheftet
Buch erschienen anlässlich der Ausstellung "Sonne statt Regen" von Olafur Eliasson im Kunstbau der Städtischen Galerie im Lenbachhaus, 08.03.-15.06.2003. Olafur Eliasson beschäftigt sich seit Anfang der neunziger Jahre mit kognitiven und physikalischen Phänomenen, wie man sie aus der Natur und den Naturwissenschaften kennt. Mit technisch sehr aufwändigen Apparaten oder auch bestechend einfachen Mitteln wie Wasser oder Licht stellt er künstliche Landschaften und Wahrnehmungsmomente her, die natürliche Phänomene (wieder) erlebbar oder sichtbar machen. Ihre stark atmosphärische, aber gänzlich konstruierte Qualität macht dabei schmerzlich bewusst, wie weit unsere moderne Zivilisation von unmittelbarer Erfahrung entfernt ist und stellt die Annahme von Authentizität im Bereich der Wahrnehmung in Frage. Dieses in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Künstler großzügig gestaltete »Over-Size«-Buch versammelt eine Serie von Landschaftsfotografien Eliassons aus seiner isländischen Heimat, die sich mit den Grenzen und Konventionen unserer herkömmlichen Landschaftserfahrung beschäftigen. Sie verdeutlichen, dass unsere Wahrnehmung von Natur entscheidend von kulturellen Einflüssen, Erinnerungen und Erwartungen geprägt ist. Zum Künstler: Olafur Eliasson *1967 in Kopenhagen. 1989-1995 Studium an der Königlich Dänischen Kunstakademie, Kopenhagen. Zahlreiche Ausstellungen weltweit, darunter auch im Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum und im Whitney Museum of Art, New York, 1999 Teilnahme an der Biennale Venedig. Lebt und arbeitet in Kopenhagen und Berlin.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
240 ca. S., 12,5x10 cm, Auflage: 2.000, ISBN/ISSN 0894390139
Umschlag aus Karton mit Leinenstreifen, ca. 120 Seiten gestanzt
2004 winner of I.D. Magazine's Design Distinction award, Absence is the third book to come out of Printed Matter’s Publishing Program for Emerging Artists, a program made possible through the generous support of New York City's Department of Cultural Affairs, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Elizabeth Firestone Graham Foundation, and the Heyday Foundation. The generosity of Whitney trustees Melva Bucksbaum and Raymond J. Learsy was instrumental to the Museum’s participation in the publication of this exciting new work.
Both a book and a sculptural object, Absence is a memorial to the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Yoon, an architect and designer who is currently an Assistant Professor of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, chose not to produce a traditional design proposal for the World Trade Center Memorial Competition. Instead she created a non-architectural, non site-specific space of remembrance: a portable personal memorial in the form of book.
At almost two pounds, Absence has a considerable physical presence, but it is in every way the ghost of a presence, and it is this ghostliness that gives it its particular emotional weight. A solid white block of thick stock cardboard pages, the book’s only "text" consists of one pinhole and two identical squares die-cut into each of its one-hundred-and-twenty pages – one for each story of the towers including the antenna mast. These removed elements lead the reader floor by floor through the missing buildings towards the final page where the footprint of the entire site of the World Trade Center is die-cut into a delicate lattice of absent structures.
Of all of the proposed monuments and grand designs for the twin towers to emerge in the last two years, Absence is remarkable for its employment of an under-used strategy: restraint. The simplicity of Yoon’s materials and her use of repetition speak, without words, about unspeakable loss. Quiet, respectful, mournful, the book does not aim to represent the magnitude of the disaster. Instead it appeals to the vastness of the reader’s imagination and capacity to grieve. The human scale of her memorial operates on a personal level – it delivers the memory of lives lost into the reader’s hands. At the same time, as a scale model of a vanished architectural site, it operates on a larger cultural level by commemorating the site itself.
Text von der Webseite. Fotos Xenia Fumbarev
München du Sattes Gesicht!
Technische Angaben
52 S., 21x29,7 cm, Auflage: 18, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
This publication was part of the installation “München du sattes Gesicht!” at Galerie der Künstler München, 2017. It collects all our demands. b/w copies of the original sheets from the installation “München du sattes Gesicht!, stapled.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
derek beaulieu - a readymade dictionary.
Technische Angaben
[4] S., 15,2x14,4 cm, Auflage: 80, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Aufklappbares Einzelblatt aus Büttenpapier mit geschöpftem Rand und mit eingeklebter Seite
derek beaulieu’s “a readymade dictionary.” marks fifty years since the publication of Roland Barthes’ La mort de l’auteur by cataloguing the deaths of fifty unidentified authors and artists, one per year. A single page, tipped into folded card. Published in a numbered edition of 80 copies.
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
[44] S., 28,8x22,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788862085564
nur Bilder, ohne Text
Toiletpaper is an artists’ magazine created and produced by Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari, born out of a passion or obsession they both cultivate: images. Number 15, powered by Perrotin. The magazine contains no text. each picture springs from an idea, often simple, and through a complex orchestration of people it becomes the materialization of the artists’ mental outbursts. Since the first issue, in June 2010, ‘Toiletpaper’ has created a world that displays ambiguous narratives and a troubling imagination. It combines the vernacular of commercial photography with twisted narrative tableaux and surrealistic imagery. The result is a publication that is itself a work of art, which, through its accessible form as a magazine, and through its wide distribution, challenges the limits of the contemporary art economy.
Text von der Webseite
Acht Baumgedichte von Friedrich Hölderlin
Technische Angaben
28 S., 24,5x18x5 cm, Auflage: 15, numeriert, ISBN/ISSN 293027915X
Schachtel mit 20 Doppelpalmen aus Platik, einem Heft (fadengeheftet, mit eingelegten Transparentpapieren und bedruckter Bauchbinde, signiert), einer Original-Baumzeichnung im gefalteten Einzelblatt mit Transparentpapier, Karton mit zwei aufgedruckten Palmen. Mit aufgeleimter Farbkopie der Palmen im Deckel.
Die Beschreibung im Heft erwähnt vakuumverschweißte Eichen-, Lorbeer- und Pappelblätter, diese fehlen aber in der Box.
EAT DRINK FUCK SLEEP - four edible prints - printed with edible ink on edible paper
Technische Angaben
23x17,4 cm, Auflage: 18, numeriert, signiert, ISBN/ISSN 2930279281
Beklebte Mappe, nummeriert und signiert, 4 bedruckte Bögen aus Esspapier in Plastikhülle.
1. Auflage. Gedruckt in den Farben Gelb, Blau, Rot und Grau
Andy Warhol - the complete commissioned magazine work 1948 - 1987
Technische Angaben
407 S., 39x27,5x5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-791349923
Hardcover, Fadenheftung, in Schuber
This gorgeously illustrated deluxe volume shows the full range of Warhol’s work for magazines—which will surprise even his most ardent fans—and includes cover art, editorial illustration, and ad work.
Beginning with the cover of a 1948 issue of Carnegie Tech’s student magazine, Cano, and ending with a 1987 issue of Jet Society International, this stunning book explores, for the very first time, the full story of Warhol’s collaborations with some of the most influential publications of the 20th century, including Harper’s Bazaar, Vogue, Time, TV Guide, Vanity Fair, and Playboy. Generously illustrated with images of the magazine layouts, this landmark publication collects more than 400 issues, revealing the artist’s full range of styles while also charting his artistic development over the decades. From charming drawings of shoes, hats, flowers, and cats to iconic illustrations of cars and cosmetics, from glitzy celebrity portraits to sexy pinups made with collaged Polaroids, this catalogue raisonné sheds new light on the influence of the media and consumerism on contemporary art (and vice versa) even as it offers a unique perspective on Warhol’s deep and lifelong connection to popular culture.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
66 S., 27,3x20 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 9789491843945
Drahtheftung, beigelegt der Ausstellungsplan und handschriftliches Anschreiben
The exhibition Copy Construct departs from different artistic practices and specific works by artists that are based on reproduction or copy. The selected works are inherent to the production of printed matter or artist’s books. This implies that different artistic media such as painting, drawing, photography, video, sculpture, and graphic design can manifest themselves through graphical problematics and their meanings. Alongside the 25 works of the artists, a little less than 300 books from the KASK collection (School of Arts, Ghent) and private collections from Belgium and England are displayed in the exhibition. The exhibition architecture is designed by Kris Kimpe and Koenraad Dedobbeleer and is accompanied by a publication, designed by Joris Dockx, which includes a bibliography of the exhibited books, different contributions by the artists, an interview with a book collector, etc.
Technische Angaben
76 S., 22x15,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9789491843754
Fadengeheftet, Softcover, Text auf Englisch
This fiction, a collaboration between Kasper Andreasen and Louis Lüthi, takes as its starting point the painter Alexander Cozens’s publication A New Method of Assisting the Invention in Drawing Original Compositions of Landscape (1785). Set one morning in an empty gallery and told from the point of view of a young man who installs exhibitions for a living, The Preparator combines text and image in a series of compact, associative tableaus, each revolving around a landscape—or rather, the memory of a landscape: a title page, an eighteenth-century ink drawing, the network of cracks in a ceiling, a walk along the Rhine, a satellite photograph, Thomas Bernhard holding forth in a private garden, and others.
Text von der Website.
Technische Angaben
20 S., 19,5x13,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
This small publication is an edited reprint of the essay ‘The Book in Intermediary Form’ written by Kasper Andreasen. It was originally published by Wintertuin, Nijmegen as part of a compilation about the future of the book. Turning the Page also contains a script for the audiovisual book Tomorrow, which is a collaborative work between Hanne Lippard and Kasper Andreasen reflecting on the status of the (photography) book in audiovisual form.
Text von der Website
Reviewed printed matter - International Institute of Social History
Technische Angaben
82 S., 29,7x20,7 cm, Auflage: 150, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Softcover, mit Request-Form auf buntem Papier, letzte Seite gestempelt
This publication is the outcome of a review assignment which was part of the theory programm Critique & Actuality in the graphic design department of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, 2007. The eleven-day program was compiled by Kasper Andreasen and was based on studying and understanding different methodologies of reviewing and analyzing printed matter. Among the guest lecturers were Louis Lüthi, Petra Van der Jeught and Felix Weigand.
Technische Angaben
[148] S., 32,6x25,4 cm, ISBN/ISSN 3865211224
Hardcover mit Leineneinband und Prägedruck.
Anlässlich der gleichnamigen Ausstellung von Paulo Nozolino im Museu de Arte Contemporanea de Serralves, Porto, 07.05.-10.07.2005.
Paulo Nozolino only makes black and white photographs and they are dominated by an impossible darkness that seems impenetrable to light. The photographs were made all over the world - notably in countries of the Arab world - but in the majority of cases it would be difficult to attribute a specific location to them.
Photographs from Auschwitz are the decisive exception. Auschwitz appears as the absolute place and time that orientates everything else. In thirty years of a career as a photographer, Nozolino has constantly intensified his tragic vision of reality: this is visualised in pictures that originate from his own biography and travels. in pictures of men, women and children. in pictures of birth, love making and death.
This publication assembles for the first time photographs from Nozolino's different projects over the years, to form a new narrative, untold until now: the narrative of beginning and ending, and at the same time the narrative of his life's work.
Text von der Webseite
Toiletpaper 08 - September 1971
Technische Angaben
[44] S., 28,8x22,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788862082860
nur Bilder, ohne Text
"Toilet Paper" is an artists' magazine created and produced by Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari, born out of a passion or obsession they both cultivate: images. The magazine contains no text - each picture springs from an idea, often simple, and through a complex orchestration of people it becomes the materialization of the artists’ mental outbursts. Since the first issue, in June 2010, "Toilet Paper" has created a world that displays ambiguous narratives and a troubling imagination. It combines the vernacular of commercial photography with twisted narrative tableaux and surrealistic imagery. The result is a publication that is itself a work of art which, through its accessible form as a magazine, and through its wide distribution, challenges the limits of the contemporary art economy". A brand new, pristine example of the eighth issue of this fascinating, irregularly issued artist's project.
Text von der Webseite
Dreh Buch Nr. 001 - Liebe und Macht / Das Leben der Stechmücke
Technische Angaben
[20] S., 7,4x14,6 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Von zwei Seiten lesbarer Comic von Rainer Resch und Ami Vogel. Heft wird nicht in der Mitte gewendet, Comics laufen jeweils einseitig von Anfang bis Ende des Hefts.
Technische Angaben
[12] S., 10,5x14,7 cm, Auflage: 37, numeriert, signiert, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Farbige Einzelblätter, mit zwei Klemmen zusammengehalten. Brief von Rainer Resch beigelegt.
Correspondance from Ray Johnson postmarked 7. January, 1976
Technische Angaben
10,1x15,2 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Beidseitig bedruckte Postkarte in gestempeltem Umschlag.
Postkarte zu Lightworks No 22: The Ray Johnson Issue (2000).
I'm gonna die historic on the fury road
Technische Angaben
[36] S., 19x13,6 cm, 3 Teile. ISBN/ISSN 978-3-952420669
Drahtheftung, Cover beschichtet, in transparenter Plastikfolie. Mit beigelegtem Brief und Visitenkarte des Spenders. Alles in schwarzer Versandtasche.
"I'm gonna die historic on the fury road" ist 36 Seiten explosives Bildmaterial, das einer äußerst actiongeladenen Hollywood-Filmproduktion entrissen wurde. Die Zerlegung des Filmmaterials in Einzelbilder erlaubt es auch dem blossen AUge das ausladende Farben- und Formenspektakel dieser internalisch-exzessiven Benzinfeuerwerke in aller Ruhe wahrzunehmen. Vom ursprünglichen Bewegtbild bleiben die Gesten einer urgewaltigen Bildsprache, die in ihrer eindeutigen und hemmungslosen Überwältigungsabsicht und dem unaufhörlichen Streben nach dem Spektakulären, bis an den Rand der Selbstparodie hinausragt.
Text aus dem beigelegten Brief.
Technische Angaben
218 S., 24,5x17 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-775731768
Fadengeheftet, Hardcover geprägt, eingelegt Werbekarte des Verlags
Richard Prince: Collected Writings gathers together for the first time a selection of short works of fiction by highly regarded visual artist Richard Prince. Produced between 1974 and 2009, the thirty-five prose pieces compiled here explore everything from Franz Kline to Woodstock, and include revealing musings on the revolutionary approach to photography that's been central to Prince's art-making practice. Edited and with an introduction by Kristine McKenna, Richard Prince: Collected Writings features a fictional essay by Jonathan Lethem. The publication includes a limited edition of 50 sets of three joke greeting cards hand-written and signed by Prince.
Text von der Website.
Dutch Issue of RUW! 01 - Unbekannterweise
Technische Angaben
[28] S., 33x23,5 cm, Auflage: 50, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
geklammerte Einzelblätter in Hartpappe-Umschlag Digitaldruck, verschiedene Drucktechniken auf verschiedene Materialien: Papiere, Stoff, Collage
A magazine which consist of only handmade prints. RUW! is the combination of the word ‘raw’ , as in the American magazine ‘RAW’, founded in the 80’s by Art Spiegelman and Francoise Mouly and the German word ‘rau, pronounced as the Dutch word ‘ruw’. It emphasizes madness as the madness in ‘Tales of ordinary Madness’ by Charles Bukowski.
Text von der Website.
Daniel Knorr - Led R. Nanirok
Technische Angaben
304 S., 18x13 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-037640784
Broschur, Fadenheftung, Schutzumschlag
Begleitpublikation zur Ausstellung "Daniel Knorr - Scherben bringen Glück" in der Kunsthalle Fridericianum Kassel, 07.12.2008-04.01.2009, und der Ausstellung "Daniel Knorr - Led R. Nanirok", Kunsthalle Basel, 20.09.–15.11.2009.
The book is the first monograph on Daniel Knorr, one of the most important Romanian artists of the younger generation. Designed by Ludovic Balland in close collaboration with the artist, the publication is produced as an independent project alongside with Knorr's comprehensive survey exhibition at Kunsthalle Basel.
Text von der Webseite
100 problems for no reason
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 014 aus der Reihe 100for10.
After graduating with a degree in Graphic Design (London and Augsburg) Mirko Borsche worked as an art director for advertising agency Springer & Jacoby where he was responsible for several campaigns. From 1999 to 2002 he was art director of jetzt magazine (spin-off of Süddeutsche Zeitung). From 2002 M. Borsche was art director for Mini-International BMW Group for several years. Also in 2002 he launched the youth magazine NEON for Stern/Gruner+Jahr as art director. In 2004, he returned to jetzt for the magazine’s relaunch and stayed until 2007. Since 2007 he is creative director for weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT and every other publication of the Zeit-Verlag such as Zeitmagazin and Zeit Wissen. In 2007 Borsche also founded his design studio Bureau Mirko Borsche in Munich. His clients hail from all fields, from culture and media to business: Bavarian State Opera, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Thalia Theater, Harper’s Bazaar, Audi, BMW Group, Saskia Diez, Stefan Diez, Kostas Murkudis, Nike… Mirko Borsche received numerous national and international awards for his work. Amongst many national exhibtions, his work was exhibited in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Florence, Stockholm, Seoul and Tokyo.
Archiving the Present - Manual on Cataloguing Modern and Contemporary Art in Archives - gegenwart dokumentieren - handbuch zur erschliessung moderner und zeitgenössischer kunst in archiven und datenbanken
Technische Angaben
344 S., 23,5x14,6 cm, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 3950083138
Fadenheftung, offener Rücken
Leitfaden für den inhaltlichen Aufbau von Archivierungssystemen und Datenbanken. Ein umfassender Überblick zu internationalen Kunstarchiven und -datenbanken mit einem besonderen Schwerpunkt zu osteuropäischen Instituten ergänzt die praktischen Hinweise.
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
monoperro is a self-taught artist as he has no academic education in art. In addition to being an illustrator, he is a writer, and, as an important part of his artistic activity, he performs Tarot readings created by him called Tarot del Espejo (Tarot of the Mirror). He also offers artistic and vital services such as workshops and talks, under the name ‘Ultralkymia’. In 2015 he published his first book ‘Gran Fin’ (in the publishing house jekyll and jill ( He also has another publication ‘Dibujo Mágico’ which is a guide to the practice of drawing as self-knowledge. You can follow his daily activity on his instagram account: @monoperro
Eternal Network - A Mail Art Anthology
Technische Angaben
304 S., 28x22,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 1895176271
Broschur, Softcover, umschlagen mit Klebefolie, mit Bibliotheks-Strichcode am Buchrücken und auf der Rückseite, Schnitt mehrmals gestempelt
Eternal Network is the first university press publication to explore the historical roots, aesthetics and new directions of contemporary art in essays by prominent, international mail art networkers from five continents. This forty-chapter illustrated book examines the free exchanges and collaborations of an international community[...].
Text aus dem Buch.
Ephemera News #51 - Zines
Technische Angaben
15 S., 22x31 cm, ISBN/ISSN 10305831
Poster, mehrfach gefaltet, Zickzackfaltung, 3 Falze quer, 1 längs, ausgefaltet 88,5x62 cm. Rückseite ergibt ausgefaltet ein Posterbild der 1. Seite. Mit Paginierung, jeweils Seitenhälften
Mit Anleitung zum Ausschneiden.
Publication suspended with #49 in 2004 and re-commenced with #51 (special folded issue on "zines") in 2011.
Text von der Website.
Physical or Otherwise: Suggestions and Encounters
Technische Angaben
112 S., 19x12 cm, Auflage: 100, ISBN/ISSN 9789925559145
Broschur, Umschlag Karton mit Blindprägung. Druck: Laser Graphics, Zypern
Erschienen anlässlich der Ausstellung in der Telfer Gallery Glasgow, 09.02.-04.04.2018.
Physical or Otherwise: Suggestions and Encounters was published on the occasion of Leontios Toumpouris’ solo exhibition titled Suggestions and Encounters: Physical or Otherwise at The Telfer Gallery, Glasgow. The publication features commissioned and re-edited essays spanning academic, theoretical and experimental responses to notions associated with Toumpouris’ practice. It claims to shed light upon areas of interest of the artist, thus resulting in a collection of propositions rather than an exhibition catalogue.
Text von der Websteite
Technische Angaben
76 S., 23x16 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-943514865
Broschur, Einband Chromkarton
This book is published on the occasion of the project Dandilands at Troodos, Cyprus, August 2014 to October 2015. This publication is the unfolding of the first part of Dandilands, an art project in collaboration with visual artists, Marc Bijl, Mustafa Hulusi, Mahony, Jumana Manna, Michelle Padeli, Liliana Porter, Kevin Schmidt, Socratis Socratous, Kostis Velonis, and Carla Zaccagnini, which took place between autumn of 2014-15. A random audience could walk along a circular trail of 7km through a rocky path overlooking wild trees with a view beyond the forest and over the island of Cyprus, and come into contact with a standing sign exhibiting the artists’ work. A sign as both site and object. a place of intention and image. a setting of the social.
Text von der Webseite
Aphroditi i Armonia kai to Asullipto - Aphrodite, l’harmonie et l’inconcevable
Technische Angaben
164 S., 28x20,5 cm, Auflage: 2.000, ISBN/ISSN 9602354038
Hardcover, Fadenheftung, mit Schutzumschlag, bedrucktes Cover
Erscheint anlässlich der Ausstellung Aphrodite, l’harmonie et l’inconcevable, Famagusta Gate in Nikosia, 10.09-28.09.1990.
Aphrodite: Harmony and the Inconceivable and its accompanying symposium (with the particiaption of Xavier Bordes, Demosthenes Davvetas, Michel Deguy, Manos Eleftheriou, Jean-Luc Nancy) create a kind of extended banquet where artists, poets, and philosophers participate in a series of dialogues on the theme of aesthetics and beauty, in what many consider to be the birthplace of Aphrodite.
Organized by the DESTE Foundation in collaboration with the Cypriot Ministry of Education and the Laiki Bank Cultural Center, the project was restaged two months later at the Musée d’Art Moderne, Réfectoire des Jacobins, Toulouse, France.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
29,7x21 cm, 3 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Postkarte, zwei Blätter, lose, gefaltet
Information und Anmeldebogen zum Projekt von cARTed. Postkarte mich persönlichem Anschreiben. Simple yet centrifugal yet extraverted, designed to cause accidental encounters between scattered artist's networks. cARTed is developing around cooperative publication of postcards.
Text vom Blatt.
photo text text photo - The Synthesis of Photography and Text in Contemporary Art
Technische Angaben
144 S., 23,5x22 cm, ISBN/ISSN 3908162483
Grauer Leineneinband mit Schutzumschlag.
Katalog zur Ausstellung im Museion, Museum für Moderne Kunst Bozen, 13.09.-17.11.1996, Frankfurter Kunstverein, 21.01.-03.03.1997."Purely visual perception and viewing of pictures is impossible. We always encounter pictorial images - as in this book description itself - in contexts. It is to this complex of interrelationships between text and photography and the aesthetic potential it holds that the book photo text text photo is dedicated. Based upon a representative selection of important examples of this work across media boundaries from recent photographic history since 1967, the theme of the fertile tension between words and images is explored in images (more than 100 works by 32 different artists) and words (texts by Andreas Hapkemeyer and Peter Weiermair). This revealing look at the art of combining text and photography begins with the milestone works of Conceptual Artists such Joseph Kosuth, Robert Barry, Douglas Huebler, On Kawara, John Baldessari and Hamish Fulton. Alongside other early examples from Italy - Maurizio Nannucci, Giulio Paolini, and Vincenzo Agnetti - the book also features representatives of utopian and critical approaches to social issues, including Josef Beuys and Klaus Staeck. The 1970s and 1980s are represented by the artists Ketty La Rocca, Jochen Gerz, Karen Knorr and Urs Luthi. More recent and current positions are evident in the works of Louise Lawler, Jenny Holzer, Barbara Kruger, Ken Lum, Heiner Blum, Laura Padgett and Marie-Jo Lafontaine. The publication photo text photo provides a long-awaited inventory of the most recent developments in the aesthetic exploration of the relationships between text and images in contemporary art."
Text vom Schutzumschlag
Technische Angaben
22 S., 21x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Farbige Laserkopien
This zine examines the history, legacy and continuing importance of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Poor People’s Campaign. This zine was written, designed and illustrated by students enrolled in the course Applied Graphic Design at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Belton, Texas.
Technische Angaben
[50] S., 28x21,5 cm, Auflage: 100 ca., signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
geklammerte Fotokopien, ein Blatt als Sticker eingebunden. Kopiert im August 2019
... If you know me at all, then you know I like to operate where I see vacuums in the culture. Zine El-Arab came about precisely for that reason. This was 2011, a time of great revolutionary upheaval that started in Tunisia, spilled over into Egypt, and kind of spread from there not just in the region but halfway across the world.
By late 2011, there was really no denying the ripples of change pulsating through Cairo. It was evident on the streets, in music, conversations, at art galleries, on television, it was everywhere. But I was growing frustrated that there didn’t seem to be any regular publication that featured the voices of dissent that were otherwise all around you. It felt like there was a rift between everyday voices and what was being published, and how cool would it be if there were at least one? Especially if it were a crude one. ...
... Die Formel war scheinbar ganz einfach. Das Titelbild (von mir erstellt) wurde auf Social Media veröffentlicht und lud Mitwirkende aus dem arabischsprachigen Raum ein, darauf entweder mit Text oder Bild zu antworten (nur S/W). Entsprechende Einreichungen werden ausgewählt und zu einem digitalen Zine zusammengestellt, der als PDF mit detaillierten Anweisungen für Druck und Montage hochgeladen wird. Die Idee war, nicht nur den Inhalt, sondern auch die physische Produktion des Zine zu dezentralisieren, wodurch Mitwirkende und Leser ihre eigenen Kopien drucken und organisch unter ihren Gemeinschaften verbreiten konnten. In Wirklichkeit hatten beide Ausgaben ihre "Launchparties", Ausgabe eins in Makan in Jordanien und Ausgabe zwei in der Townhouse Gallery in Kairo, was bedeutete, dass für jeden Start etwa 100 Exemplare gedruckt und zusammengestellt werden mussten.
Eine Sache, die ich tun wollte, war, die Tatsache zu nutzen, dass jedes Exemplar technisch individuell gedruckt und gebunden wurde. So gab es beispielsweise für die Ausgabe #1 Anweisungen, den Blutfleck manuell auf das Cover zu malen, und im Inneren befand sich eine Seite (mit mehreren Bildern verziert), die für den Druck auf Klebepapier bestimmt war, auf der die Leser ausschneiden und als Aufkleber verwenden konnten.
Es sollte beachtet werden, dass es im Namen der Zine ein kleines Wortspiel gibt. Das Wort "zine" in arabischer Sprache ist die gleiche genaue Schreibweise wie das Wort "zain", was in etwa "das Beste" bedeutet. So schlägt Zine El-Arab nicht nur "die Zine des Arabers" vor, sondern wird gleichzeitig als "das Beste vom Araber" gelesen. ...
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Text von der Webseite
Foto Innenteil von Ganzeer
Artist's Book Yearbook 2020-2021
Technische Angaben
236 S., 29,6x21 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-906501181
Broschur, Softcover, design by Tom Sowden
The ABYB is a biennial reference publication focusing on international activity in the field of book arts. It serves as a resource for artists, academics, students, collectors, librarians, dealers, publishers and researchers, in fact anyone interested in artists’ books!
The 2020-2021 issue will have essays, articles, and lots of useful information on: Artist’s Book Publishers & Presses; Bookshops for artists’ books; Artist’s Book Dealers; Artist’s Book Galleries & Centres; Collections, Libraries & Archives; Artist’s Book Fairs and Events; Book Arts Courses and Workshops; Design, Print & Bind; Print Studios; Journals and Magazines; New Reference Publications; Organisations, People, Projects and Societies. Artists list up to 3 of their recent book works.
Text von der Webseite
S. 49, Text und Fotos von Jürgen Wegner, A visit to Archive Artist Publications and its exhibition in the Haus der Kunst, München, Germany
S. 111, Collections, Libraries & Archives
Technische Angaben
12 S., 27,7x24,7 cm, Auflage: 3.000, ISBN/ISSN 9789955438748
einzelne, gefaltete Blätter in Kartonumschlag mit Gummiband zusammengehalten, Heft, Drahtheftung, eingelegt
This publication is the part of the exhibition "Collections. From typological research to collecting mania" (In Tel Aviv).
Text von der Webseite.
Der Vierte Pol - the Fourth Pole
Technische Angaben
132 S., 14,8x10,5 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-945900437
Softcover, Fadenheftung, Cover Siebdruck, abgerundete Ecken, gelbes Lesebändchen
Als höchster Punkt der Erde wird der Mount Everest auch dritter Pol genannt.
Der vierte Pol ist demnach folgerichtig der tiefste kontinentale Punkt. Er ist in seiner jetzigen Form erst in der jüngeren Vergangenheit durch den stetigen Rückgang des Toten Meeres entstanden und befindet sich in der Westbank in Palästina. Auf einem Terrain, das wie kein Anderes durch jahrzehntelange politische Kämpfe zwischen Religionen und Ländern geprägt ist.
Die Expedition von Julia Wirsching und Gabriel Hensche verschiebt die vorbelastete Perspektive auf dieses Gebiet, indem sie die Region als Pol deklariert und eröffnet somit einen Imaginationsraum, der weniger durch nationale als durch topografische und autobiografische Koordinaten definiert wird. ...
Text von der Webseite
How to shoplift books - Steal the book while the sun rises over the horizon.
Technische Angaben
[84] S., 15,5x10,5 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-945900208
2. Auflage. This artists’ book by David Horvitz is a guide on how to steal books. It details 80 ways in which one can steal a book, from the very practical, to the witty, imaginative, and romantic.
This publication originated in 2012 as a conversation in The Classroom at Printed Matter's NY Art Book Fair.
Text aus dem Buch und von der Webseite.
Der Vierte Pol - the Fourth Pole - Collectors Box
Technische Angaben
132 S., 19x14x4.3 cm, Auflage: 15, numeriert, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-945900437
Schachtel, Stofffahne (Siebdruck), Postkarte, Buch: Softcover, Fadenheftung, Cover Siebdruck, abgerundete Ecken, gelbes Lesebändchen
Als höchster Punkt der Erde wird der Mount Everest auch dritter Pol genannt.
Der vierte Pol ist demnach folgerichtig der tiefste kontinentale Punkt. Er ist in seiner jetzigen Form erst in der jüngeren Vergangenheit durch den stetigen Rückgang des Toten Meeres entstanden und befindet sich in der Westbank in Palästina. Auf einem Terrain, das wie kein Anderes durch jahrzehntelange politische Kämpfe zwischen Religionen und Ländern geprägt ist.
Die Expedition von Julia Wirsching und Gabriel Hensche verschiebt die vorbelastete Perspektive auf dieses Gebiet, indem sie die Region als Pol deklariert und eröffnet somit einen Imaginationsraum, der weniger durch nationale als durch topografische und autobiografische Koordinaten definiert wird. ...
Text von der Webseite
Arte Postale! 100 - Klang! Blah! Bzzzoing! Szock!
Technische Angaben
36 S., 14,5x15 cm, Auflage: 100, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, im Umschlag vorne 3 Booklets und 1 gefaltetes Poster (Klang! Suoni Contemporeani) in Einschubtasche, rückseitig eine selbstgebrannte und -gestempelte Multimedia CD, Heftseiten Schwarz-Weiss Kopien mit 4 eingeklebten Farbbildern, auf dem Cover das Klang! Logo ebenfalls aufgeklebt
ARTE POSTALE! (1979-2009)
One of the best known and probably the most long-live mail art magazine on the planet, Arte Postale! has assembled original works or published materials by hundreds of international networkers. The project is considered concluded with issue n.100 (december 2009).
Text von
When, just over twenty, I was assembling the first issue of the magazine Arte Postale!, joining with brass rings a dozen of sheets printed in one hundred copies on pink paper, I would never have imagined that thirty years later I would have been still busy putting together with scissors and glue the very same publication. Instead, this issue n. 100, intentionally produced in the homemade cut-and-paste style typical of mail art, even shares the musical theme with that first experiment, in which I already rubberstamped and glued leaflats on the pages or I stapled on them a piece of magnetic tape.
Introduction by Vittore Baroni
Issue no. 100 of Vittore Baroni's Arte Postale! magazine dedicated to the Klang! exhibition/sonic arts festival held in Viareggio, Italy, august 7-9 2009.
36 pp. booklet with attached cd-r, published in 100 copies (standard edition, in the AAP) plus 100 copies with additional plastic pouch including 30 original cd-size works by 30 artists (Joel S. Cohen, David Dellafiora, Mike Dickau, Carol Stetser, Ruggero Maggi, Emilio Morandi, Jan-Willem Doornenbal, Ever Arts, Luc Fierens, Richard Kostelanetz, Jurgen O. Olbrich, Gianni Simone, Rod Summers, Bruno Cassaglia, Ruggero Maggi, Serse Luigetti, etc.
Among them comes a CD mini-album by Jarmo Sermilä: Mechanical Partnership, a complimentary copy of the official Jase 2000 release - see Jarmo Sermilä - Mechanical Partnership.
Text von discogs Webseite
1. Mike Dickau - Arte Postale!: Pax Vobiscum (2’54”)
2. Günther Ruch - Musica 123456 (2’09”)
3. Reid Wood - Future Sound (0’27”)
4. Krell - Bzzzoing! (5’00”)
5. Franco Piri Focardi - Concerto Per Bozuffo (3’41”)
6. Jan Willem Doornenbal - Lake Crocodile (2’16”)
7. Bruno De Angelis - 100: Game Over! (4’ 30”)
8. Joel Cohen - Last Song Reverse (2’17”)
Tempo Totale | Total Time: 23’54”
Technische Angaben
19x19 cm, Auflage: 200, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-948200022
Schallplatte (7 inch) in Hülle mit Umschlag und Beiheft, geklammert, in Klarsichthülle. Mit beigelegten Zetteln mit aufgedrucktem Downloadlink
”Hhhh Minne, off you go, she’s coming! The deadline is in 5 minuties. If the Mayonnage hears that I’m only just starting. Woah my heart is catching fire. Close the curtain, yes.“ As the mayonnage approaches, the excitement grows. Without ever taking on a tangible form, her presence in Verena Buttmann‘s audio piece „Die Schlantz, die Kured, die Kon” (The Slutch, The Khored, The Quee) lies above everyday events. The mayonnage is many things: the object of fear, the last salvation, the state of oppression, the bridge to a remote world or a dreamlike projection. On her record, the artist Verena Buttmann creates a social cosmos between theatre-like staging and private space. A dialogical poem and a scenic piece of music reveal a narrative that follows a peculiar temporal dimension and linguistic logic. Verena Buttmann takes language to the edge of meaning, where its musical quality unfolds. The publication contains a 7‘ inch vinyl record, a brochure with the original text in German and the English translation, as well as a download link.
Text von der Webseite
ANTIBODIES - can you ear me?
Technische Angaben
10,8x6,9 cm, Auflage: 40, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
schwarze C-40 Audiokassette in Hülle mit einseitig Schwarz-Weiß bedrucktem, mehrfach gefaltetem Cover
Recorded on Jan 03 2018 at Walpodenakademie Mainz, Collages by V.E.B. Freie Brandstiftung.
Antibodies is what we need. New publication of Duo-Loop-Sound-Poetry-No!-sense with my great Antibuddy Stefan Brand Stifter on Cassette Label Steepgloss from Wigan, England.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
256 S., 27x22 cm, Auflage: 800, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 978-3-946803-87-4
Die Publikation Old Habits Die Hard umfasst einen Großteil der zwischen 2013 und 2020 entstandenen künstlerischen Arbeiten Felix Burgers:
raumgreifende Settings, bühnenhafte Arrangements und Filme. Beigefügt ist eine Sammlung von Texten in Form von Interviews, die seine Arbeitsweise, gedankliche Einzugsgebiete und persönliche Konfliktbereiche zum Gegenstand haben.
The publication Old Habits Die Hard incorporates a majority of the artistic works created by Felix Burger between 2013 and 2020: space-consuming settings, stage-like arrangements and films. Accompanying this is a series of texts in form of interviews focussing on his working methods, conceptual spheres of influence, and personal areas of conflict.
Text von der Verlagsseite
Queer*fem* magaZINES - Queeres und feministisches Publizieren in Kunst und Kultur
Technische Angaben
keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Blogeintrag vom 06.03.2023 mit Fotografien von Ausstellungsansichten
Ausstellung mit Workshops im Rupertinum, Museum der Moderne in Salzburg, 25.02.-04.06.2023.
Die Ausstellung widmet sich Zeitschriften, Zines und Comics, die feministischen und queeren Perspektiven in Kunst und Populärkultur eine Plattform bieten. Sie beleuchtet nicht nur, wie wichtig derartige Publikationsprojekte für die Verbreitung und Sichtbarkeit feministischer und queerer Kunst sind, sondern auch, wie das künstlerische Publizieren queer-feministisch gedacht werden kann. ...
Ausgestellte Publikationen: Aquarium, Borrowed Faces, Crip Magazine, Eye Mama Project, Heresies. A Feminist Publication on Art and Politics, Homestories. Koreanische Diaspora in Wien, Linda Nochlin Fanzine, LTTR, Migrazine, n.paradoxa. international feminist art journal, Perilla Zine, Polysème, regina, The Pamina Effect sowie eine Sammlung queerer Zines.
The Autobiography of a Snake - Drawings by Andy Warhol
Technische Angaben
[48] S., 22x26 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780500519257
Hardcover, mit Schutzumschlag aus Metallfolie
This is the never-before-published story of a snake trying to make it in the world of sixties high society, strongly suggested to be a stand-in for Warhol himself. The snake’s tongue-in-cheek observations as he slithers from adorning Jackie Kennedy’s boots to embellishing Coco Chanel’s shirt will delight the sophisticated fashion crowd. But the stars of the show are Warhol’s whimsical illustrations, revivified with a color scheme inspired by his iconic Pop Art. Before he achieved his dream of making it big in New York, Andy Warhol worked in advertising for a leather goods company, Fleming-Joffe, alongside Ogden Nash and Piero Fornasetti. It was for Fleming-Joffe that he created these images (1963), held by the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and rarely seen until this deluxe publication. The Autobiography of a Snake is a brilliant portrait of Warhol’s obsessions, his talent, and the world he would one day conquer.
Text von Amazon
Technische Angaben
[98] S., 24,6x21,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, Digitaldruck
In this simple saddle stitched magazine like publication you enter several photo studios in Uganda, see some of their products and meet some of their customers, who seem to attempt to enter other worlds in the portraits they have made.
Text von der Webseite
LETTERS TO JILL - a catalogue and some notes on copying
Technische Angaben
128 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 9788867494095
Broschur mit Banderole
Reprint nach einer Publikation des Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester, 1979, erschienen zur posthumen Ausstellung im Kunstverein München Something other than either, von März bis August 2020.
The book is composed of images and texts by Hill through which she intended to contextualize and explain her working methodology to Jill Kornblee, her New York gallerist. Untrained as an artist, Pati Hill began to use the photocopier as an artistic tool in the early 1970s, leaving behind an extensive oeuvre that oscillates between image and text. Besides this comprehensive body of xerographic work, she published four novels, a memoir, several short stories, wrote poetry, and made drawings. Instead of an exhibition catalog that would offer an interpretation of her work, this publication provides space for Hill’s own writing that interrogates and accompanies her visual work.
Text von der Webseite
Book of Records for Klaus
Technische Angaben
[16] S., 5x5,7 cm, Auflage: Unikat, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Collagen und handschriftlicher Text
mit aufgeklebten Plattencovern
Stephan Dillemuth - schall & rauch eine revue in bildern
Technische Angaben
84 S., 28,3x21 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9783956793394
Broschur, zwei verschiedene Papiere (rosa, hochglanz)
Katalog im Rahmen der Ausstellung vom 22.04.-11.06.2017 im Künstlerhaus - Halle für Kunst & Medien Graz.
Stephan Dillemuth ... zeigt in der Ausstellung neu konzipierte und ortsspezifische Werke und als Gegenspieler dazu auch ältere Arbeiten aus den 1980er Jahren. In der Ausstellung schafft Dillemuth eine Neuinszenierung seines Oeuvres, in der er ortsspezifisch Szenarien aufstellt, die eine gewisse Theatralik und Sogwirkung aufweisen können.
Immer wieder stellen sich dabei auch Fragen nach der gesellschaftlichen Rolle des Künstlers und den von ihm praktizierten künstlerischen Mitteln. Kunst hat für Dillemuth das Potenzial gesellschaftliche Veränderungen nicht nur zu reflektieren, sondern sie auch voranzutreiben.
Text von der Webseite
Raum Editions #6 - Sarabande
Technische Angaben
10,8x21,9 cm, Auflage: 300, numeriert, ISBN/ISSN 9788409211067
Zwei Poster (39,8x29,6), dreifach gefaltet und ein Stück Karton - mit Informationen zur Ausgabe -, eingelegt in ein Kuvert mit Fenster. Verpackt in einer Plastikhülle.
In this publication the author utilizes a memory exercise to evoke an enjoyable moment in the Matur tourist complex, located to the East of Madeira Island. The title SARABANDE alludes, in a figurative sense, to the synchronized actions that took place in two contiguous spaces of this facility, connected to each other through a glass divider.
Text von der Website
Der Verlag Raum Editions ist auf Risographie spezialisiert und wurde 2013 von Laura Pilar Delgado und Miguel Ângelo Martins gegründet.
Technische Angaben
253 S., 22x15,3 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9783902374158
Klebebindung, Softcover
THE OTHER IS ONESELF is a kaleidoscope of texts and images about the issues of escape and exile. The publication brings together literary testimonies, interviews, factual reports and, poetic, philosophical and socially critical writing on the subject and sheds light on the complexity of the phenomenon of migration and its impact upon individuals and society with the help of entirely personal perspectives from a range of periods and places.
THE OTHER IS ONESELF ist ein Kaleidoskop von Texten und Bildern zu den Themen Flucht und Exil. Die Publikation versammelt literarische Zeugnisse, Interviews, Tatsachenberichte sowie poetische, philosophische und gesellschaftskritische Schriften zum Thema und beleuchtet die Komplexität des Phänomens Migration und seine Auswirkungen auf Individuum und Gesellschaft mit Hilfe ganz persönlicher Perspektiven aus unterschiedlichen Zeiten und Orten.
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101 Artists Deleted from dutch art history
Technische Angaben
112 S., 15x10 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Klebebindung, Schutzumschlag
Das Niederländische Institut für Kunstgeschichte (RKD) in Den Haag hat in den letzten Jahren sein Archiv mit Zeitungsausschnitten erheblich aufgeräumt. Die Zeitungsausschnitte, die nicht in die Sammlung passten, kamen in die Hände von Bas. In dieser Publikation wirft er einen letzten Blick auf einige dieser gelöschten Künstler, die stolz ihre Werke hochhalten.
The institute cleaned up their local newspaper clipping archives considerably in recent years. The clippings that didn’t fit the collection came into the hands of Bas. In this publication, he takes one last look at some of these deleted artists as they proudly hold up their work.
Text von Webseite
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Queer*fem* magaZINES - Queeres und feministisches Publizieren in Kunst und Kultur
Technische Angaben
21x14,8 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ausstellung mit Workshops im Rupertinum, Museum der Moderne in Salzburg, 25.02.-04.06.2023.
Die Ausstellung widmet sich Zeitschriften, Zines und Comics, die feministischen und queeren Perspektiven in Kunst und Populärkultur eine Plattform bieten. Sie beleuchtet nicht nur, wie wichtig derartige Publikationsprojekte für die Verbreitung und Sichtbarkeit feministischer und queerer Kunst sind, sondern auch, wie das künstlerische Publizieren queer-feministisch gedacht werden kann. Die Bandbreite reicht von Zeitschriften aus der zweiten Welle der Frauenbewegung, die Kunst und Politik zusammendachten; sie geht über alternative Formen des Self-Publishings und der Zine-Kultur, die über das Prinzip des Do-it-yourself zu einer emanzipatorischen und empowernden Haltung gelangen; und nicht zuletzt umfasst sie Publikationsprojekte, die Querverbindungen zu Fragen von Migration, Postkolonialität, Dis/Ability u.a. ziehen.
Die Ausstellung wird in Zusammenarbeit mit Studierenden der Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg und der Universität Mozarteum Salzburg entwickelt und umgesetzt.
Ausgestellte Publikationen: Aquarium, Borrowed Faces, Crip Magazine, Eye Mama Project, Heresies. A Feminist Publication on Art and Politics, Homestories. Koreanische Diaspora in Wien, Linda Nochlin Fanzine, LTTR, Migrazine, n.paradoxa. international feminist art journal, Perilla Zine, Polysème, regina, The Pamina Effect sowie eine Sammlung queerer Zines.
Technische Angaben
168 S., 22,9x17,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9783982017259
Fadenheftung, Hardcover, Leinen, mit Sticker auf Cover
Die Publikation entstand im Rahmen der ersten Solo-Ausstellung der amerikanischen Künstlerin Jen DeNike bei Feld+Haus
vom 04.09.-16.10.2021. Für die Ausstellung entstand eine neue Videoarbeit und eine Serie von fotografischen Arbeiten entstanden. DeNike evoziert dabei eine performative Intervention von Mensch, Architektur und Natur, das den nackten weiblichen Körper als „place of power“ verhandelt. Sculpting Time folgt einer hypnotischen cineastischen Montage weiblicher Akte, die sich auf öffentlichen Treppen bewegen. Aufgenommen in Frankfurt, Düsseldorf und Berlin, ist dieses Video das erste Werk, welches DeNike ausschließlich in Deutschland recherchiert, gefilmt und produziert hat.
Text von der Website
How to Prepare Yourself for the Collapse of the Industrial Publishing System
Technische Angaben
[8] S., 21,6x13,9 cm, Auflage: 248, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Risodruck
Das Heft besteht ins Englische übersetzte Essay "How to Prepare Yourself for the Collapse of the Industrial Publishing System" des argentinischen Künstlers Eric Schierloh. Der Text wurde zusammen mit Paul Holzman übersetzt.
This publication is the result of a warm exchange between Public Collectors and Eric Schierloh of the press Barba de Abejas, (Beard of Bees).
In 2020 Eric wrote this essay that he translated into English with an American friend, Paul Paul Holzman, who also lives in Buenos Aires. In December 2021, Eric reached out to me to share his enthusiasm for my text “Towards a Self Sustaining Publishing Model.” Eric proposed making a Spanish translation and publishing my writing as a cheap edition in Argentina. He felt my text had similarities to his own words; the two works share a similar spirit of encouraging publishing experimentation outside of typically limiting market constraints.
Though Eric’s text had already been published in English in World Literature Today magazine and translated into French by the cardboard press La Liebre Dorada, we agreed that it could still be worthwhile to make a US edition that stood alone. So, in a celebration of artist publishing exchanges, Public Collectors is happy to share Eric Schierloh’s inspiring writing. It provides many potential creative paths forward for people with access to any form of printing, and any materials that could be used to make a book.
Text von der Webseite
SPINE: a Day of Looking at Artist’s Books While Talking about Publication as Practice
Technische Angaben
[1] S., 42,5x30,3 cm, 3 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Plakat, einseitig bedruckt
Begeleitmaterial zur gleichnamigen Veranstaltung am 01.07.17.
Zusätzlich zur Postkarte liegen 2 Flyer bei, welche Informationen zum Begriff "Künstlerbuch" enthalten.
Ein Tag, der dem Verlegen unter der Leitung von Künstlern gewidmet ist. 22 Künstler, die mit dem Medium Buch arbeiten, stellen ihre Publikationen vor. Unser Gast an diesem Tag ist Eleanor Vonne Brown, die über "Publikation als Praxis" sprechen wird. Eleanor Vonne Brown ist eine unabhängige Verlegerin, die in London lebt. Sie gründete 2008 "X Marks the Bökship", eine Buchhandlung und einen Projektraum für Kleinveröffentlichungen von Künstlern und Designern. Hier förderte sie das zeitgenössische Verlagswesen durch Buchvorstellungen, Veranstaltungen und Produktionsressourcen, welche einzelne Akteure zusammenbrachten, um eine lokale Verlagsgemeinschaft zu schaffen. Sie leitete die Vortragsreihe "Publikation als Praxis" über Konzepte von Künstlerbüchern. Zu ihren jüngsten Projekten gehören das "Post Internet Cafe" im PrintRoom, Rotterdam, und das Audio-Publishing-Projekt "The Cast of the Crystal Set" in der Matt's Gallery.
Text von der Webseite, übersetzt mithilfe von DeepL.
Super BOOKS 5 2024 - Konvolut
Technische Angaben
[20] S., 31x27 cm, Auflage: 500, 20 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
3 Programmhefte, Drahtheftung, Laserkopie Schwarz-Weiß.
2 Austeller*in-Kärtchen, 1 beschriftet mit "icon" & "Hubert Kretschmer", 2 mit schwarzem Band versehen.
3 Team-Kärtchen, 1 beschriftet mit "MaRiNa", 1 beschriftet mit "Christoph", 2 mit Paketband versehen.
2 Stofftaschen, beschriftet mit "SUPER BOOKS 5".
5 Raumpläne, blaues Papier.
5 Flyer.
Am 02. & 03.11.24 richtet das Haus der Kunst die fünfte Ausgabe von Super BOOKS aus. Die jährlich veranstaltete, unabhängige Messe der Künstler*innenbuchszene bringt fast 70 Künstler*innen, Gestalter*innen und alternative Verleger*innen sowie Institutionen und Hochschulen zusammen, um ihre jeweils neuesten Produktionen zu präsentieren.
Der Schwerpunkt von Super BOOKS liegt auf Publikationen, die die Grenzen des Mediums Buch hinterfragen, neu denken und deren Themen, Formate und Techniken sich ständig erweitern. Mit ihrer Ethik der Zugänglichkeit, die in der Preisgestaltung und der Direktheit von Vertriebswegen zum Ausdruck kommt, bilden alternative Publizist*innen ein Gegengewicht zur herkömmlichen Verlagsbranche und ihren gängigen Spielregeln.
Super BOOKS wurde 2019 im Rahmen der Ausstellung „Archives in Residence: AAP Archiv Künstlerpublikationen“ im Haus der Kunst initiiert und hat sich seither zu einem wichtigen Forum für die unabhängige Kunstverlagslandschaft entwickelt. Das große Publikumsinteresse der vergangenen Jahre zeigt, wie sehr die Veranstaltung auch die breite Öffentlichkeit anspricht und zur lebendigen Auseinandersetzung mit Künstler*innenpublikationen inspiriert. Projektleitung: Sabine Brantl (Haus der Kunst)
Text von der Webseite
Autopsia - Ogledalo uništenja - Mirror of Destruction
Technische Angaben
[52] S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 800, ISBN/ISSN 9788671012775
Seitlich dreifach geklammert, Prägung mit Silberfolie, farbig bedruckt, erste Seite schwarzes Papier
Begleitmaterial zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung von 11.03.-11.04.2010 im MoCAB Salon des Museums für moderne Kunst in Belgrad.
Autopsia ist ein europäisches Kunstprojekt, das sich mit Musik, Malerei, Grafik und Medienkunst beschäftigt. Das Projekt versteht sich als depersonalisierte Künstlergruppe, die nur wenige Informationen über sich der Öffentlichkeit preisgibt.
Entstanden sein soll Autopsia Ende der 1970er Jahre in London. Die Arbeit in Jugoslawien begann um 1980. Erstmals erwähnt wurde Autopsia in den jugoslawischen Fanzines Bank Rot und Prose Selavy. In dieser Zeit wurden etwa ein dutzend Kassetten veröffentlicht, von denen nur noch wenige bekannt sind. Seit 1990 ist der Sitz von Autopsia Prag. Die Gruppe betrachtet diese Stadt als spirituellen Mittelpunkt der Welt, als „Geistzentrale“.
Inhaltlich setzt sich Autopsia vor allem mit dem Thema „Tod“ in all seinen metaphorischen Bedeutungen auseinander. Als Hauptstilmittel dient die Repetition.