Edited by Gabriele Wix, By Gabriele Wix, graphic design by Lawrence Weiner, Anja Lutz.
Most of his oeuvre, which comprises more than a thousand language-related works, has already been presented in the German-speaking world—some of it either translated by Weiner himself or conceived using German as a basis. Featuring over 350 works, this is the first list of the English/German works. The artist assumed responsibility for the typography and cover design, as if the publication were one of his own works. Accompanying text and visual documents shed light on the creative process, in-situ installations, and Weiner’s way to work with text.
Text von der Webseite
Collected Works compiles eight of my books into one convenient volume. The books are combined together, so that page one of Collected Works is a "sandwich" of the first page of all eight books, page two contains the second page of each book, page three the third page, etc. Collected Works reproduces Squares With Sides And Corners Torn Off, Some Los Angeles Apartments, Real Estate Opportunities, The Location of Lines, and Records in their entirety, plus excerpts from 60 Years Later, Arcs Circles & Grids, and The Xeroxed Book. - Eric Doeringer
Text von der Webseite
erschienen zur Ausstellung 30.04.-25.07.2010
Mit Essays von Benjamin H.D. Buchloh und Birgit Pelzer sowie einem Text von Herman und Nicole Daled.
The Brussels-based collectors Herman Daled and Nicole Daled refuse to perceive art as decoration and to, thereby, exploit it. They approach art in a fundamentally different way: Basis for their activities are their relationships and conversations with artists.
In keeping with the aim of Conceptual Art that places the intellectual content of a work above its realisation, they consider themselves not collectors but communicators and producers: They provide artists with the opportunity to also realise works outside of established market mechanisms. Their intense engagement with Conceptual Art, one of the most important movements in recent art history, goes far beyond usual collecting practices. This is not only apparent in the actual works, but also in the meticulously archived documents containing actions and works.
One of the most important influences for Herman and Nicole Daled was Marcel Broodthaers, more than 80 of his works are in their collection. Moreover, the collection holds several works by Daniel Buren, Dan Graham, On Kawara, Sol Lewitt, Niele Toroni, Lawrence Weiner, Cy Twombly and many more.
Text von der Webseite
Reinhard Grüner is a collector from Monaco. His passion is art books, which he collects – and sometimes exhibits – since the 1960s.
His website, www.buchkunst.info is a real “online museum”, where international artist books are catalogued and photographed. Amongst the artists there are Marc Chagall, Anselm Kiefer, Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol. Books, but also works of art made of images and text, created by the artist often in collaboration with a writer and a publisher. For the high artistic quality – original graphics, unique designs, paintings and collages – these works are different from the usual picture books. Their manifestations are multiple: books with graphic effects, objects-book, artist’s books, sometimes printed in offset or illustrated by works of artists.
At the centre of Grüner’s attention there are Eastern German and Eastern European books (mainly Russia, Hungary, Lithuania). many of these works were created in response to specific social, political and cultural issues, with unimaginable insights into the culture of modernity.
Reinhard first came in contact with the art in book form with the English Edition, printed privately, of “A Dissertation Upon Roast Pig”, printed in 1975 by Shoestring Press on paper of the legendary Chiswick Press: from here begins a life of a book maniac among thousands of books. As Grüner states in an essay, the acquisition of artist books is more than a simple purchase: the artist, the life as a collector and thoughts are tied together, they influence each other, and a network of contacts with other collectors begins. With nearly all the books in his collection Grüner forms a symbiotic relationship: each of them describes, explains, and gets to the heart of some chapters of his life.
Download the pdf file with the essay on the collection of Reinhard Grüner (in English)
Publikation zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung vom 15.10.2014-02.03.2015.
The exhibition catalogue of republic brings together a broad selection of works by Juan Luis Moraza that explore the museum as a system of conventions and possibilities of citizenship. If one of the problems of contemporary democracy is the dilemma facing each citizen – between passivity and the possibilities of participation in social life – in the museum Moraza finds a space of convergence between the citizen-artist and citizen-spectator. Texts by the artist, in addition to a glossary and conversation, both developed by the show’s curator João Fernandes, are presented. The publication is arranged into two complementary parts: the odd-numbered pages comprise a catalogue of works, documents and literary works selected by the artist, while the even pages make an essay about republic.
Text von Website
Katalog, publiziert anlässlich der Ausstellung "Hans-Peter Feldmann. Art Exhibition", einer Koproduktion der Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona, dem Centre national de la photographie, Paris, dem Fotomuseum Winterthur und dem Museum Ludwig, Köln. Hrsg. v. Helena Tatay, Design von Salvador Saura und Ramon Torrente, nach einer Idee von Hans-Peter Feldmann.
Der Gedanke, dass wir die Realität über die Vorstellung konstruieren, ist grundlegend in Hans-Peter Feldmanns (*1941) Werk. Er gliedert das Buch nach Stichworten wie etwa Time Series, Interviews/No Interviews, Books, Coloured Works, Picture Collections, Works, Magazines, Jokes, Unfinished Works. Text von der Website
The exhibition Copy Construct departs from different artistic practices and specific works by artists that are based on reproduction or copy. The selected works are inherent to the production of printed matter or artist’s books. This implies that different artistic media such as painting, drawing, photography, video, sculpture, and graphic design can manifest themselves through graphical problematics and their meanings. Alongside the 25 works of the artists, a little less than 300 books from the KASK collection (School of Arts, Ghent) and private collections from Belgium and England are displayed in the exhibition. The exhibition architecture is designed by Kris Kimpe and Koenraad Dedobbeleer and is accompanied by a publication, designed by Joris Dockx, which includes a bibliography of the exhibited books, different contributions by the artists, an interview with a book collector, etc.
Annahme erwünscht! - Die Idee einer offenen Gesellschaft: Künstlerische Netzwerke im Kontext des Archivs Kees Francke. - Acceptance Welcome! - The Idea of an Open Society: Artistic Networks in the Context of the Kees Francke Archive
Einladung zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung am 14.09.2017.
Ausstellung 14.09.2017-06.01.2018
The philosopher Karl Popper called in 1945 for an open society “in which one can breathe and think freely, in which each person has a value, and in which the society exerts no unnecessary pressure on the individual”. In the 1960s and 1970s a new generation of artists began to replicate works of art in the form of artists’ books, magazines, newspapers, small multiple objects, postcards, graphic posters or audio cassettes. These were sold for a small fee or exchanged internationally with artist colleagues, disregarding all political frontiers, from Eastern Europe to Latin America. An international network was thus formed via the post, enabling artists to circumvent the censorship of their work. This was the genesis of so-called Mail Art. Everyone could participate, nobody was excluded. there were no juries and no censorship. A societal vision in accordance with that envisaged by Karl Popper was apparent in the dehierarchisation and the democratisation of art. The exhibition shows works from the archive of the Dutch artist Kees Francke, who would have celebrated his 65th birthday this year, supplemented by works from other archives that help to form a picture of the networks though which these artists were interconnected. A cabinet exhibition in the series "On the Gallery"
Text von der Webseite
The exhibition Copy Construct departs from different artistic practices and specific works by artists that are based on reproduction or copy. The selected works are inherent to the production of printed matter or artist’s books. This implies that different artistic media such as painting, drawing, photography, video, sculpture, and graphic design can manifest themselves through graphical problematics and their meanings. Alongside the 25 works of the artists, a little less than 300 books from the KASK collection (School of Arts, Ghent) and private collections from Belgium and England are displayed in the exhibition. The exhibition architecture is designed by Kris Kimpe and Koenraad Dedobbeleer and is accompanied by a publication, designed by Joris Dockx, which includes a bibliography of the exhibited books, different contributions by the artists, an interview with a book collector, etc.
Katalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung in der Fondadtion Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain, Paris, 30.03.-10.06.2018.
In Freeing Architecture, Ishigami elaborates upon his most recent research into function, form, scale and the environment in architecture, thereby revealing his vision for the future of the field. Through over 40 models, as well as numerous films and drawings, the exhibition presents twenty projects from their genesis to the complex process of their realization. Far from being tools prior to construction, the models assembled in the exhibition were made specifically for the occasion. As viewers contemplate these hand-crafted works, assembled in the architect’s studio over the course of one year, one can see the many steps and the painstaking work that led to the development of their final form. All different in terms of their material, size and level of detail, they offer a glimpse of the slow maturation process, necessary for the creation of Ishigami’s architectural works. Works infused by a poetics that is achieved as much through experimentation, as it is by theory, knowledge, and technology.
Text von der Webseite
Provides a thorough historical survey of the impact of U.S. copyright law on transatlantic modernist authors. Documents the growth and development across time of the American public domain, as shaped by the historically protectionist and formalistic U.S. copyright law. Gives fresh insights drawn from unpublished materials-letters by Joyce, John Quinn, Ezra Pound, Sylvia Beach, John M. Price, and others -and makes extensive use of hitherto unknown legal archives.
This book tells the story of how the notoriously protectionist American copyright law impacted transatlantic modernism by encouraging the piracy of works published abroad. From its inception in 1790, U.S. copyright law withheld protection from foreign authors, creating an aggressive public domain that claimed works just as soon as they were published abroad. When Congress finally extended protection to foreign works, legal technicalities caused many authors to continue to lose their copyrights.
Text von der Webseite
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 010 aus der Reihe 100for10.
Leo-Leander Namislow, born in 1983 in Essen, lives and works as a freelance artist in Essen. Growing up in a rural environment in Rhineland-Palatinate, he started to creatively engage with his surroundings early on. After his training
as a stonemason, Leo worked for an animation company in Frankfurt. When he moved back to Essen in 2007 he eventually started living off his creative output. Since then he has had several solo exhibitions and took part in
many group shows in a variety of institutions such as the Kunstverein Essen-Werden. His works fascinate by opening up new fantastic worlds to the viewer on the one hand and by proving of a large multiplicity of techniques on the other hand. This book gives an insight into a sample, mainly comprised of black and white works, of a much larger, colourful and ever increasing artistic universe.
Katalog zur Ausstellung im Museion, Museum für Moderne Kunst Bozen, 13.09.-17.11.1996, Frankfurter Kunstverein, 21.01.-03.03.1997."Purely visual perception and viewing of pictures is impossible. We always encounter pictorial images - as in this book description itself - in contexts. It is to this complex of interrelationships between text and photography and the aesthetic potential it holds that the book photo text text photo is dedicated. Based upon a representative selection of important examples of this work across media boundaries from recent photographic history since 1967, the theme of the fertile tension between words and images is explored in images (more than 100 works by 32 different artists) and words (texts by Andreas Hapkemeyer and Peter Weiermair). This revealing look at the art of combining text and photography begins with the milestone works of Conceptual Artists such Joseph Kosuth, Robert Barry, Douglas Huebler, On Kawara, John Baldessari and Hamish Fulton. Alongside other early examples from Italy - Maurizio Nannucci, Giulio Paolini, and Vincenzo Agnetti - the book also features representatives of utopian and critical approaches to social issues, including Josef Beuys and Klaus Staeck. The 1970s and 1980s are represented by the artists Ketty La Rocca, Jochen Gerz, Karen Knorr and Urs Luthi. More recent and current positions are evident in the works of Louise Lawler, Jenny Holzer, Barbara Kruger, Ken Lum, Heiner Blum, Laura Padgett and Marie-Jo Lafontaine. The publication photo text photo provides a long-awaited inventory of the most recent developments in the aesthetic exploration of the relationships between text and images in contemporary art."
Text vom Schutzumschlag
Einladungskarte zur Ausstellung Works on Paper, Zoller & Porter.
„Works on Paper“ in einBuch.haus erschließt das umfangreiche Mail-Art-Projekt des Londoner Künstlerduos Zoller & Porter als Ausstellung, als temporäres Archiv und öffentlichen Studienraum. Das Projekt der Künstler*innen Rahel Zoller und Louis Porter umfasst Künstlerbücher, Kunstwerke, Briefe, kreative Experimente und gefundene Objekte, welche die soziale und kulturelle Beziehung des Menschen zum Papier untersucht, insbesondere dessen Rolle als Medium zur Übertragung von Informationen, sinnlicher Berührung und ästhetischer Aura. Zwischen 2020 und 2021 erarbeitet, umfasst das Projekt eine verblüffende Vielfalt an Materialien, darunter: Preisschilder, Toilettenpapier, Puzzles, Umschläge, Zeitungen, Rubbellose, Bücher, Visitenkarten, Papiertüten, ein Testament, Servietten, Tombola-Lose, einen Kalender, Sandpapier, Quittungen, Briefe, Parkgebühren, Kohlepapier, Postkarten, Hotelbriefpapier, Fotos, essbares Reispapier, Zertifikate, ein Zifferblatt, Löschpapier, Pergamin, Fotokopien, Sicherheitspapier, eine Volkszählung, Pappe, Millimeterpapier, Banknoten, die Visitenkarte einer Wahrsagerin und einen übergroßen Neuheitsscheck. Für ihre Ausstellung im einBuch.haus werden Zoller & Porter eine Auswahl an Materialien aus dem Projekt an den Wänden der Galerie und den Regalen eines eigens angefertigten Kunstschrankes präsentieren. Der Großteil des Projekts wird in Archivboxen aufbewahrt, und Besucher sind eingeladen, nicht ausgestellte Gegenstände auf Anfrage einzusehen. Die Ausstellungsmöbel sind sowohl von den Renaissancedarstellungen des Hieronymus in seinem Studierzimmer als auch von der Kosmologie der Wunderkammer und der Kunstkammer inspiriert und dienen zur Organisation von Informationen im Raum. Durch die Aneignung von historischen Präsentations- und Organisationsmodellen entwickeln sie eine Begegnungsform, die über die gängigen bürokratischen Methoden der Zugänglichkeiten von Archivarbeiten in zeitgenössischen Kunstumgebungen hinausgeht. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil dieser Ausstellung besteht darin, die Besucher einzuladen, sich Zeit zu nehmen und im „Studienraum“ Platz zu nehmen, um eigenständig die vielfältigen Werke zu erschließen und eigene Interpretationen zu finden.
Zoller & Porter ist das kreative Duo der in London lebenden Künstler*innen Rahel Zoller und Louis Porter. In ihrer Zusammenarbeit entwickeln sie Projekte, die von der gegenseitigen Unterstützung der künstlerischen Ideen und Praktiken des jeweils anderen angetrieben werden. Fast drei Jahre lang haben sie an „Works on Paper“ gearbeitet und geforscht, einem weitläufigen Mail-Art-Projekt, das Hunderte von Objekten umfasst, darunter Künstlerbücher, Multiples, eigenständige Kunstwerke, Ideenfragmente, kreative Experimente und Texte. ...
Text aus der Presseerklärung
Lieferprogramm. Art Metropole is an artist directed non-profit organization specializing in materials related to the avant-garde practice, particularly multiple format and media-related works. Art Metropole operates a bookshop and mail order operation which stocks artists' books, exhibition catalogues, critical writings, audio works, videotapes and multiples. Both current and out-of-print titles are available offering an in-depht source of international contemporary art over the last twenty years.
Text aus dem Heft
76 S., 20,3x20,9 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung, kleinerformatig angeklammertes Impressum, verschiedene Papiere, eingelegter Werbeflyer für Edition S Press
mit: Anthony McCall: Road Works, Fire Works. Hans-Peter Feldmann: 12 Bilder von Feldmann (Flugzeuge), 14 Bilder von Feldmann (Berge). Jean Le Gac: Le décor. Paul-Armand Gette: Note Entomologique. Christian Boltanski: 10 scènes de la vie enfantine de Christian Boltanski. Essai de reconstruction des 46 jours qui précédèrent la mort de Françoise Guiniou (extraits).
Jochen Gerz: Die Ausmessung des Papiers
Katalog zu 7 Ausstellungen über Künstlerbücher und anderes.
Founded by Guy Schraenen, The Archive for Small Press & Communication (ASPC) at the Neues Museum Weserburg in Bremen reflects a period of alternative artistic activity beginning in the sixties, in which artists drew on a wide range of radical methods to create graphic and sound works that showed their anti-traditional leanings and their ground-breaking ideas. The exhibition Out of Print, which has toured to several cities around the world, presented an extensive selection of works from the ASCP. The accompanying catalogue also included a manifesto by Guy Schraenen.
Text von der Webseite
80 S., 24,5x17,5 cm, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 978-3-866785397 Hardcover, Fadenheftung
Albert Coers’ objects, room-sized installations and photographs are presented as multi-layered, often symbolic and always evocative thought-constructions. This publication provides a review of his works from 2008 to 2010, where certain themes re-occur, like interest in collections, archives and the book as medium, as well as the expansion of artistic media and the occasionally ironic reflection on these themes. The documentation of Coers’ art practice is accompanied specially written texts that focus specifically on the individual works and place them within a narrative or critical context.
Text von der Verlags-Webseite.
368 S., 24,8x19,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-865606624 Katalog zur Ausstellung im Haus der Kunst 2009, mit Installationsansichten von Wilfried Petzi und Objektfotografien von Jann Averwerser, Schutzumschlag aus gefaltetem Plakat
Vorwort von Chris Dercon. Essay von Julienne Lorz.
"Ich bin interessiert an der Verbreitung von physischen Vehikeln in Form von Editionen, weil ich an der Verbreitung von Ideen interessiert bin." Joseph Beuys, München gilt als heimliche Hauptstadt von Editionen und Multiples. "Made in Munich. Editionen von 1968 bis 2008" bietet einen anderen Blick auf die Geschichte des Münchner Kunsthandels. Im Vordergrund stehen die Produzenten von Multiples und Editionen, die über einen Zeitraum von 40 Jahren in und um München entstanden sind. Darunter sind Editeure wie die Galerie Heiner Friedrich, Galerie Fred Jahn, Galerie Bernd Klüser, Sabine Knust und ihr Maximilian Verlag, Galerie van de Loo und Edition Schellmann, sowie Aktionsraum A1, ECM Records, edition x, Kunstraum München, P.A.P. Kunstagentur Karlheinz & Renate Hein, s press tonband verlag und zehn neun. Neben Druckgraphiken finden sich Editionen und Multiples verschiedenster Art nebeneinander: von fotografischen Mappenwerken, Plattencover Skulpturen, Videos und Tonkassetten, 16 mm-Filme, bis hin zu eigens an den Raum angepassten Kunstwerken.
"I am interested in the circulation of physical vehicles in the form of editions, because i am interested in the circulation of ideas." Joseph Beuys, Since the beginning of the 1970s, Munich along with New York and London, was leading with regards to editions and multiples. This catalogue shows works from 1968 to today, which were initiated and produced by a.o. dedicated munich galleries and "editeurs". "Made in Munich" shows outstanding works by international as well as german artists a.o. by Georg Baselitz, Joseph Beuys, Marcel Broodthaers, Dan Flavin, Lucio Fontana, Richard Hamilton, Carsten Höller, Jeff Koons, Hermann Nitsch, Blinky Palermo, Gerhard Richter, Dieter Roth and Andy Warhol.
Text von der Webseite
550 photographers and authors from 41 countries submitted their works for the fifth issue. Responsive to the increased number and especially the outstanding quality of the submissions, the page number has now reached 100. In an exciting and intense curation and editing process, the works of 107 photographers and 22 authors were chosen and put into new combinations.
Text von der Webseite.
Was ist DER GREIF?
DER GREIF kuratiert Fotografien und Texte aus aller Welt. Jeder kann Arbeiten einreichen.
DER GREIF ist mobile Galerie und gleichzeitig Forum für die ausstellenden Künstler.
DER GREIF ist thematisch frei. Er lebt von der Kombination der eingesendeten Arbeiten.
DER GREIF steht einem Buch näher als einem herkömmlichen Magazin. Die Spannung der inszenierten Arbeiten wird nicht durch Werbung unterbrochen.
DER GREIF bildet und und konserviert eine zeitgenössische Vorstellung von Fotografie, Literatur und Ästhetik.
DER GREIF ist ein Experiment…
Wie funktioniert der Greif?
Fotografen und Autoren aus allen Teilen der Welt reichen über ein Upload-Formular auf der Magazin-Website bis zu 10 Arbeiten ein. Die Redaktion kuratiert die Einsendungen, kombiniert sie miteinander und stellt daraus neue Bild- und Textkompositionen zusammen. Demnach ist DER GREIF kein Portfolio-Magazin, sondern findet seinen Inhalt aus einer Fülle künstlerischer Arbeiten. Er lebt vom Vertrauen der Künstler in die sensible Kuration und Zusammenstellung durch die Redaktion des Magazins.
Warum gibt es den Greif?
Die Kuration und Gestaltung des Magazins ist ein intensiver Arbeitsprozess, die Intensität wird für den aufmerksamen Betrachter spürbar. DER GREIF ist somit ein Ruhepol in der täglichen Flut aus Bildern und Informationen. Er fordert zum genauen Betrachten, Verweilen, Nachdenken auf – er freut, schockiert, berührt, kurz: DER GREIF entfaltet sich erst voll durch die Emotionen und Gedanken der Betrachter. DER GREIF mäandert zwischen Märchenbuch, Ausstellungsraum und Reflexionsvorlage. Er steht in starker Verbindung zum Netz, bietet der Geschwindigkeit und der daraus resultierenden Oberflächlichkeit Kontra, vor allem durch einen entscheidenden Punkt: Er schafft Raum, der gefüllt werden darf mit eigenen Ideen, Perspektiven und Phantasien
260 S., 16x11,5 cm, Auflage: 750, ISBN/ISSN 978-2-953934700 Softcover Klappeinband
Das Buch basiert auf einem Gespräch von Christoph Schifferli, Christophe Daviet-Thery and Jérôme Saint-Loubert Bié über 12 Künstlerbücher.
The same year, in december 2009, Christophe Daviet-Thery asked to Jérôme Saint-Loubert Bié to take care of the catalog even if this book works independently from the exhibition. He invited Jonathan Monk and Yann Sérandour to have a conversation about 12 books: Bruce Nauman, Burning Small Fires, 1968 – Richard Prince, American English, London: Sadie Coles HQ and Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2003 – Wade Guyton, Zeichnungen für ein grosse Bild, Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2010 – Jonathan Monk, Cover Version, London: Book Works, 2004 – Mike Kelley, Reconstructed History, New York: Thea Weistreich and Cologne: Gisela Capitain, 1990 – Allen Ruppersberg, The New Five-Foot Shelf of Books, Brussels: Editions Micheline Szwajcer & Michèle Didier and Ljubljana: International Centre of Graphic Arts, 2003 – Claude Closky, Vacances à Arcachon, Paris: Editions Galerie Jennifer Flay, 2000 – Alejandro Cesarco, Dedications, New York: A.R.T Press, 2003 – Martin Kippenberger, The Happy End of Franz Kafka’s Amerika. Tisch Nr 3, Sankt Georgen: Sammlung Grässling, 1993 – Matt Mullican, Matt Mullican, Valenvia: IVAM Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno, 1995 – Batia Suter, Parallel Encyclopedia, Amsterdam: Roma Publications, 2009 – Yann Sérandour, Inside the White Cube: Overprinted Edition, Zurich : JRP Ringier, 2009.
Von der Webseite des Verlegers
Atem Books is an independent publishing house based in Catalunya focused on photography & illustration, contemporary drawing and thinking created by emerging artists from around the world. Our aims are: to help emerging artists to get their work more known, create a collection of contemporary works, to gather illustrators, photographers & art lovers. Atem Books has been publishing Carpaccio Magazine since April 2009. Atem Books is a non-profit organization, so all the money earnt is always invested in new publications.
Why ‘Atem’?
‘Atem’ stands for “wind, breath” in german. This word is inspired by an illustrated poetry book published by Paul Celan (poet) and Gisèle Celan (illustrator) called Atemkristall.
Who we are
Atem Books curators are María Cerezo and Emma Llensa. We both do all the works involved with mantaining Atem Books.
What we can do
We’re also offering our services to help you self-publish your book (both digital -pdf, epub, mobipocket-, Ipad and Iphone apps and print). Whether if you need advise on how to start self publishing a book or you need our services as curators, designers, layouters and image retouchers, just ask us what we can do for you.
We’re also offering our services to help you create your own website and, if you need one, how to create an e-commerce to sell your own goods. And, of course, we can give you marketing and self-promotion advises and guidelines.
Atem Books is 100% independent!
We don’t receive any external money. This project survives with the earns we do selling our publications.
Von der Webseite
The Ecart Group published artists’ books, presented exhibitions and performances, and opened a bookstore/gallery that is considered to be “one of the most important alternative spaces in Europe in the 1970s” (Ken Friedman). Ecart worked with many artists. The exhibition features artworks made by Armleder and Ecart and includes a complete set of Ecart publications, works on paper, mail art projects, films, and sound works created for Paul McCarthy’s Close Radio.
Text von der Webseite
44 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Verkaufsprospekt zu einer Sammlung von Zeitschriften, Farbloserkopien nach PDF, Blätter lose ineinander gelegt
This catalogue describes more than 450 graphzines that represents 30 years of «post-punk» graphic movement. The collection gathers major works of most of the artists that were involved in this movement. One or several titles as well as collective works represent them. Many periodicals are included, especially a very important run of Elles sont de Sortie. This emblematic publication directed by Pascal Doury and Bruno Richard also welcomed the most original publishers linked to this movement. Exhibition catalogues and numerous invitation cards completes the collection
43,0x30 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Braune Papiertüte von United Markets, Rückseite bedruckt
Have You Seen Me? was created by Larry and Kelly Sultan with students from Bahia Vista Elementary School and San Rafael High School. Have You Seen Me? is sponsored by Public Art Works, a non-profit arts agency, with generous support from United Markets.
Text von Papiertüte
352 S., 32x25,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780500241493 Hardcover, Leinen bedruck mit HP Indigo 10000, mit Lesebändchen. Die Bilder auf dem Umschlag werden per Zufall aus 230 Bildern kombiniert
Mit Texten von Steven Heller, John Maeda, Eugene S Flamm.
The beloved typewriter--its utilitarian beauty, the pleasing percussive action of striking its keys, the singularity of the impressed page--is enjoying a genuine renaissance across the creative industries. In this authoritative publication, the founders of the Sackner Archive of Visual and Concrete Poetry, the largest such collection in the world, apply their experience, mining the collection they have created over four decades to present examples produced by more than 200 of the world's finest typewriter artists. From the early ornamental works produced by secretaries in the late nineteenth century to more recent works that consider the unique position of the typewritten document in the digital age, there is an astonishing and delightful range of creativity in every artwork.
Text von der Webseite
Besucherbroschüre zur Ausstellung im holländischen Pavillon der Biennale di Venezia, 09.05.-22.11.2015.
Herman de Vries (b. 1931) is representing The Netherlands at the Biennale Arte 2015. Under the title to be all ways to be the Dutch pavilion exhibits new sculptures, objects, works on paper and photography by de vries. Educated as a horticulturist and natural scientist, de vries gathers, orders, isolates and displays objects from nature, directing our attention to both the unity and the diversity of the world around us. In his preparatory travels to Venice, de vries collected many objects from the Laguna, the Giardini and the city, resulting in multiple works both in the Dutch Pavilion and on the deserted island of Lazzaretto Vecchio in the southern Laguna. The exhibition is curated by Colin Huizing and Cees de Boe.
Text aus der Pressemitteilung.
1 S., 59,4x42 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Ein Plakat, gefaltet, einseitig bedruckt, dazu persönliches Schreiben in Briefumschlag von Phyllis Dierick
Plakat zur Ausstellung vom 03.03-22.03.2018, KASK Gent.
FLIP is the sequel to the exhibition Copy Construct held at CC Mechelen in 2017. The exhibition focuses on displaying a temporary archive of artists’ books parallel to about a dozen filmic works. The term ‘FLIP’ associatively refers to the performative gesture of leafing through a book but also to notions of image sequences, reversal (printing), the flipbook, as well as the use of text and images in both books and video works. In short, the exhibition is an attempt to show these media together, emphasizing the use of narrative strategies and image construction as extensions of each other.
Text von der Website.
Publikation zur Ausstellung vom 03.03-22.03.2018, KASK Gent.
FLIP is the sequel to the exhibition Copy Construct held at CC Mechelen in 2017. The exhibition focuses on displaying a temporary archive of artists’ books parallel to about a dozen filmic works. The term ‘FLIP’ associatively refers to the performative gesture of leafing through a book but also to notions of image sequences, reversal (printing), the flipbook, as well as the use of text and images in both books and video works. In short, the exhibition is an attempt to show these media together, emphasizing the use of narrative strategies and image construction as extensions of each other.
Text von der Website.
Englische Ausgabe. Erschienen anlässlich der Ausstellung "The Line of Fate" im mumok, Wien, 04.03.-29.05.2011.
Seven Books Grey is an updated, expanded version of Tacita Dean’s Seven Books (2003), and is an exploration of Dean’s oeuvre as it straddles film, drawing, photography, writing and book-making. Each book has a different focus and together they are an accurate survey of Dean’s work to date.
Book One: “Complete Works and Filmography 1991–2011”
Book Two: “Selected Writings 1992–2011” (Dean’s writings)
Book Three: “A Panegyric, Gaeta, Edwin Parker” (three projects made with and about Cy Twombly)
Book Four: “Film Works with Merce Cunningham”
Book Five: “Footage” (artist’s book with a text by Marina Warner taking a cultural-historical look at the foot and the significance of limping)
Book Six: “Post-War Germany and ‘Objective Chance’: W.G. Sebald, Joseph Beuys and Tacita Dean” (essay by Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes)
Book Seven: “Essays on the Work of Tacita Dean” (texts by Wolfram Pichler, Peter Bürger, Douglas Crimp and Achim Hochdörfer)
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Infoblatt zur Ausstellung mit Arbeiten des peruanischen Künstlers Fernando Bryce anlässlich des Gallery Weekends 2018, 28.04.-16.06.2018 in der Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin.
On the occasion of the Gallery Weekend Berlin 2018 Galerie Barbara Thumm is pleased to present an overview of recent works by Fernando Bryce. His solo exhibition will premier a new body of works which consists of large scale single drawings for which Fernando Bryce developed a collage approach. These new drawings will be shown alongside the recently accomplished large scale drawing series which is entitled Freedom First. With this series and typically for his oeuvre, Fernando Bryce depicts a cultural and political panorama of the 1950s and 1960s.
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Katalog erschienen zur Ausstellung in Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona, 06.04.-28.05.2017
Legible-Visible. Between the Film Frame and the Page explores the relationship between print publications and audio-visual documents, two of the most important media underpinning the social and cultural landscape of our time which also define the evolution of contemporary art in the 20th and 21st centuries.
The emergence of relatively inexpensive home video technologies in the 1970s brought with it an alternative model for the creation and diffusion of artist publications, and a prolific period of exploration, reflected in the work of Baldessari, Gilbert & George, Boltanski, Carrión, Rucha and Rosler, among others. The popularization of digital media at the beginning of the 21st century sparked a revolution in the systems of production of both audio-visuals and books, exemplified by a new generation of artists, such as McGeorge, Kentridge, Cine Quieto or Van Leijsen.
Mela Dávila proposes a theoretical and historical framework for works that the market long dismissed as secondary on account of their serial nature. This characteristic, together with the particular space of experience they generate, and the linearity and temporality common to both media, have opened up a range of new narrative (or anti-narrative) possibilities which have enabled artists to redefine contemporary art.
Starting from a detailed study of 24 double works, Maite Muñoz looks at how different artists have taken advantage of the permeability between publications and audio-visuals, in which ideas and strategies of narration and editing intrinsic to both mutually infect and enrich one another through the play of opposition, complementarity and dialectics.
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This is the first in a series of reprint programme of the most representative titles from the TRAX catalogue, one for each letter of the name: T for Traxman, the comics series created for Frigidaire magazine by Massimo Giacon and Vittore Baroni. R for Rednight, a collective homage to the work of William S. Burroughs. A for Anthems, alternative national hymns for real and imaginary countries. X for Xtra, audio works composed at distance through a process of crossed interferences. Each reprint, accompanied with old and new texts, contemplates a digital remastering of the original works with the addition of remixes, remakes or new compositions created in concordance with the peculiar and distinctive "modular" approach of TRAX.
This volume by and about the sculptor and pioneer land artist Richard Long explores his work from the 1990s to the present day. Long's ability to make works of physical and intellectual beauty is unrivalled, and this new journey takes the reader around the world: to the Sahara Desert and down the Rio Grande, from coast to coast in Ireland and Spain, to Tierra del Fuego and Mongolia, and to the forests of Honshu in Japan. Some of the artist's sculptures were made during his walks through the world's landscapes, while others bring the material of nature - stones, boulders, driftwood, clay and mud - into a more public or sheltered environment: museums, galleries, houses, gardens. These works feed the senses, whereas the texts and photographs recording the artist's walks feed the imagination.
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Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 021 der Reihe 100for10.
Fengel lives and works in his hometown, where he visited the Bavarian state institute of photography from 1986 to 1988. After that he lived in New York until 1991. In addition to regular illustrations and illustrations for well-established newspapers and magazines, such as ZEITmagazin and Vice, numerous national and international exhibitions took place. Fennel’s work is in the collection of the Munich Pinakothek der Moderne, the Städtische Galerie in the Lenbachhaus, the DEKA-Bank, the Fotomuseum Munich, the Museum of Modern Art in Frankfurt am Main and the Munich Re. Fengel also works as a filmmaker and shoots videos for DJ Hell. Together with Jörg Koopmann, he runs the “glossy” photo forum in Munich, which Koopmann founded together with Marek Vogel in 1997. In 2000, he founded the award-winning agency Herburg Weiland with Judith Grubinger and Tom Ising.
Antoine Eckart is a French artist and graphic designer currently living in Lyon. He shares his time between commissioned and self-published works. He works closely with the cultural and musical scene and his offbeat universe is an invitation to a mental journey. Best known for his humorous daily drawings and flat compositions of bizarre yet poetic life scenes, his sketches feature scribbled and uneven lines and gives an aphoristic vision of the world.
Patrick Hartl (*1976) is a German contemporary artist with a passion for handwriting and lettering. As of age 15, he was painting Graffiti and learning the ropes of art within the urban sphere. His graphic studies revealed a love for calligraphy and stylised writing with deep roots in the gothic script of his native Germany. Patrick Hartl connects old craftsmanship with modern street style. On closer inspection, Hartl’s seemingly monochrome works turn out to be the result of a multitude of layers of paint and a colourful diversity. His favourite canvas is a ten-years-old wall, which has been bombed, cleaned, bombed again, crashed, washed, damaged, but which always tells a new and unique story. As a master of handcrafted designs and analogue works, and one of the foremost urban calligraphers, Patrick Hartl has been involved in making art for more than two decades. An avid collaborator, Hartl belongs to the “CALLIGRAFFITI AMBASSADORS” and, in addition to exhibiting in traditional galleries from New York to Buenos Aires to Tokyo, and he has painted murals across Europe and beyond.
Super Terrain is a french graphic designers collective founded in 2014 by Quentin Bodin, Luc de Fouquet and Lucas Meyer. We mainly work on cultural, artistic, institutional, associative and educative fields. Through commissioned graphics works, pedagogical workshops and public spaces interventions, or self-commissioned works, we explore several questions linked to editorial forms and printed matter.
Titel bezieht sich auf Dante, Göttliche Komödie, 1,10, aus Buch von Udo Sellbach. Vorwort von Williams David, Direktor
Austellung ‘How I entered there I cannot truly say’: Collaborative Works from the ANU E+ABS, State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, organisiert von Dianne Fogwell, 2005
During nine months of research at the Library, Leti examined the works of a diverse range of artists who utilise the form of the cross, including Antoni Tàpies, Piet Mondrian, Arthur Boyd and Rover Thomas. Throughout the project, Leti kept a daily journal recording his observations and inspiration. His jottings and sketches in the journal served as a springboard to larger works made on paper, metal, glass, canvas and wood.
Bruno's book The matrix was published in 2010.
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Playing on her ficticious world of images, Dörte Eissfeldt has collected works for this exhibition from the years 1986/87 under the title “Perfect Worlds”. She works in individual pictures, but underlying them is always the plan for a paring or a contrast of the images. This working method proceeds on the one hand from a thematic consideration, i.e. work cycles; at the same time, it also alludes to the filmmaker Dörte Eissfeldt.
Text von der Webseite.
Playing on her ficticious world of images, Dörte Eissfeldt has collected works for this exhibition from the years 1986/87 under the title “Perfect Worlds”. She works in individual pictures, but underlying them is always the plan for a paring or a contrast of the images. This working method proceeds on the one hand from a thematic consideration, i.e. work cycles; at the same time, it also alludes to the filmmaker Dörte Eissfeldt.
Text von der Webseite.
We are heading into a future where our choices will be shaped – if not outright determined – by algorithms and artificial intelligence. This coming state has been labelled “the new dark age” (James Bridle, 2018).
It remains to be seen what this brings to photography, and vice versa.
One thing, however, seems clear: photography, which has already changed significantly in the 21st century, is affected by – and in some important ways is part of – this development. This issue of “Fotografija” explores how programmes, apps and AI-related technologies shape and change the discourse of photography, challenging traditional boundaries of the medium.
Various programmes and services – Google, Photoshop, Flickr, Snapchat, visual recognition, etc. – provide new tools to conceive image-making and think photographically. Technological interfaces not only deliver instruments for making work but can become the very logic for creating photographic series.
The presented artists offer perspectives to raise questions and discuss these technological shifts. From dealing with traumatic events (Indrė Šerpytytė) and inaccessible sites (James Bridle) through technological mediation to playing with our expectations of an all-pervasive Photoshop manipulation (Erin E’Keefe). From exploring so-called smart surveillance systems (Esther Hovers) and censoring politically sensitive sites (Mishka Henner) to everyday glitches (Mantas Grigaitis). From playing with the copyrights of such collective websites as Flickr (Penelope Umbrico) to exploring the shared language of being in some of the most photographed places on earth (Thomas Albdorf). And from using Photoshop to create images (Aaron Hegert) to an image that is barely photographic (Zachary Dean Norman). The four essays (Kate Palmer Albers, Roksana Filipowska and Marijana Rayl, Ilaria Speri, Alise Tifentale) map out the works in broader social, historical and art contexts.
In short, the works deal with our technologized world. They talk about being in the middle of changes that few have envisioned. Being so immersed, one can feel it (almost) hurts.
Text von Paul Paper.
Infoblatt zur Ausstellung in der Tate Modern, London, 11.07.2019-05.01.2020.
In Eliasson’s captivating installations you become aware of your senses, people around you and the world beyond.
Some artworks introduce natural phenomena such as rainbows to the gallery space. Others use reflections and shadows to play with the way we perceive and interact with the world. Many works result from the artist’s research into complex geometry, motion patterns, and his interest in colour theory. All but one of the works have never been seen in the UK before. ...
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Infoheft zur Ausstellung in der Tate Modern, London, 17.10.2019-09.02.2020.
The visionary artist who embraced mass media and new technology.
Nam June Paik’s experimental, innovative, yet playful work has had a profound influence on today’s art and culture. He pioneered the use of TV and video in art and coined the phrase electronic superhighway to predict the future of communication in the internet age.
This major exhibition is a mesmerising riot of sights and sounds. It brings together over 200 works from throughout his five-decade career – from robots made from old TV screens, to his innovative video works and all-encompassing room-sized installations such as the dazzling Sistine Chapel 1993....
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Erscheint zur Ausstellung in der Galerie Esther Schipper, 17.01.-22.02.2020
Esther Schipper is pleased to announce Ku Lak, Matti Braun's sixth solo exhibition with the gallery. The exhibition will include 16 works from a new series of silk paintings and approximately 25 new glass works, the latter presented on three circular plinths designed by the artist. Matti Braun's practice is characterized by a constant negotiation between concrete references and general allusions, between poetic ephemerality and an uncanny sense of visceral immediacy. His work investigates the unexpected, often little known, effects of cross-cultural dynamics, making visible patterns of artistic migrations and cultural misrecognitions.
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13,5x13,5 cm, Auflage: 1.000, 7 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden CD Box ohne CD, 3 Booklets, 1 gefaltetes Plakat, 1 Aufkleber in Kartonbox, 3 Seiten Pressematerial
The catalogue from Pezzini Editore consisting of three illustrated booklets, a poster, a sticker, [a cd and a dvd] in original die-cut box designed by Gumdesign, documents the sound based Multimedia Festival curated by Vittore Baroni and BAU at the historical Villa Paolina in Viareggio on 7-8-9 August 2009. The exhibition included installations and audio art works from 20 international artists, plus the collective project Bzzzoing! with musical instruments created by over 60 authors. In the course of the three days, audiovisual works of over 40 authors have been projected and over 20 poets, artists and musicians performed at the villa. In the centenary of futurism, a singular and rich overview of the many interferences between sound and image, paying tribute in the logo to Luigi Russolo’s Noise Machines.
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Catalogue of Klang! exhibition/sound art festival held at Villa Paolina, Viareggio, Italy, august 7-9 2009, comprising sound installations, exhibition and performances of invented musical instruments, and performances by visual artists, sound poets and electronic musicians.
Cardboard box published in 500 copies freely distributed during the festival days, including 3 booklets, a sticker and a poster; 300 copies were later produced with additional cd + dvd documentation of the festival.
Text von discogs Webseite
36 S., 14,5x15 cm, Auflage: 100, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung, im Umschlag vorne 3 Booklets und 1 gefaltetes Poster (Klang! Suoni Contemporeani) in Einschubtasche, rückseitig eine selbstgebrannte und -gestempelte Multimedia CD, Heftseiten Schwarz-Weiss Kopien mit 4 eingeklebten Farbbildern, auf dem Cover das Klang! Logo ebenfalls aufgeklebt
ARTE POSTALE! (1979-2009)
One of the best known and probably the most long-live mail art magazine on the planet, Arte Postale! has assembled original works or published materials by hundreds of international networkers. The project is considered concluded with issue n.100 (december 2009).
Text von mailartprojects.blogspot.com
When, just over twenty, I was assembling the first issue of the magazine Arte Postale!, joining with brass rings a dozen of sheets printed in one hundred copies on pink paper, I would never have imagined that thirty years later I would have been still busy putting together with scissors and glue the very same publication. Instead, this issue n. 100, intentionally produced in the homemade cut-and-paste style typical of mail art, even shares the musical theme with that first experiment, in which I already rubberstamped and glued leaflats on the pages or I stapled on them a piece of magnetic tape.
Introduction by Vittore Baroni
Issue no. 100 of Vittore Baroni's Arte Postale! magazine dedicated to the Klang! exhibition/sonic arts festival held in Viareggio, Italy, august 7-9 2009.
36 pp. booklet with attached cd-r, published in 100 copies (standard edition, in the AAP) plus 100 copies with additional plastic pouch including 30 original cd-size works by 30 artists (Joel S. Cohen, David Dellafiora, Mike Dickau, Carol Stetser, Ruggero Maggi, Emilio Morandi, Jan-Willem Doornenbal, Ever Arts, Luc Fierens, Richard Kostelanetz, Jurgen O. Olbrich, Gianni Simone, Rod Summers, Bruno Cassaglia, Ruggero Maggi, Serse Luigetti, etc.
Among them comes a CD mini-album by Jarmo Sermilä: Mechanical Partnership, a complimentary copy of the official Jase 2000 release - see Jarmo Sermilä - Mechanical Partnership.
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1. Mike Dickau - Arte Postale!: Pax Vobiscum (2’54”)
2. Günther Ruch - Musica 123456 (2’09”)
3. Reid Wood - Future Sound (0’27”)
4. Krell - Bzzzoing! (5’00”)
5. Franco Piri Focardi - Concerto Per Bozuffo (3’41”)
6. Jan Willem Doornenbal - Lake Crocodile (2’16”)
7. Bruno De Angelis - 100: Game Over! (4’ 30”)
8. Joel Cohen - Last Song Reverse (2’17”)
Tempo Totale | Total Time: 23’54”
2. Auflage. Ausstellungskatalog. Zentrum für Künstlerpublikationen, Weserburg Bremen, 30.10.2015-14.02.2016, Bremen.
The mid-1960s witnessed a boom in underground and selfpublished works. Hectographs, mimeographs, and offset printing not only allowed for the production of small, lowcost print runs but also promote a unique aesthetic: using wild mock-ups, »messianic amateurs« combined typescript aesthetics, handwriting, scribbled drawings, assemblages of collaged visuals, porn photos, snapshots, and comic
strips. The typography consciously frees itself, in parallel to a liberalization of linguistic and visual forms of expression in the name of a new »sensibility«.
This book (which appears in conjunction with an exhibition at the Weserburg in Bremen) is the first to present the underground and self-published works that came out of West Germany in such depth, while also showing the internationalcontext in which they emerged: not as an anecdotal history but as an attempt to tap into the aesthetic cosmos of a Do-It-Yourself rebellion, one that also challenges us to take a new look at the current boom in »independent publishing«, the risograph aesthetic, and so on.
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Das Design wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit Studenten der HfK Bremen entwickelt
Flyer für die Künstlerbox BAU ART 1
Eleven authors part of the editorial staff of the BAU association have decided to create unique works inside the same cardboard boxes size UniA4 (cm. 21 x 29,7) that were used for the BAU magazine and also inside larger UniA3 boxes (cm. 29,7 x 42), giving shape to tridimensional creations that can be hung on walls, exhibited as sculptures or manipulated as containers of surprises and inventions.
Catalogue of this “side effect” of the assembling magazine BAU is the BAU ART 1 box, in edition of 30 copies, with signed and numbered works of the eleven authors. Graphic project by Carlo Battisti.
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Zur Ausstellung des peruanischen Künstlers in der Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin, 28.04.-23.06.2018
On the occasion of the Gallery Weekend Berlin 2018 Galerie Barbara Thumm is pleased to present an overview of recent works by Fernando Bryce. His solo exhibition will premier a new body of works which consists of large scale single drawings for which Fernando Bryce developed a collage approach. These new drawings will be shown alongside the recently accomplished large scale drawing series which is entitled Freedom First. With this series and typically for his oeuvre, Fernando Bryce depicts a cultural and political panorama of the 1950s and 1960s.
140 S., 25x21,4 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-907840104 Gelochte Seiten mit Musterbeutelklammern zusammen gehalten, in Klappumschlag, mit 18 roten Punkten beklebt. Innen teils andere Papiere
The Piracy Project is an international publishing and exhibition project exploring the philosophical, legal and practical implications of book piracy and creative modes of reproduction. Through research and an international call for submissions, the Project has gathered a collection of more than 150 modified, appropriated and copied books from all over the world. The collection, which is catalogued online, is the starting point for talks and work groups around the concept of originality, the notion of authorship and politics of copyright. The Piracy Project is not about stealing or forgery. It is about creating a platform to innovatively explore the spectrum of copying, re-editing, translating, paraphrasing, imitating, re-organising, manipulating of already existing works. Here creativity and originality sit not in the borrowed material itself, but in the way it is handled. The Piracy Project is an collaboration between AND Publishing and Andrea Francke. The Piracy Project The Piracy Project is an international publishing and exhibition project exploring the philosophical, legal and practical implications of book piracy and creative modes of reproduction. Through research and an international call for submissions, the Project has gathered a collection of more than 150 modified, appropriated and copied books from all over the world. The collection, which is catalogued online, is the starting point for talks and work groups around the concept of originality, the notion of authorship and politics of copyright. The Piracy Project is not about stealing or forgery. It is about creating a platform to innovatively explore the spectrum of copying, re-editing, translating, paraphrasing, imitating, re-organising, manipulating of already existing works. Here creativity and originality sit not in the borrowed material itself, but in the way it is handled. The Piracy Project is an collaboration between AND Publishing and Andrea Francke.
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Herbst Ausstellung 2006 in der Janos Gat Gallery, New York, NY.
Wolf Vostell's second exhibition at the Janos Gat Gallery consists of his complete works in video, from Sun in your head—produced at the Smolin Gallery, NY—to Sarajevo, 1993. Also included—and presented here for the first time—TV De-coll/age, an explosive series of fifty prints of photographs of distorted television broadcasts that the artist took of his own "Cuba" TV set between 1959 and 1967.
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Enthält Projekte der Künstlergruppe 2012-2022, u.a. bei Ep.contemporary, Berlin 2022, kuratiert von Albert Coers, Galerie der Künstler, München, 2021, kuratiert von Ezgi Bakçay, und Baris Seyitvan, Karşi Sanat Çalişmalari, Istanbul 2020, kuratiert von Sophie-Charlotte Bombeck und Ezgi Bakçay, Digital Art Space, München, 2019, kuratiert von Karin Wimmer.
The Beautiful Formula Collective is about painting and creating collective works based on The Beautiful Formula Language. We use the combination of spontaneity, improvisation and logic of rhythm, which gives us structures and rules while painting. The Beautiful Formula Collective produces and stages group works not only in the studio, but also as a live painting performance in front of the public.
Text S. 3 und von der Webseite
[86] S., 32x23,3 cm, 2 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Kartonierter Aktenordner mit Spiralverschluß, außen blau bedruckt mit Handschrift, innen lose Blätter, gelocht, eingeheftet, ABC-Griffregister. Mit eingelegtem Zeitungsausschnitt zu Piero Manzoni aus der SZ vom 04./05.04.1998.
16 S., 42x15 cm, Auflage: 1.000, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Blätter lose, zusammengelegt
Durch die Beschäftigung mit meinen eigenen Editionen entstand in Diskussion mit Peter Krabbe das Unternehmen "NORMAL - Fachblatt für den dilletantischen Alltag". Dieses meist im Offset gedruckte Heft wurde kostenlos in Gaststätten, Szenekneipen, Museen und anderen öffentlichen Orten ausgelegt und verteilt. Jedes Heft hatte ein anderes Format und ein eigenes Thema: von "Stille stört" bis zum "Badewannenheft", das in Folie eingeschweißt war. Nur eins dieser Hefte wurde über Anzeigen finanziert, alle übrigen durch Aufteilung der Druckkosten auf die beteiligten Künstler. Es war ein spannendes und interessantes Unterfangen, das fast 10 Ausgaben umfasste, die ungefähr vierteljährlich erschienen. Allerdings war ich sehr unzufrieden darüber, dass wir immer für unsere Publikationen selber bezahlten, anstatt dass wenigstens die Produktionskosten den Künstlern ersetzt wurden. Und als ich "art works" in den Händen hielt, glaubte ich zu wissen, wie dieses Problem zu lösen sei
Zur Ausstellung mit über 200 Objektbüchern, in der Produzentengalerie Adelgundenstraße München, Künstlerbücher 2. Teil vom 16.05.-26.07.1980.
Leihgeber: Rolf Dittmar, Wiesbaden. Edition Staeck, Heidelberg. Galerie Am Promenadeplatz, München. Hubert Kretschmer, München. Susann Kretschmer, München. Ulrich Otto, München. Konrad Balder Schäuffelen, München. Klaus Staeck, Heidelberg. Galerie Walter Storms, München. Galerie Tanit, München
1. Auflage. Vermutlich unauthorisierte Kopie. Im Netz gefunden und aufgeklaubt.
The Invisible Book is a book produced in a limited edition at the affordable price of €0. It will work as a digital book too, on any platform. The edition is limited to 100 copies (neither numbered nor signed). This is a product without a single fault, available at the lowest price possible. The book was made as a reaction to both the trend of decreasing booksales and the trend of increasing expectations from audiences. Published by Elisabeth Tonnard, Leerdam, April 2012. A second edition became available in June 2012. It too was limited to 100 copies, neither numbered nor signed, but all made to perfection and available at the price of €0.
Text von der Website der Künstlerin
Das Buch kann man leider bei mir nicht anschauen. Es existiert nur in dieser Art als Datensatz auf einem Monitor
Evidence of the Avant Garde Since 1957 : Selected Works from the Collection of Art Metropole Including Audiotapes, Records, Videotapes, Film, Multiples, Kitsch, Manuscripts, Stamps, Buttons, Flyers, Posters, Correspondence, Catalogues, Porn, T-Shirts, Postcards, Drawings, Poems, Mailers, Books, Photographs and Ephemera
Ritchies erörtert die sich entwickelnden Ziele der Avantgarde, während Gale eine frühe Geschichte der Art Metropole bietet. Enthält ein Nachwort von Bronson über das Sammeln sowie eine Chronologie der Art Metropole-Veranstaltungen und -Publikationen.
Eine Publikation zum 10-jährigen Bestehen von Art Metropole, 17.11.-08.12.1984.
22 Blätter S., 31,5x22,5 cm, Auflage: 140, numeriert, signiert, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden geklammert in Mappe, mit Originalumschlägen und Briefen, Collagen, Stempeldrucke, teilweise signiert
zur Ausstellung in Kassel 01.01.-31.01.1985 mit 220 envelope-works von 153 Künstlern
Erschienen zu den Ausstellungen in der Kunsthalle Basel, ARC _ Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Le Noveau Musée Villeurbanne, Frankfurter Kunstverein, in den Jahren 1982-1983
1. Auflage. Performances 1958 to 1977. The book is particularly rich because it uses the artist's own documentation, photos, notes, sketches, commentary and script-like documents.
24,8x30,5 cm, Auflage: 85, numeriert, signiert, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden mit eingeklebten Klappbildern, Hardcover, Leinen, eingelegt die englische Übersetzung der holländischen Texte
numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Musikkassette 88 mit computergeschriebenen Brief, Computergrafik undeiner Übersicht über die seit 1971 publizierten VEC audio art works, in Versandtasche
Der Greif ist ein werbefreies Magazin für zeitgenössische Fotografie.
Inhalt der ersten Ausgabe: The first issue evolves from an initiative from Felix von Scheffer and Simon Karlstetter in only two weeks in the beginning of July 2008. All 25 photographers and authors are from the Ammersee-region. Advertising-free concept and combination of the works is the main subject from the beginning. The first issue is sold out since March 2010.
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216 S., 13,3x10,5 cm, Auflage: 2.000, ISBN/ISSN 1870699130 Klappumschlag
Rex Reason presents the Periodic Table of the Elements in book form. A colour-coding system is set up (black for solids, blue for liquids and yellow synthetics) but where we might expect to find hydrogen, helium or lithium we find Yul Brynner, William Hogarth and Maria Callas. The selected names relate to the chemical symbol for each element: both letters must appear in the chosen name for example, Bertolt Brecht (Br, Bromine).
A loose logic prevails in the choice of names, for example names in red, gases, are from Greek myth or history and the yellow synthetic elements are given their proper names. However, Patterson disrupts this system with red herrings, mysteries and riddles that test the reader’s knowledge and that expose the inherent human desire to establish order and meaning
168 S., 30x25,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Buch in Dreiecksform geschnitten, in Kassette aus Karton eingelegt, Deckel mit dreieckigem Ausschnitt
Book functions as a mobile extension to the exhibition Book Show. Including a facsimile reprint of Ulises Carrión’s ‘The New Art of Making Books’ as it originally appeared in the journal Kontexts, an illustrated text by James Langdon and additional works, both existing and newly commissioned.
The firth issue went through a redesign. Seems as if it was worth the effort, as Der Greif was honored with the reddot Design Award and the ADC Junior Award Silver. Besides that, the submissions are coming from all over the world. The page number was increased again, Der Greif show photography and poetry now on 84 pages. Altogether, the works of 80 photographers and 14 authors are published in the fourth issue.
Text von der Webseite.
80 S., 26x21 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-863350857 Katalog zur Ausstellung im MAK Wien, MGLC Ljubljana und UPM Prag, Klappumschlag
Vorwort von Helena Koenigsmarková, Nevenka Sivavec & Christoph Thun-Hohenstein. Beiträge von Jianping He, Martina Kandeler-Fritsch, Kathrin Pokorny-Nagel, Florian Pumhösl, Lucie Vlcková, Lawrence Weiner & Maria White.
Um das vielschichtige Genre des Künstlerbuchs einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit näherzubringen, hat das MAK Wien in Kooperation mit dem UPM Prag und dem MGLC Ljubljana das EU-geförderte Projekt "Artists' Books on Tour. Artist Competition and Mobile Museum" initiiert. Im Rahmen des damit verbundenen europaweiten Wettbewerbs wurden Künstler dazu aufgefordert, sich mit der Thematik des Künstlerbuchs und seinen vielfältigen ästhetischen Ausdrucksformen auseinanderzusetzen. Die vorliegende Publikation stellt die fünf prämierten sowie 45 weitere ausgewählte Projekte vor.
To familiarize a broader public with the multi-faceted genre of artists' books, the MAK - Austrian Museum of Applied Arts, Contemporary Art in Vienna, the UPM - Museum of Decorative Arts based in Prague and Ljubljana's MGLC - International Centre of Graphic Arts have launched the EU-funded project "Artists' Books on Tour. Artist Competition and Mobile Museum". In a pan-European competition, artists were invited to deal with the subject of artists' books and their multiple forms of aesthetic expression. The present catalogue features the five winning projects and 45 other selected works.
28 S., 18x11,5 cm, Auflage: 50, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung, Risographie auf gelben Karton
Drawings and text in german and english including an illustrated short story about apes in leather suits.
Willehad EIlers (1981, Peine) lives and works in Amsterdam. He is tirelessly working in all kinds of media including film and sculpture always looking for obscure situations inside incomplete stories. Great Tales of Moral was released accompanying to the exhibition with the same title at
self service open art space stuttgart
15x10,3 cm, Auflage: 100, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Farblaserkopie, Drahtheftung, mit Aufklebern
Absurdes, skurriles und verstörende Wahrheiten aus der Lego-Welt des New Yorker Künstlers Peekasso. Das neue Heft versammelt über 40 ausgewählte Arbeiten aus seinem Lego-Archiv. Vom Künstler handgemacht. ----- Grotesque, quirky and disturbingly true stories out of the Lego-world the New York based artist peekaboo created. This new sine collects more than 40 selected works from the artists archive. Handmade by the artist.
PANEL is an artist magazine from Vienna. Our intent is to have a platform for young artists who work in different disciplines, and bring them together. Instead of heaving a showroom, we ask people in our surrounding, who interest us, for their contribution.
Each issue presents around 13 works, in an edition of 100 copies, printed in colour in A5. New releases are published 2 to 3 times a year and sold in selected bookshops around Europe and the US
32 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Schwarz-Weiß-Laserdruck nach PDF, Seiten lose ineinander gelegt
This book was published on the occasion of the exhibition IM LAUF at Artothek & Bildersaal Munchen, showing brand new works by Yves Chaudouët, Olaf Probst and Oliver Westerbarkey and was made like a cadavre exquis
La Bibliotheque Fantastique: une idée de Catherine Schwartz
40 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Lose Blätter ineinander gelegt, Farbkopien nach PDF
A simple and straightforward layout, an awesome format, no advertising, 500 hand numbered copies and a free and selected distribution. Unpublished is a democratic and exchange place where photography meets the public, without any filter. Unpublished gathers the best unpublished images of young photographers from all over the world, selected not only for their aesthetic value, but through a careful analysis of the cultural context, the artistic and human paths.
A large project that ends each edition of Unpublished with a group exhibition in which it will be possible to buy at affordable prices the original and signed prints of the published works, donated and assessed by the authors themselves. No art dealers, no galleries and outside the market logic. Unpublished is a "call for freedom", a pure and direct line that connects the artist and his work with the outside world. And vice versa.
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Preface by Sarah Bodman, Essays by Walter Struve (librarian State Library of Victoria), Dr Scott McQuire (Associate Professor and Reader, School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne), Humphrey McQueen (freelance historian) and Des Cowley (Rare Printed Collections Manager, State Library of Victoria).
The Silent Scream: political and social comment in books by artists presents, not only a companion catalogue to an exhibition held at Monash University Rare Books, but also a journey through some of humanity's most inhumane and hypocritical moments. Reaching back to William Blake with a facsimile of his illuminated book America: A Prophecy then travelling through the two world wars and on to the modern era the catalogue provides insights into 77 influential books and works presented in book form.
Von der Webseite
312 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 1, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Laserausdruck auf DIN A3 gefaltet, Blätter lose ineinander gelegt, Ausdruck einer PDF-DAtei
A Historical Atlas for the Post-Fluxus Movements as Mail Art, Visual Poetry, Copy Art, Stamp Art & Other Relative Trends with Addresses, Projects, Publications & Exhibition Events
(Unedited manuscript for letter size)
315 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 1, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Laserausdruck auf DIN A3 gefaltet, Blätter lose ineinander gelegt, Ausdruck einer PDF-DAtei
A Historical Atlas for the Post-Fluxus Movements as Mail Art, Visual Poetry, Copy Art, Stamp Art & Other Relative Trends with Addresses, Projects, Publications & Exhibition Events
(Unedited manuscript for letter size)
Gerz zeigt in seinem Projekt, daß das Museum, in dem des Lagers gedacht wird und in dem all dies [Greul des Lagers, Anm. Red.] reflektiert werden soll, nach nicht unähnlichen Führungslinien funktioniert. Die Öffentlichkeit wird reguliert, klassifiziert und nur spärlich informiert durch ein Zeichensystem maßgeblicher Regulation, das gleichermaßen mit einem Ausgang endet. So werden das Lager und das "Lager als Museum" zu ineinandergreifenden Systemen. In der Installation des Projekts wurde ein anderes System, eines des Informationsstudiums mit Reihen von Schreibtischen, die von schwachen Lampen beleuchtet waren, der Ausstellung hinzugefügt.
Text von der Website
The subversive, often jarringly direct sculptures of Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan are acclaimed for their seemingly absurd juxtapositions and uncanny photorealism. This publication features new works by Cattelan, as well as several of his large-scale pieces dating from 2003-7, all of which are considered in the context of the Menil's remarkable holdings, with a focus on contemporary art.
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Karaoke – spoken not sung!
Speech Karaoke – as the name suggests – works in a similar way as a traditional karaoke. Instead of choosing between songs from a booklet, the user chooses between speeches. Within a relaxed atmosphere one can listen to speeches delivered by other karaoke bar guests – or try out how it feels to interpret someone´s speech.
Speech Karaoke is a constantly expanding project by The Speech Karaoke Action Group. When the Speech Karaoke-project arrives to a new city, local speeches are added to the Karaoke archive.
The project was created in Finland, the promised land of karaoke bars.
Karaoke - gesprochen, nicht gesungen!
Speech Karaoke - wie der Name schon sagt - funktioniert ähnlich wie eine traditionelle Karaoke. Anstatt zwischen Liedern aus einem Booklet zu wählen, wählt der Benutzer zwischen Reden. In entspannter Atmosphäre kann man sich die Reden anderer Karaoke-Bar-Gäste anhören - oder ausprobieren, wie es sich anfühlt, die Rede eines anderen zu interpretieren.
Speech Karaoke ist ein ständig wachsendes Projekt von The Speech Karaoke Action Group. Wenn das Speech Karaoke-Projekt in einer neuen Stadt ankommt, werden die dortigen Reden dem Karaoke-Archiv hinzugefügt.
Das Projekt wurde in Finnland ins Leben gerufen, dem gelobten Land der Karaoke-Bars.
Übersetzt mit DeepL, Text von der Webseite
78 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Farbkopien nach PDF, lose ineinander gelegt, Dokumentation der Ausstellung
This survey of experimental art and design magazines published since 2000 explores the various ways in which contemporary artists and designers utilize the magazine format as an experimental space for the presentation of artworks and text. Throughout the 20th century, international avant-garde activities in the visual arts and design were often codified first in the informal context of a magazine or journal. This exhibition, drawn from the holdings of the MoMA Library, follows the practice into the 21st century. The works on view represent a broad array of international titles within this genre, from community-building newspapers to image-only photography magazines to conceptual design projects. The contents illustrate a diverse range of image-making, editing, design, printing, and distribution practices. There are obvious connections to the past lineage of artists’ magazines and little architecture and design magazines of the 20th century, as well as a clear sense of the application of new techniques of image-editing and printing methods. Assembled together, these contemporary magazines provide a first-hand view into these practices and represents the MoMA Library’s sustained effort to document and collect this medium.
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36 S., 21x13,7 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung, Cover aus gestanzter und bedruckter Kunststoff-Folie
With more selections of the book 'Going Public' of Boris Groys, and from the descriptive text of the master-program 'The Publicing Class III: How it Works'. Domain X Zine #2 is part of the DXZ#-series, in which the process of setting up the Domain X Gallery will be reflected, and transformed into printed publications
168 S., 23x16,7 cm, Auflage: 2.000, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-906012113
Presenting: A reprint in entirety of A Great Book Primer: Essays on Liberal Education, the Uses of Reading and the Rules of Reading, published by the Great Books Foundation, Chicago (1955)
68 S., 23,3x15,1 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 20003749 Drahtheftung
Alphabet Prime is a new biannual arts journal presenting critical texts, artist contributions, and fictional works, among other content. The publication takes as its focus the problem of language in contemporary discourse, and its limitations within the established framework of “theory”.
Featuring Asli Cavusoglu, Goldin + Senneby, Jen Kennedy and Liz Linden, Ginny Kollak, F. Zahir Mibineh, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Sarah Rifky, Irit Rogoff, Johanne Nordby Wernø, Olav Westphalen
[40] S., 23x19 cm, Auflage: 100, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung, verschiedenfarbiges Papier, in transparenter Kunststoffhülle
Boundaries is a short sequence of drawings, based on found/recycled imagery and formulated as visual accompaniments during the composition of various sound works by artist & electronic musician Nickolas Mohanna. Throughout the booklet, these abstract figures and graphic spaces diverge into new forms that reflect the movement, place and time of the sound material.
Text von der Verlagswebseite
[24] S., 26,5x26,5 cm, Auflage: 1.000, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung, in Heft eingelegt eine Schallplatte in Schutzumschlag, in Pappschuber mit Aufkleber. Einseitige 10" Schallplatte "Brian Roettinger w/ No Age", 45 UpM, Katalognr. SSD.10
Edition 10 in the ongoing Artist Music Journals series features the work of the Los Angeles based designer, artist, musician and label owner Brian Roettinger, who operates the creative umbrella Hand Held Heart. Unlike any previous Artist Music Journal, this installment includes Brian's 24-page book as well as a one-sided 10" record, featuring a collaboration between Brian and No Age with three exclusive tracks!
Brian lives and works in Los Angeles primarily as a graphic designer. He received a BFA in graphic design from CalArts in 2004. His work encompasses design, publishing, writing and curating as well as running his own vinyl-only record label Hand Held Heart. In 2009 he was nominated for a Grammy for his design of the No Age Nouns album packaging. In 1999 he was providing bass duties for This Machine Kills. He is a part-time professor in the design department at CalArts, as well as a current designer in residency in the Design | Media Arts program at UCLA
[24] S., 26,5x26,5 cm, Auflage: 1.000, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung, Heft in Pappschuber mit Aufkleber
This is the twelfth and final edition of Soundscreen Design's Artist Music Journals series, featuring the work of Eye, known primarily as the vocalist for the Japanese band Boredoms and also for his prolific visual art portfolio. He used this project as an opportunity to design for dozens of imaginary bands, including original album art and vinyl details.
Eye lives and works in Japan, and is known primarily as the vocalist of the Boredoms (Voredoms), but has also worked with artists such as Nam June Paik and John Zorn, and has recently started performing solo as DJ Pika Pika Pika. In addition to his musical activities, Eye is an accomplished visual artist - his work includes collaborations with Shinro Otake (as Puzzle Punks), and he has designed many record covers, including the jacket of the Beck album Midnight Vultures
480 S., 27,5x21,8x3,8 cm, Auflage: 1.500, signiert, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 978-3-927786004 Hardecover. 1350 Abbildungen, Liste aller 158 Videotapes bis Dez. 2009
Erschienen zur Ausstellung im ZKM Karlsruhe: Ruine der Künste Berlin 25 years
Wolf Kahlen 70 years.
03.07.-26.09.2010: Wolf Kahlen, VideoTapes 1969-2010
This new edition is a newly conceptualized publication authorized by Gerhard Richter, containing the Atlas work until 2005, including particularly plates of the War Cut cycle. The Atlas is a continuous, encyclopedic work containing c. 4,000 photographs, sketches and collages arranged on more than 700 panels. As a complete work Richter's Atlas is an organism that continues to develop and change. Begun in 1962, many of the ideas preceding Richter's painterly works find their expression in the photographs, sketches, plans and collages of the "Atlas".
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16 S., 13,6x12,8 cm, Auflage: 65, numeriert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung, Seitenbögen beidseitig bedruckt, einmal gefaltet zusammengehalten, in transparenter Kunststoffhülle
Pamphlet printing of Jake Marx's index to Fuck You/ a Magazine of the Arts. Newly revised and expanded by Gabriel Mckee, this booklet provides a comprehensive, alphabetized list of the magazine's contributors, the titles of their works, and the issues of the magazine in which they appeared.
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This issue of Bulletins of the Serving Library doubles as a catalog of sorts to "Ecstatic Alphabets/Heaps of Language," a group exhibition curated by Laura Hoptman at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, from May 6 to August 27, 2012. It is a *pseudo*-catalog in the sense that, other than a section of images at the back, it bears no direct relation to the works in the exhibition. Instead, the bulletins extend in different directions from the same title, and could be collectively summarized as preoccupied with the more social aspects of Typography.
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[48] S., 23,2x18,2 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 1870699041 23 bedruckte Einzelblätter, gestanzt, abgeheftet auf in Pappumschlag montierten Metallstäben mit Schließmechanik, Vorder- und Rückseite mit Prägedruck
A collection of photographs, diagrams, text, and a short story by Craigie Horsfield.
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DER PFEIL conceives itself as a fictional space, which by means of a series of publications, spreads transportable works and positions. Each issue is devoted to the connotation of a term and accompanying questions as: to what extend are diversified agendas and significances triggered through one word, and how can they later be traced back? As a fragmented, ongoing dictionary, various artistic approaches are gathered in what we call "Edizin", with all the unique contributions released in an edition of 100 - in order to un-tighten the terms from their tasks.
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16 S., 25,5x19,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-905714487 Drahtheftung, First Edition
Hendrik Hegray works and lives in Paris. His influences are cartoons, 90's video-games, abstract pictures, Eye's Boredoms covers and 80's horror movies. He has published self-made zines for the last ten years.
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[106] S., 31x22 cm, Auflage: 200, numeriert, signiert, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Hartpappeeinband mit Siebdruck, Text von Leo Lencsés und Matthias Glas, eingelegt eine Originalzeichnung. Ein Exemplar mit beigelegtem Anschreibener Version des Textes, einmal ein
Erschienen zur Debütantenausstellung in der Akademie der Bildenden Künste in München am 8.04.2014
The artist‘s book “Die Chronologie der Zelle“ shows and analyzes the cyclic working process of sculptor Matthias Glas. 80 pages covering a photo spread of art works are completed by a text section which takes up the preceding flow of images based on a chain of the artist`s thoughts. Additional meta text passages structure the workflow into chapters and give further information on the artistic practice. Each book has an individual screen-printed cover and includes an original drawing by Matthias Glas
84 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 1.000, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung, 70% ads, 25% photo series, 5% text, 218 images, full colour, 120 type faces
Erschienen zur Ausstellung I want to become Tarzan before sunset at Pionees Works, Brooklyn, NY
Dieser "Katalog" gibt nicht nur Einblick in das publizistische und persönliche Universum des Mark Pezinger Verlages, sondern versammelt und vereint auch die Vielfalt der Individuen zu einem Selbstporträt eines Verlegers: Freunde und Weggefährten haben auf meine Bitte hin ein Porträt ihres persönlichen Mark Pezinger auf ihre individuelle Weise erstellt. Diese Beiträge, von mir in Anzeigen umgewandelt, sind das Substrat der entstandenen Zeitschrift
Übersetzt mit www.DeepL.com/Translator
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144 S., 30x22 cm, Auflage: 350, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-907468209 Broschur mit Klappeinband
The Nabokov Paper is an experiment in novel-reading. The project takes as its starting point a now famous class taught during the 1950s by Vladimir Nabokov at Cornell University, New York State, entitled Literature 311-312: Masters of European Fiction. Nabokov’s approach to teaching literary reading was notoriously idiosyncratic. Convinced that one must teach the books themselves, not ideas or generalities, Nabokov would make diagrams of the floor plans of fictional buildings, map the routes taken by characters through the spaces of the novel, and draw items of clothing or furniture, he would also propose to track the course of a single letter, offer a visual representation of a stylistic device, and uncover what he called the mysteries of literary structures. His methods are striking for the range of gestures they call for in the name of good reading. The published Lectures on Literature (New York: Harcourt, 1980) concludes with an appendix of sample exam questions. Responding to those questions some sixty years after the fact offers a means to explore what Nabokov’s take on how to read might have to teach us today: about the novel, about how reading works across practices and disciplines, and about the past, present and future forms of literary criticism.
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Inhalt: Einzelblatt (Manifest contra el Populisme Pervers), gefaltete Pappe mit Baumwollsocke, 3 Hefte, Leporello, Heft mit Originalnegativ, geschlossener Umschlag, gefaltetes Poster mit Sand, Folder.
In the wake of the worldwide glorification of Barcelona via the 1992 Olympics Games, a group of publishers felt that it was time to revive the creative and critical spirit at a cultural level, in the form of a magazine, in order to demonstrate the prevailing level of creativity - via manifestos and works without intermediaries. As a result, Vicenc Altaió, Claret Serrahima, Manel Guerrero, Joaquim Pibernat and Manel Sala launched the magazine, Cave Canis, (which literally means "beware of the dogs") in Barcelona, in 1996.
Starting with its first edition the magazine announced that it would have a short-lived existence - only 9 issues were published, each corresponding to one letter of the publication’s name. The magazine was constituted by a cardboard box, designed by Claret Serrahima, a manifesto, an artist’s book and sometimes contained CDs with recordings and other artistic objects, all associated with the same monographic topic. Each issue had a letter on the front cover designed by an artist. Cave Canis wasn’t available in the usual retail outlets. Each issue was presented in an unusual place in the city, where the manifesto was read, copies were distributed and the magazine then disappeared from sight. The last issue was published in 1999.
Text von der Website
21x29.3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Blatt mehrfach gefaltet
_Quarterly is a Brooklyn-based experimental publication focused on the visual and literary arts. Each issue follows a different theme to which the participating artists are asked to respond.
The fourth issue of _Quarterly revolves around the idea of the Sea. Each artist presents works focusing around ideas of vastness, mystery, nostalgia, and nautical exploration. Paired with classic literature, this issue compares and contrasts the many notions of the sea, ranging from literal interpretations to more abstract representations of the ideas surrounding large expanses of water.
Text von Website.
[192] S., 29x21.1x1.6 cm, Auflage: 500, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Broschur, Softcover. Mit .. Infoschreiben zur Buchvorstellung in der Fotogalleriet Oslo inneliegend
A Sudden Drop features photographs of clothing found on streets in a central part of Oslo. The book is part of a larger body of work that includes cartographical material, sculptures and installations. The theme of these works – consumer consumption and decay in a specific geographical area – takes on a somewhat abstract and scientific tone.
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210 S., 24x17 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-735601612 Softcover, Klappbroschur
Der Katalog erschien anlässlich der Ausstellung Debutanten 2015 vom 11. September – 02.10.2015, Galerie der Künstler des BBK München und Oberbayern e.V. in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München
22,5x19,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung. 16 mehrfach gefaltete einseitig bedruckte Plakate. Heft und Plakate in Kartonhülle eingeschoben
The exhibition CONCRETE UTOPIAS provides a space for artistic works that explore the area of potentiality between not-yet-realised and but-possible. The art on display will be showing visions that are predominantly about the Now, offering playful alternatives and new approaches to socio-cultural questions, addressing political power structures in an urban environment and above all defying rules.
Der Realismus Club wurde 2014 als Plattform für zeitgenössische Kunstproduktion in Berlin gegründet, mit dem Ziel, vor allem jüngere künstlerische Entwicklungen in der zeitgenössischen bildenden Kunst zu fördern und einem breiten Publikum zu präsentieren.
Als eine private Organisation ist unser Ziel, die unabhängige Organisation von zwei Ausstellungen pro Jahr an wechselnden Orten in Berlin. Wir wollen Künstlern nicht nur ein Forum bieten, um ihre Werke auszustellen, sondern auch durch die Bereitstellung eines Budgets die Produktion von neuen Werken unterstützen. Der Realismus Club sieht sich selbst als einen Ort des Experimentierens mit Organisationsmodellen und als Möglichkeit neue Kollaborationspraktiken auszuprobieren. Letztendlich zielt das Format des Realismus Clubs darauf ab, eine konkrete Utopie in sich selbst zu sein.
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Erschienen zur Ausstellung vom 16.01.-15.03.2015 in der Galleri Susanne Ottensen Kobenhagen. (Anm. Im Katalog werden drei verschiedene Daten für die Dauer der Ausstellung angegeben).
Text von Magnus Thorø Clausen. Interviews von Hans Ulrich Obrist.
Per Kirkeby and Lawrence Weiner have known each other for many years. The idea of making a collaborative work and an exhibition together already evolved in the mid eighties, but due to practical reasons the project was not realized back then. Last year during the fall, the idea returned to us in a new form, and we decided together with the artists that now was the time to make it happen. Per Kirkeby shows two brick works built directly within the gallery space. One work is a tall stele with a deep niche, a black line or a "metaphysical shadow" running vertically through it. The other piece is a monumental quadrangular block, an open/closed building or, if you will, a hollow slightly rotten tree. This new installation is made in collaboration with Lawrence Weiner, who has contributed with texts across the inner and outer brick walls, so that words, matter and space overlap and transform the whole. Lawrence Weiner is also showing two other textbased sculptures made site specifically for the gallery space.
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This book focuses on John Armleder’s early Fluxus-related works with Ecart, a group he founded in 1969 with Patrick Lucchini and Claude Rychner. Between 1972 and 1980, Ecart established itself as both bookshop and gallery in Geneva.
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26x26,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden 10 Zoll Single, bedruckte Hülle, kleiner Zettel mit Downloadhinweis, schwarze one-side 10 Zoll Single (25,4 cm/10) Rückseite der Platte mit Prägedruck
Side A Anticipation Generalized Other
Side B Etching
Production, Composition and Works by Toro Misawa: Sentimental Fool
Recorded at Hijack Studio MA, USA in Dez. 2014
Photo-Cover: Sukita (Model: Mika)
48 S., 22,9x15,4 cm, Auflage: 300, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden KlappBroschur
Ausstellung vom 08.09.-04.11.2007. The pieces in the show explored what you could call the visualization of language: mapping notation, shorthand forms, the alphabet, graffiti, the vocabulary of painting, missing things, and so on. Speaking of Which contains works in book form related to the pieces that were on display. Exhibition and book compiled with Louis Lüthi.
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[20] S., 23x18x6,5 cm, Auflage: 8, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden fadengeheftet, Umschlag Bitumen auf Styrodur, innen Anklebevorsatz aus schwarzem Tonpapier und Seiten aus Transparentpapier, beigelegt ein zweiseitiges Anschreiben
This book works by haptics. You can read it eyes closed. The hardcover is made by a thick bitumen surface on styropor. For this reason the book is not heavy. Inside the book are ten pages of transparent paper with abstract illustrations that assosciate to biological structures. The topic of the book is about the sensitive creatures that live in the sea and oil shipping disasters
31,5x32 cm, Auflage: 500, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Vinyl Schallplatte in Schuber, aufklappbar
Sounds of Silence is an anthology of some of the most intriguing silent tracks in recording history and includes rare works. In their own quiet way, these silences speak volumes: they are performative, political, critical, abstract, poetic, cynical, technical, absurd… They can be intended as a memorial or a joke, a special offer, or something entirely undefined. The carefully chosen silences of this anthology are intrinsically linked to the medium of reproduction itself and reveal it's nude materiality. They expose their medium in all its facets and imperfections, including the effect of time and wear.
Text von Website
[52] S., 13,5x9,5 cm, Auflage: 300, ISBN/ISSN 09620873 Drahtheftung, Rückseite mit Silberprägung, in transparenter Kunststoffhülle mit beigelegtem Blatt, Aufkleber
Faces of Feces is the title of the third issue out. This time we will explore the fascinating and deep original work of Finland's master mind Vilunki 3000. The Helsinki based artist shows us a small overview of his most inspiring and sought after works, which includes drawings, graphics, posters, ads and jokes. It can be called a small retrospect, and it's a perfect opportunity for those outside Finland to get familiar with his unique style. He has been a true inspiration for a whole decade in Finland, and we understand why.
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Rampike magazine, in print since 1979, featuring stellar international writers, critics and artists invites you to subscribe and/or submit articles both creative and scholarly (juried). Edited by Karl Jirgens, featuring post-modern art and writing from around the world with a strong focus on Canadian expression. The journal has received substantial support from the Canada Council and the Ontario Arts Council and has published interviews and works by internationally acclaimed figures ... . Rampike has been praised by critics such as Wayne Grady (Globe & Mail), and Marjorie Perloff (Stanford U) and is distributed internationally.
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Post-Deweyed, these works form an entirely new corpus, showcasing the artists’ book not as a by-product of the book per se, but both its antecedent and post-digital flowering, many salient twentieth-century features proleptically flickering here and there through time, its epigenetic influence finally come to permeate mainstream book design everywhere, the manifold traits and studio processes inherent to the artists’ book bursting from their stitched sheath, cheerfully pollinating the whole gamut of reading impedimenta and spaces.
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Kelli Sims' It's Michael is a collection of drawings and watercolors created by the artist over a span of one week in March 2015. The book offers a glimpse into the artist's unique process of digesting reality. A certain urgency and rawness is evident in depicting a disorienting range of Sims' subject matters. In her works on paper, a pen or a brush cast a net extracting brief moments of clarity from the sea of daily observations, free association, dreams, and the internet. It is the first time Kelli Sims' work is displayed in a form of a book, adding to her diverse practice ranging from video, performance to painting and sculpture.
Kelli Sims (b. 1984, Monroe, Louisiana) received her MFA from the Glasgow School of Art in 2014 after studying at the University of Louisiana and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Recent exhibitions include Prehistoric Loom, Yada Shimin Gallery, Nagoya, Japan, Prehistoric Loom, No Toilet, Soeul, South Korea, Dear Green, ZK/U, Center for Art and Urbanistics, Berlin. How Many Shades Would an Artist Pack for Holidays?, Neoterismoi Toumazou and Aλ,áς, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Supported by the Glasgow School of Art as part of the Glasgow Master Series 2014.
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Rampike magazine, in print since 1979, featuring stellar international writers, critics and artists invites you to subscribe and/or submit articles both creative and scholarly (juried). Edited by Karl Jirgens, featuring post-modern art and writing from around the world with a strong focus on Canadian expression. The journal has received substantial support from the Canada Council and the Ontario Arts Council and has published interviews and works by internationally acclaimed figures ... . Rampike has been praised by critics such as Wayne Grady (Globe & Mail), and Marjorie Perloff (Stanford U) and is distributed internationally.
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Cover art: Ints Plampe
212 S., 32,7x27,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-775737333 Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag, bedrucktes Vorsatzpapier
Mit einem Essay von Benjam H. D. Buchloh.
Raymond Pettibon (Raymond Ginn) (*1957 in Tucson), Pionier von Subkultur und kulturellem Untergrund in Südkalifornien, löst seit den späten 1970er-Jahren die Grenzen zwischen Hochkultur und Massenphänomenen, zwischen Kunstgeschichte und Literatur einerseits sowie Jugendritualen, Sport, Religion, Politik und Sexualität andererseits stetig auf. All dies schlägt sich in seinen bis ins Detail ausgearbeiteten Zeichnungen nieder. Mit seinen freien poetischen und zugleich scharfsinnigen Kompositionen hält Pettibon der gegenwärtigen Gesellschaft einen Spiegel vor. Außer von politischen Akteuren wird sein Schaffen seit dem 11.09.2001 verstärkt durch zeithistorische Ereignisse inspiriert. Ronald und Nancy Reagan, J. Edgar Hoover, die Präsidenten Bush, die Kennedys und Adolf Hitler, Barack Obama und Osama bin Laden finden sich neben Szenen aus dem Vietnamkrieg und den Kriegen im Irak und in Afghanistan, neben Misshandlungen in Abu Ghraib und Protestbewegungen.
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Als Bildhauer produziert Peter Reill plastische Objekte, humorvoll, sinnlich und leuchtend bunt. Dazu zählen technisch perfekte Arbeiten die sich an vielerlei Orten einnisten. Selbst der öffentliche Raum bleibt dabei nicht verschont. Mit hintersinniger Konzeptkunst reagiert er auf aktuelle Strömungen des Kulturbetriebes und reflektiert diese nicht selten überspitzt. Im Ausstellungskontext präsentiert der Künstler seine Arbeiten meist wie bei einem Messeauftritt. So gehört ein eigens hergestellter Empfangstresen, auf dem die Kunst-Produkte vorgestellt werden, zum obligatorischen Mobiliar.
Text von Website.
Mit einem Vorwort von Dr. Ellen Maurer-Zilioli
59x42 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Plakat,
The Office gallery presents new works by the Austrian artist Bernhard Hosa in his exhibition Hyperkinesia, starting on June 30, 2016.
Hosa's photo collages, objects and installations are reduced, almost minimalist in appearance and usually based on concrete themes. His starting point is the tension between the individual and a normative society. Based on an engagement with the biological view of the inside and of the outside, on man as an object of scientific study and on the measurement of the human body, he develops his own formal language on the interface between conceptual art and an aesthetic approach. Hosa deconstructs his reflections with artistic strategies such as reproduction, variation or sequence, and practices such as dissection and the creation of new compositions. The resulting series of collages or objects and stringent arrangements of the space adopt the character of the contents of his research.
Text aus der Presseerklärung
1 S., 64x42 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Plakat,
Ausstellung der Privatsammlung Anastasios Gkekas bei VOLKS 10.09.-13.10.2015.
A key to a potential approach is possibly the innerness, the esoteric and sometimes confessional character of the works, but also the place they occupy in the collective work of the artists - as I am of the opinion that one can find more comprehensible examples within their work. It seems that as if from a recurring tic, I wanted to catch them red-handed, naked I would say, within their own work. To a lesser extend, it is perhaps a sort of innocence.
Text aus der Presseerklärung
492 S., 32x24x4 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788480265294 Sofctover, fadengeheftet, Rücken geklebt, Schutzumschlag zum Aufklappen, teilweise gedruckt auf farbigen Papier,
A book that accompanies an exhibition, but that it's in itself another work. The artist Ignacio Aballí (Barcelona, 1958) talks with curator João Fernandes about the creative process of his work, exploring the ways in which he classifies the world, questioning the conventions of art and the museum. On the other hand the images that accompany the text underline this idea and challenge readers to test their powers of observation. A compilation of photographs of works, books and listings scale 1: 1 where the time is revealed as an essential tool for understanding the artistic discourse.
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HUNGRY is a photo collection which shows artworks of 77-151 young Japanese photographers. This book works as a platform and helps artists and people who are interested in them meet.
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Katalog zur Ausstellung der The Morgan Library & Museum, New York, 10.05.- 08.09.2013 und der Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, 08.10.2013-05.01.2014.
Drawing has always been an incredibly important part of Matthew Barney's practice: his first major work completed while still at Yale Art School involved him creating a wall drawing while harnessed to the ceiling of his studio. In this exhibition and accompanying catalogue, one hundred of the artist's most important drawings are presented from his major series of works including "The Cremaster Cycle," "The Drawing Restraint" series, and most notably "Ancient Evenings," the body of work that has occupied the artist in the last few years (and is based on Norman Mailer's ancient Egyptian-inspired novel of the same name).
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6 S., 23,7x19 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Einzelblatt mehrfach gefaltet, doppelseitig bedruckt, handschriftlicher Gruß
Found, sliced and assembled, the photographic collage establishes experimental and introspective forms through the combination of familiar and obscure images. The montages from the various artists each evoke a distinct entry into surreal worlds, bound together by connected and intertwined photographs. With found objects and images, the spontaneity of discovery and combination counters the intricacy of the details in the works.
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Teilnehmende Künstler/innen: Carolle Benitah, James Gallagher, Melinda Gibson, Ken Graves, Stéphanie Solinas, Annegret Soltau, and Grete Stern
[12] S., 21x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Blätter gefaltet, lose ineinander gelegt,
Begleitheft zum Projekt. The idea to initiate the FAX HeART project had been conceived during the total blockade of Serbia by the whole world community, when even cultural relations with us, i.e. exchange of art works, exhibitions and publications, were bannend. Our desire had been to break through the blockade by telefax and make contact with as many artists from all over the world as possible. The effects and results of this campaign were splendid. As scheduled, on October 20, 1994, between 5 and 9 o'clock p.m. more than a hundred faxes arrived from various parts of the world.
Text aus dem Heft.
160 S., 29,7x21 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780988722767 Farblaserkopien aus PDF-Datei, lose ineinander gelegt
Künstlerbriefmarken vom 02.11.2015 bis 22.09.2016. This is Vol 6 in the series. Series created as a reference guide for collecting and archiving records. Artists, designers, art teachers all glean new ideas from these works. And curators use these for quickly finding work while planning exhibits
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Originalausgabe von 2011.
During the 1960s and 1970s, magazines became an important new site of artistic practice, functioning as an alternative exhibition space for the dematerialized practices of conceptual art. Artists created works expressly for these mass-produced, hand-editioned pages, using the ephemerality and the materiality of the magazine to challenge the conventions of both artistic medium and gallery. In Artists’ Magazines, Gwen Allen looks at the most important of these magazines in their heyday (the 1960s to the 1980s) and compiles a comprehensive, illustrated directory of hundreds of others.
Among the magazines Allen examines are Aspen (1965–1971), a multimedia magazine in a box—issues included Super-8 films, flexi-disc records, critical writings, artists’ postage stamps, and collectible chapbooks, Avalanche (1970-1976), which expressed the countercultural character of the emerging SoHo art community through its interviews and artist-designed contributions, and Real Life (1979-1994), published by Thomas Lawson and Susan Morgan as a forum for the Pictures generation. These and the other magazines Allen examines expressed their differences from mainstream media in both form and content: they cast their homemade, do-it-yourself quality against the slickness of an Artforum, and they created work that defied the formalist orthodoxy of the day. Artists’ Magazines, featuring abundant color illustrations of magazine covers and content, offers an essential guide to a little-explored medium.
In den 1960er und 1970er Jahren wurden Zeitschriften zu einem wichtigen neuen Ort der künstlerischen Praxis und fungierten als alternativer Ausstellungsraum für die entmaterialisierten Praktiken der Konzeptkunst. Künstler schufen Werke speziell für diese massenproduzierten, von Hand herausgegebenen Seiten und nutzten die Vergänglichkeit und Materialität der Zeitschriften, um die Konventionen sowohl des künstlerischen Mediums als auch der Galerie in Frage zu stellen. In Artists' Magazines befasst sich Gwen Allen mit den wichtigsten dieser Zeitschriften in ihrer Blütezeit (1960er bis 1980er Jahre) und stellt ein umfassendes, bebildertes Verzeichnis von Hunderten weiterer Zeitschriften zusammen.
Zu den von Allen untersuchten Magazinen gehören Aspen (1965-1971), ein multimediales Magazin in einer Box - die Ausgaben enthielten Super-8-Filme, Flexi-Disc-Schallplatten, kritische Schriften, Briefmarken von Künstlern und Sammelbücher, Avalanche (1970-1976), das durch seine Interviews und von Künstlern gestalteten Beiträge den gegenkulturellen Charakter der aufstrebenden Kunstszene von SoHo zum Ausdruck brachte, und Real Life (1979-1994), das von Thomas Lawson und Susan Morgan als Forum für die Generation Pictures herausgegeben wurde. Diese und die anderen von Allen untersuchten Magazine unterschieden sich in Form und Inhalt von den Mainstream-Medien: Sie stellten ihre hausgemachte Do-it-yourself-Qualität der Glätte eines Artforums gegenüber und schufen Arbeiten, die sich der formalistischen Orthodoxie der Zeit widersetzten. Artists' Magazines, mit zahlreichen Farbabbildungen von Titelseiten und Inhalten, bietet einen unverzichtbaren Leitfaden für ein wenig erforschtes Medium.
Übersetzt mit www.DeepL.com/Translator, Text von der Webseite
Erwähnt werden neben vorwiegend amerikanischen Magazinen auch europäische Magazine
Titelergänzung: The dematerialization of the art object from 1966 to 1972 : a cross-reference book of information on some esthetic boundaries : consisting of a bibliography into which are inserted a fragmented text, art works, documents, interviews, and symposia, arranged chronologically and focused on so-called conceptual or information or idea art with mentions of such vaguely designated areas as minimal, antiform, systems, earth, or process art, occurring now in the Americas, Europe, England, Australia, and Asia (with occasional political overtones), edited and annotated by Lucy R. Lippard.
In Six Years Lucy R. Lippard documents the chaotic network of ideas that has been labeled conceptual art. The book is arranged as an annotated chronology into which is woven a rich collection of original documents—including texts by and taped discussions among and with the artists involved and by Lippard, who has also provided a new preface for this edition. The result is a book with the character of a lively contemporary forum that offers an invaluable record of the thinking of the artists — a historical survey and essential reference book for the period.
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Ursprünglich publiziert 1973 bei Praeger, New York
Stamp Art by Carolyn Whitaker. These original card designs feature miniature works of art by artists well known for paintings which delight us with their grace, beauty and marvelous colors.
Text von der Karte.
31x23,6x1,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Kassette mit Stegen, mit zwei Heften mit Drahtheftung, einem Heft mit eingeklebtem Leporello, einem Heft mit eingeklebtem, mehrfach gefalteten Einzelblatt, Sammelmappe mit 14 Einzelblättern und einer Schallplatte.
Zweite Ausgabe, bestehend aus 7 Teilen: 1. Box, 2. "Scriabin: Again and Again" Faubion Bowers on the work and life of Russian composer Alexander Scriabin, 3. "Phonograph recording. Works by Alexander Scriabin, performed by Daniel Kunin" Recorded by Aspen Magazine March 23, 1966, at Steinway Hall, 4. "Ski Racing: Edging the Possible" Martin Luray on the mystique of downhill skiing, 5. "The Robert Murrays. A visit with the residents of a simple, site-friendly mountain home" by Pegggy Clifford, 6. "Farewell to a Canyon" The demise of Glenwood Canyon, documented by an anonymous author, 7. "The Young Outs vs. The Establishment" Seventeen excerpts from papers presented at the Aspen Film Conference.
Techno-somatics and physical experience - Memory on the Internet - Our ears open a whole world to us: about the experiment to program an exhibition on a vinyl record
‘Curated by Weekly’ is a digital art project. It aims to raise questions regarding online formats, web-based distribution and the acceleration of digital platforms in contemporary art. The project is made up of a website and a magazine, which will be released in irregular intervals. The latter will include essays and interventions about digital exhibition formats, the experiences of digital curation and the questions about media and matter in the post-analogue space. Every week, an artwork will be “curated” and published on the website. In cooperation with different individuals, institutions and independent projects from the art field, artistic positions and works will be displayed. They can function as pieces of art in the digital sphere as well as be critical about it, or to contrast itself with the functions of the web. The project’s pace and composition orientates itself around the relevant visual environment of the present day.
The format of the website is consciously purely visual, while complementary content will be published in the magazine. This content will consist of essays and contributions around certain questions. For example: How new formats will be established in contemporary art, which technological tools are required or how curation is practiced in a digital space. What should particularly be highlighted is determining which artistic media, surfaces and materialities provide an adequate digital environment.
'Curated by Weekly' aims for an experimental format, which uses the speed and the possibilities of the digital space, but instead of reproductions and documentations we want to show artistic work itself, to address availability in the digital space and to use catchy visual surfaces. At the same time, the discourse and the self-reflection of the format is discussed in the appearing magazines/readers online and offline.
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Anlässlich der gleichnamigen Ausstellung in der Tate Britain, London, 09.02.-29.05.2017. Kuratiert von Chris Stephens, Andrew Wilson und Helen Little.
This exhibition gathers together an extensive selection of David Hockney’s most famous works celebrating his achievements in painting, drawing, print, photography and video across six decades.
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Katalog zur Ausstellung, 23.10.-25.10.2015 auf der Designers' Open und im Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig vom 01.11.2015 - 10.01.2016.
Die Ausstellung zeigt eine Auswahl an Plakaten, Büchern und anderen Drucksachen, als Reproduktion oder im Original, zu den Leipziger Messen. Gezeigt werden zudem grafische Arbeiten von Ausstellern, die für einen Auftritt auf den Messen entstanden sind. Kuratiert wird die Ausstellung von Karen Laube und Philipp Neumann (MZIN Leipzig) im Rahmen des 850-jährigen Jubliäums.
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Nicht nur als Künstler, dessen Werkkomplex zum Kanon der Konzeptkunst gehört, ist Dan Graham (*1942) bekannt, sondern auch als Kritiker und Theoretiker. Er schuf zunächst Zahlengedichte, Diagramme und Fragebögen. darauf folgte Konzeptkunst in den unterschiedlichsten Medien, Fotografie, theoretische Publikationen, Happenings und Performances, Installationen, Videos, Musik und vieles mehr. Seine architektonischen Projekte, denen er sich zunehmend seit den achtziger Jahren widmete, thematisieren die Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Architektur sowie das Spannungsverhältnis von "öffentlich" und "privat". Die Publikation richtet ihr Augenmerk auf die verschiedenen Schaffensperioden Dan Grahams, analysiert seine Hauptwerke und versammelt einige seiner Schriften.
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In this his latest artist book, Ethridge conflates a rich array of photographic tropes, combining personal documentary images made in western Palm Beach County, his mother’s childhood home, with surreal collage works, and a series discarded from a Chanel fashion shoot. These are interwoven with what appears to be a carefully directed scene depicting a teeth-white Durango SUV sinking into and then being retrieved from a canal. The clash of visual styles, histories and meaning establish a flatline of dissonance underscored by the touchline admonition of the neon title - SACRIFICE YOUR BODY.
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Mit Statements zu Künstlerbüchern von 50 Künstler_innen. "The editors’ favorite issue, according to Art Forum." Cover gestaltet von Carl Andre.
Peter Frank mit einem Artikel zu den Vobereitungen der Künstlerbücher-Ausstellung bei der documenta 6 1977 in Kassel, zusammen mit Rolf Dittmar: Confessions of a professional bookie, S. 51
On a full Moon there must be thousands, maybe millions of photos of the night sky being sent by smart phones. The busy Moon moves much faster around the world these day. At the end of 19th century, N (a student of English literature, who would become very well known as an author of many great works), found himself in London. Since the 17th century, the Edo government had prohibited international trade and travel except with China and Holland for over 200 years. It was only when Matthew C. Perry came to Uraga in 1853 and succeeded with his negotiations, what Japan's new history of forgeign affairs began. Gradually the English language was introduced into the intellectual elite, and a few members were sent overseas to learn the language in order to respond to the needs of the new age. N was one of them.
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Zur Eröffnung am 26.10.2017. Dauer 27.-29.10.2017 in Alte Bayerische Staatsbank.
In the central located Alte Bayerische Staatsbank and during the simultaneously held Highlights in Munich, 35 international galleries from 6 countries will present their most significant artistic positions of contemporary and modern art with focus on paper works: drawings, collages, paper cuttings, photography, art books and objects will be shown.
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Messe 27.-29.10.2017 in Alte Bayerische Staatsbank.
In the central located Alte Bayerische Staatsbank and during the simultaneously held Highlights in Munich, 35 international galleries from 6 countries will present their most significant artistic positions of contemporary and modern art with focus on paper works: drawings, collages, paper cuttings, photography, art books and objects will be shown.
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Das Büchlein "Song of Myself: American Renaissance" besteht aus Status-Updates, gesammelt von den Facebook-Fanpages von Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickinson, Henry David Thoreau, Herman Melville, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson und Walt Whitman. Der Titel bezieht sich auf Whitmans Gedicht‘Song of Myself’, das mit den Zeilen: ‘I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.’beginnt.
This is a pocket book, good for bringing along on a sea journey. This imagetext tries to evoke the feeling of a bewildered traveling. The words are awkwardly placed, and clearly out of their element. Still they continue on, going somewhere. The goddess whispers. The sea of the book is composed of two photographs I found in a family album lost in an archive. The text cuts through Samuel Butler’s translation of Homer’s Odyssey. The book received an honorable mention in the Photography Book Now competition of 2011.
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Established in 2009, ABC Artists’ Books Cooperative is an international distribution network created by and for artists who self-publish artists’ books. This book, made from found online reviews, shows the immense impact of ABC in the world.
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Some great and very very special words.
This book is my complete transcript of President Trump’s address to employees of the CIA the day after his inauguration. To keep in style, the text is cut into bits of 140 or fewer characters.
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Speeches that George W. Bush made shortly after the 9/11 attacks, are turned into poetry in this book. The tone varies as we witness consolatory words and war speech. What does not change is the intensity of the rhetoric used. The poems first appeared in the Dutch literary magazine Armada, tijdschrift voor wereldliteratuur, No. 24, December 2001. The edition is printed on a paper that adds its own voice to the project in the form of a watermark. It reads “conqueror”, the brand name of the paper. Not only does that word seem to describe the voice in the book, it is also a description of itself. the watermark as a rhetoric, as a conquest.
0 S., 21x29,7 cm, Auflage: 100, 2 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden fiktives Buch, mit Zertifikat, Laserdruck auf Papier, Kaufbescheinigung von ebay und Mitteilung an den Käufer
1. Auflage. Mit Certificate of Ownership
The Invisible Book is a book produced in a limited edition at the affordable price of €0. It will work as a digital book too, on any platform. The edition is limited to 100 copies (neither numbered nor signed). This is a product without a single fault, available at the lowest price possible. The book was made as a reaction to both the trend of decreasing booksales and the trend of increasing expectations from audiences. Published by Elisabeth Tonnard, Leerdam, April 2012. A second edition became available in June 2012. It too was limited to 100 copies, neither numbered nor signed, but all made to perfection and available at the price of €0.
Text von der Website der Künstlerin
Das Buch kann man leider bei mir nicht anschauen. Es existiert nur in dieser Art als Datensatz auf einem Monitor
30 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 100, 3 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung, Softcover, Risographie und Fotokopien, beiliegend eine Postkarte Zur Präsentation und eine Karta mit Stanzas or An Index of Alternate Titles
Reflecting upon specific uses of copying, serialisation, and production methods, nine autonomous works have been created by MFA students of KASK in collaboration with Kasper Andreasen.
Text vom Heft.
Reflecting upon specific uses of copying, serialisation, and production methods, nine autonomous works have been created by MFA students of KASK in collaboration with Kasper Andreasen.
Text vom Heft.
Photocopied zine with copy art works made with printed sex ads from a local weekly paper. By enlarging the photos with a xerox machine the small screened black points zoom out and the naked bodies loose all sexual attraction.“
Katalog zum gleichnamigen kollaborativen Ausstellungsprojekt, das zwischen 2012 und 2014 in Berlin und Kroatien stattfand.
The starting point was a simple, large scale, spatial installation similar to the abstract works I have been doing after leaving the academy in the 90s. Once the initial installation was built, the first visitor was invited to look at the piece and give her interpretation of the work. I then changed the installation to make it, in my opinion, appear more like the interpretation I have just heard. The process was repeated some thirty times with different people invited. The visitors were of different age, professions and backgrounds, but were all professionals from the contemporary art scene.
Text von der Webseite.
Katalog anlässlich der gleichnamigen Ausstellung in der Hayward Gallery, London, 24.09.-15.12.2013 und im Museum der Moderne Salzburg, 29.03.-06.07.2014.
Eine umfangreiche Anthologie mit Briefen, Fotodokumenten und Zeichnungen der Künstlerin sowie Karten ihrer Reisen, Ausstellungsverzeichnis und Inspirationsquellen! Voller Einfallsreichtum und Provokationslust schuf Ana Mendieta (1948–1985) während ihres kurzen Lebens ein innovatives und radikales Werk, in dem sie ihren Körper mit elementaren Stofflichkeiten wie Blut, Feuer, Erde oder Wasser verband und in Performances zu organischen Skulpturen formte. Leben, Tod, Wiedergeburt und spirituelle Wandlung sind zentrale Sujets im Schaffen der Künstlerin, die, in Kuba geboren und früh nach Amerika geschickt, an den Brüchen des Exildaseins und kultureller Heimatlosigkeit litt. Ihre »earth-body works« sind von mysteriös-poetischer Anmutung. In der Symbiose mit der Natur wird ihr Körper zur gespenstischen Silhouette aus tobenden Flammen oder schäumenden Wellen. Gottheiten erscheinen in Sand gemalt, auf Stein geritzt oder in Erde gezeichnet.
Neben Zeichnungen, Foto- und Filmarbeiten werden erstmals Schriften und Originaldokumente der Künstlerin veröffentlicht.
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Since its introduction to the public in September of 1926 on a street corner in New York City, the automatic photobooth has captured the interest of the general public and fine artists alike. Raynal Pellicer, author of Mug Shots, examines the self-portraits – sometimes practical, sometimes whimsical – produced by this enduring 20th-century novelty. The countless documents included here feature shots of Francis Bacon, Billy Childish, Allen Ginsberg, John F. Kennedy, Anne Frank, Salvador Dalí, André Breton, Wim Wenders, Walker Evans, and John Lennon, among others.
Photobooth draws a fantastic inventory of artistic variations on the snapshot, bringing together works of art and self-portraits of persons both known and unknown, from the 1920s to the present.
Text von der Webseite.
27x28,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Plattenhülle, gestanzt mit 3 einklappbaren Teilen, beiliegend gestanzte Pappschlaufe mit handbeschrifteter DVD, Infoblatt zur Edition
What do Martin Luther and Pete Townshend, Ozzie Osbourne and Oscar Wilde, Ludwig Van Beethoven and Star Trek’s Dr. Spock have in common? They all painfully suffered from tinnitus, a permanent hiss heard in one or both ears. The condition affects a large percentage of the world population (5-10%) and represents a real “occupational illness” for musicians and rock fans. On the subject, surprisingly, an inexplicable silence is observed by the music press and industry. At the current state of medical research, there is no effective cure for chronic tinnitus and the unpleasant humming can only get worse if you do not protect the ears properly.
In the works for nearly five years, the triple concept album Tinnitus Tales (a 10" vinyl record and two CDs) conceived by Le Forbici di Manitù (i.e. Manitù Rossi and Vittore Baroni, the second long suffering from tinnitus) with the collaboration of over fifty guest musicians, bands and international visual artists, breaks the veil of silence with a series of songs that address the topic blending humor and empathy. The songs are inspired by well-known cases of people suffering from tinnitus, such as Andy Partridge of XTC or Bono and The Edge of U2. To make this "educational audio project" a more collective effort, several old and new friends - many of them with tinnitus problems - were invited to record their own versions of the songs by Le Forbici di Manitù or to contribute original compositions on the subject (included in the CD 1 Songs).
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Richard Prince: Collected Writings gathers together for the first time a selection of short works of fiction by highly regarded visual artist Richard Prince. Produced between 1974 and 2009, the thirty-five prose pieces compiled here explore everything from Franz Kline to Woodstock, and include revealing musings on the revolutionary approach to photography that's been central to Prince's art-making practice. Edited and with an introduction by Kristine McKenna, Richard Prince: Collected Writings features a fictional essay by Jonathan Lethem. The publication includes a limited edition of 50 sets of three joke greeting cards hand-written and signed by Prince.
Text von der Website.
Erschienen zu den Ausstellungen im Louisana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek 17.05.-19.08.2018 und im KODE Art Museums and Composer Homes, Bergen 14.09.-16.12.2018.
Ed Ruschas (*1937) ikonische Interpretationen der amerikanischen Gesellschaft machen ihn zu einem der wichtigsten Vertreter der amerikanischen Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts. Seine Werke sind eng verknüpft mit kühl-eleganten Darstellungen von stilisierten Tankstellen, Leuchtreklame-Schildern und archetypischen Landschaften. Seit Beginn der 1960er-Jahre hat kaum jemand die Entwicklung der visuellen Kultur in und um L.A. so radikal wiedergegeben wie Ed Ruscha, der auch selbst dort lebt und arbeitet. Seine Motive sind inspiriert von dem Blick auf die Straße, von der Frontscheibe und der Kinoleinwand und geben so einen spürbaren Eindruck von dem großen, flachen Stadtraum mitten in der Wüste. Der bibliophile Ausstellungskatalog mit über 50 Werken aus der UBS Art Collection umfasst nicht nur die Zeit ab der 1960er-Jahre, sondern zeigt auch die technisch und grafisch neuen Ansätze in Ruschas Werk. Benannt nach einem von Ruschas »Wort-Bildern«, enthält die Publikation zudem einen Essay von George Condo sowie ein Interview mit dem Künstler, geführt von dem Kurator des Louisiana Museum of Modern Art.
Text von der Website.
Einladungskarte zur Ausstellung THE MISSING ROOM, 04.10.-14.10.2018, kuratiert von Pierre Granoux, LAGE EGAL [STUDIOS ID — Eingang B, 2.OG] Genslerstraße 13a, 13055 Berlin-Hohenschönhausen. Auf der Karte ist dreimal "SECRET" untereinander zu lesen, der oberste Schriftzug ist zur Hervorhebung eingekreist. Wortspiel: Top-Secret.
"Welches Verhältnis besteht zwischen KünstlerInnen, Kunstwerk und dem Raum, in dem es entsteht? Was passiert, wenn das Atelier zum Ausstellungsraum wird? "Der Ort der Schöpfung – das Hirn des Künstlers – ist ein geheimer Ort, dessen äußeres Emblem ist das Atelier" (Brian O'Doherty).
Um genau diesen "geheimen Ort" geht es in diesem Ausstellungsprojekt. Verkörpert wird er durch einen ca. 250 qm großen fensterlosen Raum, welcher sich im Zentrum des zweiten Stockwerkes des Atelierhauses Studios ID in Alt-Hohenschönhausen befindet. Das ehemalige Gebäude (ID = Intelligence Department) wurde 1985 innerhalb des Sperrgebiets durch das Ministerium für Staatssicherheit erbaut und diente der Entwicklung, Produktion und Instandhaltung von verschiedenen Spionagegeräten. Der Raum ist "isoliert" im zweifachen Sinne: Zwar befindet er sich im Zentrum und ist umringt von zahlreichen Ateliers, doch ohne Fenster und nur mit zwei einfachen, bis jetzt immer versperrten Türen ist er von außen kaum wahrnehmbar. Von innen sind die Wände und Decke vollständig mit Kupfer ausgekleidet und somit von der Außenwelt faktisch abgeschirmt. Der Raum war somit sowohl abhörsicher als auch abstrahlsicher und wurde voraussichtlich für geheime Besprechungen und zum Testen von Spionage-Geräten oder Erstellung von Computerplatinen genutzt. Für die Ausstellung THE MISSING ROOM wird dieser Raum erstmals der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht."
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Einladungskarte zur Ausstellung Quelque chose de la vie, peu importe sa taille, sa texture, sa couleur.. ça débordera de toute façon, LAGE EGAL Berlin, 13.09.–13.10.2018. Eine monographische Ausstellung in drei Sprachen mit Nina Childress, Geoffroy Gross und Thomas Jocher, übersetzt von franckDavid.
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Publikation zur Ausstellung in der Sammlung Verbund in Wien, 25.02.-30.06.2016
Renate Bertlmann (*1943) ist eine der bedeutendsten Künstlerinnen der Feministischen Avantgarde, sie lebt und arbeitet in Wien. Die SAMMLUNG VERBUND hat nun die erste umfassende Monografie erarbeitet, die einen komplexen Überblick mit 250 Abbildungen aus über 50 Jahren Schaffenszeit gibt. Ihr Werk benennt die Künstlerin mit AMO ERGO SUM (Ich liebe, also bin ich). Bertlmann versteht es, Gegensatzpaare aufeinanderprallen zu lassen: Wollust und Askese, Weibliches und Männliches, Weiches und Hartes, Anziehung und Abstoßung. Schnuller stößt auf Messer. Die ambivalenten Gefühle von Zärtlichkeit und Aggression treten hervor, um Bertlmanns „subversives Politprogramm“ zu erschaffen. Fünf internationale Autor/innen erörtern Bertlmanns trilogische Themen „Pornographie“, „Ironie“, „Utopie“. Dabei werden unter anderem die Arbeiten Renate Bertlmanns vor dem Hintergrund der freudschen Psychoanalyse interpretiert oder die Arbeit im Kontext der feministischen Bewegung verortet.
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Begleitpublikation mit Künstlerplakaten zur Ausstellung Quelque chose de la vie, peu importe sa taille, sa texture, sa couleur.. ça débordera de toute façon, LAGE EGAL Berlin, 13.09.–13.10.2018. Eine monographische Ausstellung in drei Sprachen mit Nina Childress, Geoffroy Gross und Thomas Jocher ...
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Wenn die landläufige Auffassung lautet, ein guter Photograph habe scharfe Bilder zu machen, so demonstriert Michael Wesely das genaue Gegenteil. Von den vielen Variablen, die sich im photographischen Prozess beeinflussen lassen, fasziniert ihn nur eine: die Belichtungszeit, die er bis an ihre Grenzen führt. Manche Photographen arbeiten mit Belichtungszeiten von mehreren Sekunden, aber Tage, Wochen, Monate, sogar Jahre? Sie sind Michael Weselys Domäne und er testet sie an allen photographischen Sujets: Portrait, Landschaft, Stillleben, Pflanzen, der Architektur und immer wieder an Baustellen. So ist es nur natürlich, dass Sonnenaufgänge und Sonnenuntergänge, Werden und Vergehen in seinem Werk eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Das Leben hinterlässt seine Leuchtspuren und löscht sie sogleich wieder aus. Das ist Weselys Hauptthema, das in diesem Buch zum ersten Mal anhand einer repräsentativen Auswahl seiner Bilder vor - gestellt wird. Der deutsche Kunsthistoriker Jürgen Harten kommentiert das Werk von Michael Wesely, das in der zeitgenössischen Photoszene ein Solitär ist, in einem erhellenden Einführungsessay.
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Lieferverzeichnis des Backworks Buchladen Januar 1977. Co-owners Moore and Hendricks established Backworks in SoHo in 1976, based on their mutual curatorial interest in the objects and events of the downtown art and performance scenes, particularly by artists associated with the Rueben Gallery, Judson Memorial Church, Happenings and Fluxus, with which they were both connected as collaborators and curators. Moore and Hendricks, each of who has written extensively about figures such as George Maciunas, Yoko Ono, Allan Kaprow and Ben Vautier, among others, have been instrumental in the development of major collections, including the Gilbert and Lila Silverman Fluxus Collection at MoMA, and the Barbara and Peter Moore Fluxus Collection at Harvard. Backworks closed in 1983.
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2. Auflage von 2018. In recent years, a little-known research group named Forensic Architecture began using novel research methods to undertake a series of investigations into human rights abuses. Today, the group provides crucial evidence for international courts and works with a wide range of activist groups, NGOs, Amnesty International, and the UN.
Beyond shedding new light on human rights violations and state crimes across the globe, Forensic Architecture has also created a new form of investigative practice that bears its name. The group uses architecture as an optical device to investigate armed conflicts and environmental destruction, as well as to cross-reference a variety of evidence sources, such as new media, remote sensing, material analysis, witness testimony, and crowd-sourcing.
In Forensic Architecture, Eyal Weizman, the group’s founder, provides, for the first time, an in-depth introduction to the history, practice, assumptions, potentials, and double binds of this practice. The book includes an extensive array of images, maps, and detailed documentation that records the intricate work the group has performed.
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As a pioneer in the field of Media Arts research, the ARCHIVE OF DIGITAL ART (ADA) documents the rapidly evolving field of digital installation art for more than a decade now. This complex, research-oriented overview of works at the intersection of art, science, and technology has been developed in cooperation with international media artists, researchers and institutions, as a collective project.
Since todays digital artworks are processual, ephemeral, interactive, multimedia-based, and fundamentally context dependent, because of their different structure, they require a modified, we called it an ‚expanded concept of documentation‘. ADA represents the scientific selection of 500 international artists of approx. 5.000 evaluated artists. We ascribe high importance to artistic inventions like innovative interfaces, displays or software.
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Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 001 aus der Reihe 100for10.
Harmsen lives and works in Munich as creative director at Melville Brand Design. He launched the fontlabel Volcano-Type and is editor/publisher of Slanted blog and magazine, related to design and typography. He is also professor of typography and design at the University of Applied Sciences
and Arts Dortmund.
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 002 aus der Reihe 100for10.
Michael was born 1964 in Stuttgart. He currently works as illustrator in his own studio for various agencies and publishers. In his current never ending project since 2010, he presents each day a new illustration on his website.
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 004 aus der Reihe 100for10.
Katharina Gschwendtner is an illustrator from Hamburg and co-publisher of spring magazine for illustration between art and comic. She works for several international publisher and agencies. Her beautiful book she dreams of horses (Michael Weins, Katharina Gschwendtner, Mairisch Verlag) just got published.
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 006 aus der Reihe !00for10
Grady gordon is originally from santa fe, nm. His art is DeepLy influenced by various mythologies from across the world. In each new series he finds a particular myth to re-appropriate into a new version, and of course creates the images solely in black and white. Grady utilizes the most crude mark-making instruments to bring about the characters that inhabit the invisible plane. He works entirely by removing thick black ink from a plexiglass surface. The monotype print is a study of impermanence. Unlike other forms of printmaking the monotype offers only one copy.The original image on the plate is then given back to the ether, back into the fabric.
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Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 019 aus der Reihe 100for10.
Florian Brugger lives and works in Munich as art director and partner at Melville Brand Design. Passionate about design, traveling and football (FC Bayern and FC Arri)!
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 036 aus der Reihe 100for10
Markus Burke was born in 1978. He studied photography at the University of Applied Science in Munich. Since his graduation in the year 2007 he lives in Munich and works everywere as freelance photographer. He photographs for Magazines like SZ Magazine, NEON, Vice, Musikexpress, FRAME, GQ etc. and doing music videos for Gomma Records.
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Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 039 aus der Reihe 100for10.
Alessandro Apai is a young freelance illustrator and graphic artist from Italy and current based in Barcelona. His works are inspired by perfectly normal everyday interactions and social experiences. His aim is to use the drawing’s practice like a vehicle to documents and interpret his daily observation of the world and to could translate whatever concept in images. He had work on commissioned projects for clients like the Guardian, Zeit Magazin, it’s Nice That and many others. He also use to work on personal projects like the weekly series “Relaxed Sunday with Family” started in 2014, that you can follow each Sunday.
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 042 aus der Reihe 100for10
Yury Ustsinau an artist, designer and illustrator residing in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Born in 1979 in Vitebsk, Belarus, the hometown of world-known artist Marc Chagall. Graduate from Vitebsk Technological University, with a degree in Product Design. He works as commercial illustrator and continues his passion for art in his private time. Much of his work is found in private collections an various pieces have been represented in galleries and art exhibitions. He has also success-fully participated in many competitions.
Starting off with traditional illustrations, Yury Ustsinau knew that he wanted to create his own special world. His first hands into a dialog. Subsequently special lighting was added, which allowed the forms to become more flexible. Yury has developed an amazing distinguished personal style where surrealism is rendered in black and white a unique glossy feel.
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Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 045 aus der Reihe 100for10
British artist Anna McCarthy lives and works in Munich. She studied at the Glasgow School of Art and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. McCarthy’s work combines paintings, drawings, installations, performances, music and film. She has exhibited in numerous international art institutions and museums, among them Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, Sunderland, Shedhalle Zürich and at the Schaustelle, Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich. In 2013 she premiered the musical “How To Start A Revolution” at Haus der Kunst in Munich. The long-running multimedia project of the same title analyses the cliché of “the rebel” in a critical and humorous fashion. She attracted equal attention with her performative presentation: „Heute Nachmittag: Als wir noch an was glaubten“ (eng. It was only this afternoon that we still believed in something) as part of 1914/2014: Die Neuvermessung Europas. (Remeasuring Europe). In 2015 she was awarded a fellowship at the Villa Aurora, Los Angeles.
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Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 047 aus der Reihe 100for10
Louis-César is an illustrator living in Nantes (France). He considers himself as a doodler spending his time drawing monsters, weird people and nonsense scenes on his sketchbooks. He works with indie publishers, small presses and zines all over europe.
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Stephanie Wunderlich studied Communication Design at both FH Augsburg and ISIA Urbino. Based in Hamburg she works as a freelance illustrator for international magazines and publishers of books. She also teaches illustration, most recently at the FH Mainz. Her favourite materials are scissors and glue with wich she realises collages using a combination of manual an digital techniques. She’s received awards from Art Directors Club Deutschland, American Illustration and 3×3 Magazine.
Iranian graphic designer Hamid Mosaddegh is painstaking in his approach to work. But the rewards are clear to see in his sensitive and highly expressive posters. Hamid mosaddegh graduated in visual communication from Faculty of fine arts, University of Tehran. He lives and works in Tehran.
Jens Schwarz was born 1968 in Berlin and studied history of arts in Paris and photography in Munich. He works in the field of portraiture and reportage on german and international assignments. In his personal projects he focuses on sociopolitical issues that often deal with questions of both personal and collective social identity. 2014 his first monograph ›Beirut Eight Thirteen‹ has been published documenting a photographic long-term project on social instability in Beirut. His projects received several grants throughout his career and his work has been nominated, among others, for the German Henri-Nansen-Prize.
Stanislaus Müller-Härlin works as a freelance artist and lecturer. His drawings and sketches are usually brief notations that can make changing series over the years. They focus on social, political and social issues as well as memories, reports about traveling or show all sorts of trials and tribulations. Another artistic focus are installed, in which graphics, light and space combine.
Thomas Böcker studied Communication Design and Exhibition Design at Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences. In his conceptional photography he is focused on people, their behavior, their impressions and the traces they leave in their environment. He is an observer and a collector of photographic flotsam. He is driven by the belief that there is nothing more interesting for people than the human being. After working for ten years as a freelance photographer and graphic designer Thomas Böcker is based in Munich where he works as a photo journalist for a daily newspaper.
Dario Forlin studied Visual Communication in Bern, Switzerland and Illustration in Falmouth UK. He now lives in a small town in the eastern part of Switzerland and works in the field of Illustration. From time to time his work mixes with graphic design and typography. But if he can he draws. He selfpublishes his own zines, comics, and prints and has also a monthly zine called GAFFA which he publishes with some friends.
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 041 aus der Reihe 100for10.
Thomas Lail is an artist and musician who exhibits in the United States and internationally. He is represented in New York by Masters Projects. Lail performs and records with soundBarn and Location Ensemble. He has published numerous reviews and essays including two catalogue essays on the work of Robert Longo and publishes poetry and experimental writing through soundBarn Press. Thomas Lail is Associate Professor of Fine Arts at Hudson Valley Community College, SUNY in Troy, NY. He lives and works in Kinderhook and Brooklyn, NY with artist Tara Fracalossi and their son, Coltrane.
Genevieve Gauckler is a French artist, illustrator and art director who is best known for her everevolving procession of lovable characters and technicolour digital mashes. Her works are bright, fun and hectic – often combining symmetrical designs with soft-edged computer generated images laid against photographed backgrounds.
This book aims to collect and present a comprehensive overview of the work of Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt. It is the result of a long and intense immersion into her archive, and intends to establish the importance of this unique artist – who did not have much recognition in the past – not only to the present day, but also to the precise political context and time to which she and her work belong.
The book presents her typewritings series, all produced between the early 1970s (some of the earliest works are dated 1972) and 1989.
Mail Art was her way to be in contact with the world outside the GDR, otherwise impossible to reach. After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Reunification, the artist stopped producing any art: She felt her involvement was no longer “needed”.
At the beginning of 2015 we started to archive Ruth Wolf- Rehfeldt’s work, discovering little by little an enormous and fascinating body of work, composed by more classic poetry, simple typewriting texts, visual poetry, concrete poetry, and abstraction.
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[124] S., 18x13,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9782954197401 Broschur, Buchrücken aufklappbar, gefaltetes Plakat in eingeklebter Papierhülle, Posterformat 85,4x64cm, in Schutzhülle mit Aufkleber
A journal written at the third person that seeks to depict Antoine d’Agata’s quest – the inexorable course from void to void.A literary and photographic experiment where words, sometimes descriptive, sometimes poetic, intersect with images in a narrative continuity. An example of the photographer’s existential choice and form of resistance which leads toward the subject’s disappearance and the ego’s negation within the neutral spectrum of the image while insisting on an intimate involvement with its matter and a perfect superposition of art and life. The pictures have been treated and reduced to the simple black and white contrast, following the main axis of this editorial project: shaplessness and the sense of fading-out. This flattening to a drawing effect releases the image as a shadow, a border between a recognizable sign and a blurry, ambiguous one, so that the photograph is both “trace” and “other”. The book, whose main language is English, also foresees a separate and folded poster, including texts in French on one side and, for the first time, in Italian on the other printed on a background colour image. The two languages allow to include texts in their original version, but allude as well to the artist’s double origins. In line with the book, the poster also reflects d’Agata’s search direction towards the interlacing of word and image and it finally refers to the idea of a topographic description of passions. Member of the Magnum agency, Antoine d’Agata (1961) is one of the most influential photographers of his generation. He lives in both Paris and Marseilles and he works around the world. He is represented by the gallery Les Filles du Calvaire, Paris.
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Frequently using her own body as a starting point, she has subjected herself to ordeals testing physical and psychological boundaries, as she did most famously during the 736 hour-performance The Artist Is Present, where visitors were invited during the course of her large retrospective to sit opposite Abramović. and share a silent but intense contact that often caused a highly emotional response – an act that in its very simplicity can be seen as a radical culmination of a 40 year-process of reduction and concentration.In a satisfyingly confrontational and open conversation, Marina Abramović. talked with mono.kultur about the nature of invisible energy, the many criticisms she has been facing and what cosmetic surgery has to do with art. Graphically, the issue is an exercise in friction and restraint, by setting up the three elements of text, images and subtitles on different grids and letting chance run its course. All works were selected by Marina Abramović. as personal milestones in her career.
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Edmund de Waal is a potter. His pots, plates, and vessels are the result of craft and mastership, but they are also so much more than that: they are experiments in form and function, abstractions of thoughts on silence and space, on repetition and failure, on substance and fragility, on memory contained. Edmund de Waal is an artist. He arranges his objects in complex choreographies that are as mysterious as they are mesmerizing. Displayed in galleries and institutions worldwide, his considered installations play with architectural concerns, integrating ideas of space, light and obscurity. Edmund de Waal is a writer. Whether he sculpts with words or with clay, what Edmund de Waal works with are concepts, ideas, and desires. In a body of work that is at odds with our times and yet oddly successful, his writings and objects overlap and integrate each other in an attempt to understand and transcend our complex relationship with objects and our surroundings. In an interview with mono.kultur structured like an A-Z of notes and ideas, Edmund de Waal talked about his rules of attachment, the impossibility of repetition, and why ‘doubt’ is the most beautiful word. Visually, the issue takes inspiration from that most perfect of materials: porcelain. Printed entirely in double-sided splendour, the two finishings of the paper – shiny gloss and smooth matt – evoke the texture of ceramics before and after glazing.
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Meg Stuart’s work is not about the elegance and beauty of dance, or at least not in the conventional sense. It is about exploring the outer edges of movement, where bodies age, fail, and surrender, where individual spaces disintegrate and bleed into each other, where physical memories are exposed like open wounds. Meg Stuart’s work is located at the vanishing point where dance meets visual arts. Within just two decades, Stuart’s dance company Damaged Goods, which she founded in 1994, have produced a lengthy and diverse list of projects, ranging from countless full-length feature works to multi-disciplinary dance installations, improvisations, and films that spread far beyond the theatre stages of the world, into museum spaces, film festivals or the wide open street. With mono.kultur, Meg Stuart talked about her first physical memories, the healing power of dancing and the thrill of disorientation. Following Meg Stuart’s interest in abundance and complexity, the design discards all notions of top or bottom, left or right, with text and images set in different and ever-changing directions. A magazine as a physical object that wants to be handled and turned. Reading as a dance.
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[32] S., 19x13 cm, Auflage: 500, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung, Schwarz-Weiss Offsetdruck
The William Crawford Estate is owned and represented by Ampersand Gallery. William Crawford's drawings were discovered in an abandoned house in Oakland, California. His work brings to mind characteristics of prison drawings, an impression confirmed by the fact that several were made on the backs of prison roster sheets dated 1997. These printouts, however, were cut down the middle, so the exact prison from which they originate is unknown. But given their origin in the Bay Area and the fact that several drawings include San Francisco landmarks, it's possible that Crawford made the work in a California state prison. Other than this information drawn from the archive itself, nothing is known about Crawford's life. Indeed, we only know his name because he signed just a few of the drawings, either as Bill, William or WM Crawford. The archive appears to have consisted of several books, with individual drawings in sequences of 30 or more adding up to tell complex visual stories. Several include written captions or fragments of conversation between male and female characters. These sequences, however, have been broken up over the years and reach us now in a fragmentary and fascinating collection of hundreds of delicate pencil drawings. The work conveys the intense sense of sexual longing of a man with an urge to tell dynamic stories. The drawings, which resemble the eroticism of Eric Stanton, the exaggerated male anatomy of Tom of Finland or the ample breasts of a John Currin, show scantily dressed women, drug use, cuckolding and orgies. The details of his interiors, the hairdos and style of dress suggest that Crawford might have come of age in the late 70s or early 80s. A cast of recurring figures populate the drawings, notably one man with a short afro and a moustache who often figures at the center of events, presumably the artist William Crawford himself. Remarkably, given the number of drawings, there is little to no repetition in the work. Crawford’s inventive eye for sexual positions, facial expressions and gestures of hand and body was vast and masterful. Simple geometric details and architectural subtleties define the unusual settings where the action unfolds. We see rooms shown from unusual angles, features that are hinted at, erased or altogether omitted and articles of clothing that are drawn with obsessive precision. This singular and original drawing style compels us to immerse ourselves in the world William Crawford created, more dream than documentation, more fantasy than perversion. Crawford's drawings have been widely exhibited, notably at Galerie Susanne Zander (Cologne and Berlin), Zieher, Smith and Horton (New York), Freddy (Baltimore) and upcoming solo exhibitions at FARAGO (Los Angeles) and Richardson (New York). His work is also featured in the latest issue of Richardson Magazine and was included in "System and Vision" at David Zwirner, an exhibition organized in collaboration with Delmes & Zander. Reviewing it, The New Yorker wrote, "William Crawford's orgiastic illustrations on the backs of prison rosters haven an erotic intensity that rivals anything by Hans Bellmer or Pierre Klossowski."
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Fassade Parade is a collection of lost souls of modern aesthetics compiled by Tobias Faisst that stand in strong contrast to pixel-perfect designs and high-end photography.
Tobias Faisst is a photographer and graphic designer. He studied at the FH Potsdam. His photographs create the balancing act between hyperrealism and banality, between surrealism and the overwritten now. Tobias currently lives and works in Berlin.
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Erscheint anlässlich der Ausstellung "Daniel Buren, Le Musée qui 'existait pas", Centre Pompidou, 26.06.-23.09.2002.
Daniel Buren ist einer der wichtigsten französischen Künstler mit einer großen internationalen Wahrnehmung, seit 40 Jahren befragt er die Kunst und die Möglichkeiten, sie »in situ«, also vor Ort, zu entwickeln. Der Bildhauer und Maler mit starken Bezügen auf die Konzeptkunst richtete 2002 im Centre Pompidou in Paris eine spektakuläre Ausstellung ein. Die Publikation versammelt die Bilder zu der Ausstellung, die den gesamten Gebäudekomplex mit einbezog. Seine Installationen zerstörte er unmittelbar nach Ablauf der Ausstellung, der Katalog ist, was erhalten blieb. Aber er bildet nicht allein denn Rundgang ab, sondern dokumentiert auch Burens Vorarbeiten wie Skizzen, seien Ideen, die Pläne und Grundrisse des Baus. Die ungewöhnliche Herangehensweise und die kühne Umsetzung der Ideendes Künstlers treten deutlich hervor.
A seminal exhibition by the artist Daniel Buren at the Centre Pompidou in Paris is recreated through photographs of the since-destroyed pieces and illuminating reflections by the exhibition s curator. Since the late 1960s Daniel Buren has been challenging the traditional methods of presenting art through museums and galleries. Through his conceptual works Buren audaciously argues that the art and its viewing environment are both inextricable and antithetical. This beautiful volume takes readers on a tour of a spectacular exhibition at the Centre Pompidou in Paris. The photographs depict Buren s employment of the museum as a whole. The pieces, which he destroyed immediately after the exhibition closed, included hundreds of open cubes, mirrors, banners, and even a car park. Also featured are fascinating, behind-the-scenes accounts of the installation by the curator, Buren s own pre-exhibition sketches, ideas, andfloor plans, and perceptive essays that capture the significance of Buren s daring achievement.
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The starting point of this publication—and its eponymous exhibition held in Zurich in Spring 2017—is the conceptual encounter between English Pop art artist Richard Hamilton (1922–2011) and Swiss historian and critic of architecture Sigfried Giedion (1888–1968), famous for his landmark book "Space, Time, and Architecture," an influential history of modern architecture published in 1941.
In 1949 Richard Hamilton—then a member of the London-based Independent Group— realized the “Reaper” print series as a reaction to Giedion’s 1948 book “Mechanization Takes Command” in which he describes the mechanization of everyday life. Reproducing Hamilton’s complete “Reaper” series juxtaposed with selected examples of illustrations created by Giedion alongside many related illustrations, this publication brings together seven essays by renowned international scholars, all of whom question the relationships between visual arts, technology, science, and architecture. Among the many topics discussed are Hamilton’s early works and exhibition installation practice, postwar British biotechnology and architecture, “Hippie Modernism,” and the visual strategy of Giedion’s books.
Published on the occasion of the exhibition "Reaper. Richard Hamilton and Sigfried Giedion" at the Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich (May 3–June 25 2017), a cooperation between Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich, gta exhibitions, and gta archive.
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Einladung zum Mail Art Call. Deadline 25.06.2019. Pysical exibition in Perugia during L'UMBRIA CHE SPACCA
and show on line in our website of all the works arrived in time.
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14,6x24,1 cm, 6 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Ein Flyer, Rückseite mit handschriftlichem Gruß, eine Visitenkarte, drei Flyer in Briefumschlag,mehrfach gestempelt und mit Künstlerbriefmarken beklebt
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 013 aus der Reihe 100for10.
Rob Lowe, also known as Supermundane, is an artist, graphic designer, letterer, illustrator and printmaker with 20 years experience in the creative industry. His signature mesmeric drawings have been published and exhibited worldwide. He has been responsible for designing some of the most groundbreaking independent magazines of the last decade including the alternative children’s magazine Anorak and the award-winning food quarterly Fire & Knives. His practice is defined by a distinctive use of colour, line, simplicity and humour which can be seen through all his different disciplines from typeface design to his personal works.
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I encountered the work of Susanne Thiemann for the first time in a group exhibition of Munich artists at the "Haus der Kunst". Her work fascinated me because Thiemann works on the thin line between the applied arts -handicraft- and sculpture. At the same time she does not shy away from heavy loaded themes such as femininity or domestication, but she does so in a highly personal way. It struck me that I find echos in her work of leading feminist artists such as Eva Hesse, Lygia Clark or even Yayoi Kusama. A deep interest in the viewer's reaction and participation is what Thiemann is after as well. Thiemann strive for a renewal of what it means "to have" a craft and at the same time "to deviate" from it.
Chris Decron über die Künstlerin, Text aus dem Heft.
Zur Ausstellung im Cuxhavener Kunstverein 1997. Mit Arbeiten des Mike Andrew Hentz, dem Gründungsmitglied von MInus Delta t, über die Musik-performance-Gruppe Minus Delta t, Berichte und Fotos vom Shvantz Festival Frankfurt, Geräusche für die 80er Hamburg, das Bangkok Projekt und anderes mehr
Katalog zur Ausstellung DAS TREFFEN DREIER PUNKTE, 01.-31.07.2019, Berlin, im Rahmen von INTERIORS TO BEING.
INTERIORS TO BEING takes visitors and invited artists into an intimate encounter within the homes, gardens and streets of Berlin as well as the lives of strangers.
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INTERIORS TO BEING spans time and space as a collective happening through the cityscape of Berlin. Six curators from Berlin have developed formats around the specifics of the work of a total of 51 artists and curators. The chosen formats range from traditional exhibitions, walks, salons and discussions to gatherings and performances.
The project unfolds over the course of the month of July in six chapters that flow into one another, occasionally overlapping. INTERIORS TO BEING expands radically outwards, realizing half of its projects in Berlin’s public space.
The city of Berlin is a partner of INTERIORS TO BEING as any curator or participating artists in the program would be. The cityscape functions anthropomorphically–with the city’s growth and continual change impacting the way artists move within it. INTERIORS TO BEING internalizes these changes through the framework of its community. All contributors to INTERIORS TO BEING are part of the extensive creative network of PICTURE BERLIN (founded in 2009, a not-for-profit artist initiated hybrid residency/art academy), which is a community made up of more than two hundred international artists and curators, two-thirds of whom are based in Berlin.
The red thread running through all events is the dérive, a term devised by Situationist Guy Debord to describe an aimless wandering through different urban environments that leads to the development of a psycho-geographical awareness. This concept beautifully sums up the way INTERIORS TO BEING works as a project in the city of Berlin.
Text von der Webseite.
Katalog zur Ausstellung HIDDEN TREASURES, 03.,07.,13.07.2019, Berlin, im Rahmen von INTERIORS TO BEING.
INTERIORS TO BEING takes visitors and invited artists into an intimate encounter within the homes, gardens and streets of Berlin as well as the lives of strangers.
INTERIORS TO BEING spans time and space as a collective happening through the cityscape of Berlin. Six curators from Berlin have developed formats around the specifics of the work of a total of 51 artists and curators. The chosen formats range from traditional exhibitions, walks, salons and discussions to gatherings and performances.
The project unfolds over the course of the month of July in six chapters that flow into one another, occasionally overlapping. INTERIORS TO BEING expands radically outwards, realizing half of its projects in Berlin’s public space.
The city of Berlin is a partner of INTERIORS TO BEING as any curator or participating artists in the program would be. The cityscape functions anthropomorphically–with the city’s growth and continual change impacting the way artists move within it. INTERIORS TO BEING internalizes these changes through the framework of its community. All contributors to INTERIORS TO BEING are part of the extensive creative network of PICTURE BERLIN (founded in 2009, a not-for-profit artist initiated hybrid residency/art academy), which is a community made up of more than two hundred international artists and curators, two-thirds of whom are based in Berlin.
The red thread running through all events is the dérive, a term devised by Situationist Guy Debord to describe an aimless wandering through different urban environments that leads to the development of a psycho-geographical awareness. This concept beautifully sums up the way INTERIORS TO BEING works as a project in the city of Berlin.
Text von Der Webseite.
Katalog zur Ausstellung THE MIDDLE STUFF, 05.-12.07.2019, Berlin, im Rahmen von INTERIORS TO BEING.
INTERIORS TO BEING takes visitors and invited artists into an intimate encounter within the homes, gardens and streets of Berlin as well as the lives of strangers.
INTERIORS TO BEING spans time and space as a collective happening through the cityscape of Berlin. Six curators from Berlin have developed formats around the specifics of the work of a total of 51 artists and curators. The chosen formats range from traditional exhibitions, walks, salons and discussions to gatherings and performances.
The project unfolds over the course of the month of July in six chapters that flow into one another, occasionally overlapping. INTERIORS TO BEING expands radically outwards, realizing half of its projects in Berlin’s public space.
The city of Berlin is a partner of INTERIORS TO BEING as any curator or participating artists in the program would be. The cityscape functions anthropomorphically–with the city’s growth and continual change impacting the way artists move within it. INTERIORS TO BEING internalizes these changes through the framework of its community. All contributors to INTERIORS TO BEING are part of the extensive creative network of PICTURE BERLIN (founded in 2009, a not-for-profit artist initiated hybrid residency/art academy), which is a community made up of more than two hundred international artists and curators, two-thirds of whom are based in Berlin.
The red thread running through all events is the dérive, a term devised by Situationist Guy Debord to describe an aimless wandering through different urban environments that leads to the development of a psycho-geographical awareness. This concept beautifully sums up the way INTERIORS TO BEING works as a project in the city of Berlin.
Text von der Webseite.
Katalog zur Ausstellung HOSTING, 02.-31.07.2019, Berlin, im Rahmen von INTERIORS TO BEING.
INTERIORS TO BEING takes visitors and invited artists into an intimate encounter within the homes, gardens and streets of Berlin as well as the lives of strangers.
INTERIORS TO BEING spans time and space as a collective happening through the cityscape of Berlin. Six curators from Berlin have developed formats around the specifics of the work of a total of 51 artists and curators. The chosen formats range from traditional exhibitions, walks, salons and discussions to gatherings and performances.
The project unfolds over the course of the month of July in six chapters that flow into one another, occasionally overlapping. INTERIORS TO BEING expands radically outwards, realizing half of its projects in Berlin’s public space.
The city of Berlin is a partner of INTERIORS TO BEING as any curator or participating artists in the program would be. The cityscape functions anthropomorphically–with the city’s growth and continual change impacting the way artists move within it. INTERIORS TO BEING internalizes these changes through the framework of its community. All contributors to INTERIORS TO BEING are part of the extensive creative network of PICTURE BERLIN (founded in 2009, a not-for-profit artist initiated hybrid residency/art academy), which is a community made up of more than two hundred international artists and curators, two-thirds of whom are based in Berlin.
The red thread running through all events is the dérive, a term devised by Situationist Guy Debord to describe an aimless wandering through different urban environments that leads to the development of a psycho-geographical awareness. This concept beautifully sums up the way INTERIORS TO BEING works as a project in the city of Berlin.
Text von der Webseite.
Katalog zur Ausstellung RAUMANEIGNUNG, 19.-31.07.2019, Berlin, im Rahmen von INTERIORS TO BEING.
INTERIORS TO BEING takes visitors and invited artists into an intimate encounter within the homes, gardens and streets of Berlin as well as the lives of strangers.
INTERIORS TO BEING spans time and space as a collective happening through the cityscape of Berlin. Six curators from Berlin have developed formats around the specifics of the work of a total of 51 artists and curators. The chosen formats range from traditional exhibitions, walks, salons and discussions to gatherings and performances.
The project unfolds over the course of the month of July in six chapters that flow into one another, occasionally overlapping. INTERIORS TO BEING expands radically outwards, realizing half of its projects in Berlin’s public space.
The city of Berlin is a partner of INTERIORS TO BEING as any curator or participating artists in the program would be. The cityscape functions anthropomorphically–with the city’s growth and continual change impacting the way artists move within it. INTERIORS TO BEING internalizes these changes through the framework of its community. All contributors to INTERIORS TO BEING are part of the extensive creative network of PICTURE BERLIN (founded in 2009, a not-for-profit artist initiated hybrid residency/art academy), which is a community made up of more than two hundred international artists and curators, two-thirds of whom are based in Berlin.
The red thread running through all events is the dérive, a term devised by Situationist Guy Debord to describe an aimless wandering through different urban environments that leads to the development of a psycho-geographical awareness. This concept beautifully sums up the way INTERIORS TO BEING works as a project in the city of Berlin.
Text von der Webseite.
The ABYB is a biennial reference publication focusing on international activity in the field of book arts. It serves as a resource for artists, academics, students, collectors, librarians, dealers, publishers and researchers, in fact anyone interested in artists’ books!
The 2020-2021 issue will have essays, articles, and lots of useful information on: Artist’s Book Publishers & Presses; Bookshops for artists’ books; Artist’s Book Dealers; Artist’s Book Galleries & Centres; Collections, Libraries & Archives; Artist’s Book Fairs and Events; Book Arts Courses and Workshops; Design, Print & Bind; Print Studios; Journals and Magazines; New Reference Publications; Organisations, People, Projects and Societies. Artists list up to 3 of their recent book works.
Text von der Webseite
S. 49, Text und Fotos von Jürgen Wegner, A visit to Archive Artist Publications and its exhibition in the Haus der Kunst, München, Germany
S. 111, Collections, Libraries & Archives
Indirections is a series of image-text pamphlets that focus on the manoeuvring involved when ideas are presented to the public eye with the aim of persuasion. Whether we look at Soviet propaganda or at minor deceits in the local newspaper: things are bent, spun and twisted.
The series presents found image-and-caption combinations from books, leaflets and newspapers. Each item in the series is a folded sheet containing a single found image with its caption. The caption is on the front, the image is hidden inside. By uncoupling them, the two elements are each given their own stage – as a result a new space opens up between them. In that space a small tragicomedy is played out. It appears that at times images can be a bit stubborn and reveal slightly different truths from the ones implied by the words coupled to them. ...
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Elisabeth Tonnard is a Dutch artist and poet working in artists’ books, photography and literature.
She has published over forty books that are exhibited widely and held in numerous private and public collections including the Centre Pompidou, Columbia University, Getty Museum, Kunstbibliothek Berlin, MoMA Library, New York Public Library, Tate Library and the Walker Art Center. Much of her work involves responding to existing books, texts and images, reworking them into new (visual) literature. The works range in scale and method from a book that is completely invisible to a book that is a swimming pool. A catalogue of books is available here.
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The fruit of a collaboration with artist/activist/creator of the Working Press archive Stefan Szczelkun and keeper archivist Rebekah Taylor.
Rise with your class not from it represents a lasting trace of and a vehicle for the Working Press project whose archive is now housed in UCA library special collections in Farnham. It highlights some important works by working-class artists while providing a valuable resource for anybody interested in working with archive material.
Working Press is a collective publishing imprint, which had the subtitle books by and about Working Class Artists, 1986-1996. Working Press includes the first computer generated comic (Harwood), the first book by Micheline Mason (disability and inclusion artist), and the first book about Greenham Common Yellowgate (Beth Junor).
Text von der Webseite
Dan Devening and Rainer Spangl spoke together as part of the Artist Lecture Series Vienna Conversation program at Antwerp Art Weekend 2019 where Devening Projects exhibited works by Rainer Spangl, Sean Sullivan and Dagmar Varady.
Text aus dem Heft.
132 S., 20,9x14,7 cm, Auflage: 400, signiert, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-903269767 Broschur, Rückseite als Klappe
Artist Gabriel Hensche and curator Ashlee Conery have compiled a catalogue of the work Hensche produced while in residence at Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, in 2017. The publication includes witness reports that are formally based on actual incident report forms. Adopting the posture of an onlooker, while at the same time acknowledging his role as instigator, Hensche recounts observations of his works as incidents by taking into account the involvement of people and circumstances that led to the events. These protocols are concluded with a final report by Conery in which she adopts the conditions of a mother, a partner and a particle for considering one’s own perspective when acting as a witness, a curator or a bystander.
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In der Arbeit verwendet der Künstler Formulare, wie sie im Krankenhaus für einen Unfallbericht verwendet werden, um den ganzen Prozess der Ausstellung detailliert von Anfang an zu dokumentieren. Das Buch = die Berichtsmappe enthält 5 Berichte, die jeweils vom Künstler original abgezeichnet = signiert wurden.
VECTOR Artists Journal publishes a collection of essays by contemporary artists. Each issue focuses on a different city from around the world and compiles a collection of written works by 25 Artists who are based in the specific city. The form, length, and theme is up to each artist. Essays range from 1-10 pages, are unedited, and arranged in alphabetical order. Each edition averages 200 pages and is printed in black & white, 500 bound copies are made.
Lounched on 11.12.2019, Kunstverein München e.V..
Text von der Webseite.
31,5x22,5 cm, Auflage: 150, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Box aus braunem Stülpdeckel Karton, Siebdruck, eingelegt 16-seitiges redaktionelles Schwarz-Weiss Heft, 55 Arbeiten von 65 Künstlern. Diverse Techniken auf Papier, dünnem Karton, Folie, Metall, plus 6 Multimedia Discs. Cover und Layout: Carlo Battisti. Zollinhaltserklärung beigelegt
BAU was founded in 2004 in Viareggio, on the coast of Tuscany, by a group of artists and individuals interested in the many-sided aspects of the culture of our times. Thanks to a widespread and constantly expanding network of contacts, every year the project takes the shape of an expressly designed UniA4 sized box: BAU container of contemporary culture. This non-profit box is produced in a limited edition of 150 copies (120 for issue 1 and 200 for issues 9-10) and contains original works, signed and numbered, from a large number of international contributors.
The BAU container fits in the vast tradition of assembling publications and artists‘ magazines that developed since the early sixties. It intends to experiment with new languages, technologies and materials, operating in a peculiar dimension of group work that is open also to contributions from non-artists: outsiders, travellers, collectors of curiosities, creative gastronomers, anomalous scientists.
In a relational and non competitive perspective that is responsive to the relationships between art and science, politics and environment, BAU acts as a meeting point in order to stimulate dialogues, interactions and exchanges among the most diverse disciplines: graphics, collage, photography and the visual arts in general, but also poetical and narrative researches, acoustic and performative experiences, documents pertaining the fields of fashion and design, etc. The operative network expresses itself also through the planning of exhibitions, meetings, festivals and events, organized in institutional spaces (libraries, galleries, museums) and in atypic locations.
Text von der Webseite
Die Publikation Old Habits Die Hard umfasst einen Großteil der zwischen 2013 und 2020 entstandenen künstlerischen Arbeiten Felix Burgers:
raumgreifende Settings, bühnenhafte Arrangements und Filme. Beigefügt ist eine Sammlung von Texten in Form von Interviews, die seine Arbeitsweise, gedankliche Einzugsgebiete und persönliche Konfliktbereiche zum Gegenstand haben.
The publication Old Habits Die Hard incorporates a majority of the artistic works created by Felix Burger between 2013 and 2020: space-consuming settings, stage-like arrangements and films. Accompanying this is a series of texts in form of interviews focussing on his working methods, conceptual spheres of influence, and personal areas of conflict.
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[100 ca.] S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung, drei Hefte, Banderole
The title of series ‹Mechanical Brides› refers to an early book by Marshall McLuhan with the same title. It deals with questions about newspapers, comics, and advertisements and also reflects the role of women in popular culture. With the camera I was taking lots of photos from billboards showing portraits of women in Japan, America and Europe. These image are interesting as these models become role models for a lot of women. I worked on some of these images and produced stickers which I put back into the streets — to react on advertising companies putting into the streets and public spaces to claim back these spaces.
Text von der Webseite.
5,8x9,4 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Karte aus Papier, beidseitig schwarz bedruckt
eine Seite: Ben's statement on the other side of this card is true. George Brecht
andere Seite: George Brecht's statment on the other side of this card is false. Ben
Es handelt ich bei dieser Karte um eine andere Version als die im MoMA vorhandene
[20] S., 21,8x14 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Drahtheftung, 2 Künstlerbriefmarken aufgeklebt auf dem Cover, plus Künstlerstempel, eingebunden 4 Bogen Farbxeroxkopien, perforiert
"Phone-pictures captured on the Nokia 6700 (classic-1) at the major William Klein exhibition at Tate Modern, London Oct. 2012/Jan 2013 via the artist Mocksim", auf Seite [1].
In October 2009, Der Greif produces – invited by Rüdiger Wassibauer, head and initiator of Schmiede Hallein – its first special issue. The participating artists of the festival are invited to submit works, the editors combine them in form of a poster-magazine in an emotional documentation of the 10 festival-days. The special issue unites the diverse elements of the festival in three folded posters.
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AusgabeMai 2022. „Arts of the Working Class“ ist eine Straßenzeitung für Armut, Reichtum und Kunst. Sie erscheint alle zwei Monate und enthält Beiträge von Künstlern und Denkern aus verschiedenen Feldern und in verschiedenen Sprachen. Sie richtet sich an die Arbeiterklasse, also an alle, und es geht um alles, das allen gehört. Jeder, der sie verkauft, verdient mit. Jeder Künstler, dessen Arbeit beworben wird, gestaltet mit.
Anniversary launch Issue 21. Arts of the Working Class is glad to invite you on June 8 to the launch of its fourth anniversary issue AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 PAGES. Organized in collaboration with Callie’s and a.p. Starting at 6.30 PM, the event will take a tour and discuss matters of tourism and forced displacement through the words and works of its contributors. The title of both the event and our latest issue take Jules Verne’s proto sci-fi book as a starting point for our shared research. Verne, the poet and writer whose narratives took us on a journey into imaginary and inconceivable worlds, left us with an invaluable lesson– we perceive the world in its entirety only through technology, the very same technology that can only be progressive if accessible to everyone, rather than as means for individual convenience.
Text von der Webseite.
Publikation der Akademie der Bildenden Künste München und des Kunsthistorischen Instituts der LMU München
The starting point is a cooperative seminar between the Academy of Fine Arts Munich and the Institute for Art History at the LMU Munich. Focused on the use of photography in newspapers and magazines, participants asked questions such as: Which photographs are published in newspapers and magazines? What is the status of the images in each case? How are they arranged and classified, how do they relate to the text? What has changed in comparison to (the very) past, and what is the significance of digitization in this context? In addition to these questions the seminar also examined artistic works that focus on the field of print media.
Texte: Markus Krajewski (“Bücher ungeschrieben lassen. Ein vergeblicher Versuch”), Jörg Scheller (“Bücher, Riegel, Bildungsbürger – und die Familie Mann”, E‑Mail-Dialog mit Albert Coers), Annette Gilbert (“Books to Do – Works to Do — Gespräch mit Albert Coers), Albert Coers (Kurztexte); Gestaltung: Andreas Koch mit Albert Coers
Books to Do ist keine übliche Werkmonografie, sondern ein Meta-Buch über bereits realisierte und noch zu realisierende Buchprojekte von Albert Coers in Form einer To-do-Liste. Es ist Ideen- und Stoffsammlung, Dokumentation, Selbst-Anregung und lustvoll utopisches Arbeitsprogramm zugleich.
Text von der Webseite
Der Text von Bruckner zur Arbeit von Meier ist auf neongelbem Papier gedruckt. In einer Ausstellung aufeinander gelegt, wird der Text über das Schaffen des Künstlers selbst zum Kunstwerk und Meier nannte es: untitled (verb sculpture), 2010
Flyer zur Zine Fair im Mildura Arts Centre, die vom 02.-04.08.2019 stattfand.
Currently in the midst of another comeback, zines are set to take centre stage at MAC from 2 – 4 August as part of Mildura Zine Fair 2019.
Councillor for Arts and Culture Jason Modica said the idea to host a zine fair in Mildura was sparked by a recent travelling exhibition by State Library Victoria entitled Self-Made: Zines and Artist Books. ...
“Based on the positive response to the exhibition, the Mildura Arts Centre team set about developing a national zine fair aimed at connecting and uniting zine-makers from across the country.” (Monica Syrette)
Next month’s event has attracted both local and metropolitan-based artists, who will feature their works with 20 zine-maker stalls set up in the MAC foyer.
Die Zines, die derzeit ein weiteres Comeback erleben, werden vom 2. bis 4. August im MAC im Rahmen der Mildura Zine Fair 2019 in den Mittelpunkt gestellt.
Jason Modica, Stadtrat für Kunst und Kultur, sagte, dass die Idee, eine Zine-Messe in Mildura zu veranstalten, sich durch eine kürzlich von der Staatsbibliothek Victoria veranstaltete Wanderausstellung mit dem Titel Self-Made: Zines and Artist Books entzündete. ...
"Aufgrund der positiven Resonanz auf die Ausstellung machte sich das Team des Mildura Arts Centre daran, eine nationale Zine-Messe zu entwickeln, um Zine-Macher aus dem ganzen Land zu verbinden und zu vereinen." (Monica Syrette)
Die Veranstaltung im nächsten Monat hat sowohl lokale als auch in der Metropole ansässige Künstler angezogen, die ihre Werke an 20 Zine-Macher-Ständen im MAC-Foyer ausstellen werden.
Text von Webseite, übersetzt mit DeepL.
Cotton Puffs, Q-tips®, Smoke and Mirrors: The Drawings of Ed Ruscha’s work includes paintings, photographs, prints, books, and films, but his unique works on paper are perhaps his richest vein. Through his interpretations of cultural icons and vernacular subjects such as the Hollywood sign, trademarks, and gas stations, as well as his renderings of words and phrases in countless stylistic variations, Ruscha proposes a modern landscape based on keen observation and wry humor.
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Unfinished Memories: 30 Years of Exit Art is an intimate portrait of an institution that from 1982 to 2012 challenged social, political, aesthetic and curatorial norms. Committed to experimenting at the intersection of disciplines, publications and design, the gallery Exit Art remained steadfast in its mission to provide new possibilities and opportunities for artists, curators and viewers through its expansive historical shows, exhibitions of emerging and under-recognized artists, experimental theatre and performance works, as well as national and international film and video programs.
Conceived by Exit Art’s founders, Jeanette Ingberman and Papo Colo, this volume is a resource on more than 200 exhibitions, events, festivals and programs featuring more than 2,500 artists, presented within the larger context of the art world. More than seventy eyewitness accounts and idiosyncratic recollections from artists, curators, critics and friends create a vivid sense of the exhibitions, performances, screenings, discussions, ideas and people that were part of Exit Art during its three-decade run.
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Künstlerbuch, das sich in Form eines "Rezept-Buchs" unter dem Motto "Die Welt will Design" mit dem architektonischen Schaffen des Künstlers auseinandersetzt.
Es wurde vom Zampelas Art Museum in Nikosia im Rahmen der Ausstellung "Livre d' artistes" vom 13.10.-11.11.2017 gezeigt.
Das Heft besteht ins Englische übersetzte Essay "How to Prepare Yourself for the Collapse of the Industrial Publishing System" des argentinischen Künstlers Eric Schierloh. Der Text wurde zusammen mit Paul Holzman übersetzt.
This publication is the result of a warm exchange between Public Collectors and Eric Schierloh of the press Barba de Abejas, (Beard of Bees).
In 2020 Eric wrote this essay that he translated into English with an American friend, Paul Paul Holzman, who also lives in Buenos Aires. In December 2021, Eric reached out to me to share his enthusiasm for my text “Towards a Self Sustaining Publishing Model.” Eric proposed making a Spanish translation and publishing my writing as a cheap edition in Argentina. He felt my text had similarities to his own words; the two works share a similar spirit of encouraging publishing experimentation outside of typically limiting market constraints.
Though Eric’s text had already been published in English in World Literature Today magazine and translated into French by the cardboard press La Liebre Dorada, we agreed that it could still be worthwhile to make a US edition that stood alone. So, in a celebration of artist publishing exchanges, Public Collectors is happy to share Eric Schierloh’s inspiring writing. It provides many potential creative paths forward for people with access to any form of printing, and any materials that could be used to make a book.
Text von der Webseite
Modern Artifacts zeigt alle 18 Folgen der gleichnamigen Serie, die von 2006 bis 2019 in den Ausgaben der Esopus Foundation erschienen sind - von denen einige bereits vergriffen sind. Die Serie "Modern Artifacts" enthielt faksimilierte Objekte aus der außergewöhnlichen Sammlung des Museum of Modern Art, die von der Leiterin der Archive, Bibliothek und Forschungssammlungen des MoMA, Michelle Elligott, kuratiert und vorgestellt werden. Der Inhalt reicht von Dokumenten zur Planung von Ausstellungen, die nie stattgefunden haben, bis hin zu Seiten aus dem ersten Gästebuch des Museums.
Sechs zeitgenössische Künstler*innen - Mary Ellen Carroll, Rhea Karam, Mary Lum, Clifford Owens, Michael Rakowitz und Paul Ramirez Jonas - haben Projekte zu einem bestimmten Aspekt des Archivs beigesteuert. Diese Beiträge, von denen viele herausnehmbare Beilagen enthalten, erscheinen im Buch, das auch einen einleitenden Essay von Elligott und ein Vorwort des Esopus-Herausgebers Tod Lippy enthält.
Text von der Webseite, übersetzt mithilfe von DeepL.
das Buch enthält 8 Pläne für Gartengestaltungen und Landschaftsarchitektur, die in Neu Zeeland zum Wettbewerb ausgeschrieben waren, dazu wird die Korrespondenz mit den Wettbewerbsträgern und handschriftliche Pläne des Künstlers, gezeigt.
Zwei davon wurden realisiert.
9x13,4 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Schwarz-Weiß Fotokopie, teilweise mit Filzstift ausgemalt, Stempel, zwei kleine Vervielfältigungen des Self Portraits „Mailart Liberty” von Acosta Bentos, alles in einer Plastikhülle
Teil des Mail Art Projekts Self Portrait von Wolfgang Rostek
29,7x21 cm, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Brief des Ehepaars Galántai an ihre Freunde mit der Information, dass das Artpool Art Research Center, welches ein seit 1979 bestehendes Kunstprojekt und Archiv der Galántais war, nun aufgund der damals aktuellen Veränderungen in Osteuropa offiziell bestehen kann. Außerdem die Bitte, Geld zu spenden um den Transport der Künstlerstempel von Michael Bidner von Kanada nach Ungarn zu ermöglichen.
Der Brief enthält einen Stempel und eine Fotokopie von György Galántais POSTFLUX-FLUXPOST Briefmarken stamp-sheet.
m Schaffen des Künstlerduos Friederike & Uwe geht es um das Spiel mit Oberflächen – um Membranen des Bewussten und des Unterbewussten, des Wahren und des Künstlichen, des Sichtbaren und des Unsichtbaren. Es geht um Oberflächen, die subjektive Erfahrungen und Emotionen nach außen geben und unser Inneres anregen.
Friederike & Uwe sind ein Künstlerduo und ein Künstlerpaar. Und gleichzeitig sind sie eine Marke, die es seit mittlerweile 30 Jahren gibt. Als Künstlerduo sind Friederike & Uwe damit in etwa so alt wie das digitale Zeitalter, dessen Auswirkungen uns erst heute so richtig bewusst werden. Was kennzeichnet das digitale Zeitalter? Rein technisch geht es einher mit Prozessen der Zerlegung und Vereinfachung von Informationen, die transformiert und verschickt werden können, um an anderer Stelle neu in die Welt zu treten und wirksam zu werden. Dabei sah das digitale Bild in den Anfangszeiten anders aus als das der Smartphone-Ära. Und mit genau diesem „Vintage-Look“ des frühen Digitalen arbeiten Friederike & Uwe. Ihre Arbeiten sind stets aus Kunststoffmaterialien und verweisen damit auf die Künstlichkeit der digitalen Bilder.
Auszug aus dem Vorwort von Bernhart Schwenck
Buch was im Rahmen der gleichnamigen Ausstellung "A Man of the Crowd" des Künstlers Matthew Buckingham, die vom 20.09.-16.11.2003 im Museum Moderner Kunst (Mumok) in Wien stattfand.
Katalog mit einer Sammlung von Werken und Arbeiten der Künstlerin Stefanie Unruh aus den Jahren 2000-2020, herausgegeben von der Künstlerin in Zusammenarbeit mit der Platform München.
Katalog mit den Fotografien des Künstlers Peter Neusser, beginnend mit seinen Multiples "Abbadia" bis hin zu seinen neueren Mehrfachbelichtungen von Berglandschaften.
Seine Multiples sind, obwohl sie das Ergebnis einer strengen, Versuchsanordnung darstellen, alles andere als vorhersehbar....
Was entsteht, könnte man als die Essenz von Landschaft begreifen. Einem Ort, der ausgerechnet qua Überdeterminierung seine Spezifika verliert und zu einer Art Super-Berg oder Gebirgslandschaft an sich mutiert.
Man kann Peter Neussers Multiples auch als Gegenbilder zu den Traumlandschaften der Tourismusindustrie lesen. Den ewigen Reproduktionen des Immergleichen setzt er Überlappungen entgegen, die mit ihren Unschärfen und Verschwommenheiten wie Welten wirken, die uns im Traum oder der Erinnerung aufscheinen. Irritierend und doch auf wundersame Art vertraut.
Text von Gero Günther
13x13 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Musik-CD in gefalteter Papphülle mit Beiblatt in transparenter Kunststoffhülle, cover art: Claudio Pfeifer
music by Christophe Bailleau and friends.
La Lude, La Sonde was composed for the performance ´La Sonde´ by Christophe Bailleau and Martine Viale. The performance was held at the city sonics festival 2006 (Mons, Belgium) and at Le festival d'avignon from July 10th to 20th 2006.
Martine Viale lives and works in Montreal, Canada. His work is mainly inspired by traditional Butoh dance. Mixed with his very own style his shows are a new and fresh vision in contemporary dance.
Each performance is a unique improvisation, since the body perceives it´s surrounding differently every time
CURRENT RESIDENT, a collaborative book by Kenny Komer and Marysia Gacek, comprises solely of computer generated imagery inspired by interior design catalogues and magazines. Based on interiors seen in Architectural Digest and Ikea catalogues, the book depicts a fictional, contemporary residence mimicking current tendencies to replace photography with 3D modeling computer software producing photo realistic images. Views of the apartment are generated via computer algorithms with the same techniques used in the advertising industry. A reader is invited to take a tour of the space while a number of mysterious activities unravel before her/his eyes.
Kenny Komer (b.1984) is an interdisciplinary multimedia artist who lives and works in Brooklyn, NY. He received a BFA from the School of Art, Cooper Union, New York, NY in 2006. He has exhibited at galleries in New York (Gavin Brown's enterprise, Rush Arts Gallery, Carriage House Center and White Box Gallery) and Tokyo, Japan (Motus Fort). Komer is a founding member of the guerrilla street-art collective, Concerned New Yorkers, whose work has been featured in the New York Times, New York Magazine, the Brooklyn Rail, the Village Voice, CNN, and the Daily Telegraph.
CURRENT RESIDENT, ein gemeinsames Buch von Kenny Komer und Marysia Gacek, besteht ausschließlich aus computergenerierten Bildern, die von Katalogen und Zeitschriften für Innenarchitektur inspiriert sind. Auf der Grundlage von Inneneinrichtungen aus Katalogen von Architectural Digest und Ikea zeigt das Buch eine fiktive, zeitgenössische Wohnung, die die aktuelle Tendenz nachahmt, Fotografien durch 3D-Modellierungssoftware zu ersetzen, die fotorealistische Bilder erzeugt. Die Ansichten der Wohnung werden mit Hilfe von Computeralgorithmen generiert, die auf denselben Techniken beruhen, die auch in der Werbeindustrie verwendet werden. Der Leser wird eingeladen, einen Rundgang durch den Raum zu machen, während sich vor seinen Augen eine Reihe mysteriöser Aktivitäten entfalten. Kenny Komer (geb. 1984) ist ein interdisziplinärer Multimedia-Künstler, der in Brooklyn, NY, lebt und arbeitet. Er erhielt 2006 einen BFA von der School of Art, Cooper Union, New York, NY. Er hat in Galerien in New York (Gavin Brown's Enterprise, Rush Arts Gallery, Carriage House Center und White Box Gallery) und Tokio, Japan (Motus Fort) ausgestellt. Komer ist Gründungsmitglied des Guerilla-Straßenkunstkollektivs Concerned New Yorkers, dessen Arbeiten in der New York Times, dem New York Magazine, dem Brooklyn Rail, der Village Voice, CNN und dem Daily Telegraph veröffentlicht wurden. Text von der Webseite
Text von der Webseite, übersetzt mit DeepL
In recent years Valencia has been posting the so-called Campus Party. In this type of social-cultural gatherings, thousands of young adults —software developers, lovers of digital works and robots, hackers and defenders of free software, gamers and simulation fanatics, ciber-apostles and modding artists— come together to exchange archives and share their experiences, living for a week connected to each other.
For these super-users — digital natives that make computer technology a way of life and who are often classified as the new urban tribe of the geeks — computers are much more than just a device for work, they are an extension of their identity and the digital ecosystem where they decide to live.
< YO >< YO >< YO > Sets out a journey from the plug into the computer, with the intention of portraying along the way this kind of super-user: an exaggerated reflection of our relation with technology.
Text von der Website.
13 S., 22,5x31,0x2,5 cm, numeriert, signiert, 3 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden Lose Blätter in Graukarton-Box, Offsetlithografie, Collageelemente (Tapete) und Bleistift, farbige Künstlerstempel, diverse Materialien, zum Teil handcoloriert
Beigelegt ist ein Dokument zur Überlassung von Publikationen Géza Perneczkys durch Ulli Kattenstroth an Hubert Kretschmer, sowie ein Versandetikett mit seiner Anschrift in Berlin.
Nr.196 einer nicht näher bezifferten Auflage. Die Box ist frankiert und gelaufen (Mail Art) an Ulrich Kattenstroth. Signiertes Deckblatt und 13 signierte Originalarbeiten von Perneczky. Die Box ist mit einem Etikett über Titel, Inhalt, und einer Begriffsdefinition von "Transcendental Mail Art" versehen:
"Why transcendental?
1. It is a charming word.
2. There is only the Mail Art that doesn't know any national or profession limits to time. It is viable without any capital and it does without the institutions. It goes through the world and infects the people like a funny influenza all over.
3. The Mail Art doesn't know style problems or the infamous feeling of the eclecticism. It's style is free of such questions, it is an an answer to the distances and the differences. It is simple & direct.
4. The directly statement declares the form, the technic and the iconography. Maybe the Mail Art is the only trend in the postmodern epoch which is able to create a new iconography and is fit to take pleasure in the day and the morrow.
5. The transcendental Mail Art breaks out from the ghetto of the alternative scene. Also further it will stay a present for the partners but it should be an expensive art for the museums. This is complete normal / This is the only scandalous thing.
6. The Mail Art is transcendental because also it is transient: it goes through all partitions and disappers by degrees. The missing pieces of a Mail Art action are gone into the transcendency.
7. The Mail Art has been born with the help of my existence and it will be transient by your existence. It is a metamorphosis by correspondence.
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